
501 lines
16 KiB

# gameplaySP
# Copyright (C) 2006 Exophase <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
.align 4
.global _x86_update_gba
.global _x86_indirect_branch_arm
.global _x86_indirect_branch_thumb
.global _x86_indirect_branch_dual
.global _execute_store_u8
.global _execute_store_u16
.global _execute_store_u32
.global _execute_store_cpsr
.global _execute_arm_translate
.global _step_debug_x86
.global _memory_map_read
.global _memory_map_write
.global _reg
.global _oam_update
.global _iwram
.global _ewram
.global _vram
.global _oam_ram
.global _bios_rom
.global _io_registers
.extern _spsr
.equ REG_SP, (13 * 4)
.equ REG_LR, (14 * 4)
.equ REG_PC, (15 * 4)
.equ REG_N_FLAG, (16 * 4)
.equ REG_Z_FLAG, (17 * 4)
.equ REG_C_FLAG, (18 * 4)
.equ REG_V_FLAG, (19 * 4)
.equ REG_CPSR, (20 * 4)
.equ REG_SAVE, (21 * 4)
.equ REG_SAVE2, (22 * 4)
.equ REG_SAVE3, (23 * 4)
.equ CPU_MODE, (29 * 4)
.equ CPU_HALT_STATE, (30 * 4)
.equ CHANGED_PC_STATUS, (31 * 4)
# destroys ecx and edx
.macro collapse_flag offset, shift
mov \offset(%ebx), %ecx
shl $\shift, %ecx
or %ecx, %edx
.macro collapse_flags_no_update
xor %edx, %edx
collapse_flag REG_N_FLAG, 31
collapse_flag REG_Z_FLAG, 30
collapse_flag REG_C_FLAG, 29
collapse_flag REG_V_FLAG, 28
mov REG_CPSR(%ebx), %ecx
and $0xFF, %ecx
or %ecx, %edx
.macro collapse_flags
mov %edx, REG_CPSR(%ebx)
.macro extract_flag shift, offset
mov REG_CPSR(%ebx), %edx
shr $\shift, %edx
and $0x01, %edx
mov %edx, _reg + \offset
.macro extract_flags
extract_flag 31, REG_N_FLAG
extract_flag 30, REG_Z_FLAG
extract_flag 29, REG_C_FLAG
extract_flag 28, REG_V_FLAG
# Process a hardware event. Since an interrupt might be
# raised we have to check if the PC has changed.
# eax: current address
.asciz "u\n"
mov %eax, REG_PC(%ebx) # current PC = eax
collapse_flags # update cpsr, trashes ecx and edx
call _update_gba # process the next event
mov %eax, %edi # edi = new cycle count
# did the PC change?
cmpl $1, CHANGED_PC_STATUS(%ebx)
je lookup_pc
ret # if not, go back to caller
# Perform this on an indirect branch that will definitely go to
# ARM code, IE anything that changes the PC in ARM mode except
# for BX and data processing to PC with the S bit set.
# eax: GBA address to branch to
# edi: Cycle counter
call _block_lookup_address_arm
jmp *%eax
# For indirect branches that'll definitely go to Thumb. In
# Thumb mode any indirect branches except for BX.
call _block_lookup_address_thumb
jmp *%eax
# For indirect branches that can go to either Thumb or ARM,
# mainly BX (also data processing to PC with S bit set, be
# sure to adjust the target with a 1 in the lowest bit for this)
call _block_lookup_address_dual
jmp *%eax
# General ext memory routines
ret # ignore these writes
cmp $0, %eax # 0 return means nothing happened
jz no_alert # if so we can leave
collapse_flags # make sure flags are good for function call
cmp $2, %eax # see if it was an SMC trigger
je smc_write
call _update_gba # process the next event
# see if the halt status has changed
mov CPU_HALT_STATE(%ebx), %edx
cmp $0, %edx # 0 means it has
jnz alert_loop # if not go again
mov %eax, %edi # edi = new cycle count
jmp lookup_pc # pc has definitely changed
jmp _write_eeprom # perform eeprom write
# 8bit ext memory routines
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
and $0xFF, %edx
call _write_io_register8 # perform 8bit I/O register write
jmp write_epilogue # see if it requires any system update
and $0x3FE, %eax # wrap around address and align to 16bits
jmp ext_store_palette16b # perform 16bit palette write
and $0x1FFFE, %eax # wrap around address and align to 16bits
mov %dl, %dh # copy lower 8bits of value into full 16bits
cmp $0x18000, %eax # see if address is in upper region
jb ext_store_vram8b
sub $0x8000, %eax # if so wrap down
mov %dx, _vram(%eax) # perform 16bit store
movl $1, _oam_update # flag OAM update
and $0x3FE, %eax # wrap around address and align to 16bits
mov %dl, %dh # copy lower 8bits of value into full 16bits
mov %dx, _oam_ram(%eax) # perform 16bit store
and $0xFF, %edx # make value 8bit
and $0xFFFF, %eax # mask address
jmp _write_backup # perform backup write
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x00 BIOS, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x01 invalid, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x02 EWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x03 IWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_io8 # 0x04 I/O registers
.long ext_store_palette8 # 0x05 Palette RAM
.long ext_store_vram8 # 0x06 VRAM
.long ext_store_oam8 # 0x07 OAM RAM
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x08 gamepak (no RTC accepted in 8bit)
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x09 gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0A gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0B gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0C gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_eeprom # 0x0D EEPROM (possibly)
.long ext_store_backup # 0x0E Flash ROM/SRAM
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
shr $24, %ecx # ecx = address >> 24
cmp $15, %ecx
ja ext_store_ignore
# ecx = ext_store_u8_jtable[address >> 24]
mov ext_store_u8_jtable(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
jmp *%ecx # jump to table index
# eax: address to write to
# edx: value to write
# ecx: current pc
mov %ecx, REG_PC(%ebx) # write out the PC
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
test $0xF0000000, %ecx # check address range
jnz ext_store_u8 # if above perform an extended write
shr $15, %ecx # ecx = page number of address
# load the corresponding memory map offset
mov _memory_map_write(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
test %ecx, %ecx # see if it's NULL
jz ext_store_u8 # if so perform an extended write
and $0x7FFF, %eax # isolate the lower 15bits of the address
mov %dl, (%eax, %ecx) # store the value
# check for self-modifying code
testb $0xFF, -32768(%eax, %ecx)
jne smc_write
ret # return
mov %ecx, REG_PC(%ebx) # write out the PC
and $~0x01, %eax # fix alignment
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
test $0xF0000000, %ecx # check address range
jnz ext_store_u16 # if above perform an extended write
shr $15, %ecx # ecx = page number of address
# load the corresponding memory map offset
mov _memory_map_write(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
test %ecx, %ecx # see if it's NULL
jz ext_store_u16 # if so perform an extended write
and $0x7FFF, %eax # isolate the lower 15bits of the address
mov %dx, (%eax, %ecx) # store the value
# check for self-modifying code
testw $0xFFFF, -32768(%eax, %ecx)
jne smc_write
ret # return
# 16bit ext memory routines
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
and $0xFFFF, %edx
call _write_io_register16 # perform 16bit I/O register write
jmp write_epilogue # see if it requires any system update
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
ext_store_palette16b: # entry point for 8bit write
mov %dx, _palette_ram(%eax) # write out palette value
mov %edx, %ecx # cx = dx
shl $11, %ecx # cx <<= 11 (red component is in high bits)
mov %dh, %cl # bottom bits of cx = top bits of dx
shr $2, %cl # move the blue component to the bottom of cl
and $0x03E0, %dx # isolate green component of dx
shl $1, %dx # make green component 6bits
or %edx, %ecx # combine green component into ecx
# write out the freshly converted palette value
mov %cx, _palette_ram_converted(%eax)
ret # done
and $0x1FFFF, %eax # wrap around address
cmp $0x18000, %eax # see if address is in upper region
jb ext_store_vram16b
sub $0x8000, %eax # if so wrap down
mov %dx, _vram(%eax) # perform 16bit store
movl $1, _oam_update # flag OAM update
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
mov %dx, _oam_ram(%eax) # perform 16bit store
and $0xFFFF, %edx # make value 16bit
and $0xFF, %eax # mask address
jmp _write_rtc # write out RTC register
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x00 BIOS, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x01 invalid, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x02 EWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x03 IWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_io16 # 0x04 I/O registers
.long ext_store_palette16 # 0x05 Palette RAM
.long ext_store_vram16 # 0x06 VRAM
.long ext_store_oam16 # 0x07 OAM RAM
.long ext_store_rtc # 0x08 gamepak or RTC
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x09 gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0A gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0B gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0C gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_eeprom # 0x0D EEPROM (possibly)
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0E Flash ROM/SRAM must be 8bit
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
shr $24, %ecx # ecx = address >> 24
cmp $15, %ecx
ja ext_store_ignore
# ecx = ext_store_u16_jtable[address >> 24]
mov ext_store_u16_jtable(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
jmp *%ecx # jump to table index
mov %ecx, REG_PC(%ebx) # write out the PC
and $~0x03, %eax # fix alignment
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
test $0xF0000000, %ecx # check address range
jnz ext_store_u32 # if above perform an extended write
shr $15, %ecx # ecx = page number of address
# load the corresponding memory map offset
mov _memory_map_write(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
test %ecx, %ecx # see if it's NULL
jz ext_store_u32 # if so perform an extended write
and $0x7FFF, %eax # isolate the lower 15bits of the address
mov %edx, (%eax, %ecx) # store the value
# check for self-modifying code
testl $0xFFFFFFFF, -32768(%eax, %ecx)
jne smc_write
ret # return it
# 32bit ext memory routines
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
call _write_io_register32 # perform 32bit I/O register write
jmp write_epilogue # see if it requires any system update
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
call ext_store_palette16b # write first 16bits
add $2, %eax # go to next address
shr $16, %edx # go to next 16bits
jmp ext_store_palette16b # write next 16bits
and $0x1FFFF, %eax # wrap around address
cmp $0x18000, %eax # see if address is in upper region
jb ext_store_vram32b
sub $0x8000, %eax # if so wrap down
mov %edx, _vram(%eax) # perform 32bit store
movl $1, _oam_update # flag OAM update
and $0x3FF, %eax # wrap around address
mov %edx, _oam_ram(%eax) # perform 32bit store
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x00 BIOS, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x01 invalid, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x02 EWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x03 IWRAM, should have been hit already
.long ext_store_io32 # 0x04 I/O registers
.long ext_store_palette32 # 0x05 Palette RAM
.long ext_store_vram32 # 0x06 VRAM
.long ext_store_oam32 # 0x07 OAM RAM
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x08 gamepak, ignore (no RTC in 32bit)
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x09 gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0A gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0B gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0C gamepak, ignore
.long ext_store_eeprom # 0x0D EEPROM (possibly)
.long ext_store_ignore # 0x0E Flash ROM/SRAM must be 8bit
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = address
shr $24, %ecx # ecx = address >> 24
cmp $15, %ecx
ja ext_store_ignore
# ecx = ext_store_u32_jtable[address >> 24]
mov ext_store_u32_jtable(, %ecx, 4), %ecx
jmp *%ecx
# %eax = new_cpsr
# %edx = store_mask
mov %edx, REG_SAVE(%ebx) # save store_mask
mov %ecx, REG_SAVE2(%ebx) # save PC too
mov %eax, %ecx # ecx = new_cpsr
and %edx, %ecx # ecx = new_cpsr & store_mask
mov REG_CPSR(%ebx), %eax # eax = cpsr
not %edx # edx = ~store_mask
and %edx, %eax # eax = cpsr & ~store_mask
or %ecx, %eax # eax = new cpsr combined with old
call _execute_store_cpsr_body # do the dirty work in this C function
extract_flags # pull out flag vars from new CPSR
cmp $0, %eax # see if return value is 0
jnz changed_pc_cpsr # might have changed the PC
ret # return
add $4, %esp # get rid of current return address
call _block_lookup_address_arm # lookup new PC
jmp *%eax
call _flush_translation_cache_ram
add $4, %esp
movl $0, CHANGED_PC_STATUS(%ebx)
mov REG_PC(%ebx), %eax
testl $0x20, REG_CPSR(%ebx)
jz lookup_pc_arm
call _block_lookup_address_thumb
jmp *%eax
call _block_lookup_address_arm
jmp *%eax
# eax: cycle counter
movl $_reg, %ebx # load base register
extract_flags # load flag variables
movl %eax, %edi # load edi cycle counter
movl REG_PC(%ebx), %eax # load PC
testl $0x20, REG_CPSR(%ebx)
jnz 1f
call _block_lookup_address_arm
jmp *%eax # jump to it
call _block_lookup_address_thumb
jmp *%eax
# mov $100, %edi
mov %edi, %edx
jmp _step_debug
.comm _memory_map_read 0x8000
.comm _memory_map_write 0x8000
.comm _reg 0x100