David Guillen Fandos f0bacff91a Remove gpsp savegame method in favour of libretro's one
This generates 128KB save files (instead of variable sized ones) to
prevent truncated savegames under some circumstances. Most other
emulators have no trouble loading them (and the unused data is simply

Remove also config txt file that's now unused.
2023-09-19 20:36:56 +02:00

399 lines
12 KiB

/* gameplaySP
* Copyright (C) 2006 Exophase <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "common.h"
#include <ctype.h>
timer_type timer[4];
u32 cpu_ticks = 0;
u32 execute_cycles = 0;
s32 video_count = 0;
u32 last_frame = 0;
u32 flush_ram_count = 0;
u32 gbc_update_count = 0;
u32 oam_update_count = 0;
char main_path[512];
void trigger_ext_event(void);
static unsigned update_timers(irq_type *irq_raised, unsigned completed_cycles)
unsigned i, ret = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(timer[i].status == TIMER_INACTIVE)
if(timer[i].status != TIMER_CASCADE)
timer[i].count -= completed_cycles;
/* io_registers accessors range: REG_TM0D, REG_TM1D, REG_TM2D, REG_TM3D */
write_ioreg(REG_TMXD(i), -(timer[i].count >> timer[i].prescale));
if(timer[i].count > 0)
/* irq_raised value range: IRQ_TIMER0, IRQ_TIMER1, IRQ_TIMER2, IRQ_TIMER3 */
*irq_raised |= (IRQ_TIMER0 << i);
if((i != 3) && (timer[i + 1].status == TIMER_CASCADE))
timer[i + 1].count--;
write_ioreg(REG_TMXD(i + 1), -timer[i+1].count);
if(i < 2)
if(timer[i].direct_sound_channels & 0x01)
ret += sound_timer(timer[i].frequency_step, 0);
if(timer[i].direct_sound_channels & 0x02)
ret += sound_timer(timer[i].frequency_step, 1);
timer[i].count += (timer[i].reload << timer[i].prescale);
return ret;
void init_main(void)
u32 i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
timer[i].status = TIMER_INACTIVE;
timer[i].prescale = 0;
timer[i].irq = 0;
timer[i].reload = timer[i].count = 0x10000;
timer[i].direct_sound_channels = TIMER_DS_CHANNEL_NONE;
timer[i].frequency_step = 0;
timer[0].direct_sound_channels = TIMER_DS_CHANNEL_BOTH;
timer[1].direct_sound_channels = TIMER_DS_CHANNEL_NONE;
cpu_ticks = 0;
execute_cycles = 960;
video_count = 960;
u32 function_cc update_gba(int remaining_cycles)
u32 changed_pc = 0;
u32 frame_complete = 0;
irq_type irq_raised = IRQ_NONE;
int dma_cycles;
remaining_cycles = MAX(remaining_cycles, -64);
unsigned i;
// Number of cycles we ask to run - cycles that we did not execute
// (remaining_cycles can be negative and should be close to zero)
unsigned completed_cycles = execute_cycles - remaining_cycles;
cpu_ticks += completed_cycles;
remaining_cycles = 0;
// Timers can trigger DMA (usually sound) and consume cycles
dma_cycles = update_timers(&irq_raised, completed_cycles);
// Video count tracks the video cycles remaining until the next event
video_count -= completed_cycles;
// Ran out of cycles, move to the next video area
if(video_count <= 0)
u32 vcount = read_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT);
u32 dispstat = read_ioreg(REG_DISPSTAT);
// Check if we are in hrefresh (0) or hblank (1)
if ((dispstat & 0x02) == 0)
// Transition from hrefresh to hblank
dispstat |= 0x02;
video_count += (272); // hblank duration, 272 cycles
// Check if we are drawing (0) or we are in vblank (1)
if ((dispstat & 0x01) == 0)
u32 i;
// Render the scan line
// Trigger the HBlank DMAs if enabled
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(dma[i].start_type == DMA_START_HBLANK)
dma_transfer(i, &dma_cycles);
// Trigger the hblank interrupt, if enabled in DISPSTAT
if (dispstat & 0x10)
irq_raised |= IRQ_HBLANK;
// Transition from hblank to the next scan line (vdraw or vblank)
video_count += 960;
dispstat &= ~0x02;
if(vcount == 160)
// Transition from vrefresh to vblank
u32 i;
dispstat |= 0x01;
// Reinit affine transformation counters for the next frame
// Trigger VBlank interrupt if enabled
if (dispstat & 0x8)
irq_raised |= IRQ_VBLANK;
// Trigger the VBlank DMAs if enabled
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(dma[i].start_type == DMA_START_VBLANK)
dma_transfer(i, &dma_cycles);
else if (vcount == 228)
// Transition from vblank to next screen
vcount = 0;
dispstat &= ~0x01;
/* If there's no cheat hook, run on vblank! */
if (cheat_master_hook == ~0U)
/* printf("frame update (%x), %d instructions total, %d RAM flushes\n",
reg[REG_PC], instruction_count - last_frame, flush_ram_count);
last_frame = instruction_count;
/* printf("%d gbc audio updates\n", gbc_update_count);
printf("%d oam updates\n", oam_update_count); */
gbc_update_count = 0;
oam_update_count = 0;
flush_ram_count = 0;
// Force audio generation. Need to flush samples for this frame.
// We completed a frame, tell the dynarec to exit to the main thread
frame_complete = 0x80000000;
// Vcount trigger (flag) and IRQ if enabled
if(vcount == (dispstat >> 8))
dispstat |= 0x04;
if(dispstat & 0x20)
irq_raised |= IRQ_VCOUNT;
dispstat &= ~0x04;
write_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT, vcount);
write_ioreg(REG_DISPSTAT, dispstat);
// Flag any V/H blank interrupts, DMA IRQs, Vcount, etc.
if (irq_raised)
// Raise any pending interrupts. This changes the CPU mode.
if (check_and_raise_interrupts())
changed_pc = 0x40000000;
// Figure out when we need to stop CPU execution. The next event is
// a video event or a timer event, whatever happens first.
execute_cycles = MAX(video_count, 0);
// If we are paused due to a DMA, cap the number of cyles to that amount.
if (reg[CPU_HALT_STATE] == CPU_DMA) {
u32 dma_cyc = reg[REG_SLEEP_CYCLES];
// The first iteration is marked by bit 31 set, just do nothing now.
if (dma_cyc & 0x80000000)
dma_cyc &= 0x7FFFFFFF; // Start counting DMA cycles from now on.
dma_cyc -= MIN(dma_cyc, completed_cycles); // Account DMA cycles.
reg[REG_SLEEP_CYCLES] = dma_cyc;
if (!dma_cyc)
reg[CPU_HALT_STATE] = CPU_ACTIVE; // DMA finished, resume execution.
execute_cycles = MIN(execute_cycles, dma_cyc); // Continue sleeping.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (timer[i].status == TIMER_PRESCALE &&
timer[i].count < execute_cycles)
execute_cycles = timer[i].count;
} while(reg[CPU_HALT_STATE] != CPU_ACTIVE && !frame_complete);
// We voluntarily limit this. It is not accurate but it would be much harder.
dma_cycles = MIN(64, dma_cycles);
dma_cycles = MIN(execute_cycles, dma_cycles);
return (execute_cycles - dma_cycles) | changed_pc | frame_complete;
void reset_gba(void)
void print_regs(void)
printf("R0=%08x R1=%08x R2=%08x R3=%08x "
"R4=%08x R5=%08x R6=%08x R7=%08x "
"R8=%08x R9=%08x R10=%08x R11=%08x "
"R12=%08x R13=%08x R14=%08x\n",
reg[0], reg[1], reg[2], reg[3],
reg[4], reg[5], reg[6], reg[7],
reg[8], reg[9], reg[10], reg[11],
reg[12], reg[13], reg[14]);
bool main_check_savestate(const u8 *src)
int i;
const u8 *p1 = bson_find_key(src, "emu");
const u8 *p2 = bson_find_key(src, "timers");
if (!p1 || !p2)
return false;
if (!bson_contains_key(p1, "cpu-ticks", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p1, "exec-cycles", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p1, "video-count", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p1, "sleep-cycles", BSON_TYPE_INT32))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
char tname[2] = {'0' + i, 0};
const u8 *p = bson_find_key(p2, tname);
if (!p)
return false;
if (!bson_contains_key(p, "count", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "reload", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "prescale", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "freq-step", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "dsc", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "irq", BSON_TYPE_INT32) ||
!bson_contains_key(p, "status", BSON_TYPE_INT32))
return false;
return true;
bool main_read_savestate(const u8 *src)
int i;
const u8 *p1 = bson_find_key(src, "emu");
const u8 *p2 = bson_find_key(src, "timers");
if (!p1 || !p2)
return false;
if (!(bson_read_int32(p1, "cpu-ticks", &cpu_ticks) &&
bson_read_int32(p1, "exec-cycles", &execute_cycles) &&
bson_read_int32(p1, "video-count", (u32*)&video_count) &&
bson_read_int32(p1, "sleep-cycles", &reg[REG_SLEEP_CYCLES])))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
char tname[2] = {'0' + i, 0};
const u8 *p = bson_find_key(p2, tname);
if (!(
bson_read_int32(p, "count", (u32*)&timer[i].count) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "reload", &timer[i].reload) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "prescale", &timer[i].prescale) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "freq-step", &timer[i].frequency_step) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "dsc", &timer[i].direct_sound_channels) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "irq", &timer[i].irq) &&
bson_read_int32(p, "status", &timer[i].status)))
return false;
return true;
unsigned main_write_savestate(u8* dst)
int i;
u8 *wbptr, *wbptr2, *startp = dst;
bson_start_document(dst, "emu", wbptr);
bson_write_int32(dst, "cpu-ticks", cpu_ticks);
bson_write_int32(dst, "exec-cycles", execute_cycles);
bson_write_int32(dst, "video-count", video_count);
bson_write_int32(dst, "sleep-cycles", reg[REG_SLEEP_CYCLES]);
bson_finish_document(dst, wbptr);
bson_start_document(dst, "timers", wbptr);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
char tname[2] = {'0' + i, 0};
bson_start_document(dst, tname, wbptr2);
bson_write_int32(dst, "count", timer[i].count);
bson_write_int32(dst, "reload", timer[i].reload);
bson_write_int32(dst, "prescale", timer[i].prescale);
bson_write_int32(dst, "freq-step", timer[i].frequency_step);
bson_write_int32(dst, "dsc", timer[i].direct_sound_channels);
bson_write_int32(dst, "irq", timer[i].irq);
bson_write_int32(dst, "status", timer[i].status);
bson_finish_document(dst, wbptr2);
bson_finish_document(dst, wbptr);
return (unsigned int)(dst - startp);