359 lines
10 KiB
359 lines
10 KiB
from common import gajim, xmpp
MOODS = ['afraid', 'amazed', 'angry', 'annoyed', 'anxious', 'aroused',
'ashamed', 'bored', 'brave', 'calm', 'cold', 'confused', 'contented',
'cranky', 'curious', 'depressed', 'disappointed', 'disgusted',
'distracted', 'embarrassed', 'excited', 'flirtatious', 'frustrated',
'grumpy', 'guilty', 'happy', 'hot', 'humbled', 'humiliated', 'hungry',
'hurt', 'impressed', 'in_awe', 'in_love', 'indignant', 'interested',
'intoxicated', 'invincible', 'jealous', 'lonely', 'mean', 'moody',
'nervous', 'neutral', 'offended', 'playful', 'proud', 'relieved',
'remorseful', 'restless', 'sad', 'sarcastic', 'serious', 'shocked',
'shy', 'sick', 'sleepy', 'stressed', 'surprised', 'thirsty', 'worried']
def user_mood(items, name, jid):
has_child = False
retract = False
mood = None
text = None
for item in items.getTags('item'):
child = item.getTag('mood')
if child is not None:
has_child = True
for ch in child.getChildren():
if ch.getName() != 'text':
mood = ch.getName()
text = ch.getData()
if items.getTag('retract') is not None:
retract = True
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
acc = gajim.connections[name]
if has_child:
if acc.mood.has_key('mood'):
del acc.mood['mood']
if acc.mood.has_key('text'):
del acc.mood['text']
if mood is not None:
acc.mood['mood'] = mood
if text is not None:
acc.mood['text'] = text
elif retract:
if acc.mood.has_key('mood'):
del acc.mood['mood']
if acc.mood.has_key('text'):
del acc.mood['text']
(user, resource) = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid)
for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(name, user):
if has_child:
if contact.mood.has_key('mood'):
del contact.mood['mood']
if contact.mood.has_key('text'):
del contact.mood['text']
if mood is not None:
contact.mood['mood'] = mood
if text is not None:
contact.mood['text'] = text
elif retract:
if contact.mood.has_key('mood'):
del contact.mood['mood']
if contact.mood.has_key('text'):
del contact.mood['text']
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
gajim.interface.roster.draw_mood(user, name)
ctrl = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(user, name)
if ctrl:
def user_tune(items, name, jid):
has_child = False
retract = False
artist = None
title = None
source = None
track = None
length = None
for item in items.getTags('item'):
child = item.getTag('tune')
if child is not None:
has_child = True
for ch in child.getChildren():
if ch.getName() == 'artist':
artist = ch.getData()
elif ch.getName() == 'title':
title = ch.getData()
elif ch.getName() == 'source':
source = ch.getData()
elif ch.getName() == 'track':
track = ch.getData()
elif ch.getName() == 'length':
length = ch.getData()
if items.getTag('retract') is not None:
retract = True
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
acc = gajim.connections[name]
if has_child:
if acc.tune.has_key('artist'):
del acc.tune['artist']
if acc.tune.has_key('title'):
del acc.tune['title']
if acc.tune.has_key('source'):
del acc.tune['source']
if acc.tune.has_key('track'):
del acc.tune['track']
if acc.tune.has_key('length'):
del acc.tune['length']
if artist is not None:
acc.tune['artist'] = artist
if title is not None:
acc.tune['title'] = title
if source is not None:
acc.tune['source'] = source
if track is not None:
acc.tune['track'] = track
if length is not None:
acc.tune['length'] = length
elif retract:
if acc.tune.has_key('artist'):
del acc.tune['artist']
if acc.tune.has_key('title'):
del acc.tune['title']
if acc.tune.has_key('source'):
del acc.tune['source']
if acc.tune.has_key('track'):
del acc.tune['track']
if acc.tune.has_key('length'):
del acc.tune['length']
(user, resource) = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid)
for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(name, user):
if has_child:
if contact.tune.has_key('artist'):
del contact.tune['artist']
if contact.tune.has_key('title'):
del contact.tune['title']
if contact.tune.has_key('source'):
del contact.tune['source']
if contact.tune.has_key('track'):
del contact.tune['track']
if contact.tune.has_key('length'):
del contact.tune['length']
if artist is not None:
contact.tune['artist'] = artist
if title is not None:
contact.tune['title'] = title
if source is not None:
contact.tune['source'] = source
if track is not None:
contact.tune['track'] = track
if length is not None:
contact.tune['length'] = length
elif retract:
if contact.tune.has_key('artist'):
del contact.tune['artist']
if contact.tune.has_key('title'):
del contact.tune['title']
if contact.tune.has_key('source'):
del contact.tune['source']
if contact.tune.has_key('track'):
del contact.tune['track']
if contact.tune.has_key('length'):
del contact.tune['length']
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
gajim.interface.roster.draw_tune(user, name)
ctrl = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(user, name)
if ctrl:
def user_geoloc(items, name, jid):
def user_activity(items, name, jid):
has_child = False
retract = False
activity = None
subactivity = None
text = None
for item in items.getTags('item'):
child = item.getTag('activity')
if child is not None:
has_child = True
for ch in child.getChildren():
if ch.getName() != 'text':
activity = ch.getName()
for chi in ch.getChildren():
subactivity = chi.getName()
text = ch.getData()
if items.getTag('retract') is not None:
retract = True
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
acc = gajim.connections[name]
if has_child:
if acc.activity.has_key('activity'):
del acc.activity['activity']
if acc.activity.has_key('subactivity'):
del acc.activity['subactivity']
if acc.activity.has_key('text'):
del acc.activity['text']
if activity is not None:
acc.activity['activity'] = activity
if subactivity is not None:
acc.activity['subactivity'] = subactivity
if text is not None:
acc.activity['text'] = text
elif retract:
if acc.activity.has_key('activity'):
del acc.activity['activity']
if acc.activity.has_key('subactivity'):
del acc.activity['subactivity']
if acc.activity.has_key('text'):
del acc.activity['text']
(user, resource) = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid)
for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(name, user):
if has_child:
if contact.activity.has_key('activity'):
del contact.activity['activity']
if contact.activity.has_key('subactivity'):
del contact.activity['subactivity']
if contact.activity.has_key('text'):
del contact.activity['text']
if activity is not None:
contact.activity['activity'] = activity
if subactivity is not None:
contact.activity['subactivity'] = subactivity
if text is not None:
contact.activity['text'] = text
elif retract:
if contact.activity.has_key('activity'):
del contact.activity['activity']
if contact.activity.has_key('subactivity'):
del contact.activity['subactivity']
if contact.activity.has_key('text'):
del contact.activity['text']
def user_nickname(items, name, jid):
has_child = False
retract = False
nick = None
for item in items.getTags('item'):
child = item.getTag('nick')
if child is not None:
has_child = True
nick = child.getData()
if items.getTag('retract') is not None:
retract = True
if jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account(name):
if has_child:
gajim.nicks[name] = nick
if retract:
gajim.nicks[name] = gajim.config.get_per('accounts',
name, 'name')
(user, resource) = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid)
if has_child:
if nick is not None:
for contact in gajim.contacts.get_contacts(name, user):
contact.contact_name = nick
gajim.interface.roster.draw_contact(user, name)
ctrl = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(user,
if ctrl:
win = ctrl.parent_win
elif retract:
contact.contact_name = ''
def user_send_mood(account, mood, message = ''):
if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_mood'):
item = xmpp.Node('mood', {'xmlns': xmpp.NS_MOOD})
if mood != '':
if message != '':
i = item.addChild('text')
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_publish('', xmpp.NS_MOOD, item, '0')
def user_send_activity(account, activity, subactivity = '', message = ''):
if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_activity'):
item = xmpp.Node('activity', {'xmlns': xmpp.NS_ACTIVITY})
if activity != '':
i = item.addChild(activity)
if subactivity != '':
if message != '':
i = item.addChild('text')
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_publish('', xmpp.NS_ACTIVITY,
item, '0')
def user_send_tune(account, artist = '', title = '', source = '', track = 0,
length = 0, items = None):
if not (gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_tune') and \
item = xmpp.Node('tune', {'xmlns': xmpp.NS_TUNE})
if artist != '':
i = item.addChild('artist')
if title != '':
i = item.addChild('title')
if source != '':
i = item.addChild('source')
if track != 0:
i = item.addChild('track')
if length != 0:
i = item.addChild('length')
if items is not None:
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_publish('', xmpp.NS_TUNE, item, '0')
def user_send_nickname(account, nick):
if not (gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'publish_nick') and \
item = xmpp.Node('nick', {'xmlns': xmpp.NS_NICK})
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_publish('', xmpp.NS_NICK, item, '0')
def user_retract_mood(account):
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_retract('', xmpp.NS_MOOD, '0')
def user_retract_activity(account):
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_retract('', xmpp.NS_ACTIVITY, '0')
def user_retract_tune(account):
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_retract('', xmpp.NS_TUNE, '0')
def user_retract_nickname(account):
gajim.connections[account].send_pb_retract('', xmpp.NS_NICK, '0')