This commit is contained in:
@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
| Take a look at the right image. You will think Cloudflare block _only_ bad guys. You will think _Cloudflare is always online(never go [down]( You will think _legit bots and crawlers can index your website_. |  |
| However [those are not true]( at all. Cloudflare is blocking innocent people with no reason. Cloudflare can go down. Cloudflare blocks legit bots. |  |
| Just like any hosting service, Cloudflare is not perfect. You will see this screen [even if the origin server is working well]( |  |
| Do you really think Cloudflare has 100% uptime? [You have no idea]( how many times Cloudflare goes down. If Cloudflare goes down your customer cannot access your website. | <br> |
| Do you really think Cloudflare has 100% uptime? [You have no idea]( how many times Cloudflare [goes down]( If Cloudflare goes down your customer cannot access your website. | <br> |
| It is called this in reference to the [Great Firewall of China]( which does a comparable job of [filtering out many humans]( from seeing web content (ie everyone in mainland China and people outside) while at the same time those not affected to see a dratically different web, a web free of censorship such as an image of ["tank man"]( and the history of ["Tiananmen Square protests"]( |  |
| Cloudflare possesses [great power](http://digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion/ghost/mozilla.html). In a sense, they control what the end user ultimately sees. You are prevented from browsing the website because of Cloudflare. |  |
| Cloudflare can be used for censorship. |  |
| You cannot view cloudflared website if you are using minor browser which Cloudflare may think it is a bot(because not many people use it). |  |
| You cannot pass this invasive "browser check" without enabling Javascript. This is a waste of five(or more) seconds of your valuable life. |  |
| Cloudflare also [automatically]( [block]( legit robots/crawlers such as Google, Yandex, Yacy, and [API clients]( Cloudflare is actively [monitoring]( "bypass cloudflare" community with an intent to break legit research bots. |  |
| Cloudflare similarly prevents many people who have poor internet connectivity from accessing the websites behind it (for example, they could be behind 7+ layers of NAT or sharing same IP) unless they solve multiple image CAPTCHAs. In some cases, [this will take 10 to 30 minutes to satisfy Google]( |  |
| Cloudflare can be used for censorship. |  |
| You cannot view cloudflared website if you are using minor browser which Cloudflare may think it is a bot(because not many people use it). |  |
| You cannot pass this invasive "browser check" without enabling Javascript. This is a waste of five(or more) seconds of your valuable life. |  |
| Cloudflare also [automatically]( [block]( legit robots/crawlers such as Google, Yandex, Yacy, and [API clients]( Cloudflare is actively [monitoring]( "bypass cloudflare" community with an intent to break legit research bots. |  |
| Cloudflare similarly prevents many people who have poor internet connectivity from accessing the websites behind it (for example, they could be behind 7+ layers of NAT or sharing same IP, for example public Wifi) unless they solve multiple image CAPTCHAs. In some cases, [this will take 10 to 30 minutes to satisfy Google]( |  |
| Many humans and software are being blocked by Cloudflare [every day]( |  |
| Cloudflare [annoys many people]( around the world. Take a look at the list and think whether adopting Cloudflare on your site is good for user experience. |  |
| What is the purpose of the internet if you cannot do what you want? Most people who visit your website will just look for other pages if they can't load a webpage. You may be not blocking any visitors, but Cloudflare's default firewall is strict enough to block many people. | <br> |
| Cloudflare [annoys many people]( around the world. Take a look at the list and think whether adopting Cloudflare on your site is good for user experience. |  |
| What is the purpose of the internet if you cannot do what you want? Most people who visit your website will just look for other pages if they can't load a webpage. You may be not blocking any visitors, but Cloudflare's default firewall is strict enough to block many people. | <br> |
| There is no way to solve the captcha without enabling Javascript and Cookies. Cloudflare is [using them]( to make a browser signature to [identify]( [you]( Cloudflare needs to know your identity to decide whether you are eligeble to continue browsing the site. |  |
| [Tor users]( and [VPN users]( are also a [victim]( of Cloudflare. Both solutions are being used by many people who cannot afford uncensored internet due to their country/corporation/network policy. Cloudflare is shamelessly attacking those people, forcing them to turn off their proxy solution. |  |
| [Tor users]( and [VPN users]( are also a [victim]( of Cloudflare. Both solutions are being used by many people who cannot afford uncensored internet due to their country/corporation/network policy or who wants to add extra layer to protect their privacy. Cloudflare is shamelessly attacking those people, forcing them to turn off their proxy solution. |  |
| If you didn't try Tor until this moment, we encourage you to [download Tor Browser]( and visit your favorite websites. (advice: _Do not login to your bank website or government webpage or they will flag your account. [Use VPN]( for those websites._) |  |
| You might want to say "_Tor is illegal! Tor users are criminal! Tor is bad!_". No. You might learned about Tor from television, saying Tor can be used to browse [darknet]( and trade guns, drugs or [chid porn]( While above statement is true that there are many market website where you can buy such items, those sites are often appear on clearnet too. |  |
| Tor _was_ [developed by US Army](, but current Tor is developed by the [Tor project]( There are many people and organizations [who use Tor]( including your future friends. So, if you are using Cloudflare on your website you are blocking _real_ humans. You will lose potential friendship and business deal. |  |
| And their DNS service, [](, is also filtering out users from visiting the website by returning [fake]( IP address [owned by Cloudflare](, localhost IP such as "127.0.0.x", or just return nothing. | <br> |
| Cloudflare DNS also [break]( [online]( [software]( [from]( [smartphone]( [app]( [to computer game because of their fake DNS answer]( Cloudflare DNS [cannot query]( some bank websites. | <br> |
| Cloudflare DNS also [break]( [online]( [software]( [from]( [smartphone]( [app]( [to computer game because of their fake DNS answer]( Cloudflare DNS [cannot query]( some bank websites. | <br> |
| And here you might think,<br>"_I am not using Tor or VPN, why should I care?_"<br>"_I trust Cloudflare marketing, why should I care_"<br>"_My website is HTTPS why should I care_" |  |
| If you visit website which use Cloudflare, you are sharing your information not only to website owner _but also Cloudflare_. This is how the [reverse proxy]( works. |  |
| If you visit website which use Cloudflare, you are sharing your information not only to website owner _but also Cloudflare_. This is how the [reverse proxy]( works. |  |
| It is impossible to [analyze]( without [decrypting TLS traffic]( |  |
| Cloudflare knows all your data such as raw password. |  |
| [Cloudbeed]( can happen anytime. |  |
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
| Internet user's online profile is a "product" that the government and big tech companies wants to buy. |  |
| U.S. [Department of Homeland Security]( said:<br><br>"Do you have any idea how valuable the data you have is? Is there any way you would sell us that data?" |  |
| Cloudflare also offer _FREE_ VPN service called "[Cloudflare Warp](". If you use it, all your smartphone ([or your computer]( connections are sent to Cloudflare servers. Cloudflare can know which website you've read, what comment you've posted, who you've talked to, etc. You are voluntary giving [all your information]( to Cloudflare. If you think "_Are you joking? Cloudflare is secure._" then you need to learn how [VPN works]( |  |
| Cloudflare said their VPN service make your internet [fast]( But VPN make your internet connection _slower_ than [your]( [existing]( [connection]( |  |
| Cloudflare said their VPN service make your internet [fast]( But VPN make your internet connection _slower_ than [your]( [existing]( [connection]( |  |
| You might already know about the [PRISM]( scandal. It is true that AT&T lets [NSA]( to [copy all internet data]( for surveillance. |  |
| Let's say you're working at the NSA, and you want _every citizen's internet profile_. You know most of them are [blindly trusting Cloudflare]( and using it - only one centralized gateway - to proxy their company server connection([SSH]([RDP](, personal website, chat website, forum website, bank website, insurance website, search engine, secret member-only website, auction website, [shopping](, video website, NSFW website, and illegal website. You also know they use Cloudflare's DNS service ("_1.1.1.1_") and VPN service ("_Cloudflare Warp_") for "_Secure! Faster! Better!_" internet experience. Combining them with user's IP address, browser [fingerprint](, cookies and RAY-ID will be useful to build target's online profile. |  |
| You want their data. [What will you do]( |  |
Reference in New Issue