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This is an alpha release of Gajim for OS/X using native GTK+. It is not finished
nor is it relatively stable. The native port of GTK+ is alpha and not stable
yet, though it has proven to be usable for Gajim. Having said that it is usable,
basic functionality works. See the TODO file for a list of what is and is not
Install the GTK+ framework into your /Library/Frameworks directory. It can be
found at http://codepunks.org/gajim.
NOTE: If you're able to make it work with official GTK release, we are VERY interested !!
Copy the Gajim.app into the /Applications directory or any other directory.
Installing language dictionaries
The codepunks.org build of the GTK+ framework comes with the US English
dictionary pre-installed. If you wish to install a different dictionary download
the appropriate dictionary from here:
Then follow these instructions:
source /Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/Current/bin/env
tar -jxf aspell-<lang>-<version>.tbz2
cd aspell-<lang>-<version>
make install
Compiling Requirements
These instructions were gathered for building a universal binary on a PPC. The
steps for building on an i386 should be essentially the same.
- OS/X 10.4, i386 or ppc
- Universal MacPython 2.5
- Latest XCode (2.4.0 or greater)
- py2app
Install all of the requirements. Make sure that the universal MacPython is
installed before py2app. Then ensure that this is the first python in your
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin:$PATH
Then install py2app.
In the top level run the configure script. If this is source is from subversion
then run the autogen.sh script. Follow it up with a make:
Once that is done Gajim can be run from the source tree. You may also create an
app bundle suitable for use or distribution. To do that run:
python setup_osx.py build
The Gajim.app bundle is created in the dist directory. This bundle is ready
for use as is. Copy it to your /Applications directory and you're good to go.
You now have a self contained (almost, requires GTK+.framework still) universal
native build of Gajim.
Optionally to create a distribution of the Gajim app bundle do:
python setup_osx.py dist
It is possible to run Gajim correctly from the app bundle but still use the
python code in the source tree. This line must be added to the _run() function
in the Gajim.app/Resources/__boot__.py file. It needs to be located just after
the sys module is imported. Font forget to fix the path to match your
sys.path = ["/Users/user/Source/gajim/src"] + sys.path