Rewrite bitmap rendering routines
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,29 @@ typedef struct {
u16 attr0, attr1, attr2, attr3;
} t_oam;
typedef void (* tile_render_function)(u32 layer_number, u32 start, u32 end,
void *dest_ptr);
typedef void (* bitmap_render_function)(u32 start, u32 end, void *dest_ptr);
typedef struct
tile_render_function normal_render_base;
tile_render_function normal_render_transparent;
tile_render_function alpha_render_base;
tile_render_function alpha_render_transparent;
tile_render_function color16_render_base;
tile_render_function color16_render_transparent;
tile_render_function color32_render_base;
tile_render_function color32_render_transparent;
} tile_layer_render_struct;
typedef struct
bitmap_render_function blit_render;
bitmap_render_function scale_render;
bitmap_render_function affine_render;
} bitmap_layer_render_struct;
static void render_scanline_conditional_tile(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline,
u32 enable_flags, u32 dispcnt, u32 bldcnt, const tile_layer_render_struct
@ -41,13 +64,6 @@ static void render_scanline_conditional_bitmap(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline
current_pixel = palette[current_pixel]; \
dest_ptr[index] = current_pixel \
#define tile_expand_base_normal_mode4(index) \
if(current_pixel != 0) \
{ \
current_pixel = palette[current_pixel]; \
dest_ptr[index] = current_pixel; \
} \
#define tile_expand_transparent_normal(index) \
tile_expand_base_normal(index) \
@ -1118,166 +1134,99 @@ static void render_scanline_affine(u32 layer,
#define bitmap_render_pixel_mode3(alpha_op) \
current_pixel = convert_palette(current_pixel); \
*dest_ptr = current_pixel \
// Renders a bitmap honoring the pixel mode and any affine transformations.
// There's optimized versions for bitmaps without scaling / rotation.
template<unsigned mode, typename pixfmt, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool scale, bool rotate>
static inline void render_scanline_bitmap(u32 start, u32 end, void *scanline) {
#define bitmap_render_pixel_mode4(alpha_op) \
tile_expand_base_##alpha_op##_mode4(0) \
// Modes 4 and 5 feature double buffering.
bool second_frame = (mode >= 4) && (read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT) & 0x10);
pixfmt *src_ptr = (pixfmt*)&vram[second_frame ? 0xA000 : 0x0000];
u16 *dst_ptr = ((u16*)scanline) + start;
#define bitmap_render_pixel_mode5(alpha_op) \
bitmap_render_pixel_mode3(alpha_op) \
s32 dx = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PA);
s32 dy = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PC);
s32 source_x = affine_reference_x[0] + (start * dx); // Always BG2
s32 source_y = affine_reference_y[0] + (start * dy);
#define bitmap_render_scale(type, alpha_op, width, height) \
pixel_y = (source_y >> 8); \
if((u32)pixel_y < (u32)height) \
{ \
pixel_x = (source_x >> 8); \
src_ptr += (pixel_y * width); \
if(dx == 0x100) \
{ \
if(pixel_x < 0) \
{ \
end += pixel_x; \
dest_ptr -= pixel_x; \
pixel_x = 0; \
} \
else if(pixel_x > 0) \
src_ptr += pixel_x; \
if((pixel_x + end) >= width) \
end = (width - pixel_x); \
for(i = 0; (s32)i < (s32)end; i++) \
{ \
current_pixel = srcread_##type(*src_ptr); \
bitmap_render_pixel_##type(alpha_op); \
src_ptr++; \
dest_ptr++; \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
if((u32)(source_y >> 8) < (u32)height) \
{ \
for(i = 0; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_x = (source_x >> 8); \
if((u32)pixel_x < (u32)width) \
break; \
source_x += dx; \
dest_ptr++; \
} \
for(; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_x = (source_x >> 8); \
if((u32)pixel_x >= (u32)width) \
break; \
current_pixel = srcread_##type(src_ptr[pixel_x]); \
bitmap_render_pixel_##type(alpha_op); \
source_x += dx; \
dest_ptr++; \
} \
} \
} \
} \
// Premature abort render optimization if bitmap out of Y coordinate.
bool is_y_out = !rotate && ((u32)(source_y >> 8)) >= height;
if (is_y_out)
#define bitmap_render_rotate(type, alpha_op, width, height) \
for(i = 0; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_x = source_x >> 8; \
pixel_y = source_y >> 8; \
if(((u32)pixel_x < (u32)width) && ((u32)pixel_y < (u32)height)) \
break; \
source_x += dx; \
source_y += dy; \
dest_ptr++; \
} \
for(; i < end; i++) \
{ \
pixel_x = (source_x >> 8); \
pixel_y = (source_y >> 8); \
if(((u32)pixel_x >= (u32)width) || ((u32)pixel_y >= (u32)height)) \
break; \
current_pixel = srcread_##type(src_ptr[pixel_x + (pixel_y * width)]); \
bitmap_render_pixel_##type(alpha_op); \
source_x += dx; \
source_y += dy; \
dest_ptr++; \
} \
if (!scale) {
// Pretty much a blit onto the output buffer.
// Skip to the X pixel (dest) and start copying (drawing really)
if (source_x < 0) {
// TODO: Not sure if the math is OK for non-integer offsets
u32 delta = (-source_x + 255) >> 8;
dst_ptr += delta;
start += delta;
source_x += delta << 8;
u32 pixel_y = (u32)(source_y >> 8);
u32 pixel_x = (u32)(source_x >> 8);
while (start < end && pixel_x < width) {
// Pretty much pixel copier
pixfmt *valptr = &src_ptr[pixel_x + (pixel_y * width)];
pixfmt val = sizeof(pixfmt) == 2 ? eswap16(*valptr) : *valptr;
#define render_scanline_vram_setup_mode3() \
u16 *src_ptr = (u16 *)vram \
if (mode != 4)
*dst_ptr = convert_palette(val); // Direct color
else if (val)
*dst_ptr = palette_ram_converted[val]; // Indexed color
#define render_scanline_vram_setup_mode5() \
u16 *src_ptr = (u16 *)vram; \
if(read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT) & 0x10) \
src_ptr = (u16 *)(vram + 0xA000); \
// Move to the next pixel, update coords accordingly
} else {
// Look for the first pixel to be drawn.
// TODO This can be calculated in O(1), at least for non-rotation
while (start < end) {
u32 pixel_x = (u32)(source_x >> 8), pixel_y = (u32)(source_y >> 8);
#define render_scanline_vram_setup_mode4() \
u16 *palette = palette_ram_converted; \
u8 *src_ptr = vram; \
if(read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT) & 0x10) \
src_ptr = vram + 0xA000; \
// Stop once we find a pixel that is actually *inside*
if (pixel_x < width && pixel_y < height)
#define srcread_mode3(v) eswap16(v)
#define srcread_mode5(v) eswap16(v)
#define srcread_mode4(v) (v)
source_x += dx;
if (rotate)
source_y += dy;
// Draw background pixels by looking them up in the map
while (start < end) {
u32 pixel_x = (u32)(source_x >> 8), pixel_y = (u32)(source_y >> 8);
// Build bitmap scanline rendering functions.
// Check if we run out of background pixels, stop drawing.
if (pixel_x >= width || pixel_y >= height)
#define render_scanline_bitmap_builder(type, alpha_op, width, height) \
static void render_scanline_bitmap_##type##_##alpha_op(u32 start, u32 end, \
void *scanline) \
{ \
u32 current_pixel; \
s32 source_x, source_y; \
s32 pixel_x, pixel_y; \
s32 dx = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PA); \
s32 dy = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PC); \
u32 i; \
render_scanline_dest_##alpha_op *dest_ptr = \
((render_scanline_dest_##alpha_op *)scanline) + start; \
render_scanline_vram_setup_##type(); \
end -= start; \
source_x = affine_reference_x[0] + (start * dx); \
source_y = affine_reference_y[0] + (start * dy); \
if(dy == 0) \
{ \
bitmap_render_scale(type, alpha_op, width, height); \
} \
else \
{ \
bitmap_render_rotate(type, alpha_op, width, height); \
} \
} \
// Lookup pixel and draw it.
pixfmt *valptr = &src_ptr[pixel_x + (pixel_y * width)];
pixfmt val = sizeof(pixfmt) == 2 ? eswap16(*valptr) : *valptr;
render_scanline_bitmap_builder(mode3, normal, 240, 160);
render_scanline_bitmap_builder(mode4, normal, 240, 160);
render_scanline_bitmap_builder(mode5, normal, 160, 128);
if (mode != 4)
*dst_ptr = convert_palette(val); // Direct color
else if (val)
*dst_ptr = palette_ram_converted[val]; // Indexed color
// Move to the next pixel, update coords accordingly
source_x += dx;
if (rotate)
source_y += dy;
// Fill in the renderers for a layer based on the mode type,
@ -1293,17 +1242,11 @@ render_scanline_bitmap_builder(mode5, normal, 160, 128);
render_scanline_##type<u32, COLOR32, true>, \
} \
// Use if a layer is unsupported for that mode.
#define tile_layer_render_null() \
#define bitmap_layer_render_functions(mode, ttype, w, h) \
{ \
} \
#define bitmap_layer_render_functions(type) \
{ \
render_scanline_bitmap_##type##_normal \
render_scanline_bitmap<mode, ttype, w, h, false, false>, \
render_scanline_bitmap<mode, ttype, w, h, true, false>, \
render_scanline_bitmap<mode, ttype, w, h, true, true>, \
} \
// Structs containing functions to render the layers for each mode, for
@ -1326,12 +1269,11 @@ static const tile_layer_render_struct tile_mode_renderers[3][4] =
static const bitmap_layer_render_struct bitmap_mode_renderers[3] =
bitmap_layer_render_functions(3, u16, 240, 160),
bitmap_layer_render_functions(4, u8, 240, 160),
bitmap_layer_render_functions(5, u16, 160, 128)
#define render_scanline_layer_functions_tile() \
const tile_layer_render_struct *layer_renderers = \
tile_mode_renderers[dispcnt & 0x07] \
@ -2545,7 +2487,15 @@ static void render_scanline(u16 *scanline, u32 dispcnt)
layer_renderers->normal_render(0, 240, scanline);
s32 dx = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PA);
s32 dy = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PC);
if (dy)
layer_renderers->affine_render(0, 240, scanline);
else if (dx == 256)
layer_renderers->blit_render(0, 240, scanline);
layer_renderers->scale_render(0, 240, scanline);
@ -2688,8 +2638,17 @@ static void render_scanline_conditional_bitmap(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline
if(enable_flags & 0x04)
layer_renderers->normal_render(start, end, scanline);
if(enable_flags & 0x04) {
s32 dx = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PA);
s32 dy = (s16)read_ioreg(REG_BG2PC);
if (dy)
layer_renderers->affine_render(start, end, scanline);
else if (dx == 256)
layer_renderers->blit_render(start, end, scanline);
layer_renderers->scale_render(start, end, scanline);
@ -26,33 +26,6 @@ void video_reload_counters(void);
extern s32 affine_reference_x[2];
extern s32 affine_reference_y[2];
typedef void (* tile_render_function)(u32 layer_number, u32 start, u32 end,
void *dest_ptr);
typedef void (* bitmap_render_function)(u32 start, u32 end, void *dest_ptr);
typedef struct
tile_render_function normal_render_base;
tile_render_function normal_render_transparent;
tile_render_function alpha_render_base;
tile_render_function alpha_render_transparent;
tile_render_function color16_render_base;
tile_render_function color16_render_transparent;
tile_render_function color32_render_base;
tile_render_function color32_render_transparent;
} tile_layer_render_struct;
typedef struct
bitmap_render_function normal_render;
} bitmap_layer_render_struct;
typedef enum
} video_filter_type;
extern u16* gba_screen_pixels;
Reference in New Issue