[Fluo and I] French PEP Translation

This commit is contained in:
Julien Pivotto 2007-06-19 15:03:00 +00:00
parent 64566299ac
commit 90b055136b
1 changed files with 400 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -6537,6 +6537,406 @@ msgstr "Connecté"
msgid "Disconnected" msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Déconnecté" msgstr "Déconnecté"
msgid "afraid"
msgstr "appeuré"
msgid "amazed"
msgstr "surpris, amusé"
msgid "angry"
msgstr "en colère"
msgid "annoyed"
msgstr "dérangé"
msgid "anxious"
msgstr "anxieux"
msgid "aroused"
msgstr "excité"
msgid "ashamed"
msgstr "honteux/éhonté"
msgid "bored"
msgstr "ennuyé"
msgid "brave"
msgstr "courageux"
msgid "calm"
msgstr "calme"
msgid "cold"
msgstr "froid"
msgid "confused"
msgstr "confus"
msgid "contented"
msgstr "contenté"
msgid "cranky"
msgstr "excentrique"
msgid "curious"
msgstr "curieux"
msgid "depressed"
msgstr "déprimé"
msgid "disappointed"
msgstr "décu"
msgid "disgusted"
msgstr "dégouté"
msgid "distracted"
msgstr "distrait"
msgid "embarrassed"
msgstr "embarssé"
msgid "excited"
msgstr "excité"
msgid "flirtatious"
msgstr "coquet"
msgid "frustrated"
msgstr "frustré"
msgid "grumpy"
msgstr "grognon"
msgid "guilty"
msgstr "coupable"
msgid "happy"
msgstr "joyeux"
msgid "hot"
msgstr "chaud"
msgid "humbled"
msgstr "humilié"
msgid "humiliated"
msgstr "humilié"
msgid "hungry"
msgstr "affamé"
msgid "hurt"
msgstr "blessé"
msgid "impressed"
msgstr "impressionné"
msgid "in_awe"
msgstr "dans la crainte"
msgid "in_love"
msgstr "amoureux"
msgid "indignant"
msgstr "indigné"
msgid "interested"
msgstr "interessé"
msgid "intoxicated"
msgstr "intoxiqué"
msgid "invincible"
msgstr "invincible"
msgid "jealous"
msgstr "jaloux"
msgid "lonely"
msgstr "seul/esseulé"
msgid "mean"
msgstr "méchant"
msgid "moody"
msgstr "déprimé"
msgid "nervous"
msgstr "nerveux"
msgid "neutral"
msgstr "neutre"
msgid "offended"
msgstr "offensé"
msgid "playful"
msgstr "joueur"
msgid "proud"
msgstr "fier"
msgid "relieved"
msgstr "soulagé"
msgid "remorseful"
msgstr "plein de remord"
msgid "restless"
msgstr "infatiguable"
msgid "sad"
msgstr "triste"
msgid "sarcastic"
msgstr "sarcastique"
msgid "serious"
msgstr "serieux"
msgid "shocked"
msgstr "choqué"
msgid "shy"
msgstr "timide"
msgid "sick"
msgstr "malade"
msgid "sleepy"
msgstr "endormi"
msgid "stressed"
msgstr "stressé"
msgid "surprised"
msgstr "surpris"
msgid "thirsty"
msgstr "assoiffé"
msgid "worried"
msgstr "inquiet"
msgid "_Personnal Events"
msgstr "Évènements _Personnels"
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Activité"
msgid "doing_chores"
msgstr "fait des corvées"
msgid "buying_groceries"
msgstr "achète des épiceries"
msgid "cleaning"
msgstr "nettoie"
msgid "cooking"
msgstr "cuisine"
msgid "doing_maintenance"
msgstr "fait de la maintenance"
msgid "doing_the_dishes"
msgstr "fait la vaiselle"
msgid "doing_the_laundry"
msgstr "fait la blanchisserie"
msgid "gardening"
msgstr "jardine"
msgid "running_an_errand"
msgstr "fait une course"
msgid "walking_the_dog"
msgstr "promène le chien"
msgid "drinking"
msgstr "boit"
msgid "having_a_beer"
msgstr "prend une bière"
msgid "having_coffee"
msgstr "prend un café"
msgid "having_tea"
msgstr "prend un thé"
msgid "eating"
msgstr "mange"
msgid "having_a_snack"
msgstr "prend un snack"
msgid "having_breakfast"
msgstr "prend le petit-déjeuner"
msgid "having_dinner"
msgstr "soupe"
msgid "having_lunch"
msgstr "dîne"
msgid "exercising"
msgstr "fait de l'exercice"
msgid "cycling"
msgstr "fait du vélo"
msgid "hiking"
msgstr "fait de la randonnée"
msgid "jogging"
msgstr "fait un jogging"
msgid "playing_sports"
msgstr "fait du sport"
msgid "running"
msgstr "court"
msgid "skiing"
msgstr "skie"
msgid "swimming"
msgstr "nage"
msgid "working_out"
msgstr "élabore"
msgid "grooming"
msgstr "se toilette"
msgid "at_the_spa"
msgstr "à la station thermale"
msgid "brushing_teeth"
msgstr "se brosse les dents"
msgid "getting_a_haircut"
msgstr "se fait couper les cheveux"
msgid "shaving"
msgstr "se rase"
msgid "taking_a_bath"
msgstr "prend un bain"
msgid "taking_a_shower"
msgstr "prend une douche"
msgid "having_appointment"
msgstr "à un rendez-vous"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "inactif"
msgid "day_off"
msgstr "en congé"
msgid "hanging_out"
msgstr "traîne"
msgid "on_vacation"
msgstr "en vacances"
msgid "scheduled_holiday"
msgstr "en vacances organisées"
msgid "sleeping"
msgstr "dort"
msgid "relaxing"
msgstr "se relaxe"
msgid "gaming"
msgstr "joue"
msgid "going_out"
msgstr "sort"
msgid "partying"
msgstr "fait la fête"
msgid "reading"
msgstr "lit"
msgid "rehearsing"
msgstr "se prépare"
msgid "shopping"
msgstr "fait les magasins"
msgid "socializing"
msgstr "se socialise"
msgid "sunbathing"
msgstr "prend un bain de soleil"
msgid "watching_tv"
msgstr "regarde la TV"
msgid "watching_a_movie"
msgstr "regarde un film"
msgid "talking"
msgstr "discute"
msgid "in_real_life"
msgstr "dans la vraie vie"
msgid "on_the_phone"
msgstr "au téléphone"
msgid "traveling"
msgstr "voyage"
msgid "commuting"
msgstr "permute"
msgid "driving"
msgstr "conduit"
msgid "in_a_car"
msgstr "en voiture"
msgid "on_a_bus"
msgstr "en bus"
msgid "on_a_plane"
msgstr "en avion"
msgid "on_a_train"
msgstr "en train"
msgid "on_a_trip"
msgstr "en séjour"
msgid "walking"
msgstr "marche"
msgid "working"
msgstr "travaille"
msgid "coding"
msgstr "programme"
msgid "in_a_meeting"
msgstr "en réunion"
msgid "studying"
msgstr "étudie"
msgid "writing"
msgstr "écrit"
#~ msgid "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" #~ msgid "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z"
#~ msgstr "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" #~ msgstr "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z"
#~ msgid "<small>Romeo and Juliet</small>" #~ msgid "<small>Romeo and Juliet</small>"