2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
< ? php
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
// require_once("../required.php");
require_once ( 'config.php' );
require_once ( SITE_LOCATION . '/php/functions.php' );
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
2015-11-04 16:43:52 -07:00
session_start ();
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'user' ] > 0 ) {
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'getall' ) {
Get_Dictionaries ( true );
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'load' ) {
Load_Current_Dictionary ();
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'new' ) {
Save_Current_DictionaryAsNew ();
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'update' ) {
Update_Current_Dictionary ();
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'wordall' ) {
Save_New_Word ( true );
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'wordnew' ) {
Save_New_Word ( false );
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'wordupdate' ) {
Update_Word ();
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'switch' ) {
Switch_Current_Dictionary ( $_POST [ 'newdictionaryid' ], true );
elseif ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'delete' ) {
Delete_Current_Dictionary ();
} else {
echo " not signed in " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
function Get_Dictionaries ( $return_list = true ) {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$query = " SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `user`= " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ORDER BY `name` ASC; " ;
$dictionaries = query ( $query );
if ( $dictionaries ) {
if ( num_rows ( $dictionaries ) > 0 ) {
if ( $return_list ) {
$list = " " ;
$_SESSION [ 'dictionaries' ] = [];
while ( $dict = fetch ( $dictionaries )) {
$_SESSION [ 'dictionaries' ][] = $dict [ 'id' ]; // Save a list of all dictionaries user has.
//list for the switch dictionaries dropdown.
$list .= $dict [ 'id' ] . '_IDNAMESEPARATOR_' . $dict [ 'name' ] . '_DICTIONARYSEPARATOR_' ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo $list ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
return true ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " no dictionaries " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " could not load " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
return false ;
function Load_Current_Dictionary () {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$query = " SELECT `d`.`id`, `d`.`name`, `d`.`description`, `u`.`public_name`, `d`.`words`, `d`.`next_word_id`, `d`.`allow_duplicates`, `d`.`case_sensitive`, `d`.`parts_of_speech`, `d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `d`.`is_complete`, `d`.`is_public` " ;
$query .= " FROM `dictionaries` AS `d` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `u` ON `user`=`u`.`id` WHERE `d`.`id`=`u`.`current_dictionary` AND `user`= " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ; " ;
$dictionary = query ( $query );
if ( $dictionary ) {
if ( num_rows ( $dictionary ) > 0 ) {
if ( num_rows ( $dictionary ) === 1 ) {
while ( $dict = fetch ( $dictionary )) {
$_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] = $dict [ 'id' ];
$json = '{"name":"' . $dict [ 'name' ] . '",' ;
$json .= '"description":"' . $dict [ 'description' ] . '",' ;
$json .= '"createdBy":"' . $dict [ 'public_name' ] . '",' ;
$json .= '"words":[' . Get_Dictionary_Words ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ]) . '],' ;
$json .= '"nextWordId":' . $dict [ 'next_word_id' ] . ',' ;
$json .= '"settings":{' ;
$json .= '"allowDuplicates":' . (( $dict [ 'allow_duplicates' ] == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ',' ;
$json .= '"caseSensitive":' . (( $dict [ 'case_sensitive' ] == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ',' ;
$json .= '"partsOfSpeech":"' . $dict [ 'parts_of_speech' ] . '",' ;
$json .= '"sortByEquivalent":' . (( $dict [ 'sort_by_equivalent' ] == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ',' ;
$json .= '"isComplete":' . (( $dict [ 'is_complete' ] == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ',' ;
$json .= '"isPublic":' . (( $dict [ 'is_public' ] == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . '},' ;
$json .= '"externalID":' . $dict [ 'id' ] . '}' ;
echo $json ;
return true ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " more than 1 returned " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " no dictionaries " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " could not load " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
return false ;
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
function Get_Dictionary_Words ( $dictionary ) {
$query = " SELECT `w`.`word_id`, `w`.`name`, `w`.`pronunciation`, `w`.`part_of_speech`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`long_definition` " ;
$query .= " FROM `words` AS `w` LEFT JOIN `dictionaries` AS `d` ON `w`.`dictionary`=`d`.`id` WHERE `w`.`dictionary`= " . $dictionary . " " ;
$query .= " ORDER BY IF(`d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`name`) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; " ;
$words = query ( $query );
$results = " " ;
$processed = 0 ;
if ( $words ) {
if ( num_rows ( $words ) > 0 ) {
while ( $word = fetch ( $words )) {
$results .= '{"name":"' . $word [ 'name' ] . '",' ;
$results .= '"pronunciation":"' . $word [ 'pronunciation' ] . '",' ;
$results .= '"partOfSpeech":"' . $word [ 'part_of_speech' ] . '",' ;
$results .= '"simpleDefinition":"' . $word [ 'simple_definition' ] . '",' ;
$results .= '"longDefinition":"' . $word [ 'long_definition' ] . '",' ;
$results .= '"wordId":' . $word [ 'word_id' ] . '}' ;
// If it's the last one, then don't add a comma.
if ( ++ $processed < num_rows ( $words )) {
$results .= " , " ;
return $results ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
function Save_Current_DictionaryAsNew () {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$dbconnection = new PDO ( 'mysql:host=' . DATABASE_SERVERNAME . ';dbname=' . DATABASE_NAME . ';charset=utf8' , DATABASE_USERNAME , DATABASE_PASSWORD );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE , PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES , false );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
$query = " INSERT INTO `dictionaries`(`user`, `name`, `description`, `next_word_id`, `allow_duplicates`, `case_sensitive`, `parts_of_speech`, `sort_by_equivalent`, `is_complete`, `is_public`) " ;
$query .= " VALUES ( " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ,' " . $_POST [ 'name' ] . " ',' " . $_POST [ 'description' ] . " ', " . $_POST [ 'nextwordid' ] . " , " . $_POST [ 'allowduplicates' ] . " , " . $_POST [ 'casesensitive' ] . " ,' " . $_POST [ 'partsofspeech' ] . " ', " . $_POST [ 'sortbyequivalent' ] . " , " . $_POST [ 'iscomplete' ] . " , " . $_POST [ 'ispublic' ] . " ) " ;
try {
$update = $dbconnection -> prepare ( $query );
$update -> execute ();
$_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] = $dbconnection -> lastInsertId ();
$_SESSION [ 'dictionaries' ][] = $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ]; //Add new id to valid dictionaries.
echo $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ];
Switch_Current_Dictionary ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ], false );
return true ;
catch ( PDOException $ex ) {
$errorMessage = $dbconnection -> errorInfo ();
echo " could not update: \n " . $errorMessage [ 2 ] . " \n " . $query ;
return false ;
function Update_Current_Dictionary () {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ])) {
$query = " UPDATE `dictionaries` SET " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'name' ])) {
$query .= " `name`=' " . $_POST [ 'name' ] . " ', " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'description' ])) {
$query .= " `description`=' " . $_POST [ 'description' ] . " ', " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'nextwordid' ])) {
$query .= " `next_word_id`= " . $_POST [ 'nextwordid' ] . " , " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'allowduplicates' ])) {
$query .= " `allow_duplicates`= " . $_POST [ 'allowduplicates' ] . " , " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'casesensitive' ])) {
$query .= " `case_sensitive`= " . $_POST [ 'casesensitive' ] . " , " ;
2015-11-25 16:08:24 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'partsofspeech' ])) {
$query .= " `parts_of_speech`=' " . $_POST [ 'partsofspeech' ] . " ', " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'sortbyequivalent' ])) {
$query .= " `sort_by_equivalent`=' " . $_POST [ 'sortbyequivalent' ] . " ', " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'iscomplete' ])) {
$query .= " `is_complete`= " . $_POST [ 'iscomplete' ] . " , " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'ispublic' ])) {
$query .= " `is_public`= " . $_POST [ 'ispublic' ] . " , " ;
$query .= " `last_updated`=' " . date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " ) . " ' " ;
$query .= " WHERE `id`= " . $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] . " AND `user`= " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ; " ;
$update = query ( $query );
if ( $update ) {
echo " updated successfully " ;
return true ;
} else {
echo " could not update " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
Save_Current_DictionaryAsNew ();
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
return false ;
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
function Save_New_Word ( $multiple = false ) {
$worddata = json_decode ( file_get_contents ( " php://input " ), true );
$dbconnection = new PDO ( 'mysql:host=' . DATABASE_SERVERNAME . ';dbname=' . DATABASE_NAME . ';charset=utf8' , DATABASE_USERNAME , DATABASE_PASSWORD );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE , PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES , false );
$dbconnection -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
$query = " INSERT INTO `words`(`dictionary`, `word_id`, `name`, `pronunciation`, `part_of_speech`, `simple_definition`, `long_definition`) " ;
$query .= " VALUES " ;
if ( $multiple ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $worddata ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$query .= " , " ;
2015-11-30 16:08:43 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$query .= " ( " . $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] . " , " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'wordId' ] . " ,' " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'name' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'pronunciation' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'partOfSpeech' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'simpleDefinition' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ $i ][ 'longDefinition' ] . " ') " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$query .= " ( " . $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] . " , " . $worddata [ 'wordId' ] . " ,' " . $worddata [ 'name' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ 'pronunciation' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ 'partOfSpeech' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ 'simpleDefinition' ] . " ',' " . $worddata [ 'longDefinition' ] . " ') " ;
$query .= " ; " ;
try {
$update = $dbconnection -> prepare ( $query );
$update -> execute ();
return true ;
catch ( PDOException $ex ) {
$errorMessage = $dbconnection -> errorInfo ();
echo " could not update: \n " . $errorMessage [ 2 ] . " \n " . $query ;
return false ;
function Update_Word () {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ])) {
2016-06-14 22:21:05 -07:00
$worddata = json_decode ( file_get_contents ( " php://input " ), true );
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
$query = " UPDATE `words` SET " ;
$query .= " `name`=' " . $worddata [ 'name' ] . " ', " ;
$query .= " `pronunciation`=' " . $worddata [ 'pronunciation' ] . " ', " ;
$query .= " `part_of_speech`=' " . $worddata [ 'partOfSpeech' ] . " ', " ;
$query .= " `simple_definition`=' " . $worddata [ 'simpleDefinition' ] . " ', " ;
$query .= " `long_definition`=' " . $worddata [ 'longDefinition' ] . " ', " ;
$query .= " `last_updated`=' " . date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " ) . " ' " ;
$query .= " WHERE `dictionary`= " . $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] . " AND `word_id`= " . $worddata [ 'wordId' ] . " ; " ;
$update = query ( $query );
if ( $update ) {
echo " updated successfully " ;
return true ;
} else {
echo " could not update " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
return false ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
function Switch_Current_Dictionary ( $newdictionaryid , $returndictionary = true ) {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
if ( isset ( $newdictionaryid )) {
if ( in_array ( $newdictionaryid , $_SESSION [ 'dictionaries' ])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query .= " UPDATE `users` SET `current_dictionary`= " . $newdictionaryid . " WHERE `id`= " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ; " ;
$update = query ( $query );
if ( $update ) {
if ( $returndictionary ) {
Load_Current_Dictionary ();
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " dictionary switched " ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
// return true;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " could not update " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " invalid dictionary " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " no info provided " ;
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00
return false ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
2015-11-30 16:08:43 -07:00
function Delete_Current_Dictionary () {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ])) {
if ( in_array ( $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ], $_SESSION [ 'dictionaries' ])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query = " DELETE FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `id`= " . $_SESSION [ 'dictionary' ] . " AND `user`= " . $_SESSION [ 'user' ] . " ; " ;
$update = query ( $query );
if ( $update ) {
Get_Dictionaries ( true );
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " could not delete " ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " invalid dictionary " ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
} else {
2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
echo " no current dictionary " ;
2015-11-27 23:17:52 -07:00
return false ;
2015-11-30 16:08:43 -07:00
2015-11-04 14:12:39 -07:00