2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
const timestamp = '__timestamp__'
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
const ASSETS = `assets_${timestamp}`
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
const WEBPACK_ASSETS = `webpack_assets_${timestamp}`
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
// `assets` is an array of everything in the `assets` directory
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
const assets = __assets__
.map(file => file.startsWith('/') ? file : `/${file}`)
2018-03-19 20:24:33 -07:00
.filter(filename => !filename.startsWith('/apple-icon'))
2018-12-08 11:21:54 -08:00
.filter(filename => !filename.endsWith('.map'))
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
// `shell` is an array of all the files generated by webpack
// also contains '/index.html' for some reason
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
const webpackAssets = __shell__
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
.filter(filename => !filename.endsWith('.map'))
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
.filter(filename => filename !== '/index.html')
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
// `routes` is an array of `{ pattern: RegExp }` objects that
// match the pages in your app
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
const routes = __routes__
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
2018-03-22 22:30:48 -07:00
event.waitUntil((async () => {
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
await Promise.all([
caches.open(WEBPACK_ASSETS).then(cache => cache.addAll(webpackAssets)),
caches.open(ASSETS).then(cache => cache.addAll(assets))
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
2018-03-22 22:30:48 -07:00
event.waitUntil((async () => {
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
let keys = await caches.keys()
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
// delete old asset/ondemand caches
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
for (let key of keys) {
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
if (key !== ASSETS &&
!key.startsWith('webpack_assets_')) {
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
await caches.delete(key)
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
2018-03-31 17:26:10 -07:00
// for webpack assets, keep the two latest builds because we may need
// them when the service worker has installed but the page has not
// yet reloaded (e.g. when it gives the toast saying "please reload"
// but then you don't refresh and instead load an async chunk)
let webpackKeysToDelete = keys
.filter(key => key.startsWith('webpack_assets_'))
.sort((a, b) => {
let aTimestamp = parseInt(a.substring(15), 10)
let bTimestamp = parseInt(b.substring(15), 10)
return bTimestamp < aTimestamp ? -1 : 1
for (let key of webpackKeysToDelete) {
await caches.delete(key)
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
await self.clients.claim()
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
2018-01-14 17:13:42 -08:00
const req = event.request
const url = new URL(req.url)
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
// don't try to handle e.g. data: URIs
if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
2018-02-08 22:29:29 -08:00
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
2018-03-22 22:30:48 -07:00
event.respondWith((async () => {
2018-03-25 21:31:40 -07:00
let sameOrigin = url.origin === self.origin
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
2018-04-04 22:52:04 -07:00
if (sameOrigin) {
// always serve webpack-generated resources and
// assets from the cache if possible
let response = await caches.match(req)
if (response) {
return response
// for routes, serve the /index.html file from the most recent
// assets cache
if (routes.find(route => route.pattern.test(url.pathname))) {
2018-08-24 08:51:09 -07:00
let response = await caches.match('/index.html')
if (response) {
return response
2018-04-04 22:52:04 -07:00
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
2018-01-06 15:51:25 -08:00
2018-03-15 00:03:22 -07:00
// for everything else, go network-only
return fetch(req)
2018-01-14 14:54:26 -08:00
2018-10-06 20:06:10 +00:00
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
event.waitUntil((async () => {
const data = event.data.json()
const { origin } = new URL(data.icon)
try {
const notification = await get(`${origin}/api/v1/notifications/${data.notification_id}`, {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${data.access_token}`
}, { timeout: 2000 })
await showRichNotification(data, notification)
} catch (e) {
await showSimpleNotification(data)
async function showSimpleNotification (data) {
await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, {
icon: data.icon,
body: data.body
async function showRichNotification (data, notification) {
const { origin } = new URL(data.icon)
switch (notification.type) {
case 'follow': {
await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, {
icon: data.icon,
body: data.body,
tag: notification.id,
data: {
url: `${self.location.origin}/accounts/${notification.account.id}`
case 'mention': {
const actions = [{
action: 'favourite',
title: 'Favourite'
if ('reply' in NotificationEvent.prototype) {
actions.splice(0, 0, {
action: 'reply',
type: 'text',
title: 'Reply'
2018-10-28 22:28:55 +00:00
if (['public', 'unlisted'].includes(notification.status.visibility)) {
action: 'reblog',
title: 'Boost'
2018-10-06 20:06:10 +00:00
await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, {
icon: data.icon,
body: data.body,
tag: notification.id,
data: {
instance: origin,
status_id: notification.status.id,
access_token: data.access_token,
url: `${self.location.origin}/statuses/${notification.status.id}`
case 'reblog': {
await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, {
icon: data.icon,
body: data.body,
tag: notification.id,
data: {
url: `${self.location.origin}/statuses/${notification.status.id}`
case 'favourite': {
await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, {
icon: data.icon,
body: data.body,
tag: notification.id,
data: {
url: `${self.location.origin}/statuses/${notification.status.id}`
const cloneNotification = notification => {
const clone = { }
// Object.assign() does not work with notifications
for (let k in notification) {
clone[k] = notification[k]
return clone
const updateNotificationWithoutAction = (notification, action) => {
const newNotification = cloneNotification(notification)
newNotification.actions = newNotification.actions.filter(item => item.action !== action)
return self.registration.showNotification(newNotification.title, newNotification)
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => {
event.waitUntil((async () => {
switch (event.action) {
case 'reply': {
await post(`${event.notification.data.instance}/api/v1/statuses/`, {
status: event.reply,
in_reply_to_id: event.notification.data.status_id
}, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${event.notification.data.access_token}` })
await updateNotificationWithoutAction(event.notification, 'reply')
case 'reblog': {
await post(`${event.notification.data.instance}/api/v1/statuses/${event.notification.data.status_id}/reblog`, null, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${event.notification.data.access_token}` })
await updateNotificationWithoutAction(event.notification, 'reblog')
case 'favourite': {
await post(`${event.notification.data.instance}/api/v1/statuses/${event.notification.data.status_id}/favourite`, null, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${event.notification.data.access_token}` })
await updateNotificationWithoutAction(event.notification, 'favourite')
default: {
await self.clients.openWindow(event.notification.data.url)
await event.notification.close()
// Copy-paste from ajax.js
async function get (url, headers, options) {
return _fetch(url, makeFetchOptions('GET', headers), options)
async function post (url, body, headers, options) {
return _putOrPostOrPatch('POST', url, body, headers, options)
async function _putOrPostOrPatch (method, url, body, headers, options) {
let fetchOptions = makeFetchOptions(method, headers)
if (body) {
if (body instanceof FormData) {
fetchOptions.body = body
} else {
fetchOptions.body = JSON.stringify(body)
fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return _fetch(url, fetchOptions, options)
async function _fetch (url, fetchOptions, options) {
let response
if (options && options.timeout) {
response = await fetchWithTimeout(url, fetchOptions, options.timeout)
} else {
response = await fetch(url, fetchOptions)
return throwErrorIfInvalidResponse(response)
async function throwErrorIfInvalidResponse (response) {
let json = await response.json()
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
return json
if (json && json.error) {
throw new Error(response.status + ': ' + json.error)
throw new Error('Request failed: ' + response.status)
function fetchWithTimeout (url, fetchOptions, timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(url, fetchOptions).then(resolve, reject)
setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(`Timed out after ${timeout / 1000} seconds`)), timeout)
function makeFetchOptions (method, headers) {
return {
headers: Object.assign(headers || {}, {
'Accept': 'application/json'