
288 lines
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* USB HID Keyboard scan codes as per USB spec 1.11
* plus some additional codes
* Created by MightyPork, 2016
* Public domain
* Adapted from:
* https://source.android.com/devices/input/keyboard-devices.html
#ifndef USB_HID_KEYS
#define USB_HID_KEYS
* Modifier masks - used for the first byte in the HID report.
* NOTE: The second byte in the report is reserved, 0x00
#define KEY_MOD_LCTRL 0x01
#define KEY_MOD_LSHIFT 0x02
#define KEY_MOD_LALT 0x04
#define KEY_MOD_LMETA 0x08
#define KEY_MOD_RCTRL 0x10
#define KEY_MOD_RSHIFT 0x20
#define KEY_MOD_RALT 0x40
#define KEY_MOD_RMETA 0x80
* Scan codes - last N slots in the HID report (usually 6).
* 0x00 if no key pressed.
* If more than N keys are pressed, the HID reports
* KEY_ERR_OVF in all slots to indicate this condition.
#define KEY_NONE 0x00 // No key pressed
#define KEY_ERR_OVF 0x01 // Keyboard Error Roll Over - used for all slots if too many keys are pressed ("Phantom key")
// 0x02 // Keyboard POST Fail
// 0x03 // Keyboard Error Undefined
#define KEY_A 0x04 // Keyboard a and A
#define KEY_B 0x05 // Keyboard b and B
#define KEY_C 0x06 // Keyboard c and C
#define KEY_D 0x07 // Keyboard d and D
#define KEY_E 0x08 // Keyboard e and E
#define KEY_F 0x09 // Keyboard f and F
#define KEY_G 0x0a // Keyboard g and G
#define KEY_H 0x0b // Keyboard h and H
#define KEY_I 0x0c // Keyboard i and I
#define KEY_J 0x0d // Keyboard j and J
#define KEY_K 0x0e // Keyboard k and K
#define KEY_L 0x0f // Keyboard l and L
#define KEY_M 0x10 // Keyboard m and M
#define KEY_N 0x11 // Keyboard n and N
#define KEY_O 0x12 // Keyboard o and O
#define KEY_P 0x13 // Keyboard p and P
#define KEY_Q 0x14 // Keyboard q and Q
#define KEY_R 0x15 // Keyboard r and R
#define KEY_S 0x16 // Keyboard s and S
#define KEY_T 0x17 // Keyboard t and T
#define KEY_U 0x18 // Keyboard u and U
#define KEY_V 0x19 // Keyboard v and V
#define KEY_W 0x1a // Keyboard w and W
#define KEY_X 0x1b // Keyboard x and X
#define KEY_Y 0x1c // Keyboard y and Y
#define KEY_Z 0x1d // Keyboard z and Z
#define KEY_1 0x1e // Keyboard 1 and !
#define KEY_2 0x1f // Keyboard 2 and @
#define KEY_3 0x20 // Keyboard 3 and #
#define KEY_4 0x21 // Keyboard 4 and $
#define KEY_5 0x22 // Keyboard 5 and %
#define KEY_6 0x23 // Keyboard 6 and ^
#define KEY_7 0x24 // Keyboard 7 and &
#define KEY_8 0x25 // Keyboard 8 and *
#define KEY_9 0x26 // Keyboard 9 and (
#define KEY_0 0x27 // Keyboard 0 and )
#define KEY_ENTER 0x28 // Keyboard Return (ENTER)
#define KEY_ESC 0x29 // Keyboard ESCAPE
#define KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2a // Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)
#define KEY_TAB 0x2b // Keyboard Tab
#define KEY_SPACE 0x2c // Keyboard Spacebar
#define KEY_MINUS 0x2d // Keyboard - and _
#define KEY_EQUAL 0x2e // Keyboard = and +
#define KEY_LEFTBRACE 0x2f // Keyboard [ and {
#define KEY_RIGHTBRACE 0x30 // Keyboard ] and }
#define KEY_BACKSLASH 0x31 // Keyboard \ and |
#define KEY_HASHTILDE 0x32 // Keyboard Non-US # and ~
#define KEY_SEMICOLON 0x33 // Keyboard ; and :
#define KEY_APOSTROPHE 0x34 // Keyboard ' and "
#define KEY_GRAVE 0x35 // Keyboard ` and ~
#define KEY_COMMA 0x36 // Keyboard , and <
#define KEY_DOT 0x37 // Keyboard . and >
#define KEY_SLASH 0x38 // Keyboard / and ?
#define KEY_CAPSLOCK 0x39 // Keyboard Caps Lock
#define KEY_F1 0x3a // Keyboard F1
#define KEY_F2 0x3b // Keyboard F2
#define KEY_F3 0x3c // Keyboard F3
#define KEY_F4 0x3d // Keyboard F4
#define KEY_F5 0x3e // Keyboard F5
#define KEY_F6 0x3f // Keyboard F6
#define KEY_F7 0x40 // Keyboard F7
#define KEY_F8 0x41 // Keyboard F8
#define KEY_F9 0x42 // Keyboard F9
#define KEY_F10 0x43 // Keyboard F10
#define KEY_F11 0x44 // Keyboard F11
#define KEY_F12 0x45 // Keyboard F12
#define KEY_SYSRQ 0x46 // Keyboard Print Screen
#define KEY_SCROLLLOCK 0x47 // Keyboard Scroll Lock
#define KEY_PAUSE 0x48 // Keyboard Pause
#define KEY_INSERT 0x49 // Keyboard Insert
#define KEY_HOME 0x4a // Keyboard Home
#define KEY_PAGEUP 0x4b // Keyboard Page Up
#define KEY_DELETE 0x4c // Keyboard Delete Forward
#define KEY_END 0x4d // Keyboard End
#define KEY_PAGEDOWN 0x4e // Keyboard Page Down
#define KEY_RIGHT 0x4f // Keyboard Right Arrow
#define KEY_LEFT 0x50 // Keyboard Left Arrow
#define KEY_DOWN 0x51 // Keyboard Down Arrow
#define KEY_UP 0x52 // Keyboard Up Arrow
#define KEY_NUMLOCK 0x53 // Keyboard Num Lock and Clear
#define KEY_KPSLASH 0x54 // Keypad /
#define KEY_KPASTERISK 0x55 // Keypad *
#define KEY_KPMINUS 0x56 // Keypad -
#define KEY_KPPLUS 0x57 // Keypad +
#define KEY_KPENTER 0x58 // Keypad ENTER
#define KEY_KP1 0x59 // Keypad 1 and End
#define KEY_KP2 0x5a // Keypad 2 and Down Arrow
#define KEY_KP3 0x5b // Keypad 3 and PageDn
#define KEY_KP4 0x5c // Keypad 4 and Left Arrow
#define KEY_KP5 0x5d // Keypad 5
#define KEY_KP6 0x5e // Keypad 6 and Right Arrow
#define KEY_KP7 0x5f // Keypad 7 and Home
#define KEY_KP8 0x60 // Keypad 8 and Up Arrow
#define KEY_KP9 0x61 // Keypad 9 and Page Up
#define KEY_KP0 0x62 // Keypad 0 and Insert
#define KEY_KPDOT 0x63 // Keypad . and Delete
#define KEY_102ND 0x64 // Keyboard Non-US \ and |
#define KEY_COMPOSE 0x65 // Keyboard Application
#define KEY_POWER 0x66 // Keyboard Power
#define KEY_KPEQUAL 0x67 // Keypad =
#define KEY_F13 0x68 // Keyboard F13
#define KEY_F14 0x69 // Keyboard F14
#define KEY_F15 0x6a // Keyboard F15
#define KEY_F16 0x6b // Keyboard F16
#define KEY_F17 0x6c // Keyboard F17
#define KEY_F18 0x6d // Keyboard F18
#define KEY_F19 0x6e // Keyboard F19
#define KEY_F20 0x6f // Keyboard F20
#define KEY_F21 0x70 // Keyboard F21
#define KEY_F22 0x71 // Keyboard F22
#define KEY_F23 0x72 // Keyboard F23
#define KEY_F24 0x73 // Keyboard F24
#define KEY_OPEN 0x74 // Keyboard Execute
#define KEY_HELP 0x75 // Keyboard Help
#define KEY_PROPS 0x76 // Keyboard Menu
#define KEY_FRONT 0x77 // Keyboard Select
#define KEY_STOP 0x78 // Keyboard Stop
#define KEY_AGAIN 0x79 // Keyboard Again
#define KEY_UNDO 0x7a // Keyboard Undo
#define KEY_CUT 0x7b // Keyboard Cut
#define KEY_COPY 0x7c // Keyboard Copy
#define KEY_PASTE 0x7d // Keyboard Paste
#define KEY_FIND 0x7e // Keyboard Find
#define KEY_MUTE 0x7f // Keyboard Mute
#define KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x80 // Keyboard Volume Up
#define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x81 // Keyboard Volume Down
// 0x82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock
// 0x83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock
// 0x84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock
#define KEY_KPCOMMA 0x85 // Keypad Comma
// 0x86 Keypad Equal Sign
#define KEY_RO 0x87 // Keyboard International1
#define KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA 0x88 // Keyboard International2
#define KEY_YEN 0x89 // Keyboard International3
#define KEY_HENKAN 0x8a // Keyboard International4
#define KEY_MUHENKAN 0x8b // Keyboard International5
#define KEY_KPJPCOMMA 0x8c // Keyboard International6
// 0x8d Keyboard International7
// 0x8e Keyboard International8
// 0x8f Keyboard International9
#define KEY_HANGEUL 0x90 // Keyboard LANG1
#define KEY_HANJA 0x91 // Keyboard LANG2
#define KEY_KATAKANA 0x92 // Keyboard LANG3
#define KEY_HIRAGANA 0x93 // Keyboard LANG4
#define KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU 0x94 // Keyboard LANG5
// 0x95 Keyboard LANG6
// 0x96 Keyboard LANG7
// 0x97 Keyboard LANG8
// 0x98 Keyboard LANG9
// 0x99 Keyboard Alternate Erase
// 0x9a Keyboard SysReq/Attention
// 0x9b Keyboard Cancel
// 0x9c Keyboard Clear
// 0x9d Keyboard Prior
// 0x9e Keyboard Return
// 0x9f Keyboard Separator
// 0xa0 Keyboard Out
// 0xa1 Keyboard Oper
// 0xa2 Keyboard Clear/Again
// 0xa3 Keyboard CrSel/Props
// 0xa4 Keyboard ExSel
// 0xb0 Keypad 00
// 0xb1 Keypad 000
// 0xb2 Thousands Separator
// 0xb3 Decimal Separator
// 0xb4 Currency Unit
// 0xb5 Currency Sub-unit
#define KEY_KPLEFTPAREN 0xb6 // Keypad (
#define KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN 0xb7 // Keypad )
// 0xb8 Keypad {
// 0xb9 Keypad }
// 0xba Keypad Tab
// 0xbb Keypad Backspace
// 0xbc Keypad A
// 0xbd Keypad B
// 0xbe Keypad C
// 0xbf Keypad D
// 0xc0 Keypad E
// 0xc1 Keypad F
// 0xc2 Keypad XOR
// 0xc3 Keypad ^
// 0xc4 Keypad %
// 0xc5 Keypad <
// 0xc6 Keypad >
// 0xc7 Keypad &
// 0xc8 Keypad &&
// 0xc9 Keypad |
// 0xca Keypad ||
// 0xcb Keypad :
// 0xcc Keypad #
// 0xcd Keypad Space
// 0xce Keypad @
// 0xcf Keypad !
// 0xd0 Keypad Memory Store
// 0xd1 Keypad Memory Recall
// 0xd2 Keypad Memory Clear
// 0xd3 Keypad Memory Add
// 0xd4 Keypad Memory Subtract
// 0xd5 Keypad Memory Multiply
// 0xd6 Keypad Memory Divide
// 0xd7 Keypad +/-
// 0xd8 Keypad Clear
// 0xd9 Keypad Clear Entry
// 0xda Keypad Binary
// 0xdb Keypad Octal
// 0xdc Keypad Decimal
// 0xdd Keypad Hexadecimal
#define KEY_LEFTCTRL 0xe0 // Keyboard Left Control
#define KEY_LEFTSHIFT 0xe1 // Keyboard Left Shift
#define KEY_LEFTALT 0xe2 // Keyboard Left Alt
#define KEY_LEFTMETA 0xe3 // Keyboard Left GUI
#define KEY_RIGHTCTRL 0xe4 // Keyboard Right Control
#define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT 0xe5 // Keyboard Right Shift
#define KEY_RIGHTALT 0xe6 // Keyboard Right Alt
#define KEY_RIGHTMETA 0xe7 // Keyboard Right GUI
#define KEY_MEDIA_STOPCD 0xe9
#define KEY_MEDIA_EJECTCD 0xec
#define KEY_MEDIA_MUTE 0xef
#define KEY_MEDIA_WWW 0xf0
#define KEY_MEDIA_BACK 0xf1
#define KEY_MEDIA_FORWARD 0xf2
#define KEY_MEDIA_STOP 0xf3
#define KEY_MEDIA_FIND 0xf4
#define KEY_MEDIA_EDIT 0xf7
#define KEY_MEDIA_SLEEP 0xf8
#define KEY_MEDIA_COFFEE 0xf9
#define KEY_MEDIA_REFRESH 0xfa
#define KEY_MEDIA_CALC 0xfb
#endif // USB_HID_KEYS