Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Alamantus/Lexiconga.git synced 2025-03-22 11:28:55 +01:00

Saving and loading words from words table now works. Need to make words delete when dictionary is deleted.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Antenesse 2016-06-14 18:16:41 -06:00
parent 7e9c14a7c2
commit 8109bdac69
3 changed files with 296 additions and 186 deletions

View file

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ function AddWord() {
} else {
currentDictionary.words.push({name: word, pronunciation: pronunciation, partOfSpeech: ((partOfSpeech.length > 0) ? partOfSpeech : " "), simpleDefinition: simpleDefinition, longDefinition: longDefinition, wordId: currentDictionary.nextWordId++});
SaveAndUpdateWords("new", wordIndex);
@ -165,7 +166,8 @@ function UpdateWord(wordIndex, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefiniti
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].longDefinition = longDefinition;
SaveAndUpdateWords("update", wordIndex);
// SaveAndUpdateDictionary();
window.scroll(savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y);
@ -408,6 +410,44 @@ function ResetDictionaryToDefault() {
currentDictionary = JSON.parse(defaultDictionaryJSON);
function SaveAndUpdateWords(action, wordIndex) {
var dataToSend = "";
if (action == "all") {
// For dictionaries not already in the db. Send all the words to database.
dataToSend = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary.words);
} else if (action == "update") {
// Only send the specified word to update.
dataToSend = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary.words[wordIndex]);
} else if (action == "new") {
// Send the last word pushed to the words array before it's sorted.
dataToSend = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary.words[currentDictionary.words.length - 1]);
var sendWords = new XMLHttpRequest();
sendWords.open('POST', "php/ajax_dictionarymanagement.php?action=word" + action);
sendWords.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
sendWords.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (sendWords.readyState == 4 && sendWords.status == 200) {
if (sendWords.responseText == "sent successfully") {
} else if (isNaN(parseInt(sendWords.responseText))) {
} else { // It will only be a number if it is a new dictionary.
currentDictionary.externalID = parseInt(sendWords.responseText);
console.log("saved successfully");
return true;
} else {
return false;
function SaveAndUpdateDictionary(keepFormContents) {
if (!currentDictionary.settings.sortByEquivalent) {
currentDictionary.words.sort(dynamicSort(['name', 'partOfSpeech']));
@ -422,28 +462,26 @@ function SaveAndUpdateDictionary(keepFormContents) {
CloseUpdateConflictArea('newWordButtonArea', 'updateConflict');
function SaveDictionary(sendToDatabase, sendWords) {
function SaveDictionary(sendToDatabase) {
localStorage.setItem('dictionary', JSON.stringify(currentDictionary));
//Always save local copy of current dictionary, but if logged in also send to database.
if (sendToDatabase) {
sendWords = (typeof sendWords !== 'undefined') ? sendWords : false;
function SendDictionary(sendWords) {
sendWords = (typeof sendWords !== 'undefined') ? sendWords : false;
function SendDictionary() {
var action = "";
var postString = "";
if (currentDictionary.externalID > 0) {
action = "update";
postString = DataToSend(sendWords);
postString = DataToSend(false);
} else {
action = "new";
postString = DataToSend(true, true);
postString = DataToSend(true);
var sendDictionary = new XMLHttpRequest();
@ -459,6 +497,7 @@ function SendDictionary(sendWords) {
} else { // It will only be a number if it is a new dictionary.
currentDictionary.externalID = parseInt(sendDictionary.responseText);
console.log("saved successfully");
@ -471,7 +510,7 @@ function SendDictionary(sendWords) {
function DataToSend(doSendWords, sendAll) {
function DataToSend(sendAll) {
sendAll = (typeof sendAll !== 'undefined' && sendAll != null) ? sendAll : false;
var data = "";
if (currentDictionary.externalID == 0) {
@ -485,9 +524,6 @@ function DataToSend(doSendWords, sendAll) {
if (sendAll || currentDictionary.description != previousDictionary.description) {
data += ((data=="") ? "" : "&") + "description=" + encodeURIComponent(currentDictionary.description);
if (sendAll || doSendWords) {
data += ((data=="") ? "" : "&") + "words=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(currentDictionary.words));
if (sendAll || currentDictionary.nextWordId != previousDictionary.nextWordId) {
data += ((data=="") ? "" : "&") + "nextwordid=" + currentDictionary.nextWordId;

View file

@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ function dynamicSort(propertiesArray) {
dir = -1;
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]) > removeDiacritics(b[o])) return dir;
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]) < removeDiacritics(b[o])) return -(dir);
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]).toLowerCase() > removeDiacritics(b[o]).toLowerCase()) return dir;
if (removeDiacritics(a[o]).toLowerCase() < removeDiacritics(b[o]).toLowerCase()) return -(dir);
return 0;
.reduce(function firstNonZeroValue (p,n) {

View file

@ -4,233 +4,307 @@ require_once('config.php');
require_once(SITE_LOCATION . '/php/functions.php');
if ($_GET['action'] == 'getall') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'load') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'new') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'update') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'switch') {
Switch_Current_Dictionary($_POST['newdictionaryid'], true);
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
if ($_GET['action'] == 'getall') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'load') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'new') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'update') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'wordall') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'wordnew') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'wordupdate') {
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'switch') {
Switch_Current_Dictionary($_POST['newdictionaryid'], true);
elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
} else {
echo "not signed in";
function Get_Dictionaries($return_list = true) {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
$query = "SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . " ORDER BY `name` ASC;";
$dictionaries = query($query);
if ($dictionaries) {
if (num_rows($dictionaries) > 0) {
if ($return_list) {
$list = "";
$_SESSION['dictionaries'] = [];
while ($dict = fetch($dictionaries)) {
$_SESSION['dictionaries'][] = $dict['id']; // Save a list of all dictionaries user has.
//list for the switch dictionaries dropdown.
$list .= $dict['id'] . '_IDNAMESEPARATOR_' . $dict['name'] . '_DICTIONARYSEPARATOR_';
echo $list;
$query = "SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . " ORDER BY `name` ASC;";
$dictionaries = query($query);
if ($dictionaries) {
if (num_rows($dictionaries) > 0) {
if ($return_list) {
$list = "";
$_SESSION['dictionaries'] = [];
while ($dict = fetch($dictionaries)) {
$_SESSION['dictionaries'][] = $dict['id']; // Save a list of all dictionaries user has.
//list for the switch dictionaries dropdown.
$list .= $dict['id'] . '_IDNAMESEPARATOR_' . $dict['name'] . '_DICTIONARYSEPARATOR_';
return true;
} else {
echo "no dictionaries";
echo $list;
return true;
} else {
echo "could not load";
echo "no dictionaries";
} else {
echo "not signed in";
echo "could not load";
return false;
function Load_Current_Dictionary() {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
$query = "SELECT `d`.`id`, `d`.`name`, `d`.`description`, `u`.`public_name`, `d`.`words`, `d`.`next_word_id`, `d`.`allow_duplicates`, `d`.`case_sensitive`, `d`.`parts_of_speech`, `d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `d`.`is_complete`, `d`.`is_public` ";
$query .= "FROM `dictionaries` AS `d` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `u` ON `user`=`u`.`id` WHERE `d`.`id`=`u`.`current_dictionary` AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$dictionary = query($query);
if ($dictionary) {
if (num_rows($dictionary) > 0) {
if (num_rows($dictionary) === 1) {
while ($dict = fetch($dictionary)) {
$_SESSION['dictionary'] = $dict['id'];
$json = '{"name":"' . $dict['name'] . '",';
$json .= '"description":"' . $dict['description'] . '",';
$json .= '"createdBy":"' . $dict['public_name'] . '",';
$json .= '"words":' . $dict['words'] . ',';
$json .= '"nextWordId":' . $dict['next_word_id'] . ',';
$json .= '"settings":{';
$json .= '"allowDuplicates":' . (($dict['allow_duplicates'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"caseSensitive":' . (($dict['case_sensitive'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"partsOfSpeech":"' . $dict['parts_of_speech'] . '",';
$json .= '"sortByEquivalent":' . (($dict['sort_by_equivalent'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"isComplete":' . (($dict['is_complete'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"isPublic":' . (($dict['is_public'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . '},';
$json .= '"externalID":' . $dict['id'] . '}';
echo $json;
return true;
} else {
echo "more than 1 returned";
$query = "SELECT `d`.`id`, `d`.`name`, `d`.`description`, `u`.`public_name`, `d`.`words`, `d`.`next_word_id`, `d`.`allow_duplicates`, `d`.`case_sensitive`, `d`.`parts_of_speech`, `d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `d`.`is_complete`, `d`.`is_public` ";
$query .= "FROM `dictionaries` AS `d` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `u` ON `user`=`u`.`id` WHERE `d`.`id`=`u`.`current_dictionary` AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$dictionary = query($query);
if ($dictionary) {
if (num_rows($dictionary) > 0) {
if (num_rows($dictionary) === 1) {
while ($dict = fetch($dictionary)) {
$_SESSION['dictionary'] = $dict['id'];
$json = '{"name":"' . $dict['name'] . '",';
$json .= '"description":"' . $dict['description'] . '",';
$json .= '"createdBy":"' . $dict['public_name'] . '",';
$json .= '"words":[' . Get_Dictionary_Words($_SESSION['dictionary']) . '],';
$json .= '"nextWordId":' . $dict['next_word_id'] . ',';
$json .= '"settings":{';
$json .= '"allowDuplicates":' . (($dict['allow_duplicates'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"caseSensitive":' . (($dict['case_sensitive'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"partsOfSpeech":"' . $dict['parts_of_speech'] . '",';
$json .= '"sortByEquivalent":' . (($dict['sort_by_equivalent'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"isComplete":' . (($dict['is_complete'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . ',';
$json .= '"isPublic":' . (($dict['is_public'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false') . '},';
$json .= '"externalID":' . $dict['id'] . '}';
echo $json;
return true;
} else {
echo "no dictionaries";
echo "more than 1 returned";
} else {
echo "could not load";
echo "no dictionaries";
} else {
echo "not logged in";
echo "could not load";
return false;
function Save_Current_DictionaryAsNew() {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
$dbconnection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DATABASE_SERVERNAME . ';dbname=' . DATABASE_NAME . ';charset=utf8', DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
function Get_Dictionary_Words($dictionary) {
$query = "SELECT `w`.`word_id`, `w`.`name`, `w`.`pronunciation`, `w`.`part_of_speech`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`long_definition` ";
$query .= "FROM `words` AS `w` LEFT JOIN `dictionaries` AS `d` ON `w`.`dictionary`=`d`.`id` WHERE `w`.`dictionary`=" . $dictionary . " ";
$query .= "ORDER BY IF(`d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`name`) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;";
$words = query($query);
$query = "INSERT INTO `dictionaries`(`user`, `name`, `description`, `words`, `next_word_id`, `allow_duplicates`, `case_sensitive`, `parts_of_speech`, `sort_by_equivalent`, `is_complete`, `is_public`) ";
$query .= "VALUES (" . $_SESSION['user'] . ",'" . $_POST['name'] . "','" . $_POST['description'] . "','" . $_POST['words'] . "'," . $_POST['nextwordid'] . "," . $_POST['allowduplicates'] . "," . $_POST['casesensitive'] . ",'" . $_POST['partsofspeech'] . "'," . $_POST['sortbyequivalent'] . "," . $_POST['iscomplete'] . "," . $_POST['ispublic'] . ")";
try {
$update = $dbconnection->prepare($query);
$_SESSION['dictionary'] = $dbconnection->lastInsertId();
$_SESSION['dictionaries'][] = $_SESSION['dictionary']; //Add new id to valid dictionaries.
echo $_SESSION['dictionary'];
Switch_Current_Dictionary($_SESSION['dictionary'], false);
return true;
$results = "";
$processed = 0;
if ($words) {
if (num_rows($words) > 0) {
while ($word = fetch($words)) {
$results .= '{"name":"' . $word['name'] . '",';
$results .= '"pronunciation":"' . $word['pronunciation'] . '",';
$results .= '"partOfSpeech":"' . $word['part_of_speech'] . '",';
$results .= '"simpleDefinition":"' . $word['simple_definition'] . '",';
$results .= '"longDefinition":"' . $word['long_definition'] . '",';
$results .= '"wordId":' . $word['word_id'] . '}';
// If it's the last one, then don't add a comma.
if (++$processed < num_rows($words)) {
$results .= ",";
catch (PDOException $ex) {
$errorMessage = $dbconnection->errorInfo();
echo "could not update:\n" . $errorMessage[2] . "\n" . $query;
} else {
echo "not logged in";
return $results;
function Save_Current_DictionaryAsNew() {
$dbconnection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DATABASE_SERVERNAME . ';dbname=' . DATABASE_NAME . ';charset=utf8', DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$query = "INSERT INTO `dictionaries`(`user`, `name`, `description`, `next_word_id`, `allow_duplicates`, `case_sensitive`, `parts_of_speech`, `sort_by_equivalent`, `is_complete`, `is_public`) ";
$query .= "VALUES (" . $_SESSION['user'] . ",'" . $_POST['name'] . "','" . $_POST['description'] . "'," . $_POST['nextwordid'] . "," . $_POST['allowduplicates'] . "," . $_POST['casesensitive'] . ",'" . $_POST['partsofspeech'] . "'," . $_POST['sortbyequivalent'] . "," . $_POST['iscomplete'] . "," . $_POST['ispublic'] . ")";
try {
$update = $dbconnection->prepare($query);
$_SESSION['dictionary'] = $dbconnection->lastInsertId();
$_SESSION['dictionaries'][] = $_SESSION['dictionary']; //Add new id to valid dictionaries.
echo $_SESSION['dictionary'];
Switch_Current_Dictionary($_SESSION['dictionary'], false);
return true;
catch (PDOException $ex) {
$errorMessage = $dbconnection->errorInfo();
echo "could not update:\n" . $errorMessage[2] . "\n" . $query;
return false;
function Update_Current_Dictionary() {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
if (isset($_SESSION['dictionary'])) {
$query = "UPDATE `dictionaries` SET ";
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
$query .= "`name`='" . $_POST['name'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
$query .= "`description`='" . $_POST['description'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['words'])) {
$query .= "`words`='" . $_POST['words'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['nextwordid'])) {
$query .= "`next_word_id`=" . $_POST['nextwordid'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['allowduplicates'])) {
$query .= "`allow_duplicates`=" . $_POST['allowduplicates'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['casesensitive'])) {
$query .= "`case_sensitive`=" . $_POST['casesensitive'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['partsofspeech'])) {
$query .= "`parts_of_speech`='" . $_POST['partsofspeech'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['sortbyequivalent'])) {
$query .= "`sort_by_equivalent`='" . $_POST['sortbyequivalent'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['iscomplete'])) {
$query .= "`is_complete`=" . $_POST['iscomplete'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['ispublic'])) {
$query .= "`is_public`=" . $_POST['ispublic'] . ", ";
$query .= "`last_updated`='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'";
$query .= " WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . " AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
echo "updated successfully";
return true;
} else {
echo "could not update";
if (isset($_SESSION['dictionary'])) {
$query = "UPDATE `dictionaries` SET ";
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
$query .= "`name`='" . $_POST['name'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
$query .= "`description`='" . $_POST['description'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['nextwordid'])) {
$query .= "`next_word_id`=" . $_POST['nextwordid'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['allowduplicates'])) {
$query .= "`allow_duplicates`=" . $_POST['allowduplicates'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['casesensitive'])) {
$query .= "`case_sensitive`=" . $_POST['casesensitive'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['partsofspeech'])) {
$query .= "`parts_of_speech`='" . $_POST['partsofspeech'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['sortbyequivalent'])) {
$query .= "`sort_by_equivalent`='" . $_POST['sortbyequivalent'] . "', ";
if (isset($_POST['iscomplete'])) {
$query .= "`is_complete`=" . $_POST['iscomplete'] . ", ";
if (isset($_POST['ispublic'])) {
$query .= "`is_public`=" . $_POST['ispublic'] . ", ";
$query .= "`last_updated`='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'";
$query .= " WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . " AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
echo "updated successfully";
return true;
} else {
echo "could not update";
} else {
echo "not logged in";
return false;
function Save_New_Word($multiple = false) {
$worddata = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
$dbconnection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DATABASE_SERVERNAME . ';dbname=' . DATABASE_NAME . ';charset=utf8', DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$dbconnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$query = "INSERT INTO `words`(`dictionary`, `word_id`, `name`, `pronunciation`, `part_of_speech`, `simple_definition`, `long_definition`) ";
$query .= "VALUES ";
if ($multiple) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($worddata); $i++) {
if ($i > 0) {
$query .= ", ";
$query .= "(" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . "," . $worddata[$i]['wordId'] . ",'" . $worddata[$i]['name'] . "','" . $worddata[$i]['pronunciation'] . "','" . $worddata[$i]['partOfSpeech'] . "','" . $worddata[$i]['simpleDefinition'] . "','" . $worddata[$i]['longDefinition'] . "')";
} else {
$query .= "(" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . "," . $worddata['wordId'] . ",'" . $worddata['name'] . "','" . $worddata['pronunciation'] . "','" . $worddata['partOfSpeech'] . "','" . $worddata['simpleDefinition'] . "','" . $worddata['longDefinition'] . "')";
$query .= ";";
try {
$update = $dbconnection->prepare($query);
return true;
catch (PDOException $ex) {
$errorMessage = $dbconnection->errorInfo();
echo "could not update:\n" . $errorMessage[2] . "\n" . $query;
return false;
function Update_Word() {
if (isset($_SESSION['dictionary'])) {
$worddata = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
$query = "UPDATE `words` SET ";
$query .= "`name`='" . $worddata['name'] . "', ";
$query .= "`pronunciation`='" . $worddata['pronunciation'] . "', ";
$query .= "`part_of_speech`='" . $worddata['partOfSpeech'] . "', ";
$query .= "`simple_definition`='" . $worddata['simpleDefinition'] . "', ";
$query .= "`long_definition`='" . $worddata['longDefinition'] . "', ";
$query .= "`last_updated`='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'";
$query .= " WHERE `dictionary`=" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . " AND `word_id`=" . $worddata['wordId'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
echo "updated successfully";
return true;
} else {
echo "could not update";
return false;
function Switch_Current_Dictionary($newdictionaryid, $returndictionary = true) {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
if (isset($newdictionaryid)) {
if (in_array($newdictionaryid, $_SESSION['dictionaries'])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query .= "UPDATE `users` SET `current_dictionary`=" . $newdictionaryid . " WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
if ($returndictionary) {
} else {
echo "dictionary switched";
// return true;
if (isset($newdictionaryid)) {
if (in_array($newdictionaryid, $_SESSION['dictionaries'])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query .= "UPDATE `users` SET `current_dictionary`=" . $newdictionaryid . " WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
if ($returndictionary) {
} else {
echo "could not update";
echo "dictionary switched";
// return true;
} else {
echo "invalid dictionary";
echo "could not update";
} else {
echo "no info provided";
echo "invalid dictionary";
} else {
echo "not logged in";
echo "no info provided";
return false;
function Delete_Current_Dictionary() {
if ($_SESSION['user'] > 0) {
if (isset($_SESSION['dictionary'])) {
if (in_array($_SESSION['dictionary'], $_SESSION['dictionaries'])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query = "DELETE FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . " AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
} else {
echo "could not delete";
if (isset($_SESSION['dictionary'])) {
if (in_array($_SESSION['dictionary'], $_SESSION['dictionaries'])) {
//Clear is_current from all user's dictionaries and then update the one they chose, only if the chosen dictionary is valid.
$query = "DELETE FROM `dictionaries` WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['dictionary'] . " AND `user`=" . $_SESSION['user'] . ";";
$update = query($query);
if ($update) {
} else {
echo "invalid dictionary";
echo "could not delete";
} else {
echo "no current dictionary";
echo "invalid dictionary";
} else {
echo "not logged in";
echo "no current dictionary";
return false;