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2024-01-22 07:57:11 +01:00
#ifndef UNFL_DEBUG_H
#define UNFL_DEBUG_H
Settings macros
// Enable/Disable debug
#ifndef DEBUG_MODE
#define DEBUG_MODE 1 // Enable/Disable debug mode
// Settings
#define DEBUG_INIT_MSG 1 // Print a message when debug mode has initialized
#define AUTOPOLL_ENABLED 1 // Automatically poll the USB on a timer
#define AUTOPOLL_TIME 200 // Time (in milliseconds) between auto polls
#define USE_FAULTTHREAD 1 // Create a fault detection thread (libultra only)
#define USE_RDBTHREAD 1 // Create a remote debugger thread
#define OVERWRITE_OSPRINT 1 // Replaces osSyncPrintf calls with debug_printf (libultra only)
#define MAX_COMMANDS 25 // The max amount of user defined commands possible
// USB thread definitions (libultra only)
#define USB_THREAD_ID 14
#define USB_THREAD_PRI 126
#define USB_THREAD_STACK 0x2000
// Fault thread definitions (libultra only)
#define FAULT_THREAD_ID 13
#define FAULT_THREAD_PRI 125
#define FAULT_THREAD_STACK 0x2000
// Remote debugger thread definitions (libultra only)
#define RDB_THREAD_ID 15
#define RDB_THREAD_PRI 124
#define RDB_THREAD_STACK 0x2000
Debug Functions
Initializes the debug and USB library.
Should be called last during game initialization.
extern void debug_initialize();
Prints a formatted message to the developer's command prompt.
Supports up to 256 characters.
@param A string to print
@param variadic arguments to print as well
extern void debug_printf(const char* message, ...);
Dumps a binary file through USB
@param The file to dump
@param The size of the file
extern void debug_dumpbinary(void* file, int size);
Sends the currently displayed framebuffer through USB.
DOES NOT PAUSE DRAWING THREAD! Using outside the drawing
thread may lead to a screenshot with visible tearing
extern void debug_screenshot();
Halts the program if the expression fails.
@param The expression to test
#define debug_assert(expr) (expr) ? ((void)0) : _debug_assert(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
Assigns a function to be executed when the 64drive button is pressed.
@param The function pointer to execute
@param Whether or not to execute the function only on pressing (ignore holding the button down)
extern void debug_64drivebutton(void(*execute)(), char onpress);
Check the USB for incoming commands.
extern void debug_pollcommands();
Adds a command for the USB to read.
@param The command name
@param The command description
@param The function pointer to execute
extern void debug_addcommand(char* command, char* description, char*(*execute)());
Stores the next part of the incoming command into the provided buffer.
Make sure the buffer can fit the amount of data from debug_sizecommand!
If you pass NULL, it skips this command.
@param The buffer to store the data in
extern void debug_parsecommand(void* buffer);
Returns the size of the data from this part of the command.
@return The size of the data in bytes, or 0
extern int debug_sizecommand();
Prints a list of commands to the developer's command prompt.
extern void debug_printcommands();
// Ignore this, use the macro instead
extern void _debug_assert(const char* expression, const char* file, int line);
// Include usb.h automatically
#include "usb.h"
// Overwrite library functions with useless macros if debug mode is disabled
#define debug_initialize()
#define debug_printf (void)
#define debug_screenshot(a, b, c)
#define debug_assert(a)
#define debug_pollcommands()
#define debug_addcommand(a, b, c)
#define debug_parsecommand(a) NULL
#define debug_sizecommand() 0
#define debug_printcommands()
#define debug_64drivebutton(a, b)
#define usb_initialize() 0
#define usb_getcart() 0
#define usb_write(a, b, c)
#define usb_poll() 0
#define usb_read(a, b)
#define usb_skip(a)
#define usb_rewind(a)
#define usb_purge()