WIP: messing with mutability for a better tomorrow
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ static bool ffmpeg_init_config(struct ff_config_param *params,
audio_encoder.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
audio_encoder.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
audio_output.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
audio_output.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
let mut audio_encoder = audio_encoder.open_as(acodec).unwrap();
let audio_encoder = audio_encoder.open_as(acodec).unwrap();
let audio_filter = audio_filter(&audio_encoder, av_info.timing.sample_rate).unwrap();
let audio_filter = audio_filter(&audio_encoder, av_info.timing.sample_rate).unwrap();
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ static bool ffmpeg_init_config(struct ff_config_param *params,
pub fn load_game(&self, rom: impl AsRef<Path>) {
pub fn load_game(&mut self, rom: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let path = rom.as_ref();
let path = rom.as_ref();
let mut data = None;
let mut data = None;
let mut v = Vec::new();
let mut v = Vec::new();
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ impl MyEmulator {
pub fn load_game(&self, rom: impl AsRef<Path>) {
pub fn load_game(&mut self, rom: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let path = rom.as_ref();
let path = rom.as_ref();
let mut data = None;
let mut data = None;
let mut v = Vec::new();
let mut v = Vec::new();
@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
extern crate ffmpeg_next as ffmpeg;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::pin::Pin;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use failure::Fallible;
use crate::prelude::*;
use ffmpeg::{ChannelLayout, Packet, codec, filter, format, frame, media};
use ffmpeg::util::rational::Rational;
struct MyEmulator {
retro: LibretroWrapper,
sys_info: SystemInfo,
av_info: SystemAvInfo,
audio_buf: Vec<(i16, i16)>,
video_pixel_format: format::Pixel,
prev_video_frame: Option<frame::Video>,
video_frames: VecDeque<frame::Video>,
video_encoder: ffmpeg::encoder::Video,
audio_encoder: ffmpeg::encoder::Audio,
video_filter: filter::Graph,
audio_filter: filter::Graph,
sys_path: Option<PathBuf>,
frame_properties_locked: bool,
octx: ffmpeg::format::context::Output,
frame: u64,
fn video_filter(
video_encoder: &ffmpeg::encoder::video::Video,
av_info: &SystemAvInfo,
pix_fmt: PixelFormat,
) -> Result<filter::Graph, ffmpeg::Error> {
let mut vfilter = filter::Graph::new();
let pix_fmt = match pix_fmt {
PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => if cfg!(target_endian = "big") { "rgb555be" } else { "rgb555le" },
PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => "argb",
PixelFormat::RGB565 => if cfg!(target_endian = "big") { "rgb565be" } else { "rgb565le" },
let pixel_aspect = av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio / (av_info.geometry.base_width as f32 / av_info.geometry.base_height as f32);
let fps = if av_info.timing.fps == 0.0 { 60.0 } else { av_info.timing.fps };
let args = format!(
eprintln!("🎥 filter args: {}", args);
vfilter.add(&filter::find("buffer").unwrap(), "in", &args)?;
vfilter.add(&filter::find("buffersink").unwrap(), "out", "")?;
let mut out = vfilter.get("out").unwrap();
vfilter.output("in", 0)?
.input("out", 0)?
.parse("null")?; // passthrough filter for video
// human-readable filter graph
eprintln!("{}", vfilter.dump());
fn audio_filter(
audio_encoder: &ffmpeg::codec::encoder::Audio,
sample_rate: f64,
) -> Result<filter::Graph, ffmpeg::Error> {
let mut afilter = filter::Graph::new();
let sample_rate = if sample_rate == 0.0 { 32040.0 } else { sample_rate };
let args = format!("sample_rate={}:sample_fmt=s16:channel_layout=stereo:time_base=1/60", sample_rate);
eprintln!("🔊 filter args: {}", args);
afilter.add(&filter::find("abuffer").unwrap(), "in", &args)?;
afilter.add(&filter::find("abuffersink").unwrap(), "out", "")?;
let mut out = afilter.get("out").unwrap();
afilter.output("in", 0)?
.input("out", 0)?
// human-readable filter graph
eprintln!("{}", afilter.dump());
if let Some(codec) = audio_encoder.codec() {
if !codec
eprintln!("setting constant frame size {}", audio_encoder.frame_size());
impl MyEmulator {
pub fn new(
core_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
sys_path: &Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
video_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
mut octx: ffmpeg::format::context::Output,
) -> Pin<Box<Self>> {
let lib = libloading::Library::new(core_path.as_ref()).unwrap();
let raw_retro = retro::loading::LibretroApi::from_library(lib).unwrap();
let retro = retro::wrapper::LibretroWrapper::from(raw_retro);
let sys_info = retro.get_system_info();
let mut av_info = retro.get_system_av_info();
let fps_int = av_info.timing.fps.round() as i32;
let fps_int = if fps_int == 0 { 60 } else { fps_int };
let detected_vcodec = octx.format().codec(&video_path, media::Type::Video);
//let detected_acodec = octx.format().codec(&video_path, media::Type::Audio);
let wavname = Path::new("out.wav");
let detected_acodec = octx.format().codec(&wavname, media::Type::Audio);
let vcodec = ffmpeg::encoder::find(detected_vcodec).unwrap().video().unwrap();
let acodec = ffmpeg::encoder::find(detected_acodec).unwrap().audio().unwrap();
let mut video_output = octx.add_stream(vcodec).unwrap();
video_output.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
let mut video_encoder = video_output.codec().encoder().video().unwrap();
video_encoder.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
video_encoder.set_frame_rate(Some(Rational::new(fps_int, 1)));
if av_info.geometry.base_height == 0 && av_info.geometry.base_width == 0 {
av_info.geometry.base_width = 320;
av_info.geometry.base_height = 224;
av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio = 4.33;
if av_info.timing.sample_rate == 0.0 {
av_info.timing.sample_rate = 44100.0;
//video_encoder.set_aspect_ratio(av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio as f64);
let pix_fmt = PixelFormat::ARGB1555; // temporary until env call is made
let video_filter = video_filter(&video_encoder, &av_info, pix_fmt).unwrap();
let video_encoder = video_encoder.open_as(vcodec).unwrap();
let mut audio_output = octx.add_stream(acodec).unwrap();
let mut audio_encoder = audio_output.codec().encoder().audio().unwrap();
//let mut video_encoder = octx.add_stream(vcodec).unwrap().codec().encoder().video().unwrap();
let mut audio_output = octx.add_stream(acodec).unwrap();
let mut audio_encoder = audio_output.codec().encoder().audio().unwrap();
retroarch inits
static bool ffmpeg_init_config(struct ff_config_param *params,
if (!ffmpeg_init_muxer_pre(handle))
if (!ffmpeg_init_video(handle))
audio_encoder.set_rate(av_info.timing.sample_rate.round() as i32);
audio_encoder.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
audio_output.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
let mut audio_encoder = audio_encoder.open_as(acodec).unwrap();
let audio_filter = audio_filter(&audio_encoder, av_info.timing.sample_rate).unwrap();
//audio_encoder.set_rate(av_info.timing.sample_rate.round() as i32);
ffmpeg::format::context::output::dump(&octx, 0, None);
let emu = MyEmulator {
av_info: av_info.clone(),
audio_buf: Default::default(),
video_pixel_format: format::Pixel::RGB555,
prev_video_frame: None,
video_frames: Default::default(),
sys_path: sys_path.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_ref().to_path_buf()),
frame_properties_locked: false,
frame: 0
let mut pin_emu = Box::pin(emu);
fn receive_and_write_packets(&mut self, encoder: EncoderToWriteFrom)
let stream_index = match encoder {
EncoderToWriteFrom::Video => 0,
EncoderToWriteFrom::Audio => 1,
let mut encoded_packet = ffmpeg::Packet::empty();
match match encoder {
EncoderToWriteFrom::Video => self.video_encoder.receive_packet(&mut encoded_packet),
EncoderToWriteFrom::Audio => self.audio_encoder.receive_packet(&mut encoded_packet),
} {
Ok(..) => {
//if encoded_packet.size() > 0 {
eprintln!("📦 Writing packet, pts {:?} dts {:?} size {}", encoded_packet.pts(), encoded_packet.dts(), encoded_packet.size());
if stream_index == 0 {
encoded_packet.rescale_ts(Rational(1, 60), self.octx.stream(stream_index).unwrap().time_base());
eprintln!("📦 rescaled , pts {:?} dts {:?} size {}", encoded_packet.pts(), encoded_packet.dts(), encoded_packet.size());
match encoded_packet.write_interleaved(&mut self.octx) {
Ok(..) => eprintln!("Write OK"),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error writing: {}", e),
//encoded_packet.write_interleaved(&mut self.octx).unwrap(); // AAA
//else {
//eprintln!("Did not try to write 0-length packet");
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error writing packet: {:?}", e);
pub fn run(&mut self, frame: i64) {
self.frame += 1;
match self.video_frames.pop_front() {
Some(mut vframe) => {
eprintln!("🎞 queue frame pts {:?}", vframe.pts());
let mut filtered_vframe = frame::Video::empty();
loop {
match self.video_filter.get("out").unwrap().sink().frame(&mut filtered_vframe) {
Ok(..) => {
eprintln!("🎥 Got filtered video frame {}x{} pts {:?}", filtered_vframe.width(), filtered_vframe.height(), filtered_vframe.pts());
if self.video_filter.get("in").unwrap().source().failed_requests() > 0 {
println!("🎥 failed to put filter input frame");
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error getting filtered video frame: {:?}", e);
let mut aframe = frame::Audio::new(
if aframe.planes() > 0 {
let aplane: &mut [(i16, i16)] = aframe.plane_mut(0);
eprintln!("Audio buffer length {} -> {}", self.audio_buf.len(), aplane.len());
//eprintln!("src: {:?}, dest: {:?}", self.audio_buf, aplane);
eprintln!("frame audio: {:?}", aframe);
eprintln!("🎞 queue frame pts {:?}", aframe.pts());
let mut filtered_aframe = frame::Audio::empty();
loop {
match self.audio_filter.get("out").unwrap().sink().frame(&mut filtered_aframe) {
Ok(..) => {
eprintln!("🔊 Got filtered audio frame {:?} pts {:?}", filtered_aframe, filtered_aframe.pts());
if self.audio_filter.get("in").unwrap().source().failed_requests() > 0 {
println!("🎥 failed to put filter input frame");
//let faplane: &[f32] = filtered_aframe.plane(0);
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error getting filtered audio frame: {:?}", e);
None => println!("Video not ready during frame {}", self.frame)
pub fn load_game(&self, rom: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let path = rom.as_ref();
let mut data = None;
let mut v = Vec::new();
if !self.sys_info.need_fullpath {
if let Ok(mut f) = std::fs::File::open(path) {
if f.read_to_end(&mut v).is_ok() {
data = Some(v.as_ref());
.load_game(Some(path), data, None)
pub fn end(&mut self) {
pub fn unserialize(&mut self, state: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Fallible<()> {
let path = state.as_ref();
let mut v = Vec::new();
if let Ok(mut f) = std::fs::File::open(path) {
if f.read_to_end(&mut v).is_ok(){
return self.retro.unserialize(v.as_ref());
Err(failure::err_msg("Couldn't read file to unserialize"))
impl retro::wrapper::LibretroWrapperAccess for MyEmulator {
fn libretro_core(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroWrapper {
&mut self.retro
impl retro::wrapper::RetroCallbacks for MyEmulator {
fn video_refresh(&mut self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, pitch: u32) {
let mut vframe = frame::Video::new(self.video_pixel_format, width, height);
let stride = vframe.stride(0);
let pitch = pitch as usize;
let vplane = vframe.data_mut(0);
if data.len() == vplane.len() && pitch == stride {
} else {
for y in 0..(height as usize) {
let ffbegin = y * stride;
let lrbegin = y * pitch;
let min = usize::min(stride, pitch);
vplane[ffbegin..(ffbegin + min)].copy_from_slice(
&data[lrbegin..(lrbegin + min)]
//vframe.set_pts(Some(self.frame as i64));
fn video_refresh_dupe(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32, _pitch: u32) {
if let Some(frame) = &self.prev_video_frame {
} else {
let vframe = frame::Video::new(self.video_pixel_format, width, height);
fn audio_sample(&mut self, left: i16, right: i16) {
self.audio_buf.push((left, right));
fn audio_sample_batch(&mut self, stereo_pcm: &[i16]) -> usize {
let left_iter = stereo_pcm.iter().step_by(2).cloned();
let right_iter = stereo_pcm.iter().skip(1).step_by(2).cloned();
self.audio_buf.extend(Iterator::zip(left_iter, right_iter));
fn get_system_directory(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
fn set_pixel_format(&mut self, format: PixelFormat) -> bool {
if self.frame_properties_locked {
return true;
self.video_pixel_format = match format {
PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => format::Pixel::RGB555,
PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => format::Pixel::RGB32,
PixelFormat::RGB565 => format::Pixel::RGB565,
self.video_filter = video_filter(&self.video_encoder, &self.av_info, format).unwrap();
fn set_system_av_info(&mut self, system_av_info: &SystemAvInfo) -> bool {
if self.frame_properties_locked {
return true;
//self.video_encoder.set_time_base(Rational::new(1, 60));
//self.video_encoder.set_frame_rate(Some(Rational::new(1, 60)));
if system_av_info.timing.sample_rate.round() as i32 > 0 {
self.audio_encoder.set_rate(system_av_info.timing.sample_rate.round() as i32);
self.av_info.timing = system_av_info.timing.clone();
fn set_geometry(&mut self, geometry: &GameGeometry) -> bool {
if self.frame_properties_locked {
return true;
//self.video_encoder.set_aspect_ratio(geometry.aspect_ratio as f64);
self.av_info.geometry = geometry.clone();
let pixel_format = match self.video_pixel_format {
format::Pixel::RGB555 => PixelFormat::ARGB1555,
format::Pixel::RGB32 => PixelFormat::ARGB8888,
format::Pixel::RGB565 => PixelFormat::RGB565,
_ => unimplemented!(),
self.video_filter = video_filter(&self.video_encoder, &self.av_info, pixel_format).unwrap();
fn get_variable(&mut self, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
match key {
"beetle_saturn_analog_stick_deadzone" => Some("15%".to_string()),
"parallel-n64-gfxplugin" => Some("angrylion".to_string()),
"parallel-n64-astick-deadzone" => Some("15%".to_string()),
_ => None,
fn set_variables(&mut self, variables: &Vec<Variable2>) -> bool {
for v in variables {
eprintln!("{:?}", v);
fn log_print(&mut self, level: retro::ffi::LogLevel, msg: &str) {
eprint!("🕹️ [{:?}] {}", level, msg);
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//pub mod ffmpeg;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::retro::ffi::*;
use crate::retro::ffi::*;
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::retro::constants::*;
pub use crate::retro::constants::*;
pub use crate::retro::wrapped_types::*;
pub use crate::retro::wrapped_types::*;
pub use crate::retro::wrapper::{RetroCallbacks, LibretroWrapper, LibretroWrapperAccess};
pub use crate::retro::wrapper::{RetroCallbacks, LibretroWrapper, LibretroWrapperAccess};
pub use crate::retro::ffi::{PixelFormat, GameGeometry, SystemAvInfo, SystemInfo};
@ -46,31 +46,31 @@ impl LibretroApi {
/// set_environment() must be called before init().
/// set_environment() must be called before init().
pub fn set_environment(&self, cb: EnvironmentFn) {
pub fn set_environment(&mut self, cb: EnvironmentFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_environment)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_environment)(cb) }
/// set_video_refresh() must be called before run().
/// set_video_refresh() must be called before run().
pub fn set_video_refresh(&self, cb: VideoRefreshFn) {
pub fn set_video_refresh(&mut self, cb: VideoRefreshFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_video_refresh)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_video_refresh)(cb) }
pub fn set_audio_sample(&self, cb: AudioSampleFn) {
pub fn set_audio_sample(&mut self, cb: AudioSampleFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_audio_sample)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_audio_sample)(cb) }
pub fn set_audio_sample_batch(&self, cb: AudioSampleBatchFn) {
pub fn set_audio_sample_batch(&mut self, cb: AudioSampleBatchFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_audio_sample_batch)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_audio_sample_batch)(cb) }
pub fn set_input_poll(&self, cb: InputPollFn) {
pub fn set_input_poll(&mut self, cb: InputPollFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_input_poll)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_input_poll)(cb) }
pub fn set_input_state(&self, cb: InputStateFn) {
pub fn set_input_state(&mut self, cb: InputStateFn) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_input_state)(cb) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_input_state)(cb) }
/// set_environment() must be called before init().
/// set_environment() must be called before init().
pub fn init(&self) {
pub fn init(&mut self) {
// TODO assert!(called retro_set_environment);
// TODO assert!(called retro_set_environment);
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_init)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_init)() }
pub fn deinit(&self) {
pub fn deinit(&mut self) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_deinit)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_deinit)() }
/// Must return RETRO_API_VERSION. Used to validate ABI compatibility when the API is revised.
/// Must return RETRO_API_VERSION. Used to validate ABI compatibility when the API is revised.
@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ impl LibretroApi {
/// the core should call RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS to notify the
/// the core should call RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS to notify the
/// frontend if the descriptions for any controls have changed as a
/// frontend if the descriptions for any controls have changed as a
/// result of changing the device type.
/// result of changing the device type.
pub fn set_controller_port_device(&self, port: u32, device: u32) {
pub fn set_controller_port_device(&mut self, port: u32, device: u32) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_controller_port_device)(port, device) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_set_controller_port_device)(port, device) }
/// Resets the current game.
/// Resets the current game.
pub fn reset(&self) {
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_reset)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_reset)() }
/// Runs the game for one video frame.
/// Runs the game for one video frame.
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ impl LibretroApi {
/// this still counts as a frame, and retro_run() should explicitly dupe
/// this still counts as a frame, and retro_run() should explicitly dupe
/// a frame if GET_CAN_DUPE returns true.
/// a frame if GET_CAN_DUPE returns true.
/// In this case, the video callback can take a NULL argument for data.
/// In this case, the video callback can take a NULL argument for data.
pub fn run(&self) {
pub fn run(&mut self) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_run)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_run)() }
/// Serializes internal state.
/// Serializes internal state.
pub fn serialize(&self) -> Fallible<Vec<u8>> {
pub fn serialize(&mut self) -> Fallible<Vec<u8>> {
let size: usize = unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_serialize_size)() };
let size: usize = unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_serialize_size)() };
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(size);
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(size);
vec.resize(size, 0);
vec.resize(size, 0);
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ impl LibretroApi {
Err(failure::err_msg("Serialize failed"))
Err(failure::err_msg("Serialize failed"))
pub fn unserialize(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Fallible<()> {
pub fn unserialize(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Fallible<()> {
// validate size of the data
// validate size of the data
let size: usize = unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_serialize_size)() };
let size: usize = unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_serialize_size)() };
if data.len() != size {
if data.len() != size {
@ -152,15 +152,15 @@ impl LibretroApi {
Err(failure::err_msg("Unserialize failed"))
Err(failure::err_msg("Unserialize failed"))
pub fn cheat_reset(&self) {
pub fn cheat_reset(&mut self) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_cheat_reset)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_cheat_reset)() }
pub fn cheat_set(&self, index: u32, enabled: bool, code: &str) {
pub fn cheat_set(&mut self, index: u32, enabled: bool, code: &str) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_cheat_set)(index, enabled, code.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *const c_char) }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_cheat_set)(index, enabled, code.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *const c_char) }
/// Loads a game.
/// Loads a game.
pub fn load_game(
pub fn load_game(
&mut self,
path: Option<&Path>,
path: Option<&Path>,
data: Option<&[u8]>,
data: Option<&[u8]>,
meta: Option<&str>,
meta: Option<&str>,
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ impl LibretroApi {
/// Unloads the currently loaded game. Called before deinit().
/// Unloads the currently loaded game. Called before deinit().
pub fn unload_game(&self) {
pub fn unload_game(&mut self) {
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_unload_game)() }
unsafe { (&self.core_api.retro_unload_game)() }
pub fn get_region(&self) -> Region {
pub fn get_region(&self) -> Region {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use core::slice::from_raw_parts;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_uint};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_uint};
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ extern "C" {
fn c_ext_set_log_print_cb(cb: WrappedLogPrintFn);
fn c_ext_set_log_print_cb(cb: WrappedLogPrintFn);
pub trait LibretroWrapperAccess {
fn libretro_core(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroWrapper;
// method docs largely copied/lightly-adapted-to-rust straight from libretro.h.
// method docs largely copied/lightly-adapted-to-rust straight from libretro.h.
pub trait RetroCallbacks: LibretroWrapperAccess + Unpin + 'static {
pub trait RetroCallbacks: Unpin + 'static {
// -- main callbacks --
// -- main callbacks --
/// Render a frame. Pixel format is 15-bit 0RGB1555 native endian
/// Render a frame. Pixel format is 15-bit 0RGB1555 native endian
/// unless changed (see [Self::set_pixel_format]).
/// unless changed (see [Self::set_pixel_format]).
@ -370,9 +366,16 @@ pub trait RetroCallbacks: LibretroWrapperAccess + Unpin + 'static {
fn get_sensor_input(&mut self, port: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> f32 { 0.0 }
fn get_sensor_input(&mut self, port: c_uint, id: c_uint) -> f32 { 0.0 }
pub trait LibretroWrapperAccess {
fn libretro_core(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroWrapper;
pub trait RootRetroCallbacks : RetroCallbacks + LibretroWrapperAccess {}
impl<T: RetroCallbacks + LibretroWrapperAccess> RootRetroCallbacks for T {}
struct StaticCallbacks {
struct StaticCallbacks {
handler: Option<Pin<&'static mut dyn RetroCallbacks>>,
handler: Option<Pin<&'static mut dyn RootRetroCallbacks>>,
unsafe impl Sync for StaticCallbacks {}
unsafe impl Sync for StaticCallbacks {}
@ -854,11 +857,17 @@ impl Deref for LibretroWrapper {
impl DerefMut for LibretroWrapper {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LibretroApi {
&mut self.api
// a note on lifetimes: we explicitly lie about them here because as long as they live as long as
// a note on lifetimes: we explicitly lie about them here because as long as they live as long as
// the library wrapper itself we're good (we wipe our 'static references on drop() too)
// the library wrapper itself we're good (we wipe our 'static references on drop() too)
pub fn set_handler(handler: Pin<&'_ mut (dyn RetroCallbacks + '_)>) {
pub fn set_handler(handler: Pin<&'_ mut (dyn RootRetroCallbacks + '_)>) {
unsafe {
unsafe {
let ptr = handler.get_unchecked_mut() as *mut dyn RetroCallbacks;
let ptr = handler.get_unchecked_mut() as *mut dyn RootRetroCallbacks;
Reference in New Issue