Reimplement blending routines
This commit is contained in:
@ -1850,255 +1850,112 @@ static void order_layers(u32 layer_flags, u32 vcnt)
#define SATB_MSK 0x0000001F
#define SATB_MSK 0x0000001F
// Alpha blend two pixels (pixel_top and pixel_bottom).
typedef enum
#define blend_pixel() \
pixel_bottom = palette_ram_converted[(pixel_pair >> 16) & 0x1FF]; \
pixel_bottom = (pixel_bottom | (pixel_bottom << 16)) & BLND_MSK; \
pixel_top = ((pixel_top * blend_a) + (pixel_bottom * blend_b)) >> 4 \
// Alpha blend two pixels, allowing for saturation (individual channels > 31).
// The operation is optimized towards saturation not occuring.
#define blend_saturate_pixel() \
pixel_bottom = palette_ram_converted[(pixel_pair >> 16) & 0x1FF]; \
pixel_bottom = (pixel_bottom | (pixel_bottom << 16)) & BLND_MSK; \
pixel_top = ((pixel_top * blend_a) + (pixel_bottom * blend_b)) >> 4; \
if(pixel_top & (OVFR_MSK | OVFG_MSK | OVFB_MSK)) \
{ \
if(pixel_top & OVFG_MSK) \
pixel_top |= SATG_MSK; \
if(pixel_top & OVFR_MSK) \
pixel_top |= SATR_MSK; \
if(pixel_top & OVFB_MSK) \
pixel_top |= SATB_MSK; \
} \
#define brighten_pixel() \
pixel_top = upper + ((pixel_top * blend) >> 4); \
#define darken_pixel() \
pixel_top = (pixel_top * blend) >> 4; \
#define effect_condition_alpha \
((pixel_pair & 0x04000200) == 0x04000200) \
#define effect_condition_fade(pixel_source) \
((pixel_source & 0x00000200) == 0x00000200) \
#define expand_pixel_no_dest(expand_type, pixel_source) \
pixel_top = (pixel_top | (pixel_top << 16)) & BLND_MSK; \
expand_type##_pixel(); \
pixel_top &= BLND_MSK; \
pixel_top = (pixel_top >> 16) | pixel_top \
#define expand_pixel(expand_type, pixel_source) \
pixel_top = palette_ram_converted[pixel_source & 0x1FF]; \
expand_pixel_no_dest(expand_type, pixel_source); \
*screen_dest_ptr = pixel_top \
#define expand_loop(expand_type, effect_condition, pixel_source) \
screen_src_ptr += start; \
screen_dest_ptr += start; \
end -= start; \
for(i = 0; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_source = *screen_src_ptr; \
if(effect_condition) \
{ \
expand_pixel(expand_type, pixel_source); \
} \
else \
{ \
*screen_dest_ptr = \
palette_ram_converted[pixel_source & 0x1FF]; \
} \
screen_src_ptr++; \
screen_dest_ptr++; \
} \
#define expand_loop_partial_alpha(alpha_expand, expand_type) \
screen_src_ptr += start; \
screen_dest_ptr += start; \
end -= start; \
for(i = 0; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_pair = *screen_src_ptr; \
if(effect_condition_fade(pixel_pair)) \
{ \
if(effect_condition_alpha) \
{ \
expand_pixel(alpha_expand, pixel_pair); \
} \
else \
{ \
expand_pixel(expand_type, pixel_pair); \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
*screen_dest_ptr = \
palette_ram_converted[pixel_pair & 0x1FF]; \
} \
screen_src_ptr++; \
screen_dest_ptr++; \
} \
#define expand_partial_alpha(expand_type) \
if((blend_a + blend_b) > 16) \
{ \
expand_loop_partial_alpha(blend_saturate, expand_type); \
} \
else \
{ \
expand_loop_partial_alpha(blend, expand_type); \
} \
// Blend top two pixels of scanline with each other.
#define expand_normal(screen_ptr, start, end)
void expand_blend(u32 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
u32 start, u32 end);
void expand_blend(u32 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
u32 start, u32 end)
u32 pixel_pair;
BLEND_ONLY, // Just alpha blending (if the pixels are 1st and 2nd target)
u32 pixel_top, pixel_bottom;
BLEND_BRIGHT, // Perform alpha blending if appropiate, and brighten otherwise
BLEND_DARK, // Same but with darken effecg
} blendtype;
// Applies blending (and optional brighten/darken) effect to a bunch of
// color-indexed pixel pairs. Depending on the mode and the pixel target
// number, blending, darken/brighten or no effect will be applied.
template <blendtype bldtype>
static void merge_blend(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *dst, u32 *src) {
u32 bldalpha = read_ioreg(REG_BLDALPHA);
u32 bldalpha = read_ioreg(REG_BLDALPHA);
u32 blend_a = bldalpha & 0x1F;
u32 brightf = MIN(16, read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F);
u32 blend_b = (bldalpha >> 8) & 0x1F;
u32 blend_a = MIN(16, (bldalpha >> 0) & 0x1F);
u32 i;
u32 blend_b = MIN(16, (bldalpha >> 8) & 0x1F);
if(blend_a > 16)
bool can_saturate = blend_a + blend_b > 16;
blend_a = 16;
if(blend_b > 16)
if (can_saturate) {
blend_b = 16;
// If blending can result in saturation, we need to clamp output values.
while (start < end) {
u32 pixpair = src[start];
if ((pixpair & 0x04000200) == 0x04000200) {
// Top pixel is 1st target, pixel below is 2nd target. Blend!
u16 p1 = palette_ram_converted[(pixpair >> 0) & 0x1FF];
u16 p2 = palette_ram_converted[(pixpair >> 16) & 0x1FF];
u32 p1e = (p1 | (p1 << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 p2e = (p2 | (p2 << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pfe = (((p1e * blend_a) + (p2e * blend_b)) >> 4);
// The individual colors can saturate over 31, this should be taken
// If the overflow bit is set, saturate (set) all bits to one.
// care of in an alternate pass as it incurs a huge additional speedhit.
if (pfe & (OVFR_MSK | OVFG_MSK | OVFB_MSK)) {
if((blend_a + blend_b) > 16)
if (pfe & OVFG_MSK)
pfe |= SATG_MSK;
expand_loop(blend_saturate, effect_condition_alpha, pixel_pair);
if (pfe & OVFR_MSK)
pfe |= SATR_MSK;
if (pfe & OVFB_MSK)
pfe |= SATB_MSK;
expand_loop(blend, effect_condition_alpha, pixel_pair);
pfe &= BLND_MSK;
dst[start++] = (pfe >> 16) | pfe;
else if ((bldtype != BLEND_ONLY) && (pixpair & 0x200) == 0x200) {
// Top pixel is 1st-target, can still apply bright/dark effect.
u16 pidx = palette_ram_converted[pixpair & 0x1FF];
u32 epixel = (pidx | (pidx << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pa = bldtype == BLEND_DARK ? 0 : ((BLND_MSK * brightf) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pb = ((epixel * (16 - brightf)) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
epixel = (pa + pb) & BLND_MSK;
dst[start++] = (epixel >> 16) | epixel;
else {
dst[start++] = palette_ram_converted[pixpair & 0x1FF]; // No effects
} else {
while (start < end) {
u32 pixpair = src[start];
if ((pixpair & 0x04000200) == 0x04000200) {
// Top pixel is 1st target, pixel below is 2nd target. Blend!
u16 p1 = palette_ram_converted[(pixpair >> 0) & 0x1FF];
u16 p2 = palette_ram_converted[(pixpair >> 16) & 0x1FF];
u32 p1e = (p1 | (p1 << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 p2e = (p2 | (p2 << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pfe = (((p1e * blend_a) + (p2e * blend_b)) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
dst[start++] = (pfe >> 16) | pfe;
else if ((bldtype != BLEND_ONLY) && (pixpair & 0x200) == 0x200) {
// Top pixel is 1st-target, can still apply bright/dark effect.
u16 pidx = palette_ram_converted[pixpair & 0x1FF];
u32 epixel = (pidx | (pidx << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pa = bldtype == BLEND_DARK ? 0 : ((BLND_MSK * brightf) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pb = ((epixel * (16 - brightf)) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
epixel = (pa + pb) & BLND_MSK;
dst[start++] = (epixel >> 16) | epixel;
else {
dst[start++] = palette_ram_converted[pixpair & 0x1FF]; // No effects
// Applies brighten/darken effect to a bunch of color-indexed pixels.
template <blendtype bldtype>
static void merge_brightness(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *srcdst) {
u32 brightness = MIN(16, read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F);
// Blend scanline with white.
while (start < end) {
u16 spix = srcdst[start];
u16 pixcol = palette_ram_converted[spix & 0x1FF];
static void expand_darken(u16 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
if ((spix & 0x200) == 0x200) {
u32 start, u32 end)
// Pixel is 1st target, can apply color effect.
u32 epixel = (pixcol | (pixcol << 16)) & BLND_MSK;
u32 pixel_top;
u32 pa = bldtype == BLEND_DARK ? 0 : ((BLND_MSK * brightness) >> 4) & BLND_MSK; // B/W
s32 blend = 16 - (read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F);
u32 pb = ((epixel * (16 - brightness)) >> 4) & BLND_MSK; // Pixel color
u32 i;
epixel = (pa + pb) & BLND_MSK;
pixcol = (epixel >> 16) | epixel;
if(blend < 0)
srcdst[start++] = pixcol;
blend = 0;
expand_loop(darken, effect_condition_fade(pixel_top), pixel_top);
// Blend scanline with black.
static void expand_brighten(u16 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
u32 start, u32 end)
u32 pixel_top;
u32 blend = read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F;
u32 upper;
u32 i;
if(blend > 16)
blend = 16;
upper = ((BLND_MSK * blend) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
blend = 16 - blend;
expand_loop(brighten, effect_condition_fade(pixel_top), pixel_top);
// Expand scanline such that if both top and bottom pass it's alpha,
// if only top passes it's as specified, and if neither pass it's normal.
static void expand_darken_partial_alpha(u32 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
u32 start, u32 end)
s32 blend = 16 - (read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F);
u32 pixel_pair;
u32 pixel_top, pixel_bottom;
u32 bldalpha = read_ioreg(REG_BLDALPHA);
u32 blend_a = bldalpha & 0x1F;
u32 blend_b = (bldalpha >> 8) & 0x1F;
u32 i;
if(blend < 0)
blend = 0;
if(blend_a > 16)
blend_a = 16;
if(blend_b > 16)
blend_b = 16;
static void expand_brighten_partial_alpha(u32 *screen_src_ptr, u16 *screen_dest_ptr,
u32 start, u32 end)
s32 blend = read_ioreg(REG_BLDY) & 0x1F;
u32 pixel_pair;
u32 pixel_top, pixel_bottom;
u32 bldalpha = read_ioreg(REG_BLDALPHA);
u32 blend_a = bldalpha & 0x1F;
u32 blend_b = (bldalpha >> 8) & 0x1F;
u32 upper;
u32 i;
if(blend > 16)
blend = 16;
upper = ((BLND_MSK * blend) >> 4) & BLND_MSK;
blend = 16 - blend;
if(blend_a > 16)
blend_a = 16;
if(blend_b > 16)
blend_b = 16;
// Render an OBJ layer from start to end, depending on the type (1D or 2D)
// Render an OBJ layer from start to end, depending on the type (1D or 2D)
// stored in dispcnt.
// stored in dispcnt.
@ -2234,7 +2091,7 @@ static void render_color_no_effect(
if (obj_blend) {
if (obj_blend) {
u32 screen_buffer[240];
u32 screen_buffer[240];
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
expand_blend(screen_buffer, scanline, start, end);
merge_blend<BLEND_ONLY>(start, end, scanline, screen_buffer);
} else {
} else {
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_NORMAL, OBJ_NORMAL);
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_NORMAL, OBJ_NORMAL);
@ -2268,10 +2125,10 @@ static void render_color_effect(
if (obj_blend) {
if (obj_blend) {
u32 screen_buffer[240];
u32 screen_buffer[240];
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
expand_brighten_partial_alpha(screen_buffer, scanline, start, end);
merge_blend<BLEND_BRIGHT>(start, end, scanline, screen_buffer);
} else {
} else {
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_COL16, OBJ_COL16);
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_COL16, OBJ_COL16);
expand_brighten(scanline, scanline, start, end);
merge_brightness<BLEND_BRIGHT>(start, end, scanline);
@ -2288,10 +2145,10 @@ static void render_color_effect(
if (obj_blend) {
if (obj_blend) {
u32 screen_buffer[240];
u32 screen_buffer[240];
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_COL32, OBJ_PALPHA);
expand_darken_partial_alpha(screen_buffer, scanline, start, end);
merge_blend<BLEND_DARK>(start, end, scanline, screen_buffer);
} else {
} else {
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_COL16, OBJ_COL16);
render_layers(start, end, scanline, enable_flags, RENDER_COL16, OBJ_COL16);
expand_darken(scanline, scanline, start, end);
merge_brightness<BLEND_DARK>(start, end, scanline);
@ -2308,7 +2165,7 @@ static void render_color_effect(
if (some_1st_tgt && some_2nd_tgt && non_trns_tgt) {
if (some_1st_tgt && some_2nd_tgt && non_trns_tgt) {
u32 screen_buffer[240];
u32 screen_buffer[240];
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_ALPHA, OBJ_ALPHA);
render_layers(start, end, screen_buffer, enable_flags, RENDER_ALPHA, OBJ_ALPHA);
expand_blend(screen_buffer, scanline, start, end);
merge_blend<BLEND_ONLY>(start, end, scanline, screen_buffer);
@ -2656,9 +2513,9 @@ void update_scanline(void)
// If the screen is in in forced blank draw pure white.
if(dispcnt & 0x80)
if(dispcnt & 0x80)
// If the screen is in in forced blank draw pure white.
memset(screen_offset, 0xff, 240*sizeof(u16));
memset(screen_offset, 0xff, 240*sizeof(u16));
Reference in New Issue