Files from the xpi were missing '\n' at the end of their last lines. Changing this would invalidate the Mozilla manifest/signature data, so I removed that. No substantive code changes in this commit. |
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Block Cloudflare MITM Attack
Pull requests are welcome!
The purpose of this browser add-on is to block Cloudflare sites.
The TLS protocol promises end-to-end encryption between the client and an authenticated, identified endpoint server. The browser’s lock icon is a UI widget which makes this promise to the user. Cloudflare is a mass-decryption chokepoint, which intercepts and decrypts the Web requests made by billions of people to millions of websites.
- Prior discussion: Tor Browser Bug #24351: Block Global Active Adversary Cloudflare
- Imported from block_cloudflare_mitm_attack-, by an anonymous cypherpunk. “Cyperpunks write code.” Cheers!
- Original announcement
- Thanks to Debian Bug #831835 for some inspiration.