2017-07-02 17:25:47 +02:00

440 lines
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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
## src/common/
## Copyright (C) 2007 Tomasz Melcer <liori AT>
## Travis Shirk <travis AT>
## Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT>
## Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT>
## Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
Module containing all XEP-115 (Entity Capabilities) related classes
Basic Idea:
CapsCache caches features to hash relationships. The cache is queried
through ClientCaps objects which are hold by contact instances.
import base64
import hashlib
import logging
log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.caps_cache')
# Features where we cannot safely assume that the other side supports them
# Query entry status codes
NEW = 0
CACHED = 2 # got the answer
FAKED = 3 # allow NullClientCaps to behave as it has a cached item
### Public API of this module
capscache = None
def initialize(logger):
Initialize this module
global capscache
capscache = CapsCache(logger)
def client_supports(client_caps, requested_feature):
lookup_item = client_caps.get_cache_lookup_strategy()
cache_item = lookup_item(capscache)
supported_features = cache_item.features
if requested_feature in supported_features:
return True
elif not supported_features and cache_item.status in (NEW, QUERIED, FAKED):
# assume feature is supported, if we don't know yet, what the client
# is capable of
return requested_feature not in FEATURE_BLACKLIST
return False
def create_suitable_client_caps(node, caps_hash, hash_method, fjid=None):
Create and return a suitable ClientCaps object for the given node,
caps_hash, hash_method combination.
if not node or not caps_hash:
if fjid:
client_caps = NoClientCaps(fjid)
# improper caps, ignore client capabilities.
client_caps = NullClientCaps()
elif not hash_method:
client_caps = OldClientCaps(caps_hash, node)
client_caps = ClientCaps(caps_hash, node, hash_method)
return client_caps
def compute_caps_hash(identities, features, dataforms=None, hash_method='sha-1'):
Compute caps hash according to XEP-0115, V1.5
dataforms are nbxmpp.DataForms objects as common.dataforms don't allow several
values without a field type list-multi
if dataforms is None:
dataforms = []
def sort_identities_func(i1, i2):
cat1 = i1['category']
cat2 = i2['category']
if cat1 < cat2:
return -1
if cat1 > cat2:
return 1
type1 = i1.get('type', '')
type2 = i2.get('type', '')
if type1 < type2:
return -1
if type1 > type2:
return 1
lang1 = i1.get('xml:lang', '')
lang2 = i2.get('xml:lang', '')
if lang1 < lang2:
return -1
if lang1 > lang2:
return 1
return 0
def sort_dataforms_func(d1, d2):
f1 = d1.getField('FORM_TYPE')
f2 = d2.getField('FORM_TYPE')
if f1 and f2 and (f1.getValue() < f2.getValue()):
return -1
return 1
S = ''
from functools import cmp_to_key
for i in identities:
c = i['category']
type_ = i.get('type', '')
lang = i.get('xml:lang', '')
name = i.get('name', '')
S += '%s/%s/%s/%s<' % (c, type_, lang, name)
for f in features:
S += '%s<' % f
for dataform in dataforms:
# fields indexed by var
fields = {}
for f in dataform.getChildren():
fields[f.getVar()] = f
form_type = fields.get('FORM_TYPE')
if form_type:
S += form_type.getValue() + '<'
del fields['FORM_TYPE']
for var in sorted(fields.keys()):
S += '%s<' % var
values = sorted(fields[var].getValues())
for value in values:
S += '%s<' % value
if hash_method == 'sha-1':
hash_ = hashlib.sha1(S.encode('utf-8'))
elif hash_method == 'md5':
hash_ = hashlib.md5(S.encode('utf-8'))
return ''
return base64.b64encode(hash_.digest()).decode('utf-8')
### Internal classes of this module
class AbstractClientCaps(object):
Base class representing a client and its capabilities as advertised by a
caps tag in a presence
def __init__(self, caps_hash, node):
self._hash = caps_hash
self._node = node
self._hash_method = None
def get_discover_strategy(self):
return self._discover
def _discover(self, connection, jid):
To be implemented by subclassess
raise NotImplementedError
def get_cache_lookup_strategy(self):
return self._lookup_in_cache
def _lookup_in_cache(self, caps_cache):
To be implemented by subclassess
raise NotImplementedError
def get_hash_validation_strategy(self):
return self._is_hash_valid
def _is_hash_valid(self, identities, features, dataforms):
To be implemented by subclassess
raise NotImplementedError
class ClientCaps(AbstractClientCaps):
The current XEP-115 implementation
def __init__(self, caps_hash, node, hash_method):
AbstractClientCaps.__init__(self, caps_hash, node)
assert hash_method != 'old'
self._hash_method = hash_method
def _lookup_in_cache(self, caps_cache):
return caps_cache[(self._hash_method, self._hash)]
def _discover(self, connection, jid):
connection.discoverInfo(jid, '%s#%s' % (self._node, self._hash))
def _is_hash_valid(self, identities, features, dataforms):
computed_hash = compute_caps_hash(identities, features,
dataforms=dataforms, hash_method=self._hash_method)
return computed_hash == self._hash
class OldClientCaps(AbstractClientCaps):
Old XEP-115 implemtation. Kept around for background competability
def __init__(self, caps_hash, node):
AbstractClientCaps.__init__(self, caps_hash, node)
self._hash_method = 'old'
def _lookup_in_cache(self, caps_cache):
return caps_cache[('old', self._node + '#' + self._hash)]
def _discover(self, connection, jid):
def _is_hash_valid(self, identities, features, dataforms):
return True
class NoClientCaps(AbstractClientCaps):
For clients that don't support XEP-0115
def __init__(self, fjid):
AbstractClientCaps.__init__(self, fjid, fjid)
self._hash_method = 'no'
def _lookup_in_cache(self, caps_cache):
return caps_cache[('no', self._node)]
def _discover(self, connection, jid):
def _is_hash_valid(self, identities, features, dataforms):
return True
class NullClientCaps(AbstractClientCaps):
This is a NULL-Object to streamline caps handling if a client has not
advertised any caps or has advertised them in an improper way
Assumes (almost) everything is supported.
_instance = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Make it a singleton.
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = super(NullClientCaps, cls).__new__(
cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls._instance
def __init__(self):
AbstractClientCaps.__init__(self, None, None)
self._hash_method = 'dummy'
def _lookup_in_cache(self, caps_cache):
# lookup something which does not exist to get a new CacheItem created
cache_item = caps_cache[('dummy', '')]
# Mark the item as cached so that protocol/ does not update it
cache_item.status = FAKED
return cache_item
def _discover(self, connection, jid):
def _is_hash_valid(self, identities, features, dataforms):
return False
class CapsCache(object):
This object keeps the mapping between caps data and real disco features they
represent, and provides simple way to query that info
def __init__(self, logger=None):
# our containers:
# __cache is a dictionary mapping: pair of hash method and hash maps
# to CapsCacheItem object
# __CacheItem is a class that stores data about particular
# client (hash method/hash pair)
self.__cache = {}
class CacheItem(object):
# __names is a string cache; every string long enough is given
# another object, and we will have plenty of identical long
# strings. therefore we can cache them
__names = {}
def __init__(self, hash_method, hash_, logger):
# cached into db
self.hash_method = hash_method
self.hash = hash_
self._features = []
self._identities = []
self._logger = logger
self.status = NEW
self._recently_seen = False
def _get_features(self):
return self._features
def _set_features(self, value):
self._features = []
for feature in value:
self._features.append(self.__names.setdefault(feature, feature))
features = property(_get_features, _set_features)
def _get_identities(self):
list_ = []
for i in self._identities:
# transforms it back in a dict
d = dict()
d['category'] = i[0]
if i[1]:
d['type'] = i[1]
if i[2]:
d['xml:lang'] = i[2]
if i[3]:
d['name'] = i[3]
return list_
def _set_identities(self, value):
self._identities = []
for identity in value:
# dict are not hashable, so transform it into a tuple
t = (identity['category'], identity.get('type'),
identity.get('xml:lang'), identity.get('name'))
self._identities.append(self.__names.setdefault(t, t))
identities = property(_get_identities, _set_identities)
def set_and_store(self, identities, features):
self.identities = identities
self.features = features
if self.hash_method != 'no':
self._logger.add_caps_entry(self.hash_method, self.hash,
identities, features)
self.status = CACHED
def update_last_seen(self):
if not self._recently_seen:
self._recently_seen = True
if self.hash_method != 'no':
def is_valid(self):
Returns True if identities and features for this cache item
are known.
return self.status in (CACHED, FAKED)
self.__CacheItem = CacheItem
self.logger = logger
def initialize_from_db(self):
for hash_method, hash_, identities, features in \
x = self[(hash_method, hash_)]
x.identities = identities
x.features = features
x.status = CACHED
def _remove_outdated_caps(self):
Remove outdated values from the db
def __getitem__(self, caps):
if caps in self.__cache:
return self.__cache[caps]
hash_method, hash_ = caps
x = self.__CacheItem(hash_method, hash_, self.logger)
self.__cache[(hash_method, hash_)] = x
return x
def query_client_of_jid_if_unknown(self, connection, jid, client_caps):
Start a disco query to determine caps (node, ver, exts). Won't query if
the data is already in cache
lookup_cache_item = client_caps.get_cache_lookup_strategy()
q = lookup_cache_item(self)
if q.status == NEW:
# do query for bare node+hash pair
# this will create proper object
q.status = QUERIED
discover = client_caps.get_discover_strategy()
discover(connection, jid)
def forget_caps(self, client_caps):
hash_method = client_caps._hash_method
hash = client_caps._hash
key = (hash_method, hash)
if key in self.__cache:
del self.__cache[key]