l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-24 22:43:16 +02:00
1e327e0e94 💬 add periods at the end of headers
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-17 16:26:14 +02:00
03c7ff1752 🤡 somehow forgot to escape the single quote
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-17 16:24:27 +02:00
eb83cb8cfd 💬 updated console text
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-17 15:33:38 +02:00
948a53c42c 🐛 update ol tag to make it uh. actually an ol tag
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-17 15:28:33 +02:00
5449eb8229 💄 update list-style-type to cjk-ideographic
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-17 15:23:48 +02:00
9a79503d11 💄 make headers right aligned
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-16 21:38:17 +02:00
ea9f96eaeb 💄 make quote right aligned
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-16 21:33:37 +02:00
5d60402ade 💄 make header right aligned
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-16 17:49:36 +02:00
6d9cc61598 🐛 make the cursor snap
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-16 17:44:45 +02:00
28171f5e39 💬 added cybre.tech link
l pushed to master at l/p 2019-05-16 17:41:47 +02:00
c3de1fdacf 💬 update copyright & add github link
fe9699f5e1 📝 fix formatting, second try
6fe29bdafa 📝 fix formatting
6df140ae1c 📝 add description
dc79a8e26e 📝 add dependency badges
l created repository l/p 2019-05-16 17:38:52 +02:00