2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
import { ClientFunction as exec, Selector as $ } from 'testcafe'
2018-03-02 17:54:38 -08:00
import * as images from './images'
import * as blobUtils from './blobUtils'
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
export const settingsButton = $('nav a[aria-label=Settings]')
export const instanceInput = $('#instanceInput')
2018-03-31 22:08:24 -07:00
export const modalDialog = $('.modal-dialog')
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
export const modalDialogContents = $('.modal-dialog-contents')
export const closeDialogButton = $('.close-dialog-button')
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export const notificationsNavButton = $('nav a[href="/notifications"]')
export const homeNavButton = $('nav a[href="/"]')
2018-03-19 10:09:05 -07:00
export const localTimelineNavButton = $('nav a[href="/local"]')
2018-03-08 18:08:14 -08:00
export const searchNavButton = $('nav a[href="/search"]')
2018-04-14 18:47:55 -07:00
export const communityNavButton = $('nav a[href="/community"]')
2018-04-21 00:33:42 -07:00
export const settingsNavButton = $('nav a[href="/settings"]')
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export const formError = $('.form-error-user-error')
2018-02-27 21:20:48 -08:00
export const composeInput = $('.compose-box-input')
2018-03-03 16:12:48 -08:00
export const composeContentWarning = $('.content-warning-input')
2018-02-27 21:20:48 -08:00
export const composeButton = $('.compose-box-button')
export const composeLengthIndicator = $('.compose-box-length')
2018-02-28 18:45:29 -08:00
export const emojiButton = $('.compose-box-toolbar button:first-child')
2018-03-02 21:55:04 -08:00
export const mediaButton = $('.compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(2)')
2018-03-03 13:23:26 -08:00
export const postPrivacyButton = $('.compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(3)')
2018-03-03 16:12:48 -08:00
export const contentWarningButton = $('.compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(4)')
2018-02-28 22:45:42 -08:00
export const emailInput = $('input#user_email')
export const passwordInput = $('input#user_password')
export const authorizeInput = $('button[type=submit]:not(.negative)')
2018-03-06 23:57:06 -08:00
export const logInToInstanceLink = $('a[href="/settings/instances/add"]')
2018-03-08 18:08:14 -08:00
export const searchInput = $('.search-input')
2018-03-09 22:31:26 -08:00
export const postStatusButton = $('.compose-box-button')
2018-03-10 10:54:16 -08:00
export const showMoreButton = $('.more-items-header button')
2018-03-14 22:14:06 -07:00
export const accountProfileName = $('.account-profile .account-profile-name')
export const accountProfileUsername = $('.account-profile .account-profile-username')
export const accountProfileFollowedBy = $('.account-profile .account-profile-followed-by')
export const accountProfileFollowButton = $('.account-profile .account-profile-follow button')
2018-03-15 20:31:58 -07:00
export const goBackButton = $('.dynamic-page-go-back')
2018-04-14 18:47:55 -07:00
export const accountProfileMoreOptionsButton = $('.account-profile-more-options button')
2018-04-21 13:06:46 -07:00
export const addInstanceButton = $('#submitButton')
export const mastodonLogInButton = $('button[type="submit"]')
2018-04-26 22:05:55 -07:00
export const followsButton = $('.account-profile-details > *:nth-child(2)')
export const followersButton = $('.account-profile-details > *:nth-child(3)')
2018-04-29 12:28:44 -07:00
export const avatarInComposeBox = $('.compose-box-avatar')
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export const favoritesCountElement = $('.status-favs-reblogs:nth-child(3)').addCustomDOMProperties({
innerCount: el => parseInt(el.innerText, 10)
export const reblogsCountElement = $('.status-favs-reblogs:nth-child(2)').addCustomDOMProperties({
innerCount: el => parseInt(el.innerText, 10)
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
2018-03-10 10:54:16 -08:00
export const sleep = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout))
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
export const getUrl = exec(() => window.location.href)
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
export const getActiveElementClass = exec(() =>
2018-04-10 20:56:42 -07:00
(document.activeElement && document.activeElement.getAttribute('class')) || ''
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
2018-03-15 20:31:58 -07:00
export const getActiveElementInnerText = exec(() =>
2018-04-10 20:56:42 -07:00
(document.activeElement && document.activeElement.innerText) || ''
2018-03-15 20:31:58 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:04:48 -07:00
export const getActiveElementAriaLabel = exec(() =>
2018-04-10 20:56:42 -07:00
(document.activeElement && document.activeElement.getAttribute('aria-label')) || ''
2018-03-16 19:04:48 -07:00
export const getActiveElementInsideNthStatus = exec(() => {
let element = document.activeElement
while (element) {
if (element.hasAttribute('aria-posinset')) {
return element.getAttribute('aria-posinset')
element = element.parentElement
2018-04-10 20:56:42 -07:00
return ''
2018-03-16 19:04:48 -07:00
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
export const goBack = exec(() => window.history.back())
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
export const forceOffline = exec(() => window.__forceOnline(false))
2018-03-08 18:08:14 -08:00
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
export const forceOnline = exec(() => window.__forceOnline(true))
2018-03-08 18:08:14 -08:00
2018-02-28 18:45:29 -08:00
export const getComposeSelectionStart = exec(() => composeInput().selectionStart, {
dependencies: { composeInput }
2018-06-07 15:26:21 -07:00
export const getBodyClassList = exec(() => Array.prototype.slice.apply(document.body.classList))
2018-03-10 10:54:16 -08:00
export const scrollContainerToTop = exec(() => {
document.getElementsByClassName('container')[0].scrollTop = 0
2018-03-02 21:55:04 -08:00
export const uploadKittenImage = i => (exec(() => {
let image = images[`kitten${i}`]
let blob = blobUtils.base64StringToBlob(image.data, 'image/png')
blob.name = image.name
2018-03-02 17:54:38 -08:00
}, {
dependencies: {
2018-03-02 21:55:04 -08:00
2018-03-02 17:54:38 -08:00
2018-03-02 21:55:04 -08:00
2018-04-17 09:44:28 -07:00
export const focus = (selector) => (exec(() => {
}, {
dependencies: {
2018-04-09 18:30:15 -07:00
export function getNthMediaAltInput (n) {
return $(`.compose-box .compose-media:nth-child(${n}) .compose-media-alt input`)
2018-03-30 01:06:17 -07:00
export function getNthComposeReplyInput (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .compose-box-input`)
2018-03-30 01:06:17 -07:00
export function getNthComposeReplyButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .compose-box-button`)
2018-03-30 01:06:17 -07:00
2018-03-30 10:04:35 -07:00
export function getNthPostPrivacyButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(3)`)
2018-03-30 10:04:35 -07:00
2018-03-25 12:24:38 -07:00
export function getNthAutosuggestionResult (n) {
return $(`.compose-autosuggest-list-item:nth-child(${n}) button`)
2018-04-28 14:19:39 -07:00
export function getSearchResultByHref (href) {
return $(`.search-result a[href="${href}"]`)
2018-03-08 18:08:14 -08:00
export function getNthSearchResult (n) {
return $(`.search-result:nth-child(${n}) a`)
2018-03-02 21:55:04 -08:00
export function getNthMedia (n) {
return $(`.compose-media:nth-child(${n}) img`)
2018-03-02 17:54:38 -08:00
2018-03-03 10:27:14 -08:00
export function getNthDeleteMediaButton (n) {
return $(`.compose-media:nth-child(${n}) .compose-media-delete-button`)
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
export function getNthStatus (n) {
2018-04-17 09:44:28 -07:00
return $(getNthStatusSelector(n))
export function getNthStatusSelector (n) {
2018-06-10 19:49:39 -07:00
return `.list-item > article[aria-posinset="${n}"]`
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
export function getNthStatusContent (n) {
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-content`)
export function getNthStatusSpoiler (n) {
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-spoiler`)
export function getNthStatusHeader (n) {
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-header`)
2018-04-09 18:30:15 -07:00
export function getNthStatusAndImage (nStatus, nImage) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(nStatus)} .status-media .show-image-button:nth-child(${nImage + 1}) img`)
2018-04-09 18:30:15 -07:00
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export function getFirstVisibleStatus () {
2018-06-10 19:49:39 -07:00
return $(`.list-item > article[aria-posinset]`).nth(0)
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
2018-03-09 08:45:12 -08:00
export function getNthReplyButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-toolbar button:nth-child(1)`)
2018-03-09 08:45:12 -08:00
2018-04-08 13:42:31 -07:00
export function getNthReplyContentWarningInput (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .content-warning-input`)
2018-04-08 13:42:31 -07:00
export function getNthReplyContentWarningButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(4)`)
2018-04-08 13:42:31 -07:00
export function getNthReplyPostPrivacyButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .compose-box-toolbar button:nth-child(3)`)
2018-04-08 13:42:31 -07:00
export function getNthPostPrivacyOptionInDialog (n) {
return $(`.generic-dialog-list li:nth-child(${n}) button`)
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export function getNthFavoriteButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-toolbar button:nth-child(3)`)
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
2018-04-14 18:47:55 -07:00
export function getNthStatusOptionsButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-toolbar button:nth-child(4)`)
2018-04-14 18:47:55 -07:00
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export function getNthFavorited (n) {
return getNthFavoriteButton(n).getAttribute('aria-pressed')
2018-04-11 22:55:11 -07:00
export function getNthShowOrHideButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-spoiler-button button`)
2018-04-11 22:55:11 -07:00
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export function getFavoritesCount () {
return favoritesCountElement.innerCount
2018-02-24 18:20:33 -08:00
export function getNthReblogButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthStatusSelector(n)} .status-toolbar button:nth-child(2)`)
2018-02-24 18:20:33 -08:00
export function getNthReblogged (n) {
return getNthReblogButton(n).getAttribute('aria-pressed')
2018-04-14 18:47:55 -07:00
export function getNthDialogOptionsOption (n) {
return $(`.modal-dialog li:nth-child(${n}) button`)
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export function getReblogsCount () {
return reblogsCountElement.innerCount
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
function getNthPinnedStatusSelector (n) {
return `.pinned-statuses article[aria-posinset="${n}"]`
2018-04-29 12:28:44 -07:00
export function getNthPinnedStatus (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(getNthPinnedStatusSelector(n))
2018-04-29 12:28:44 -07:00
export function getNthPinnedStatusFavoriteButton (n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
return $(`${getNthPinnedStatusSelector(n)} .status-toolbar button:nth-child(3)`)
2018-04-29 12:28:44 -07:00
2018-02-19 18:25:59 -08:00
export async function validateTimeline (t, timeline) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
const timeout = 30000
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
for (let i = 0; i < timeline.length; i++) {
let status = timeline[i]
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
// hovering forces TestCafé to scroll to that element: https://git.io/vABV2
await t.hover(getNthStatus(i))
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
if (status.content) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatusContent(i).innerText)
2018-05-24 20:01:34 -07:00
.contains(status.content, { timeout })
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
if (status.spoiler) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatusSpoiler(i).innerText)
2018-05-24 20:01:34 -07:00
.contains(status.spoiler, { timeout })
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
if (status.followedBy) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatusHeader(i).innerText)
2018-06-09 15:04:47 -07:00
.match(new RegExp(status.followedBy + '\\s+followed you'), { timeout })
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
if (status.rebloggedBy) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatusHeader(i).innerText)
2018-06-09 15:04:47 -07:00
.match(new RegExp(status.rebloggedBy + '\\s+boosted your status'), { timeout })
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
if (status.favoritedBy) {
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatusHeader(i).innerText)
2018-06-09 15:04:47 -07:00
.match(new RegExp(status.favoritedBy + '\\s+favorited your status'), { timeout })
2018-02-19 17:04:37 -08:00
2018-02-19 18:25:59 -08:00
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
export async function scrollToTopOfTimeline (t) {
let i = await getFirstVisibleStatus().getAttribute('aria-posinset')
while (true) {
await t.hover(getNthStatus(i))
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
if (--i <= 0) {
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
export async function scrollToBottomOfTimeline (t) {
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
let i = 0
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
while (true) {
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
await t.hover(getNthStatus(i))
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
2018-02-24 14:49:28 -08:00
let size = await getNthStatus(i).getAttribute('aria-setsize')
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
if (++i >= size - 1) {
2018-02-20 21:08:26 -08:00
2018-02-20 21:30:16 -08:00
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
export async function scrollToStatus (t, n) {
2018-05-24 20:01:34 -07:00
let timeout = 20000
2018-05-26 13:51:41 -07:00
for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
2018-05-24 20:01:34 -07:00
await t.expect(getNthStatus(i).exists).ok({timeout})
2018-03-15 17:33:52 -07:00
if (i < n) {
2018-06-08 21:54:11 -07:00
await t.hover($(`${getNthStatusSelector(i)} .status-toolbar`))
2018-03-15 17:33:52 -07:00
2018-02-21 09:26:22 -08:00
await t.hover(getNthStatus(n))
2018-03-10 20:24:07 -08:00
export async function clickToNotificationsAndBackHome (t) {
await t.click(notificationsNavButton)
2018-04-18 20:43:13 -07:00
// like lodash.times but I don't want to try to figure out esm
// just to import lodash-es
export function times (n, cb) {
let arr = []
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return arr