about_mastodon_html:Mastodon esas <em>gratuita, apertitkodexa</em> sociala reto. Ol esas <em>sencentra</em> altra alternativo a komercala servadi. Ol evitigas, ke sola firmo guvernez tua tota komunikadol. Selektez servero, quan tu fidas. Irge qua esas tua selekto, tu povas komunikar kun omna altra uzeri. Irgu povas krear sua propra instaluro di Mastodon en sua servero, e partoprenar en la <em>sociala reto</em> tote glate.
desc_html:"<strong>Silence</strong> will make the account's posts invisible to anyone who isn't following them. <strong>Suspend</strong> will remove all of the account's content, media, and profile data."
title:Known Instances
email:Enter a public e-mail address
username:Enter a username
desc_html:Displayed on frontpage when registrations are closed<br>You can use HTML tags
desc_html:Displayed as a paragraph on the frontpage and used as a meta tag.<br>You can use HTML tags, in particular <code><a></code> and <code><em></code>.
title:Site description
desc_html:Displayed on extended information page<br>You can use HTML tags
preface:Tu povas importacar kelka datumi, tal quala listi de omna homi quin tu sequas o blokusas, a tua konto di ca instaluro, per dosiero exportacita de altra instaluro.
recovery_instructions_html:If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe, for example by printing them and storing them with other important documents.