
35 lines
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extern crate libretro_sys;
pub use libretro_sys::*;
// hedging our bets in case we need to go back to bindgen...
pub type EnvironmentFn = retro_environment_t;
pub type VideoRefreshFn = retro_video_refresh_t;
pub type AudioSampleFn = retro_audio_sample_t;
pub type AudioSampleBatchFn = retro_audio_sample_batch_t;
pub type InputPollFn = retro_input_poll_t;
pub type InputStateFn = retro_input_state_t;
pub type SystemInfo = retro_system_info;
pub type SystemAvInfo = retro_system_av_info;
pub type GameInfo = retro_game_info;
pub type Message = retro_message;
pub type InputDescriptor = retro_input_descriptor;
pub type KeyboardCallback = retro_keyboard_callback;
pub type DiskControlCallback = retro_disk_control_callback;
pub type HwRenderCallback = retro_hw_render_callback;
pub type FrameTimeCallback = retro_frame_time_callback;
pub type AudioCallback = retro_audio_callback;
pub type RumbleInterface = retro_rumble_interface;
pub type SensorInterface = retro_sensor_interface;
pub type CameraCallback = retro_camera_callback;
pub type LogCallback = retro_log_callback;
pub type PerfCallback = retro_perf_callback;
pub type LocationCallback = retro_location_callback;
pub type GetProcAddressInterface = retro_get_proc_address_interface;
pub type SubsystemInfo = retro_subsystem_info;
pub type ControllerInfo = retro_controller_info;
pub type MemoryMap = retro_memory_map;
pub type GameGeometry = retro_game_geometry;