Improve windowing render functions.

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David Guillen Fandos 2023-07-29 23:19:12 +02:00
parent fbfae2e6f4
commit b0bbe36c08
1 changed files with 67 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ typedef void (* bitmap_render_function)(u32 start, u32 end, void *dest_ptr);
typedef void (*conditional_render_function)(
u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline, u32 enable_flags);
typedef void (*window_render_function)(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end);
typedef struct
@ -1655,7 +1656,18 @@ static inline void render_scanline_conditional(
render_scanline_conditional_bitmap(start, end, scanline, enable_flags);
// Renders window1 (low priority window) and outside/obj areas for a given range.
// Renders the are outside of all active windows
static void render_windowout_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
u32 winout = read_ioreg(REG_WINOUT);
u32 wndout_enable = winout & 0x3F;
render_scanline_conditional(start, end, scanline, wndout_enable);
// Renders window-obj. This is a pixel-level windowing effect, based on sprites
// (objects) with a special rendering mode (the sprites are not themselves
// visible but rather "enable" other pixels to be rendered conditionally).
static void render_windowobj_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
u16 dispcnt = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT);
@ -1681,112 +1693,53 @@ static void render_windowobj_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
// Renders window1 (low priority window) and outside/obj areas for a given range.
static void render_window1_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
u16 dispcnt = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT);
u32 winout = read_ioreg(REG_WINOUT);
u32 wndout_enable = winout & 0x3F;
switch (dispcnt >> 14) {
case 0x0: // No Win1 nor WinObj
render_scanline_conditional(start, end, scanline, wndout_enable);
case 0x2: // Only winobj enabled, render it.
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, start, end);
case 0x1: case 0x3: // Win1 is enabled (and perhaps WinObj too)
// Attempt to render window 1
u32 vcount = read_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT);
// Check the Y coordinates to check if they fall in the right row
u32 win_top = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(1)) >> 8;
u32 win_bot = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(1)) & 0xFF;
// Check the X coordinates and generate up to three segments
// Clip the coordinates to the [start, end) range.
u32 win_l = MAX(start, MIN(end, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(1)) >> 8));
u32 win_r = MAX(start, MIN(end, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(1)) & 0xFF));
if (!in_window_y(vcount, win_top, win_bot) || (win_l == win_r))
// Window1 is completely out, just render all out.
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, start, end);
else {
// Render win1 withtin the clipped range
// Enable bits for stuff inside the window (and outside)
u32 winin = read_ioreg(REG_WININ);
u32 wnd1_enable = (winin >> 8) & 0x3F;
// If the window is defined upside down, the areas are inverted.
if (win_l < win_r) {
// Render [start, win_l) range (which is outside the window)
if (win_l != start)
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, start, win_l);
// Render the actual window0 pixels
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, win_r, scanline, wnd1_enable);
// Render the [win_l, end] range (outside)
if (win_r != end)
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, win_r, end);
} else {
// Render [0, win_r) range (which is "inside" window0)
if (win_r != start)
render_scanline_conditional(start, win_r, scanline, wnd1_enable);
// The actual window is now outside, render recursively
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, win_r, win_l);
// Render the [win_l, 240] range ("inside")
if (win_l != end)
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, end, scanline, wnd1_enable);
// Renders window0 (high priority window) and renders window1 or out
// on the area that falls outside. It will call the above function for
// outside areas to "recursively" render segments.
static void render_window0_pass(u16 *scanline)
// Renders window 0/1. Checks boundaries and divides the segment into
// subsegments (if necessary) rendering each one in their right mode.
// outfn is called for "out-of-window" rendering.
template<window_render_function outfn, unsigned winnum>
static void render_window_n_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
u32 vcount = read_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT);
// Check the Y coordinates to check if they fall in the right row
u32 win_top = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(0)) >> 8;
u32 win_bot = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(0)) & 0xFF;
u32 win_top = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(winnum)) >> 8;
u32 win_bot = read_ioreg(REG_WINxV(winnum)) & 0xFF;
// Check the X coordinates and generate up to three segments
u32 win_l = MIN(240, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(0)) >> 8);
u32 win_r = MIN(240, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(0)) & 0xFF);
// Clip the coordinates to the [start, end) range.
u32 win_l = MAX(start, MIN(end, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(winnum)) >> 8));
u32 win_r = MAX(start, MIN(end, read_ioreg(REG_WINxH(winnum)) & 0xFF));
if (!in_window_y(vcount, win_top, win_bot) || (win_l == win_r))
// No windowing, everything is "outside", just render win1.
render_window1_pass(scanline, 0, 240);
// WindowN is completely out, just render all out.
outfn(scanline, start, end);
else {
u32 winin = read_ioreg(REG_WININ);
// Enable bits for stuff inside the window
u32 wnd0_enable = (winin) & 0x3F;
// Render window withtin the clipped range
// Enable bits for stuff inside the window (and outside)
u32 winin = read_ioreg(REG_WININ);
u32 wndn_enable = (winin >> (8 * winnum)) & 0x3F;
// If the window is defined upside down, the areas are inverted.
if (win_l < win_r) {
// Render [0, win_l) range (which is outside the window)
if (win_l)
render_window1_pass(scanline, 0, win_l);
// Render [start, win_l) range (which is outside the window)
if (win_l != start)
outfn(scanline, start, win_l);
// Render the actual window0 pixels
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, win_r, scanline, wnd0_enable);
// Render the [win_l, 240] range (outside)
if (win_r != 240)
render_window1_pass(scanline, win_r, 240);
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, win_r, scanline, wndn_enable);
// Render the [win_l, end] range (outside)
if (win_r != end)
outfn(scanline, win_r, end);
} else {
// Render [0, win_r) range (which is "inside" window0)
if (win_r)
render_scanline_conditional(0, win_r, scanline, wnd0_enable);
if (win_r != start)
render_scanline_conditional(start, win_r, scanline, wndn_enable);
// The actual window is now outside, render recursively
render_window1_pass(scanline, win_r, win_l);
outfn(scanline, win_r, win_l);
// Render the [win_l, 240] range ("inside")
if (win_l != 240)
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, 240, scanline, wnd0_enable);
if (win_l != end)
render_scanline_conditional(win_l, end, scanline, wndn_enable);
// Renders a full scaleline, taking into consideration windowing effects.
// Breaks the rendering step into N steps, for each windowed region.
static void render_scanline_window(u16 *scanline)
@ -1796,22 +1749,36 @@ static void render_scanline_window(u16 *scanline)
// Priority decoding for windows
switch (win_ctrl) {
case 0x1: case 0x3: case 0x5: case 0x7:
// Window 0 is enabled, call the win0 render function. It does recursively
// check for window 1 and Obj, so no worries.
case 0x0: // No windows are active.
render_scanline_conditional(0, 240, scanline);
case 0x2: case 0x6:
// Window 1 is active, call the window1 renderer.
render_window1_pass(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x1: // Window 0
render_window_n_pass<render_windowout_pass, 0>(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x4:
// Only winobj seems active
case 0x2: // Window 1
render_window_n_pass<render_windowout_pass, 1>(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x3: // Window 0 & 1
render_window_n_pass<render_window_n_pass<render_windowout_pass, 1>, 0>(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x4: // Window Obj
render_windowobj_pass(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x0:
// No windows are active?
render_scanline_conditional(0, 240, scanline);
case 0x5: // Window 0 & Obj
render_window_n_pass<render_windowobj_pass, 0>(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x6: // Window 1 & Obj
render_window_n_pass<render_windowobj_pass, 1>(scanline, 0, 240);
case 0x7: // Window 0, 1 & Obj
render_window_n_pass<render_window_n_pass<render_windowobj_pass, 1>, 0>(scanline, 0, 240);