* fix: update to latest sapper fixes #416 * fix error and debug pages * requestIdleCallback makes column switching feel way nicer than double rAF * add export feature * add better csp info * workaround for sapper sub-page issue * clarify in readme about exporting * fix now config * switch from rIC to triple raf * style-loader is no longer used * update theming guide
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import { favoriteStatus } from '../src/routes/_api/favorite'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import FileApi from 'file-api'
import { users } from './users'
import { postStatus } from '../src/routes/_api/statuses'
import { deleteStatus } from '../src/routes/_api/delete'
import { authorizeFollowRequest, getFollowRequests } from '../src/routes/_actions/followRequests'
import { followAccount, unfollowAccount } from '../src/routes/_api/follow'
import { updateCredentials } from '../src/routes/_api/updateCredentials'
import { reblogStatus } from '../src/routes/_api/reblog'
import { submitMedia } from './submitMedia'
global.fetch = fetch
global.File = FileApi.File
global.FormData = FileApi.FormData
const instanceName = 'localhost:3000'
export async function favoriteStatusAs (username, statusId) {
return favoriteStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, statusId)
export async function reblogStatusAs (username, statusId) {
return reblogStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, statusId)
export async function postAs (username, text) {
return postStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, text,
null, null, false, null, 'public')
export async function postWithSpoilerAndPrivacyAs (username, text, spoiler, privacy) {
return postStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, text,
null, null, true, spoiler, privacy)
export async function postEmptyStatusWithMediaAs (username, filename, alt) {
let mediaResponse = await submitMedia(users[username].accessToken, filename, alt)
return postStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, '',
null, [mediaResponse.id], false, null, 'public')
export async function postReplyAs (username, text, inReplyTo) {
return postStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, text,
inReplyTo, null, false, null, 'public')
export async function deleteAs (username, statusId) {
return deleteStatus(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, statusId)
export async function getFollowRequestsAs (username) {
return getFollowRequests(instanceName, users[username].accessToken)
export async function authorizeFollowRequestAs (username, id) {
return authorizeFollowRequest(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, id)
export async function followAs (username, userToFollow) {
return followAccount(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, users[userToFollow].id)
export async function unfollowAs (username, userToFollow) {
return unfollowAccount(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, users[userToFollow].id)
export async function updateUserDisplayNameAs (username, displayName) {
return updateCredentials(instanceName, users[username].accessToken, { display_name: displayName })