mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 20:30:43 +01:00
by fnordomat@github
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 0 additions and 596 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
* /addons/* -- [MIT](https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT-permesilo)
* /pdf/* -- Nekonata (Vi povas trovi ekzempleron ĉie. Dankon al aŭtoroj.)
* /tool/globalist/* (Globalist) -- [GNU GPLv3](https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%9Cenerala_Publika_Permesilo_de_GNU)
* /tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx/* -- [MIT](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx/LICENSE.md)
* Else -- [PUBLIKA DOMINO (CC0)](https://web.archive.org/web/https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) = [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/about/)
@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ CC0-permesilo permesas uzi tiujn dosierojn por iu ajn uzo, eĉ en manieroj, kiuj
* /addons/* -- [MIT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)
* /pdf/* -- Unknown (You can find a copy everywhere. Thanks to authors)
* /tool/globalist/* (Globalist) -- [GNU GPLv3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License)
* /tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx/* -- [MIT](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx/LICENSE.md)
* Else -- [PUBLIC DOMAIN (CC0)](https://web.archive.org/web/https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) = [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/about/)
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Globalist: manage a global repo via decentral git instances
# you may peer with any number of other Globalist onions
# Think onionshare, but with permanent onion addresses, P2P and DVCS
# Python2/3. Dependencies:
# - stem (torsocks pip install stem / via distro)
# a recent version (>= 1.5.0) is needed for auth
# - git must be installed
# - torsocks must be installed
# - tor must be up and running and the ControlPort open
# Use scenario:
# a) Run Tor.
# b) Run the server in the background and schedule a job for pulling from peers.
# it is a git server that listens on <your-identifier>.onion:9418
# it's to be expected that peers uptime will intersect with yours
# only a fraction of the time.
# c) Globalist.py creates a git, which you may use to push and pull your own changes.
# Bugs:
# FIXME: clean up hidservauth entries on stop
import globalist
import sys
if __name__=='__main__':
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- HidServAuth entries are never cleaned up
- ux: -X does not disable authentication
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# Globalist
Globalist provides distributed sharing of repositories without the need of central instances (like Microsoft GitHub).
This is an attempt to ease the distribution of git repos, to overcome the risk of a central points of failure.
Globalist stands for "Global List" and aims at replacing any EtherPads of more than transient value.
It is also meant to evolve into an experimental distributed asynchronous wiki facility.
Nodes can come and go, and network topology only depends on the peers entries in the nodes' config files. Changes that are merged by one's peers propagate by diffusion.
The official repository can be found at https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/stop_cloudflare
## Usage
To use Globalist.py `python3` is needed. Either run it from globalist directory with `python3 Globalist.py` or or install it as described below.
Per default an open tor ControlPort at 9151 without authentication is expected. You can choose another port with `-C`.
For a list of option see `--help`.
### Create repository
Make a new directory and put this in the file ./repo.cfg (when creating a new repository instead of cloning from a peer, the list or indeed the repo.cfg file can remain empty)
peers = <comma-separated list of onion domain names, with or without the suffix .onion>
For a public repository, no authentication is needed (option -_X_). In case authentication is used, prepend the secret as follows: somebody:secret@peeroniondomainname.onion
For each shared repo, Globalist will create one .onion service. Note that it is possible to use either bare repos or not-bare repos.
### Clone a repository
To clone a bare repo:
Globalist.py -bc ...
To pull once from a bare repo:
Globalist.py -bp
## To install locally
./setup.py install --user
torsocks pip3 install -v -e .
## To do
set default commit messages
support signed commits
@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = ""
import ConfigParser as cp
import configparser as cp # python3
import optparse as op
import re
import os
import sys
import json
import subprocess
import stem
from stem.control import Controller
# Usage:
# Make a directory.
# Put a configuration file repo.cfg listing some peers. Done.
# Initialize:
# Either a) (git init repo/) ->
# $ python Globalist.py -i
# or b) (torsocks git clone git://example7abcdefgh.onion) ->
# $ python Globalist.py -c
# Have fun:
# Run server
# $ python Globalist.py
# Pull from peers once
# $ python Globalist.py -p
# Periodically pull, don't serve
# $ python Globalist.py -pP 1800
# Periodically pull and also serve
# $ python Globalist.py -P 1800
# That's it.
# One can simply check in a list of onions for open peering
# as PEERS.txt ...
# A word of CAUTION: anyone can commit anything
# and there's no mechanism for permanently blacklisting
# malicious peers (although one can simply remove them
# as they crop up and roll back their changes).
# A future version of Globalist.py should introduce
# signed commits + reputation system, when the need arises.
# [network]
# peers = example7abcdefgh.onion, example8abcdefgh.onion
# (possibly prefixed with somebody:authkey@ ...)
# when using -b (bare), merge remote changes locally after
# git pull origin remote/origin/master.
STATUS = {'peers': None, 'socksport': None}
def git(command):
# print (command)
p = subprocess.Popen(["git"] + command)
return p
def make_exportable(path):
subprocess.Popen(["touch", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "git-daemon-export-ok")) ]).wait()
def run_server(config, localport = 9418):
print ("Running git server on %s.onion" % config.get('onion', 'hostname'))
authkey = config.get('onion', 'clientauth')
if authkey:
print ("Client auth is %s" % authkey)
except (KeyError, cp.NoOptionError) as e:
print ("No client auth")
print ("Git server local port is %d" % localport)
print ("You can now hand out this onion to prospective peers.")
print ("It will be re-used anytime Globalist starts in this directory.")
what = "repo"
if OPTIONS.o_bare:
what += ".git"
gitdaemon = git(["daemon", "--base-path=%s" % os.path.abspath("."),
"--reuseaddr", "--verbose",
# there could be a global setting enabling write access??
"--listen=", "--port=%d" % localport,
output = gitdaemon.communicate()[0]
print (output)
# then background this process
def makeonion(controller, config, options):
# stem docs say: provide the password here if you set one:
# todo catch UnreadableCookieFile(
onion = None
extra_kwargs = {}
if config.has_section('onion'):
print ("Attempting to use saved onion identity")
(keytype,key) = config.get('onion', 'key').split(':',1)
if options.o_auth:
print ("Attempting to use saved clientauth")
extra_kwargs['basic_auth'] =\
dict([config.get('onion', 'clientauth').split(':',1)])
except (KeyError, cp.NoOptionError) as e:
print ("No client auth present, generating one")
extra_kwargs['basic_auth'] = {'somebody': None}
print ("Not using clientauth.")
onion = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service(**extra_kwargs, ports={9418: options.a_localport}, discard_key=True, await_publication=options.o_ap, key_type=keytype, key_content=key)
print ("I'm afraid we don't have an identity yet, creating one")
if options.o_auth:
extra_kwargs['basic_auth'] = {'somebody': None}
onion = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service(**extra_kwargs, ports={9418: options.a_localport}, discard_key=False, await_publication=options.o_ap)
# print (onion)
print ("Tor controller says Onion OK")
if not onion.is_ok():
raise Exception('Failed to publish onion.')
# perhaps avoid overwriting when already present?
for line in onion:
if line != "OK":
k, v = line.split('=', 1)
# we only request the key if the service is new
if k == "PrivateKey":
except cp.DuplicateSectionError as e:
config.set('onion', 'key', v)
if k == "ServiceID":
except cp.DuplicateSectionError as e:
config.set('onion', 'hostname', v)
if k == "ClientAuth":
except cp.DuplicateSectionError as e:
config.set('onion', 'clientauth', v)
config.write(open('repo.cfg', 'w'))
def set_client_authentications(ls):
global OPTIONS
options = OPTIONS
controller = Controller.from_port(port = options.a_controlport)
# is there no sane way to _append_ a multi-config option in Tor????
# control protocol badly misdesigned, nobody thought of concurrent access???!?
# except it doesn't work, the 650 message never arrives. why?
# controller.add_event_listener(my_confchanged_listener, EventType.CONF_CHANGED)
# SETEVENTS conf_changed
hsa = controller.get_conf_map('hidservauth')
for authpair in ls:
if authpair['auth'] and len(authpair['auth']):
hsa['hidservauth'].append('%s.onion %s' % (authpair['onion'], authpair['auth']))
hsa['hidservauth'] = list(set(hsa['hidservauth']))
controller.set_conf('hidservauth', hsa['hidservauth'])
def getpeers(config):
if STATUS['peers']:
return STATUS['peers']
if config.has_section('network'):
peerslist = config.get('network', 'peers').split(',')
peers = []
authpairs = []
for peerentry in peerslist:
# extract what looks like an onion identifier
authpair = re.findall('(?:(somebody:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{22})@)?([a-z2-8]{16})', peerentry)[0]
userpass = authpair[0].split(":",1)
if not userpass or not len(userpass)==2:
userpass = (None, None)
authpairs += [{'auth':userpass[1],
'user':userpass[0], # somebody
peers += [authpair[1]]
except Exception as e:
print (e)
STATUS['peers'] = peers
return peers
STATUS['peers'] = []
return []
def clone(config):
peers = getpeers(config)
# FIXME: when the first fails, we should move on to the next..
what = "git://%s.onion/repo" % peers[0]
where = "repo"
how = []
if OPTIONS.o_bare:
what += ".git"
where += ".git"
how = ["--bare", "--mirror"]
cloneproc = subprocess.Popen(["torsocks", "-P", str(STATUS['socksport']), "git", "clone"] + how + [what, where])
if cloneproc.wait() != 0:
print ("Error cloning, exiting.")
return -1
# Make a local editable repo
git(["clone", "repo", "repo.git"]).wait()
print ("Failed to export repository, try to remove 'repo.git'.")
processes = []
for peer in peers[1:]:
processes.append([peer, subprocess.Popen(["torsocks", "-P", STATUS['socksport'], "git", "-C", os.path.abspath("repo"), "pull", "git://%s.onion/repo" % peer])])
for (peer,proc) in processes:
if proc.wait() != 0:
print ("Error with %s" % peer)
def pull(config):
peers = getpeers(config)
print ("Pulling from %s" % peers)
processes = []
for peer in peers:
processes.append([peer, subprocess.Popen(["torsocks", "-P", STATUS['socksport'], "git", "-C", os.path.abspath("repo"), "pull", "git://%s.onion/repo" % peer])])
for (peer,proc) in processes:
if proc.wait() != 0:
print ("Error with %s" % peer)
def fetch(config):
peers = getpeers(config)
print ("Fetching from %s" % peers)
processes = []
for peer in peers:
processes.append([peer, subprocess.Popen(["torsocks", "-P", STATUS['socksport'], "git", "-C", os.path.abspath("repo.git"), "fetch", "git://%s.onion/repo.git" % peer, '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'])])
for (peer,proc) in processes:
if proc.wait() != 0:
print ("Error with %s" % peer)
def init(config):
global OPTIONS # not needed for read access btw
options = OPTIONS
print ("Initializing ...")
if options.o_bare:
git(["init", "repo.git", "--bare"]).wait()
# Make a local editable repo
git(["clone", "repo.git", "repo"]).wait()
git(["init", "repo"]).wait()
print ("Initialized")
def main(args=[]):
# OptionParser is capable of printing a helpscreen
opt = op.OptionParser()
opt.add_option("-V", "--version", dest="o_version", action="store_true",
default=False, help="print version number")
opt.add_option("-i", "--init", dest="o_init", action="store_true",
default=False, help="make new empty repo")
opt.add_option("-b", "--bare", dest="o_bare", action="store_true",
default=False, help="use bare repos and fetch, not pull")
opt.add_option("-c", "--clone", dest="o_clone", action="store_true",
default=False, help="clone repo from 1st peer")
opt.add_option("-p", "--pull", dest="o_pull", action="store_true",
default=False, help="pull / fetch from peers and don't serve")
opt.add_option("-P", "--periodically-pull", dest="a_pull", action="store",
type="int", default=None, metavar="PERIOD",
help="pull / fetch from peers every n seconds")
opt.add_option("-L", "--local", dest="a_localport", action="store", type="int",
default=9418, metavar="PORT", help="local port for git daemon")
opt.add_option("-C", "--control-port", dest="a_controlport", action="store", type="int",
default=9151, metavar="PORT", help="Tor controlport")
# opt.add_option("-CP", "--control-password", dest="a_controlpassword", action="store", type="int",
# default="", help="Tor Control Password")
# opt.add_option("-CC", "--control-cookie", dest="a_controlcookie", action="store", type="int",
# default="", help="Tor Control Cookie")
opt.add_option("-a", "--await", dest="o_ap", action="store_true",
default=False, help="await publication of .onion in DHT before proceeding")
opt.add_option("-x", "--auth", action="store_true", default=True,
dest="o_auth", help="enable authentication (private)")
opt.add_option("-X", "--no-auth", action="store_false", default=True,
dest="o_auth", help="disable authentication (not private)")
(options, args) = opt.parse_args(args)
global OPTIONS
OPTIONS = options
if options.o_version:
print (__version__)
return 0
if options.o_auth and stem.__version__ < '1.5.0':
sys.stderr.write ("stem version >=1.5.0 required for auth\n")
return 1
if not options.a_controlport:
options.a_controlport = DEFAULT_CONTROLPORT
# Extract socksport via c.get_conf and use this (-P in torsocks)
# TODO implement authentication token / cookie
controller = Controller.from_port(port = options.a_controlport)
if controller.get_conf('SocksPort'):
STATUS['socksport'] = controller.get_conf('SocksPort').split(" ",1)[0]
STATUS['socksport'] = 9050
config = cp.ConfigParser()
cfgfile = None
cfgfile = open('repo.cfg')
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print("Trying to make file repo.cfg")
os.chmod("repo.cfg", 0o600)
cfgfile = open('repo.cfg')
except Exception as e:
print (e)
return 1
if not options.o_bare:
print ("repo.git exists, setting -b implicitly")
# TODO -B to override
options.o_bare = True
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if not options.o_init and not options.o_clone and options.o_bare:
print ("./repo.git/ does not exist, try -ib or -cb")
return 1
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if not options.o_init and not options.o_clone and not options.o_bare:
print("./repo/ does not exist, try -i or -c")
return 1
except Exception as e:
print (e)
return 1
if options.o_init:
peers = getpeers(config)
if options.o_clone:
if not len(peers):
print ("No peers, can't clone. Please enter a peer in repo.cfg")
return 1
threads = []
if options.a_pull:
if not len(peers):
print ("No peers, not starting pulling task.")
import threading
from datetime import timedelta as td
from datetime import datetime
class T:
def __init__(self):
self.last = datetime.now()
def run(self):
if options.o_bare:
threading.Timer(options.a_pull, T.run, args=(self,)).start()
task = T()
t = threading.Thread(target=T.run, args=(task,))
t . setDaemon(True)
# It's either pull(once) or serve. It's no problem running pull from
# another console while the server is up. It's no problem specifying
# periodic pull with either.
if options.o_pull and not options.a_pull:
if options.o_bare:
elif not options.o_pull:
controller = Controller.from_port(port = options.a_controlport)
makeonion(controller, config, options)
run_server(config, localport = options.a_localport)
for t in threads:
# TODO: should only generate a clientauth on a previously unauthenticated repo if requested by command line option
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from distutils.core import setup
description='Globalist distributed git onions',
# author_email='',
Add table
Reference in a new issue