Partial object rendering rewrite
A couple of modes still missing but mostly done. Pixel-exact compatibility for this change too.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,17 @@ typedef struct {
u16 attr0, attr1, attr2, attr3;
u16 attr0, attr1, attr2, attr3;
} t_oam;
} t_oam;
typedef struct {
u16 pad0[3];
u16 dx;
u16 pad1[3];
u16 dmx;
u16 pad2[3];
u16 dy;
u16 pad3[3];
u16 dmy;
} t_affp;
typedef void (* tile_render_function)(u32 layer_number, u32 start, u32 end,
typedef void (* tile_render_function)(u32 layer_number, u32 start, u32 end,
void *dest_ptr);
void *dest_ptr);
typedef void (* bitmap_render_function)(u32 start, u32 end, void *dest_ptr);
typedef void (* bitmap_render_function)(u32 start, u32 end, void *dest_ptr);
@ -54,12 +65,6 @@ static void render_scanline_conditional_bitmap(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline
u32 enable_flags, const bitmap_layer_render_struct
u32 enable_flags, const bitmap_layer_render_struct
#define tile_expand_base_normal(index) \
current_pixel = palette[current_pixel]; \
dest_ptr[index] = current_pixel \
#define tile_expand_transparent_normal(index) \
tile_expand_base_normal(index) \
#define tile_expand_copy(index) \
#define tile_expand_copy(index) \
dest_ptr[index] = copy_ptr[index] \
dest_ptr[index] = copy_ptr[index] \
@ -552,11 +557,6 @@ static void render_scanline_conditional_bitmap(u32 start, u32 end, u16 *scanline
#define tile_width_8bpp 8
#define tile_width_8bpp 8
#define tile_size_8bpp 64
#define tile_size_8bpp 64
#define render_scanline_dest_normal u16
#define render_scanline_dest_alpha u32
#define render_scanline_dest_alpha_obj u32
#define render_scanline_dest_color16 u16
#define render_scanline_dest_color32 u32
#define render_scanline_dest_partial_alpha u32
#define render_scanline_dest_partial_alpha u32
#define render_scanline_dest_copy_tile u16
#define render_scanline_dest_copy_tile u16
#define render_scanline_dest_copy_bitmap u16
#define render_scanline_dest_copy_bitmap u16
@ -1137,6 +1137,379 @@ static const bitmap_layer_render_struct bitmap_mode_renderers[3] =
bitmap_layer_render_functions(5, u16, 160, 128)
bitmap_layer_render_functions(5, u16, 160, 128)
// Object/Sprite rendering logic
static const u32 obj_width_table[] =
{ 8, 16, 32, 64, 16, 32, 32, 64, 8, 8, 16, 32 };
static const u32 obj_height_table[] =
{ 8, 16, 32, 64, 8, 8, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 64 };
static const u8 obj_dim_table[3][4][2] = {
{ {8, 8}, {16, 16}, {32, 32}, {64, 64} },
{ {16, 8}, {32, 8}, {32, 16}, {64, 32} },
{ {8, 16}, {8, 32}, {16, 32}, {32, 64} }
static u8 obj_priority_list[5][160][128];
static u8 obj_priority_count[5][160];
static u8 obj_alpha_count[160];
typedef struct {
s32 obj_x, obj_y;
s32 obj_w, obj_h;
} t_sprite;
// Renders a tile row (8 pixels) for a regular (non-affine) object/sprite.
template<typename dsttype, rendtype rdtype, bool is8bpp, bool hflip>
static inline void render_obj_tile_Nbpp(
dsttype *dest_ptr, u32 start, u32 end, const u8 *tile_ptr, u16 palette
) {
// tile_ptr points to the tile row (32 or 64 bits depending on bpp).
// renders the tile honoring hflip and start/end constraints
// Calculate combine masks. These store 2 bits of info: 1st and 2nd target.
// If set, the current pixel belongs to a layer that is 1st or 2nd target.
u32 px_comb = color_combine_mask(4);
if (is8bpp) {
// Each byte is a color, mapped to a palete. 8 bytes can be read as 64bit
u64 tilepix = eswap64(*(u64*)tile_ptr);
for (u32 i = start; i < end; i++, dest_ptr++) {
// Honor hflip by selecting bytes in the correct order
u32 sel = hflip ? (7-i) : i;
u8 pval = (tilepix >> (sel*8)) & 0xFF;
// Alhpa mode stacks previous value
if (pval) {
if (rdtype == FULLCOLOR)
*dest_ptr = palette_ram_converted[pval | 0x100];
else if (rdtype == INDXCOLOR)
*dest_ptr = pval | px_comb | 0x100; // Add combine flags
else if (rdtype == STCKCOLOR) {
// Stack pixels on top of the pixel value and combine flags
// We do not stack OBJ on OBJ, rather overwrite the previous object
if (*dest_ptr & 0x100)
*dest_ptr = pval | px_comb | 0x100 | ((*dest_ptr) & 0xFFFF0000);
*dest_ptr = pval | px_comb | 0x100 | ((*dest_ptr) << 16);
// TODO implement partial alpha blending
} else {
// Only 32 bits (8 pixels * 4 bits)
u32 tilepix = eswap32(*(u32*)tile_ptr);
for (u32 i = start; i < end; i++, dest_ptr++) {
u32 sel = hflip ? (7-i) : i;
u8 pval = (tilepix >> (sel*4)) & 0xF;
if (pval) {
u8 colidx = pval | palette;
if (rdtype == FULLCOLOR)
*dest_ptr = palette_ram_converted[colidx | 0x100];
else if (rdtype == INDXCOLOR)
*dest_ptr = colidx | px_comb | 0x100;
else if (rdtype == STCKCOLOR) {
if (*dest_ptr & 0x100)
*dest_ptr = colidx | px_comb | 0x100 | ((*dest_ptr) & 0xFFFF0000);
*dest_ptr = colidx | px_comb | 0x100 | ((*dest_ptr) << 16); // Stack pixels
// Renders a regular sprite (non-affine) row to screen.
// delta_x is the object X coordinate referenced from the window start.
// cnt is the maximum number of pixels to draw, honoring window, obj width, etc.
template <typename stype, rendtype rdtype, bool is8bpp, bool hflip>
static void render_object(
s32 delta_x, u32 cnt, stype *dst_ptr, const u8* tile_ptr, u16 palette
) {
// Tile size in bytes for each mode
u32 tile_bsize = is8bpp ? tile_size_8bpp : tile_size_4bpp;
// Number of bytes to advance (or rewind) on the tile map
s32 tile_size_off = hflip ? -tile_bsize : tile_bsize;
if (delta_x < 0) { // Left part is outside of the screen/window.
u32 offx = -delta_x; // How many pixels did we skip from the object?
s32 block_off = offx / 8;
u32 tile_off = offx % 8;
// Skip the first object tiles (skips in the flip direction)
tile_ptr += block_off * tile_size_off;
// Render a partial tile to the left
if (tile_off) {
u32 residual = 8 - tile_off; // Pixel count to complete the first tile
u32 maxpix = MIN(residual, cnt);
render_obj_tile_Nbpp<stype, rdtype, is8bpp, hflip>(dst_ptr, tile_off, tile_off + maxpix, tile_ptr, palette);
// Move to the next tile
tile_ptr += tile_size_off;
// Account for drawn pixels
cnt -= maxpix;
dst_ptr += maxpix;
} else {
// Render object completely from the left. Skip the empty space to the left
dst_ptr += delta_x;
// Render full tiles to the scan line.
s32 num_tiles = cnt / 8;
while (num_tiles--) {
// Render full tiles
render_obj_tile_Nbpp<stype, rdtype, is8bpp, hflip>(dst_ptr, 0, 8, tile_ptr, palette);
tile_ptr += tile_size_off;
dst_ptr += 8;
// Render any partial tile on the end
cnt = cnt % 8;
if (cnt)
render_obj_tile_Nbpp<stype, rdtype, is8bpp, hflip>(dst_ptr, 0, cnt, tile_ptr, palette);
// Renders an affine sprite row to screen.
template <typename stype, rendtype rdtype, bool is8bpp, bool rotate>
static void render_affine_object(
const t_sprite *obji, const t_affp *affp, bool is_double, u32 start, u32 end, stype *dst_ptr,
const u8 *base_tile, u16 palette
) {
// Tile size in bytes for each mode
const u32 tile_bsize = is8bpp ? tile_size_8bpp : tile_size_4bpp;
const u32 tile_bwidth = is8bpp ? tile_width_8bpp : tile_width_4bpp;
// Affine params
s32 dx = (s16)eswap16(affp->dx);
s32 dy = (s16)eswap16(affp->dy);
s32 dmx = (s16)eswap16(affp->dmx);
s32 dmy = (s16)eswap16(affp->dmy);
// Object dimensions and boundaries
u32 obj_dimw = obji->obj_w;
u32 obj_dimh = obji->obj_h;
s32 middle_x = is_double ? obji->obj_w : (obji->obj_w / 2);
s32 middle_y = is_double ? obji->obj_h : (obji->obj_h / 2);
s32 obj_width = is_double ? obji->obj_w * 2 : obji->obj_w;
s32 obj_height = is_double ? obji->obj_h * 2 : obji->obj_h;
s32 vcount = read_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT);
s32 y_delta = vcount - (obji->obj_y + middle_y);
if (obji->obj_x < (signed)start)
middle_x -= (start - obji->obj_x);
s32 source_x = (obj_dimw << 7) + (y_delta * dmx) - (middle_x * dx);
s32 source_y = (obj_dimh << 7) + (y_delta * dmy) - (middle_x * dy);
// Early optimization if Y-coord is out completely for this line.
// (if there's no rotation Y coord remains identical throughout the line).
if (!rotate && ((u32)(source_y >> 8)) >= (u32)obj_height)
u32 d_start = MAX((signed)start, obji->obj_x);
u32 d_end = MIN((signed)end, obji->obj_x + obj_width);
u32 cnt = d_end - d_start;
dst_ptr += d_start;
bool obj1dmap = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT) & 0x40;
const u32 tile_pitch = obj1dmap ? (obj_dimw / 8) * tile_bsize : 1024;
// Skip pixels outside of the sprite area, until we reach the sprite "inside"
while (cnt) {
u32 pixel_x = (u32)(source_x >> 8), pixel_y = (u32)(source_y >> 8);
// Stop once we find a pixel that is actually *inside* the map.
if (pixel_x < obj_dimw && pixel_y < obj_dimh)
source_x += dx;
if (rotate)
source_y += dy;
// Draw sprite pixels by looking them up first. Lookup address is tricky!
while (cnt) {
u32 pixel_x = (u32)(source_x >> 8), pixel_y = (u32)(source_y >> 8);
// Check if we run out of the sprite, then we can safely abort.
if (pixel_x >= obj_dimw || pixel_y >= obj_dimh)
// Lookup pixel and draw it.
//render_pixel_8bpp<dsttype, rdtype, transparent>(
// layer, dst_ptr++, pixel_x, pixel_y, tile_base, map_base, map_size);
u8 pixval;
if (is8bpp) {
// We lookup the byte directly and render it.
const u32 tile_off =
((pixel_y >> 3) * tile_pitch) + // Skip vertical blocks
((pixel_x >> 3) * tile_bsize) + // Skip horizontal blocks
((pixel_y & 0x7) * tile_bwidth) + // Skip vertical rows to the pixel
(pixel_x & 0x7); // Skip the horizontal offset
pixval = base_tile[tile_off]; // Read pixel value!
} else {
const u32 tile_off =
((pixel_y >> 3) * tile_pitch) + // Skip vertical blocks
((pixel_x >> 3) * tile_bsize) + // Skip horizontal blocks
((pixel_y & 0x7) * tile_bwidth) + // Skip vertical rows to the pixel
((pixel_x >> 1) & 0x3); // Skip the horizontal offset
u8 pixpair = base_tile[tile_off]; // Read two pixels (4bit each)
pixval = ((pixel_x & 1) ? pixpair >> 4 : pixpair & 0xF);
// Render the pixel value
u32 comb = color_combine_mask(4);
if (pixval) {
if (rdtype == FULLCOLOR)
*dst_ptr = palette_ram_converted[pixval | palette| 0x100];
else if (rdtype == INDXCOLOR)
*dst_ptr = pixval | palette | 0x100 | comb; // Add combine flags
else if (rdtype == STCKCOLOR) {
// Stack pixels on top of the pixel value and combine flags
if (*dst_ptr & 0x100)
*dst_ptr = pixval | palette | 0x100 | comb | ((*dst_ptr) & 0xFFFF0000);
*dst_ptr = pixval | palette | 0x100 | comb | ((*dst_ptr) << 16); // Stack pixels
// TODO partial alpha
// Move to the next pixel, update coords accordingly
source_x += dx;
if (rotate)
source_y += dy;
// Renders objects on a scanline for a given priority.
template <typename stype, rendtype rdtype>
static void render_scanline_objects(
u32 start, u32 end, stype *scanline, u32 priority
) {
// TODO move this to another place?
// Skip alpha pass if you can do a regular color32 pass
if (rdtype == STCKCOLOR && ((read_ioreg(REG_BLDCNT) >> 4) & 1) == 0) {
render_scanline_objects<stype, INDXCOLOR>(start, end, scanline, priority);
s32 vcount = read_ioreg(REG_VCOUNT);
bool obj1dmap = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT) & 0x40;
u32 objn;
u32 objcnt = obj_priority_count[priority][vcount];
u8 *objlist = obj_priority_list[priority][vcount];
// Render all the visible objects for this priority.
for (objn = 0; objn < objcnt; objn++) {
// Objects in the list are pre-filtered and sorted in the appropriate order
u32 objoff = objlist[objn];
const t_oam *oamentry = &((t_oam*)oam_ram)[objoff];
u16 obj_attr0 = eswap16(oamentry->attr0);
u16 obj_attr1 = eswap16(oamentry->attr1);
u16 obj_attr2 = eswap16(oamentry->attr2);
u16 obj_shape = obj_attr0 >> 14;
u16 obj_size = (obj_attr1 >> 14);
bool is_affine = obj_attr0 & 0x100;
bool is_8bpp = obj_attr0 & 0x2000;
t_sprite obji = {
.obj_x = (s32)(obj_attr1 << 23) >> 23,
.obj_y = obj_attr0 & 0xFF,
.obj_w = obj_dim_table[obj_shape][obj_size][0],
.obj_h = obj_dim_table[obj_shape][obj_size][1]
const u8 *base_tile = &vram[
0x10000 + // VRAM base for OBJ tile data
(obj_attr2 & 0x3FF) * 32]; // Selected character block
if (obji.obj_y > 160)
obji.obj_y -= 256;
if (is_affine) {
bool is_double = obj_attr0 & 0x200;
u32 pnum = (obj_attr1 >> 9) & 0x1f;
const t_affp *affp_base = (t_affp*)oam_ram;
const t_affp *affp = &affp_base[pnum];
u16 palette = (obj_attr2 >> 8) & 0xF0;
// The object could be out of the window, check and skip.
if (obji.obj_x >= (signed)end ||
obji.obj_x + obji.obj_w * (is_double ? 2 : 1) <= (signed)start)
if (affp->dy == 0) { // No rotation happening (just scale)
if (is_8bpp)
render_affine_object<stype, rdtype, true, false>(&obji, affp, is_double, start, end, scanline, base_tile, 0);
render_affine_object<stype, rdtype, false, false>(&obji, affp, is_double, start, end, scanline, base_tile, palette);
} else { // Full rotation and scaling
if (is_8bpp)
render_affine_object<stype, rdtype, true, true>(&obji, affp, is_double, start, end, scanline, base_tile, 0);
render_affine_object<stype, rdtype, false, true>(&obji, affp, is_double, start, end, scanline, base_tile, palette);
} else {
// The object could be out of the window, check and skip.
if (obji.obj_x >= (signed)end || obji.obj_x + obji.obj_w <= (signed)start)
// Non-affine objects can be flipped on both edges.
bool hflip = obj_attr1 & 0x1000;
bool vflip = obj_attr1 & 0x2000;
// Calulate the vertical offset (row) to be displayed. Account for vflip.
u32 voffset = vflip ? obji.obj_y + obji.obj_h - vcount - 1 : vcount - obji.obj_y;
// Calculate base tile for the object (points to the row to be drawn).
u32 tile_bsize = is_8bpp ? tile_size_8bpp : tile_size_4bpp;
u32 tile_bwidth = is_8bpp ? tile_width_8bpp : tile_width_4bpp;
u32 obj_pitch = obj1dmap ? (obji.obj_w / 8) * tile_bsize : 1024;
u32 hflip_off = hflip ? ((obji.obj_w / 8) - 1) * tile_bsize : 0;
// Calculate the pointer to the tile.
const u8 *tile_ptr = &base_tile[
(voffset / 8) * obj_pitch + // Select tile row offset
(voffset % 8) * tile_bwidth + // Skip tile rows
hflip_off]; // Account for horizontal flip
// Make everything relative to start
s32 obj_x_offset = obji.obj_x - start;
u32 clipped_width = obj_x_offset >= 0 ? obji.obj_w : obji.obj_w + obj_x_offset;
u32 max_range = obj_x_offset >= 0 ? end - obji.obj_x : end - start;
u32 max_draw = MIN(max_range, clipped_width);
// Render the object scanline using the correct mode.
if (is_8bpp) {
if (hflip)
render_object<stype, rdtype, true, true>(obj_x_offset, max_draw, &scanline[start], tile_ptr, 0);
render_object<stype, rdtype, true, false>(obj_x_offset, max_draw, &scanline[start], tile_ptr, 0);
} else {
// In 4bpp mode calculate the palette number
u16 palette = (obj_attr2 >> 8) & 0xF0;
if (hflip)
render_object<stype, rdtype, false, true>(obj_x_offset, max_draw, &scanline[start], tile_ptr, palette);
render_object<stype, rdtype, false, false>(obj_x_offset, max_draw, &scanline[start], tile_ptr, palette);
#define render_scanline_layer_functions_tile() \
#define render_scanline_layer_functions_tile() \
const tile_layer_render_struct *layer_renderers = \
const tile_layer_render_struct *layer_renderers = \
tile_mode_renderers[dispcnt & 0x07] \
tile_mode_renderers[dispcnt & 0x07] \
@ -1473,21 +1846,6 @@ static const bitmap_layer_render_struct bitmap_mode_renderers[3] =
} \
} \
} \
} \
static const u32 obj_width_table[] =
{ 8, 16, 32, 64, 16, 32, 32, 64, 8, 8, 16, 32 };
static const u32 obj_height_table[] =
{ 8, 16, 32, 64, 8, 8, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 64 };
static const u8 obj_dim_table[3][4][2] = {
{ {8, 8}, {16, 16}, {32, 32}, {64, 64} },
{ {16, 8}, {32, 8}, {32, 16}, {64, 32} },
{ {8, 16}, {8, 32}, {16, 32}, {32, 64} }
static u8 obj_priority_list[5][160][128];
static u8 obj_priority_count[5][160];
static u8 obj_alpha_count[160];
// Build obj rendering functions
// Build obj rendering functions
@ -1507,12 +1865,6 @@ static u8 obj_alpha_count[160];
return; \
return; \
} \
} \
#define render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color16(map_space) \
render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color() \
#define render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color32(map_space) \
render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color() \
#define render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_partial_alpha(map_space) \
#define render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_partial_alpha(map_space) \
render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color(); \
render_scanline_obj_extra_variables_color(); \
u32 base_pixel_combine = pixel_combine; \
u32 base_pixel_combine = pixel_combine; \
@ -1579,7 +1931,7 @@ static u8 obj_alpha_count[160];
#define render_scanline_obj_partial_alpha(combine_op, alpha_op, map_space) \
#define render_scanline_obj_partial_alpha(combine_op, alpha_op, map_space) \
if((obj_attribute_0 >> 10) & 0x03) \
if((obj_attribute_0 >> 10) & 0x03) \
{ \
{ \
pixel_combine = 0x00000300; \
pixel_combine = 0x00000300; /* 1st target and palette 256 */ \
render_scanline_obj_main(combine_op, alpha_obj, map_space); \
render_scanline_obj_main(combine_op, alpha_obj, map_space); \
} \
} \
else \
else \
@ -1674,14 +2026,44 @@ static void render_scanline_obj_##alpha_op##_##map_space(u32 priority, \
} \
} \
// There are actually used to render sprites to the scanline
// There are actually used to render sprites to the scanline
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, normal, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, normal, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, normal, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, normal, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color16, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color16, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color16, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color16, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color32, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color32, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color32, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, color32, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, alpha_obj, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, alpha_obj, 1D, no_partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, alpha_obj, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
// render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, alpha_obj, 2D, no_partial_alpha);
// WIP: Remove these once we merge things with partial alpha and copy mode.
void render_scanline_obj_normal_1D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u16, FULLCOLOR>(start, end, (u16*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_normal_2D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u16, FULLCOLOR>(start, end, (u16*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_color16_1D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u16, INDXCOLOR>(start, end, (u16*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_color16_2D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u16, INDXCOLOR>(start, end, (u16*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_color32_1D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u32, INDXCOLOR>(start, end, (u32*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_color32_2D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u32, INDXCOLOR>(start, end, (u32*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_alpha_obj_1D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u32, STCKCOLOR>(start, end, (u32*)raw_dst, priority);
void render_scanline_obj_alpha_obj_2D(u32 priority, u32 start, u32 end, void *raw_dst) {
render_scanline_objects<u32, STCKCOLOR>(start, end, (u32*)raw_dst, priority);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, partial_alpha, 1D, partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, partial_alpha, 1D, partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, partial_alpha, 2D, partial_alpha);
render_scanline_obj_builder(transparent, partial_alpha, 2D, partial_alpha);
@ -2318,8 +2700,14 @@ static void render_windowobj_pass(u16 *scanline, u32 start, u32 end)
u16 dispcnt = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT);
u16 dispcnt = read_ioreg(REG_DISPCNT);
u32 winout = read_ioreg(REG_WINOUT);
u32 winout = read_ioreg(REG_WINOUT);
u32 wndout_enable = winout & 0x3F;
u32 wndout_enable = winout & 0x3F;
// First we render the "window-out" segment.
render_scanline_conditional<tiled>(start, end, scanline, wndout_enable);
render_scanline_conditional<tiled>(start, end, scanline, wndout_enable);
// Now we render the objects in "copy" mode. This renders the scanline in
// WinObj-mode to a temporary buffer and performs a "copy-mode" render.
// In this mode, we copy pixels from the temp buffer to the final buffer
// whenever an object pixel is rendered.
if (dispcnt >> 15) {
if (dispcnt >> 15) {
// Perform the actual object rendering in copy mode
// Perform the actual object rendering in copy mode
if (tiled) {
if (tiled) {
Reference in New Issue