910 lines
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910 lines
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from common import gajim
from common import xmpp
from common import exceptions
import random
import string
import time
import xmpp.c14n
import base64
XmlDsig = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'
class StanzaSession(object):
def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type):
self.conn = conn
self.jid = jid
self.type = type
if thread_id:
self.received_thread_id = True
self.thread_id = thread_id
self.received_thread_id = False
if type == 'normal':
self.thread_id = None
self.thread_id = self.generate_thread_id()
self.last_send = 0
self.status = None
self.negotiated = {}
def generate_thread_id(self):
return "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in xrange(0,32)])
def send(self, msg):
if self.thread_id:
msg.NT.thread = self.thread_id
msg.setAttr('to', self.jid)
if isinstance(msg, xmpp.Message):
self.last_send = time.time()
def reject_negotiation(self, body = None):
msg = xmpp.Message()
feature = msg.NT.feature
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='submit')
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='0'))
if body:
def cancelled_negotiation(self):
'''A negotiation has been cancelled, so reset this session to its default state.'''
if hasattr(self, 'control'):
self.status = None
self.negotiated = {}
def terminate(self):
msg = xmpp.Message()
feature = msg.NT.feature
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='submit')
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='terminate', value='1'))
self.status = None
def acknowledge_termination(self):
# we could send an acknowledgement message to the remote client here
self.status = None
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from common import crypto
from common import dh
import secrets
# an encrypted stanza negotiation has several states. i've represented them
# as the following values in the 'status'
# attribute of the session object:
# 1. None:
# default state
# 2. 'requested-e2e':
# this client has initiated an esession negotiation and is waiting
# for a response
# 3. 'responded-e2e':
# this client has responded to an esession negotiation request and
# is waiting for the initiator to identify itself and complete the
# negotiation
# 4. 'identified-alice':
# this client identified itself and is waiting for the responder to
# identify itself and complete the negotiation
# 5. 'active':
# an encrypted session has been successfully negotiated. messages
# of any of the types listed in 'encryptable_stanzas' should be
# encrypted before they're sent.
# the transition between these states is handled in gajim.py's
# handle_session_negotiation method.
class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat'):
StanzaSession.__init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat')
self.loggable = True
self.xes = {}
self.es = {}
self.n = 128
self.enable_encryption = False
# _s denotes 'self' (ie. this client)
self._kc_s = None
# _o denotes 'other' (ie. the client at the other end of the session)
self._kc_o = None
# keep the encrypter updated with my latest cipher key
def set_kc_s(self, value):
self._kc_s = value
self.encrypter = self.cipher.new(self._kc_s, self.cipher.MODE_CTR,
def get_kc_s(self):
return self._kc_s
# keep the decrypter updated with the other party's latest cipher key
def set_kc_o(self, value):
self._kc_o = value
self.decrypter = self.cipher.new(self._kc_o, self.cipher.MODE_CTR,
def get_kc_o(self):
return self._kc_o
kc_s = property(get_kc_s, set_kc_s)
kc_o = property(get_kc_o, set_kc_o)
def encryptcounter(self):
self.c_s = (self.c_s + 1) % (2 ** self.n)
return crypto.encode_mpi_with_padding(self.c_s)
def decryptcounter(self):
self.c_o = (self.c_o + 1) % (2 ** self.n)
return crypto.encode_mpi_with_padding(self.c_o)
def sign(self, string):
if self.negotiated['sign_algs'] == (XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256'):
hash = crypto.sha256(string)
return crypto.encode_mpi(gajim.pubkey.sign(hash, '')[0])
def encrypt_stanza(self, stanza):
encryptable = filter(lambda x: x.getName() not in ('error', 'amp',
'thread'), stanza.getChildren())
# XXX can also encrypt contents of <error/> elements in stanzas @type =
# 'error'
# (except for <defined-condition
# xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> child elements)
old_en_counter = self.c_s
for element in encryptable:
plaintext = ''.join(map(str, encryptable))
m_compressed = self.compress(plaintext)
m_final = self.encrypt(m_compressed)
c = stanza.NT.c
c.NT.data = base64.b64encode(m_final)
# XXX check for rekey request, handle <key/> elements
m_content = ''.join(map(str, c.getChildren()))
c.NT.mac = base64.b64encode(self.hmac(self.km_s, m_content + \
return stanza
def hmac(self, key, content):
return HMAC.new(key, content, self.hash_alg).digest()
def generate_initiator_keys(self, k):
return (self.hmac(k, 'Initiator Cipher Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Initiator MAC Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Initiator SIGMA Key') )
def generate_responder_keys(self, k):
return (self.hmac(k, 'Responder Cipher Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Responder MAC Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Responder SIGMA Key') )
def compress(self, plaintext):
if self.compression == None:
return plaintext
def decompress(self, compressed):
if self.compression == None:
return compressed
def encrypt(self, encryptable):
padded = crypto.pad_to_multiple(encryptable, 16, ' ', False)
return self.encrypter.encrypt(padded)
def decrypt_stanza(self, stanza):
c = stanza.getTag(name='c',
# contents of <c>, minus <mac>, minus whitespace
macable = ''.join(map(str, filter(lambda x: x.getName() != 'mac',
received_mac = base64.b64decode(c.getTagData('mac'))
calculated_mac = self.hmac(self.km_o, macable + \
if not calculated_mac == received_mac:
raise exceptions.DecryptionError, 'bad signature'
m_final = base64.b64decode(c.getTagData('data'))
m_compressed = self.decrypt(m_final)
plaintext = self.decompress(m_compressed)
parsed = xmpp.Node(node='<node>' + plaintext + '</node>')
raise exceptions.DecryptionError, 'decrypted <data/> not parseable as XML'
for child in parsed.getChildren():
return stanza
def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
return self.decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext)
def logging_preference(self):
if gajim.config.get('log_encrypted_sessions'):
return ["may", "mustnot"]
return ["mustnot", "may"]
def get_shared_secret(self, e, y, p):
if (not 1 < e < (p - 1)):
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, "invalid DH value"
return crypto.sha256(crypto.encode_mpi(crypto.powmod(e, y, p)))
def c7lize_mac_id(self, form):
kids = form.getChildren()
macable = filter(lambda x: x.getVar() not in ('mac', 'identity'), kids)
return ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), macable))
def verify_identity(self, form, dh_i, sigmai, i_o):
m_o = base64.b64decode(form['mac'])
id_o = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_o_calculated = self.hmac(self.km_o, crypto.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_o)
if m_o_calculated != m_o:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated m_%s differs from received m_%s' % (i_o, i_o)
if i_o == 'a' and self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5':
# XXX not necessary if there's a verified retained secret
self.sas = crypto.sas_28x5(m_o, self.form_s)
if self.negotiated['recv_pubkey']:
plaintext = self.decrypt(id_o)
parsed = xmpp.Node(node='<node>' + plaintext + '</node>')
if self.negotiated['recv_pubkey'] == 'hash':
fingerprint = parsed.getTagData('fingerprint')
# XXX find stored pubkey or terminate session
raise 'unimplemented'
if self.negotiated['sign_algs'] == (XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256'):
keyvalue = parsed.getTag(name='RSAKeyValue', namespace=XmlDsig)
n, e = map(lambda x: crypto.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(
keyvalue.getTagData(x))), ('Modulus', 'Exponent'))
eir_pubkey = RSA.construct((n,long(e)))
pubkey_o = xmpp.c14n.c14n(keyvalue)
# XXX DSA, etc.
raise 'unimplemented'
enc_sig = parsed.getTag(name='SignatureValue',
signature = (crypto.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(enc_sig)),)
mac_o = self.decrypt(id_o)
pubkey_o = ''
c7l_form = self.c7lize_mac_id(form)
content = self.n_s + self.n_o + crypto.encode_mpi(dh_i) + pubkey_o
if sigmai:
self.form_o = c7l_form
content += self.form_o
form_o2 = c7l_form
content += self.form_o + form_o2
mac_o_calculated = self.hmac(self.ks_o, content)
if self.negotiated['recv_pubkey']:
hash = crypto.sha256(mac_o_calculated)
if not eir_pubkey.verify(hash, signature):
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'public key signature verification failed!'
elif mac_o_calculated != mac_o:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated mac_%s differs from received mac_%s' % (i_o, i_o)
def make_identity(self, form, dh_i):
if self.negotiated['send_pubkey']:
if self.negotiated['sign_algs'] == (XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256'):
pubkey = secrets.secrets().my_pubkey(self.conn.name)
fields = (pubkey.n, pubkey.e)
cb_fields = map(lambda f: base64.b64encode(crypto.encode_mpi(f)), fields)
pubkey_s = '<RSAKeyValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"><Modulus>%s</Modulus><Exponent>%s</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>' % tuple(cb_fields)
pubkey_s = ''
form_s2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
old_c_s = self.c_s
content = self.n_o + self.n_s + crypto.encode_mpi(dh_i) + pubkey_s + self.form_s + form_s2
mac_s = self.hmac(self.ks_s, content)
if self.negotiated['send_pubkey']:
signature = self.sign(mac_s)
sign_s = '<SignatureValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">%s</SignatureValue>' % base64.b64encode(signature)
if self.negotiated['send_pubkey'] == 'hash':
b64ed = base64.b64encode(self.hash(pubkey_s))
pubkey_s = '<fingerprint>%s</fingerprint>' % b64ed
id_s = self.encrypt(pubkey_s + sign_s)
id_s = self.encrypt(mac_s)
m_s = self.hmac(self.km_s, crypto.encode_mpi(old_c_s) + id_s)
if self.status == 'requested-e2e' and self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5':
# we're alice; check for a retained secret
# if none exists, prompt the user with the SAS
self.sas = crypto.sas_28x5(m_s, self.form_o)
if self.sigmai:
# XXX save retained secret?
self.check_identity(lambda : ())
return (xmpp.DataField(name='identity', value=base64.b64encode(id_s)), \
xmpp.DataField(name='mac', value=base64.b64encode(m_s)))
def negotiate_e2e(self, sigmai):
self.negotiated = {}
request = xmpp.Message()
feature = request.NT.feature
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='form')
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='1', typ='boolean', required=True))
# this field is incorrectly called 'otr' in XEPs 0116 and 0217
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='logging', typ='list-single', options=self.logging_preference(), required=True))
# unsupported options: 'disabled', 'enabled'
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='disclosure', typ='list-single', options=['never'], required=True))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='security', typ='list-single', options=['e2e'], required=True))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='crypt_algs', value='aes128-ctr', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='hash_algs', value='sha256', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='compress', value='none', typ='hidden'))
# unsupported options: 'iq', 'presence'
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='stanzas', typ='list-multi', options=['message']))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='init_pubkey', options=['none', 'key', 'hash'], typ='list-single'))
# XXX store key, use hash
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='resp_pubkey', options=['none', 'key'], typ='list-single'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='ver', value='1.0', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rekey_freq', value='4294967295', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='sas_algs', value='sas28x5', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='sign_algs', value='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha256', typ='hidden'))
self.n_s = crypto.generate_nonce()
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='my_nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_s), typ='hidden'))
modp_options = [ 5, 14, 2, 1 ]
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='modp', typ='list-single', options=map(lambda x: [ None, x ], modp_options)))
x.addChild(node=self.make_dhfield(modp_options, sigmai))
self.sigmai = sigmai
self.form_s = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), x.getChildren()))
self.status = 'requested-e2e'
# 4.3 esession response (bob)
def verify_options_bob(self, form):
negotiated = {'recv_pubkey': None, 'send_pubkey': None}
not_acceptable = []
ask_user = {}
fixed = { 'disclosure': 'never',
'security': 'e2e',
'crypt_algs': 'aes128-ctr',
'hash_algs': 'sha256',
'compress': 'none',
'stanzas': 'message',
'init_pubkey': 'none',
'resp_pubkey': 'none',
'ver': '1.0',
'sas_algs': 'sas28x5' }
self.encryptable_stanzas = ['message']
self.sas_algs = 'sas28x5'
self.cipher = AES
self.hash_alg = SHA256
self.compression = None
for name, field in map(lambda name: (name, form.getField(name)), form.asDict().keys()):
options = map(lambda x: x[1], field.getOptions())
values = field.getValues()
if not field.getType() in ('list-single', 'list-multi'):
options = values
if name in fixed:
if fixed[name] in options:
negotiated[name] = fixed[name]
elif name == 'rekey_freq':
preferred = int(options[0])
negotiated['rekey_freq'] = preferred
self.rekey_freq = preferred
elif name == 'logging':
my_prefs = self.logging_preference()
if my_prefs[0] in options: # our first choice is offered, select it
pref = my_prefs[0]
negotiated['logging'] = pref
else: # see if other acceptable choices are offered
for pref in my_prefs:
if pref in options:
ask_user['logging'] = pref
if not 'logging' in ask_user:
elif name == 'init_pubkey':
for x in ('key'):
if x in options:
negotiated['recv_pubkey'] = x
elif name == 'resp_pubkey':
for x in ('hash', 'key'):
if x in options:
negotiated['send_pubkey'] = x
elif name == 'sign_algs':
if (XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256') in options:
negotiated['sign_algs'] = XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256'
# XXX some things are handled elsewhere, some things are not-implemented
return (negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user)
# 4.3 esession response (bob)
def respond_e2e_bob(self, form, negotiated, not_acceptable):
response = xmpp.Message()
feature = response.NT.feature
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='submit')
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='true'))
for name in negotiated:
# some fields are internal and should not be sent
if not name in ('send_pubkey', 'recv_pubkey'):
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name=name, value=negotiated[name]))
self.negotiated = negotiated
# the offset of the group we chose (need it to match up with the dhhash)
group_order = 0
self.modp = int(form.getField('modp').getOptions()[group_order][1])
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='modp', value=self.modp))
g = dh.generators[self.modp]
p = dh.primes[self.modp]
self.n_o = base64.b64decode(form['my_nonce'])
dhhashes = form.getField('dhhashes').getValues()
self.negotiated['He'] = base64.b64decode(dhhashes[group_order].encode("utf8"))
bytes = int(self.n / 8)
self.n_s = crypto.generate_nonce()
self.c_o = crypto.decode_mpi(crypto.random_bytes(bytes)) # n-bit random number
self.c_s = self.c_o ^ (2 ** (self.n - 1))
self.y = crypto.srand(2 ** (2 * self.n - 1), p - 1)
self.d = crypto.powmod(g, self.y, p)
to_add = { 'my_nonce': self.n_s,
'dhkeys': crypto.encode_mpi(self.d),
'counter': crypto.encode_mpi(self.c_o),
'nonce': self.n_o }
for name in to_add:
b64ed = base64.b64encode(to_add[name])
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name=name, value=b64ed))
self.form_o = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
self.form_s = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), x.getChildren()))
self.status = 'responded-e2e'
if not_acceptable:
response = xmpp.Error(response, xmpp.ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE)
feature = xmpp.Node(xmpp.NS_FEATURE + ' feature')
for f in not_acceptable:
n = xmpp.Node('field')
n['var'] = f
# 'Alice Accepts'
def verify_options_alice(self, form):
negotiated = {}
ask_user = {}
not_acceptable = []
if not form['logging'] in self.logging_preference():
elif form['logging'] != self.logging_preference()[0]:
ask_user['logging'] = form['logging']
negotiated['logging'] = self.logging_preference()[0]
for r,a in (('recv_pubkey', 'resp_pubkey'), ('send_pubkey', 'init_pubkey')):
negotiated[r] = None
if a in form.asDict() and form[a] in ('key', 'hash'):
negotiated[r] = form[a]
if 'sign_algs' in form.asDict():
if form['sign_algs'] in (XmlDsig + 'rsa-sha256',):
negotiated['sign_algs'] = form['sign_algs']
return (negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user)
# 'Alice Accepts', continued
def accept_e2e_alice(self, form, negotiated):
self.encryptable_stanzas = ['message']
self.sas_algs = 'sas28x5'
self.cipher = AES
self.hash_alg = SHA256
self.compression = None
self.negotiated = negotiated
accept = xmpp.Message()
feature = accept.NT.feature
result = xmpp.DataForm(typ='result')
self.c_s = crypto.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['counter']))
self.c_o = self.c_s ^ (2 ** (self.n - 1))
self.n_o = base64.b64decode(form['my_nonce'])
mod_p = int(form['modp'])
p = dh.primes[mod_p]
x = self.xes[mod_p]
e = self.es[mod_p]
self.d = crypto.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['dhkeys']))
self.k = self.get_shared_secret(self.d, x, p)
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='1'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_o)))
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_initiator_keys(self.k)
if self.sigmai:
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_responder_keys(self.k)
self.verify_identity(form, self.d, True, 'b')
srses = secrets.secrets().retained_secrets(self.conn.name, self.jid.getStripped())
rshashes = [self.hmac(self.n_s, rs) for (rs,v) in srses]
if not rshashes:
# we've never spoken before, but we'll pretend we have
rshash_size = self.hash_alg.digest_size
rshashes = [base64.b64encode(rshash) for rshash in rshashes]
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rshashes', value=rshashes))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhkeys', value=base64.b64encode(crypto.encode_mpi(e))))
self.form_o = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
# MUST securely destroy K unless it will be used later to generate the final shared secret
for datafield in self.make_identity(result, e):
if self.sigmai:
self.status = 'active'
self.enable_encryption = True
self.status = 'identified-alice'
# 4.5 esession accept (bob)
def accept_e2e_bob(self, form):
response = xmpp.Message()
init = response.NT.init
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='result')
for field in ('nonce', 'dhkeys', 'rshashes', 'identity', 'mac'):
assert field in form.asDict(), "alice's form didn't have a %s field" % field
# 4.5.1 generating provisory session keys
e = crypto.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['dhkeys']))
p = dh.primes[self.modp]
if crypto.sha256(crypto.encode_mpi(e)) != self.negotiated['He']:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'SHA256(e) != He'
k = self.get_shared_secret(e, self.y, p)
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_initiator_keys(k)
# 4.5.2 verifying alice's identity
self.verify_identity(form, e, False, 'a')
# 4.5.4 generating bob's final session keys
srs = ''
srses = secrets.secrets().retained_secrets(self.conn.name, self.jid.getStripped())
rshashes = [base64.b64decode(rshash) for rshash in form.getField('rshashes').getValues()]
for (secret, verified) in srses:
if self.hmac(self.n_o, secret) in rshashes:
srs = secret
# other shared secret
# (we're not using one)
oss = ''
k = crypto.sha256(k + srs + oss)
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_responder_keys(k)
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_initiator_keys(k)
# 4.5.5
if srs:
srshash = self.hmac(srs, 'Shared Retained Secret')
srshash = crypto.random_bytes(32)
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_o)))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='srshash', value=base64.b64encode(srshash)))
for datafield in self.make_identity(x, self.d):
self.do_retained_secret(k, srs)
if self.negotiated['logging'] == 'mustnot':
self.loggable = False
self.status = 'active'
self.enable_encryption = True
if hasattr(self, 'control'):
def final_steps_alice(self, form):
srs = ''
srses = secrets.secrets().retained_secrets(self.conn.name, self.jid.getStripped())
srshash = base64.b64decode(form['srshash'])
for (secret, verified) in srses:
if self.hmac(secret, 'Shared Retained Secret') == srshash:
srs = secret
oss = ''
k = crypto.sha256(self.k + srs + oss)
del self.k
self.do_retained_secret(k, srs)
# don't need to calculate ks_s here
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_initiator_keys(k)
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_responder_keys(k)
# 4.6.2 Verifying Bob's Identity
self.verify_identity(form, self.d, False, 'b')
# Note: If Alice discovers an error then she SHOULD ignore any encrypted content she received in the stanza.
if self.negotiated['logging'] == 'mustnot':
self.loggable = False
self.status = 'active'
self.enable_encryption = True
if hasattr(self, 'control'):
# calculate and store the new retained secret
# prompt the user to check the remote party's identity (if necessary)
def do_retained_secret(self, k, srs):
new_srs = self.hmac(k, 'New Retained Secret')
account = self.conn.name
bjid = self.jid.getStripped()
if srs:
if secrets.secrets().srs_verified(account, bjid, srs):
secrets.secrets().replace_srs(account, bjid, srs, new_srs, True)
def _cb(verified):
secrets.secrets().replace_srs(account, bjid, srs, new_srs, verified)
def _cb(verified):
secrets.secrets().save_new_srs(account, bjid, new_srs, verified)
def make_dhfield(self, modp_options, sigmai):
dhs = []
for modp in modp_options:
p = dh.primes[modp]
g = dh.generators[modp]
x = crypto.srand(2 ** (2 * self.n - 1), p - 1)
# XXX this may be a source of performance issues
e = crypto.powmod(g, x, p)
self.xes[modp] = x
self.es[modp] = e
if sigmai:
name = 'dhkeys'
He = crypto.sha256(crypto.encode_mpi(e))
name = 'dhhashes'
return xmpp.DataField(name=name, typ='hidden', value=dhs)
def terminate_e2e(self):
self.enable_encryption = False
def acknowledge_termination(self):
self.enable_encryption = False
def fail_bad_negotiation(self, reason, fields = None):
'''sends an error and cancels everything.
if fields == None, the remote party has given us a bad cryptographic value of some kind
otherwise, list the fields we haven't implemented'''
err = xmpp.Error(xmpp.Message(), xmpp.ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
if fields:
feature = xmpp.Node(xmpp.NS_FEATURE + ' feature')
for field in fields:
fn = xmpp.Node('field')
fn['var'] = field
self.status = None
self.enable_encryption = False
# this prevents the MAC check on decryption from succeeding,
# preventing falsified messages from going through.
self.km_o = ''
def is_loggable(self):
account = self.conn.name
no_log_for = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'no_log_for')
if not no_log_for:
no_log_for = ''
no_log_for = no_log_for.split()
return self.loggable and account not in no_log_for and self.jid not in no_log_for
def cancelled_negotiation(self):
self.enable_encryption = False
self.km_o = ''