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#![allow(clippy::option_map_unit_fn)] // sorry clippy, we really need the conciseness
use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::slice::from_raw_parts;
use core::time::Duration;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_uint};
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
2019-11-16 05:59:08 +01:00
use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
use super::constants::*;
use super::ffi::*;
2019-11-15 04:16:44 +01:00
use super::loading::*;
use super::wrapped_types::*;
// #[cfg(doc)] <- broken as of (at least) 1.56
use libretro_sys::{self, CoreAPI};
static mut CB_SINGLETON: StaticCallbacks = StaticCallbacks {
handler: None,
pix_fmt: PixelFormat::ARGB1555,
// stable Rust doesn't have varargs, so we can't represent a callback with the signature of
// void (*retro_log_printf_t)(enum retro_log_level level, const char* fmt, ...)
// without a little help from an Actual-C wrapper.
2019-11-17 06:34:01 +01:00
pub type WrappedLogPrintFn = extern "C" fn(level: LogLevel, fmt: *const c_char);
extern "C" {
2019-11-17 06:34:01 +01:00
fn c_ext_handle_get_log_interface(cb: *mut LogCallback) -> bool;
fn c_ext_set_log_print_cb(cb: WrappedLogPrintFn);
/// This trait represents all the callbacks in the libretro API (including `retro_environment`
/// extensions), wrapped as methods on `&mut self`, all optional with default no-op implementations.
/// NOTE: Most of the method docs provided here are adapted to Rust from the ones written in
/// libretro.h, and many of them are descriptions of the API contract written with an intended
/// audience of backend/core authors.
//noinspection RsSelfConvention
pub trait RetroCallbacks: Unpin + 'static {
2019-11-17 05:27:42 +01:00
// -- main callbacks --
/// Render a frame.
/// Pixel format is 15-bit 0RGB1555 native endian unless changed (see [Self::set_pixel_format]).
/// Width and height specify dimensions of buffer.
/// Pitch specifices length in bytes between two lines in buffer.
/// For performance reasons, it is highly recommended to have a frame
/// that is packed in memory, i.e. pitch == width * byte_per_pixel.
/// Certain graphic APIs, such as OpenGL ES, do not like textures
/// that are not packed in memory.
fn video_refresh(&mut self, frame: &VideoFrame) {}
/// Renders audio frames.
/// One frame is defined as a sample of left and right channels, interleaved.
/// I.e. `int16_t buf[4] = { l, r, l, r };` would be 2 frames.
/// Format is signed 16-bit native endian PCM.
/// The frontend should return the number of frames used (stereo slice length divided by two!)
fn audio_samples(&mut self, stereo_pcm: &[i16]) -> usize { stereo_pcm.len() }
/// Polls input.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn input_poll(&mut self) {}
/// Queries for input for player 'port'.
fn input_state(&mut self, port: u32, device: InputDeviceId, index: InputIndex) -> i16 { 0 }
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
// -- environment callbacks --
/// Sets screen rotation of graphics.
/// Is only implemented if rotation can be accelerated by hardware.
/// Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, which rotates screen by 0, 90, 180,
/// 270 degrees counter-clockwise respectively.
fn set_rotation(&mut self, rotation: EnvRotation) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Boolean value whether or not the implementation should use overscan,
/// or crop away overscan.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_overscan(&mut self) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Sets a message to be displayed in implementation-specific manner
/// for a certain amount of 'frames'.
/// Should not be used for trivial messages, which should simply be
/// logged via `retro_get_log_interface` (or as a fallback, stderr).
fn set_message(&mut self, message: &Message) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Requests the frontend to shutdown.
/// Should only be used if game has a specific
/// way to shutdown the game from a menu item or similar.
fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Gives a hint to the frontend how demanding this implementation
/// is on a system. E.g. reporting a level of 2 means
/// this implementation should run decently on all frontends
/// of level 2 and up.
/// It can be used by the frontend to potentially warn
/// about too demanding implementations.
/// The levels are "floating".
/// This function can be called on a per-game basis,
/// as certain games an implementation can play might be
/// particularly demanding.
/// If called, it should be called in [CoreAPI::retro_load_game].
fn set_performance_level(&mut self, level: c_uint) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Returns the "system" directory of the frontend.
/// This directory can be used to store system specific
/// content such as BIOSes, configuration data, etc.
/// The returned value can be `None`.
/// If so, no such directory is defined,
/// and it's up to the implementation to find a suitable directory.
/// NOTE: Some cores used this folder also for "save" data such as
/// memory cards, etc, for lack of a better place to put it.
/// This is now discouraged, and if possible, cores should try to
/// use the new [Self::get_save_directory].
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_system_directory(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> { None }
/// Sets the internal pixel format used by the implementation.
/// The default pixel format is [libretro_sys::PixelFormat::ARGB1555].
/// This pixel format however, is deprecated (see enum retro_pixel_format).
/// If the call returns false, the frontend does not support this pixel
/// format.
/// The core should call this function inside [CoreAPI::retro_load_game] or
/// [Self::set_system_av_info].
fn set_pixel_format(&mut self, format: PixelFormat) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Sets an array of [InputDescriptor2](crate::prelude::InputDescriptor2).
/// It is up to the frontend to present this in a usable way.
/// This function can be called at any time, but it is recommended
/// for the core to call it as early as possible.
fn set_input_descriptors(&mut self, input_descriptors: &[InputDescriptor2]) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Sets an interface to let a libretro core render with
/// hardware acceleration.
/// The core should call this in [CoreAPI::retro_load_game].
/// If successful, libretro cores will be able to render to a
/// frontend-provided framebuffer.
/// The size of this framebuffer will be at least as large as
/// max_width/max_height provided in [CoreAPI::retro_get_system_av_info].
/// If HW rendering is used, pass only [libretro_sys::HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID] or
/// NULL to [libretro_sys::VideoRefreshFn].
fn set_hw_render(&mut self, hw_render_callback: &HwRenderCallback) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Interface to acquire user-defined information from environment
/// that cannot feasibly be supported in a multi-system way.
/// 'key' should be set to a key which has already been set by
/// [Self::set_variables].
fn get_variable(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<String> { None }
/// Allows an implementation to signal the environment
/// which variables it might want to check for later using
/// [Self::get_variable].
/// This allows the frontend to present these variables to
/// a user dynamically.
/// The core should call this for the first time as early as
/// possible (ideally in [CoreAPI::retro_set_environment]).
/// Afterward it may be called again for the core to communicate
/// updated options to the frontend, but the number of core
/// options must not change from the number in the initial call.
/// [Variable2::key](crate::prelude::Variable2::key) should be namespaced to not collide
/// with other implementations' keys. E.g. A core called
/// 'foo' should use keys named as 'foo_option'.
/// [Variable2::description](crate::prelude::Variable2::description) should contain a human readable
/// description of the key.
/// [Variable2::options](crate::prelude::Variable2::options) should contain the list of expected values.
/// The number of possible options should be very limited,
/// i.e. it should be feasible to cycle through options
/// without a keyboard. The first entry should be treated as a default.
/// Only strings are operated on. The possible values will
/// generally be displayed and stored as-is by the frontend.
fn set_variables(&mut self, variables: &[Variable2]) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Result is set to true if some variables are updated by
/// frontend since last call to [Self::get_variable].
/// Variables should be queried with [Self::get_variable].
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_variable_update(&mut self) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// If true, the libretro implementation supports calls to
/// [CoreAPI::retro_load_game] with NULL as argument.
/// Used by cores which can run without particular game data.
/// This should be called within [CoreAPI::retro_set_environment] only.
fn set_support_no_game(&mut self, supports_no_game: bool) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Retrieves the absolute path from where this libretro
/// implementation was loaded.
/// `None` is returned if the libretro was loaded statically
/// (i.e. linked statically to frontend), or if the path cannot be
/// determined.
/// Mostly useful in cooperation with [Self::set_support_no_game] as assets can
/// be loaded without ugly hacks.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_libretro_path(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> { None }
/// Gets a bitmask telling which device type are expected to be
/// handled properly in a call to retro_input_state_t.
/// Devices which are not handled or recognized always return
/// 0 in [Self::input_state].
/// Example bitmask: caps = (1 << [libretro_sys::DEVICE_JOYPAD]) | (1 << [libretro_sys::DEVICE_ANALOG]).
/// Should only be called in [CoreAPI::retro_run].
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_input_device_capabilities(&mut self) -> Option<u64> { None }
/// Returns the "core assets" directory of the frontend.
/// This directory can be used to store specific assets that the
/// core relies upon, such as art assets,
/// input data, etc etc.
/// The returned value can be `None`.
/// If so, no such directory is defined,
/// and it's up to the implementation to find a suitable directory.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_core_assets_directory(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> { None }
/// Returns the "save" directory of the frontend, unless there is no
/// save directory available. The save directory should be used to
/// store SRAM, memory cards, high scores, etc, if the libretro core
/// cannot use the regular memory interface ([CoreAPI::retro_get_memory_data]).
/// If the frontend cannot designate a save directory, it will return
/// `None` to indicate that the core should attempt to operate without a
/// save directory set.
/// NOTE: early libretro cores used the system directory for save
/// files. Cores that need to be backwards-compatible can still check
/// [Self::get_system_directory].
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_save_directory(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> { None }
/// Sets a new av_info structure. This can only be called from
/// within [CoreAPI::retro_run].
/// This should *only* be used if the core is completely altering the
/// internal resolutions, aspect ratios, timings, sampling rate, etc.
/// Calling this can require a full reinitialization of video/audio
/// drivers in the frontend,
/// so it is important to call it very sparingly, and usually only with
/// the users explicit consent.
/// An eventual driver reinitialize will happen so that video and
/// audio callbacks
/// happening after this call within the same [CoreAPI::retro_run] call will
/// target the newly initialized driver.
/// This callback makes it possible to support configurable resolutions
/// in games, which can be useful to
/// avoid setting the "worst case" in `max_width`/`max_height`.
/// ***HIGHLY RECOMMENDED*** Do not call this callback every time
/// resolution changes in an emulator core if it's
/// expected to be a temporary change, for the reasons of possible
/// driver reinitialization.
/// This call is not a free pass for not trying to provide
/// correct values in [CoreAPI::retro_get_system_av_info]. If you need to change
/// things like aspect ratio or nominal width/height,
/// use [Self::set_geometry], which is a softer variant
/// of [Self::set_system_av_info].
/// If this returns false, the frontend does not acknowledge a
/// changed av_info struct.
fn set_system_av_info(&mut self, system_av_info: &SystemAvInfo) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// This environment call introduces the concept of libretro "subsystems".
/// A subsystem is a variant of a libretro core which supports
/// different kinds of games.
/// The purpose of this is to support e.g. emulators which might
/// have special needs, e.g. Super Nintendo's Super GameBoy, Sufami Turbo.
/// It can also be used to pick among subsystems in an explicit way
/// if the libretro implementation is a multi-system emulator itself.
/// Loading a game via a subsystem is done with [CoreAPI::retro_load_game_special],
/// and this environment call allows a libretro core to expose which
/// subsystems are supported for use with [CoreAPI::retro_load_game_special].
/// If a core wants to expose this interface, [Self::set_subsystem_info]
/// **MUST** be called from within [CoreAPI::retro_set_environment].
fn set_subsystem_info(&mut self, subsystem_info: &[SubsystemInfo2]) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// This environment call lets a libretro core tell the frontend
/// which controller subclasses are recognized in calls to
/// [CoreAPI::retro_set_controller_port_device].
/// Some emulators such as Super Nintendo support multiple lightgun
/// types which must be specifically selected from. It is therefore
/// sometimes necessary for a frontend to be able to tell the core
/// about a special kind of input device which is not specifcally
/// provided by the Libretro API.
/// In order for a frontend to understand the workings of those devices,
/// they must be defined as a specialized subclass of the generic device
/// types already defined in the libretro API.
/// The core must pass an array of [ControllerDescription2](crate::prelude::ControllerDescription2). Each element of the
/// array corresponds to the ascending port index
/// that is passed to [CoreAPI::retro_set_controller_port_device] when that function
/// is called to indicate to the core that the frontend has changed the
/// active device subclass.
/// The ascending input port indexes provided by the core in the struct
/// are generally presented by frontends as ascending User # or Player #,
/// such as Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, etc. Which device subclasses are
/// supported can vary per input port.
/// Each entry in the controller_info array specifies the names and
/// codes of all device subclasses that are available for the corresponding
/// User or Player, beginning with the generic Libretro device that the
/// subclasses are derived from. The second inner element of each entry is the
/// total number of subclasses that are listed in the [ControllerDescription2](crate::prelude::ControllerDescription2).
/// NOTE: Even if special device types are set in the libretro core,
/// libretro should only poll input based on the base input device types.
fn set_controller_info(&mut self, controller_info: &[ControllerDescription2]) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// This environment call lets a libretro core tell the frontend
/// about the memory maps this core emulates.
/// This can be used to implement, for example, cheats in a core-agnostic way.
/// Should only be used by emulators; it doesn't make much sense for
/// anything else.
/// It is recommended to expose all relevant pointers through
/// [CoreAPI::retro_get_memory_data] and
/// [CoreAPI::retro_get_memory_size] as well.
/// Can be called from [CoreAPI::retro_init] and [CoreAPI::retro_load_game].
fn set_memory_maps(&mut self, memory_map: &MemoryMap) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// This environment call is similar to [Self::set_system_av_info] for changing
/// video parameters, but provides a guarantee that drivers will not be
/// reinitialized.
/// This can only be called from within [CoreAPI::retro_run].
/// The purpose of this call is to allow a core to alter nominal
/// width/heights as well as aspect ratios on-the-fly, which can be
/// useful for some emulators to change in run-time.
/// max_width/max_height arguments are ignored and cannot be changed
/// with this call as this could potentially require a reinitialization or a
/// non-constant time operation.
/// If max_width/max_height are to be changed, [Self::set_system_av_info] is required.
/// A frontend must guarantee that this environment call completes in
/// constant time.
fn set_geometry(&mut self, game_geometry: &GameGeometry) -> Option<bool> { None }
/// Returns the specified username of the frontend, if specified by the user.
/// This username can be used as a nickname for a core that has online facilities
/// or any other mode where personalization of the user is desirable.
/// The returned value can be `None`.
/// If this environ callback is used by a core that requires a valid username,
/// a default username should be specified by the core.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_username(&mut self) -> Option<String> { None }
/// Returns the specified language of the frontend, if specified by the user.
/// It can be used by the core for localization purposes.
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
fn get_language(&mut self) -> Option<Language> { None }
// fn set_serialization_quirks(&mut self, quirks: &mut u64) -> Option<bool> { None }
2019-11-17 06:34:01 +01:00
// -- environment-set callbacks (API extensions) --
/// Logging function.
2019-11-17 06:34:01 +01:00
fn log_print(&mut self, level: LogLevel, msg: &str) {}
/// Sets rumble state for joypad plugged in port 'port'.
/// Rumble effects are controlled independently,
/// and setting e.g. strong rumble does not override weak rumble.
/// Strength has a range of \[0, 0xffff\].
/// Returns true if rumble state request was honored.
/// Calling this before first [CoreAPI::retro_run] is likely to return false.
fn set_rumble_state(&mut self, port: c_uint, effect: RumbleEffect, strength: u16) -> bool { false }
/// Returns current time in microseconds.
/// Tries to use the most accurate timer available.
fn perf_get_time_usec(&mut self) -> Time { 0 }
/// A simple counter. Usually nanoseconds, but can also be CPU cycles.
/// Can be used directly if desired (when creating a more sophisticated
/// performance counter system).
fn perf_get_counter(&mut self) -> PerfTick { 0 }
/// Returns a bit-mask of detected CPU features ([libretro_sys]::SIMD_*).
fn perf_get_cpu_features(&mut self) -> u64 { 0 }
/// Asks frontend to log and/or display the state of performance counters.
/// Performance counters can always be poked into manually as well.
fn perf_log(&mut self) {}
/// Register a performance counter.
/// ident field must be set with a discrete value and other values in
/// retro_perf_counter must be 0.
/// Registering can be called multiple times. To avoid calling to
/// frontend redundantly, you can check registered field first.
fn perf_register(&mut self, counter: &mut PerfCounter) {}
/// Starts a registered counter.
fn perf_start(&mut self, counter: &mut PerfCounter) {}
/// Stops a registered counter.
fn perf_stop(&mut self, counter: &mut PerfCounter) {}
fn set_sensor_state(&mut self, port: c_uint, action: SensorAction, rate: c_uint) -> bool { false }
fn get_sensor_input(&mut self, port: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> f32 { 0.0 }
/// Gets current framebuffer which is to be rendered to.
/// Could change every frame potentially.
fn hw_get_current_framebuffer(&mut self) -> Option<usize> { None }
/// Get a symbol from HW context.
fn hw_get_proc_address(&mut self, sym: &str) -> Option<*const ()> { None }
pub trait LibretroWrapperAccess {
fn libretro_core(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroWrapper;
pub trait RootRetroCallbacks : RetroCallbacks + LibretroWrapperAccess {}
impl<T: RetroCallbacks + LibretroWrapperAccess> RootRetroCallbacks for T {}
struct StaticCallbacks {
handler: Option<Pin<&'static mut dyn RootRetroCallbacks>>,
pix_fmt: PixelFormat,
impl Default for StaticCallbacks {
fn default() -> Self {
StaticCallbacks { handler: None, pix_fmt: PixelFormat::ARGB1555 }
unsafe impl Sync for StaticCallbacks {}
impl StaticCallbacks {
// helpers for environ cb
fn clone_into_void<T: Clone>(data: *mut c_void, source: &T) -> Option<bool> {
unsafe { (data as *mut T).as_mut() }?.clone_from(source);
fn string_into_void(data: *mut c_void, source: impl AsRef<str>) -> Option<bool> {
*unsafe { (data as *mut *const c_char).as_mut()? } =
fn path_into_void(data: *mut c_void, source: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<bool> {
*unsafe { (data as *mut *const c_char).as_mut()? } =
2021-10-02 06:14:53 +02:00
fn from_void<T>(data: *mut c_void) -> Option<&'static mut T> {
unsafe { (data as *mut T).as_mut() }
fn enum_from_void<T>(data: *mut c_void) -> Option<T>
T: TryFromPrimitive,
<T as TryFromPrimitive>::Primitive: 'static,
let number = Self::from_void(data).cloned()?;
fn environment_cb_inner(cmd: u32, data: *mut c_void) -> Option<bool> {
let maybe_handler = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() };
if cfg!(debug) && maybe_handler.is_none() {
"WARNING: env cmd {} called before handler set!",
match EnvCmd::try_from(cmd) {
Ok(x) => format!("{:?}", x),
Err(_) => format!("{}", cmd),
let handler = maybe_handler?;
let parsed_cmd = cmd.try_into().ok();
if cfg!(debug) && parsed_cmd.is_none() {
"Unknown{} env cmd: {}",
", experimental"
} else {
match parsed_cmd? {
EnvCmd::SetRotation => handler.set_rotation(Self::enum_from_void(data)?)?,
EnvCmd::GetOverscan => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_overscan()?)?,
EnvCmd::GetCanDupe => Self::clone_into_void(data, &true)?,
EnvCmd::SetMessage => handler.set_message(Self::from_void::<Message>(data)?)?,
EnvCmd::Shutdown => handler.shutdown()?,
EnvCmd::SetPerformanceLevel => handler.set_performance_level(*Self::from_void(data)?)?,
EnvCmd::GetSystemDirectory => {
Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_system_directory()?)?
EnvCmd::SetPixelFormat => {
let format = PixelFormat::from_uint(*Self::from_void(data)?)?;
unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.pix_fmt = format };
EnvCmd::SetInputDescriptors => {
let mut input_desc = data as *const InputDescriptor;
let mut descriptors = Vec::new();
while !unsafe { input_desc.as_ref() }?.description.is_null() {
descriptors.push(unsafe { input_desc.as_ref() }?.try_into().ok()?);
input_desc = input_desc.wrapping_add(1);
EnvCmd::SetKeyboardCallback => {
let kc: &mut KeyboardCallback = Self::from_void(data)?;
EnvCmd::SetDiskControlInterface => {
let dcc: &mut DiskControlCallback = Self::from_void(data)?;
let core = handler.libretro_core();
EnvCmd::SetHwRender => {
let hwr = Self::from_void::<HwRenderCallback>(data)?;
hwr.get_current_framebuffer = Self::hw_get_current_framebuffer_fn;
hwr.get_proc_address = Self::hw_get_proc_address_fn;
EnvCmd::GetVariable => {
let mut var = Self::from_void::<Variable>(data)?;
let key = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(var.key) }.to_str().ok()?;
let value = handler.get_variable(key)?;
// leaks memory.
var.value = CString::new(value).ok()?.into_raw();
EnvCmd::SetVariables => {
let mut var = data as *const Variable;
let mut descriptors = Vec::new();
while !unsafe { var.as_ref() }?.key.is_null() {
descriptors.push(unsafe { var.as_ref() }?.into());
var = var.wrapping_add(1);
EnvCmd::GetVariableUpdate => {
Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_variable_update()?)?
EnvCmd::SetSupportNoGame => handler.set_support_no_game(*Self::from_void(data)?)?,
EnvCmd::GetLibretroPath => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_libretro_path()?)?,
EnvCmd::SetFrameTimeCallback => {
let ftc: &mut FrameTimeCallback = Self::from_void(data)?;
EnvCmd::SetAudioCallback => {
let ac: &mut AudioCallback = Self::from_void(data)?;
EnvCmd::GetRumbleInterface => {
let ri = RumbleInterface {
set_rumble_state: StaticCallbacks::set_rumble_state_cb,
Self::clone_into_void(data, &ri)?
// TODO: wrap this in something nicer than a raw u64 bit field
EnvCmd::GetInputDeviceCapabilities => {
Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_input_device_capabilities()?)?
EnvCmd::GetSensorInterface => {
let si = SensorInterface {
set_sensor_state: Self::set_sensor_state,
get_sensor_input: Self::get_sensor_input,
Self::clone_into_void(data, &si)?
2019-11-24 06:19:15 +01:00
// TODO (apathy) EnvCmd::GetCameraInterface => {},
EnvCmd::GetLogInterface => unsafe {
c_ext_handle_get_log_interface(data as *mut LogCallback)
EnvCmd::GetPerfInterface => {
let pc = PerfCallback {
get_time_usec: Self::perf_get_time_usec_cb,
get_cpu_features: Self::perf_get_cpu_features_cb,
get_perf_counter: Self::perf_get_counter_cb,
perf_register: Self::perf_register_cb,
perf_start: Self::perf_start_cb,
perf_stop: Self::perf_stop_cb,
perf_log: Self::perf_log_cb,
Self::clone_into_void(data, &pc)?
2019-11-24 06:19:15 +01:00
// TODO (apathy) EnvCmd::GetLocationInterface => {},
EnvCmd::GetCoreAssetsDirectory => {
Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_core_assets_directory()?)?
EnvCmd::GetSaveDirectory => Self::path_into_void(data, handler.get_save_directory()?)?,
EnvCmd::SetSystemAvInfo => {
2019-11-18 10:01:33 +01:00
EnvCmd::SetProcAddressCallback => {
let gpa = Self::from_void::<GetProcAddressInterface>(data)?;
2019-11-18 10:01:33 +01:00
EnvCmd::SetSubsystemInfo => {
let mut info = data as *const SubsystemInfo;
let mut descriptors = Vec::new();
while !unsafe { info.as_ref() }?.desc.is_null() {
descriptors.push(unsafe { info.as_ref() }?.into());
info = info.wrapping_add(1);
EnvCmd::SetControllerInfo => {
let info = unsafe { (data as *const ControllerInfo).as_ref() }?;
// FIXME: beetle/mednafen saturn crashes without this -1... add conditional on name?
let len = info.num_types as usize - 1;
let slice = unsafe { from_raw_parts(info.types, len) };
let controller_info: Vec<ControllerDescription2> = slice
.filter_map(|x| x.ok())
EnvCmd::SetMemoryMaps => {
let map = Self::from_void::<MemoryMap>(data)?.clone();
EnvCmd::SetGeometry => {
EnvCmd::GetUsername => Self::string_into_void(data, handler.get_username()?)?,
EnvCmd::GetLanguage => Self::clone_into_void(data, &handler.get_language()?)?,
// TODO EnvCmd::GetCurrentSoftwareFramebuffer => {}
// TODO EnvCmd::GetHwRenderInterface => {}
// TODO (not in libretro-sys) EnvCmd::SetSerializationQuirks => handler.set_serialization_quirks(Self::from_void(data)?),
x => {
if cfg!(debug) {
eprintln!("Known but unsupported env cmd: {:?}", x);
extern "C" fn environment_cb(cmd: u32, data: *mut c_void) -> bool {
Self::environment_cb_inner(cmd, data).unwrap_or(false)
extern "C" fn video_refresh_cb(
data: *const c_void,
width: c_uint,
height: c_uint,
pitch: usize,
) {
if let Some(cb) = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } {
const NULL: *const c_void = std::ptr::null();
let frame = match data {
NULL => VideoFrame::Duplicate { width, height, pitch_u8: pitch },
HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID => VideoFrame::HardwareRender { width, height },
ptr => match unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.pix_fmt } {
PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => {
let pitch = pitch / size_of::<u16>();
let len = pitch * (height as usize);
let data = unsafe { from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u16, len) };
VideoFrame::XRGB1555 { data, width, height, pitch_u16: pitch }
PixelFormat::RGB565 => {
let pitch = pitch / size_of::<u16>();
let len = pitch * (height as usize);
let data = unsafe { from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u16, len) };
VideoFrame::RGB565 { data, width, height, pitch_u16: pitch }
PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => {
let pitch = pitch / size_of::<u32>();
let len = pitch * (height as usize);
let data = unsafe { from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u32, len) };
VideoFrame::XRGB8888 { data, width, height, pitch_u32: pitch }
extern "C" fn audio_sample_cb(left: i16, right: i16) {
if let Some(cb) = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } {
cb.audio_samples(&[left, right]);
extern "C" fn audio_sample_batch_cb(data: *const i16, frames: usize) -> usize {
unsafe {
match CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() {
Some(cb) => match data.is_null() {
true => 0,
2019-11-16 08:03:30 +01:00
false => {
// paraLLEl-n64 sometimes gives us garbage here during initialization
let (len, over) = frames.overflowing_mul(2); // stereo
if over {
} else {
cb.audio_samples(from_raw_parts(data, len))
None => 0,
extern "C" fn input_poll_cb() {
unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.input_poll()) };
extern "C" fn input_state_cb(port: c_uint, device: c_uint, index: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> i16 {
match unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } {
Some(cb) => match ((device, id).try_into(), index.try_into()) {
(Ok(input), Ok(index)) => cb.input_state(port, input, index),
_ => 0,
None => 0,
extern "C" fn log_print_cb(level: LogLevel, msg: *const c_char) {
unsafe {
if let Some(cb) = CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() {
cb.log_print(level, CStr::from_ptr(msg).to_string_lossy().as_ref());
extern "C" fn set_rumble_state_cb(port: c_uint, effect: RumbleEffect, strength: u16) -> bool {
match unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() } {
Some(cb) => cb.set_rumble_state(port, effect, strength),
None => false,
extern "C" fn perf_get_time_usec_cb() -> Time {
unsafe {
CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.perf_get_time_usec())
extern "C" fn perf_get_counter_cb() -> PerfTick {
unsafe {
CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.perf_get_counter())
extern "C" fn perf_get_cpu_features_cb() -> u64 {
unsafe {
CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.perf_get_cpu_features())
extern "C" fn perf_log_cb() {
unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.perf_log()); }
extern "C" fn perf_register_cb(counter: *mut PerfCounter) {
unsafe {
if let Some(cb) = CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() {
if let Some(counter) = counter.as_mut() {
extern "C" fn perf_start_cb(counter: *mut PerfCounter) {
unsafe {
if let Some(cb) = CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() {
if let Some(counter) = counter.as_mut() {
extern "C" fn perf_stop_cb(counter: *mut PerfCounter) {
unsafe {
if let Some(cb) = CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() {
if let Some(counter) = counter.as_mut() {
extern "C" fn set_sensor_state(port: c_uint, action: SensorAction, rate: c_uint) -> bool {
unsafe {
CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.set_sensor_state(port, action, rate))
extern "C" fn get_sensor_input(port: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> f32 {
unsafe {
CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut().map(|cb| cb.get_sensor_input(port, id))
extern "C" fn hw_get_proc_address_fn(sym: *const c_char) -> ProcAddressFn {
unsafe {
.and_then(|cb| cb.hw_get_proc_address(CStr::from_ptr(sym).to_str().unwrap()))
// note: libretro.h claims this is obsolete, but (at least) paraLLEl-n64 uses it
extern "C" fn hw_get_current_framebuffer_fn() -> usize {
unsafe {
.and_then(|cb| cb.hw_get_current_framebuffer())
2019-11-15 06:21:58 +01:00
pub struct LibretroWrapper {
api: LibretroApi,
keyboard_event_cb: Option<KeyboardEventFn>,
frame_time_cb: Option<FrameTimeCallbackFn>,
audio_ready_cb: Option<AudioCallbackFn>,
audio_set_state_cb: Option<AudioSetStateCallbackFn>,
disk_get_eject_state_cb: Option<GetEjectStateFn>,
disk_set_eject_state_cb: Option<SetEjectStateFn>,
disk_get_image_index_cb: Option<GetImageIndexFn>,
disk_set_image_index_cb: Option<SetImageIndexFn>,
disk_get_num_images_cb: Option<GetNumImagesFn>,
disk_replace_image_index_cb: Option<ReplaceImageIndexFn>,
disk_add_image_index_cb: Option<AddImageIndexFn>,
hw_context_reset_cb: Option<HwContextResetFn>,
hw_context_destroy_cb: Option<HwContextResetFn>, // same signature, libretro-sys deduplicated...
2019-11-18 10:01:33 +01:00
get_proc_address_cb: Option<GetProcAddressFn>,
2019-11-15 06:21:58 +01:00
impl From<LibretroApi> for LibretroWrapper {
fn from(api: LibretroApi) -> Self {
LibretroWrapper {
keyboard_event_cb: None,
frame_time_cb: None,
audio_ready_cb: None,
audio_set_state_cb: None,
disk_set_eject_state_cb: None,
disk_get_eject_state_cb: None,
disk_get_image_index_cb: None,
disk_set_image_index_cb: None,
disk_get_num_images_cb: None,
disk_replace_image_index_cb: None,
disk_add_image_index_cb: None,
hw_context_reset_cb: None,
hw_context_destroy_cb: None,
2019-11-18 10:01:33 +01:00
get_proc_address_cb: None,
impl LibretroWrapper {
// TODO: enum for the RETROK_* constants instead of c_uint for keycode...
pub fn keyboard_event(
down: bool,
keycode: c_uint,
character: u32,
key_modifiers: u16,
) -> Option<()> {
.map(|f| unsafe { f(down, keycode, character, key_modifiers) })
pub fn frame_time(&self, time: Duration) -> Option<()> {
.map(|f| unsafe { f(time.as_micros() as Usec) })
pub fn audio_ready(&self) -> Option<()> {
self.audio_ready_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn audio_set_state(&self, enabled: bool) -> Option<()> {
self.audio_set_state_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f(enabled) })
pub fn disk_get_eject_state(&self) -> Option<bool> {
self.disk_get_eject_state_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn disk_set_eject_state(&self, ejected: bool) -> Option<bool> {
self.disk_set_eject_state_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f(ejected) })
pub fn disk_get_image_index(&self) -> Option<c_uint> {
self.disk_get_image_index_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn disk_set_image_index(&self, index: c_uint) -> Option<bool> {
self.disk_set_image_index_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f(index) })
pub fn disk_get_num_images(&self) -> Option<c_uint> {
self.disk_get_num_images_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn disk_replace_image_index(&self, index: c_uint, info: Option<GameInfo>) -> Option<bool> {
self.disk_replace_image_index_cb.map(|f| unsafe {
let info_ptr = match info {
None => ::core::ptr::null(),
Some(x) => &x,
f(index, info_ptr)
pub fn disk_add_image_index(&self) -> Option<bool> {
self.disk_add_image_index_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn hw_context_reset(&self) -> Option<()> {
self.hw_context_reset_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
pub fn hw_context_destroy(&self) -> Option<()> {
self.hw_context_destroy_cb.map(|f| unsafe { f() })
2019-11-18 10:01:33 +01:00
pub fn get_proc_address(&self, sym: &str) -> Option<ProcAddressFn> {
self.get_proc_address_cb.and_then(|f| unsafe {
let csym = CString::new(sym).ok()?;
2019-11-17 07:34:01 +01:00
impl Deref for LibretroWrapper {
type Target = LibretroApi;
fn deref(&self) -> &LibretroApi {
impl DerefMut for LibretroWrapper {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroApi {
&mut self.api
// a note on lifetimes: we explicitly lie about them here because as long as they live as long as
// the library wrapper itself we're good (we wipe our 'static references on drop() too)
pub fn set_handler(handler: Pin<&'_ mut (dyn RootRetroCallbacks + '_)>) {
2019-11-16 05:59:08 +01:00
unsafe {
let ptr = handler.get_unchecked_mut() as *mut dyn RootRetroCallbacks;
2019-11-16 05:59:08 +01:00
// some cores start calling the environment cb as soon as we call retro_set_environment,
// not waiting for a call to retro_init - so we'd better have CB_SINGLETON set first
let api = unsafe { CB_SINGLETON.handler.as_mut() }
2019-11-17 07:25:03 +01:00
pub fn unset_handler() {
unsafe {