509 lines
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509 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
## src/common/commands.py
## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org>
## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Tomasz Melcer <liori AT exroot.org>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com>
## Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import nbxmpp
from gajim.common import helpers
from gajim.common import dataforms
from gajim.common import app
from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageOutgoingEvent
import logging
log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.commands')
class AdHocCommand:
commandnode = 'command'
commandname = 'The Command'
commandfeatures = (nbxmpp.NS_DATA,)
def isVisibleFor(samejid):
This returns True if that command should be visible and invokable for
samejid - True when command is invoked by an entity with the same bare
return True
def __init__(self, conn, jid, sessionid):
self.connection = conn
self.jid = jid
self.sessionid = sessionid
def buildResponse(self, request, status = 'executing', defaultaction = None,
actions = None):
assert status in ('executing', 'completed', 'canceled')
response = request.buildReply('result')
cmd = response.getTag('command', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_COMMANDS)
cmd.setAttr('sessionid', self.sessionid)
cmd.setAttr('node', self.commandnode)
cmd.setAttr('status', status)
if defaultaction is not None or actions is not None:
if defaultaction is not None:
assert defaultaction in ('cancel', 'execute', 'prev', 'next',
attrs = {'action': defaultaction}
attrs = {}
cmd.addChild('actions', attrs, actions)
return response, cmd
def badRequest(self, stanza):
nbxmpp.NS_STANZAS + ' bad-request'))
def cancel(self, request):
response = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'canceled')[0]
return False # finish the session
class ChangeStatusCommand(AdHocCommand):
commandnode = 'change-status'
commandname = _('Change status information')
def __init__(self, conn, jid, sessionid):
AdHocCommand.__init__(self, conn, jid, sessionid)
self.cb = self.first_step
def isVisibleFor(samejid):
Change status is visible only if the entity has the same bare jid
return samejid
def execute(self, request):
return self.cb(request)
def first_step(self, request):
# first query...
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, defaultaction = 'execute',
actions = ['execute'])
cmd.addChild(node = dataforms.SimpleDataForm(
title = _('Change status'),
instructions = _('Set the presence type and description'),
fields = [
var = 'presence-type',
label = 'Type of presence:',
options = [
('chat', _('Free for chat')),
('online', _('Online')),
('away', _('Away')),
('xa', _('Extended away')),
('dnd', _('Do not disturb')),
('offline', _('Offline - disconnect'))],
value = 'online',
required = True),
var = 'presence-desc',
label = _('Presence description:'))]))
# for next invocation
self.cb = self.second_step
return True # keep the session
def second_step(self, request):
# check if the data is correct
form = dataforms.SimpleDataForm(extend = request.getTag('command').\
except Exception:
return False
presencetype = form['presence-type'].value
if not presencetype in \
('chat', 'online', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'offline'):
return False
except Exception: # KeyError if there's no presence-type field in form or
# AttributeError if that field is of wrong type
return False
presencedesc = form['presence-desc'].value
except Exception: # same exceptions as in last comment
presencedesc = ''
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
cmd.addChild('note', {}, _('The status has been changed.'))
# if going offline, we need to push response so it won't go into
# queue and disappear
self.connection.connection.send(response, now = presencetype == 'offline')
# send new status
app.interface.roster.send_status(self.connection.name, presencetype,
return False # finish the session
def find_current_groupchats(account):
from gajim import message_control
rooms = []
for gc_control in app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_controls(
message_control.TYPE_GC) + \
acct = gc_control.account
# check if account is the good one
if acct != account:
room_jid = gc_control.room_jid
nick = gc_control.nick
if room_jid in app.gc_connected[acct] and \
rooms.append((room_jid, nick,))
return rooms
class LeaveGroupchatsCommand(AdHocCommand):
commandnode = 'leave-groupchats'
commandname = _('Leave Groupchats')
def __init__(self, conn, jid, sessionid):
AdHocCommand.__init__(self, conn, jid, sessionid)
self.cb = self.first_step
def isVisibleFor(samejid):
Change status is visible only if the entity has the same bare jid
return samejid
def execute(self, request):
return self.cb(request)
def first_step(self, request):
# first query...
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, defaultaction = 'execute',
options = []
account = self.connection.name
for gc in find_current_groupchats(account):
options.append(('%s' %(gc[0]), _('%(nickname)s on %(room_jid)s') % \
{'nickname': gc[1], 'room_jid': gc[0]}))
if not len(options):
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
cmd.addChild('note', {}, _('You have not joined a groupchat.'))
return False
title = _('Leave Groupchats'),
instructions = _('Choose the groupchats you want to leave'),
var = 'groupchats',
label = _('Groupchats'),
options = options,
required = True)]))
# for next invocation
self.cb = self.second_step
return True # keep the session
def second_step(self, request):
# check if the data is correct
form = dataforms.SimpleDataForm(extend = request.getTag('command').\
except Exception:
return False
gc = form['groupchats'].values
except Exception: # KeyError if there's no groupchats in form
return False
account = self.connection.name
for room_jid in gc:
gc_control = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid,
if not gc_control:
gc_control = app.interface.minimized_controls[account]\
app.interface.roster.remove_groupchat(room_jid, account)
gc_control.parent_win.remove_tab(gc_control, None, force = True)
except Exception: # KeyError if there's no such room opened
return False
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
note = _('You left the following groupchats:')
for room_jid in gc:
note += '\n\t' + room_jid
cmd.addChild('note', {}, note)
return False
class ForwardMessagesCommand(AdHocCommand):
# http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0146.html#forward
commandnode = 'forward-messages'
commandname = _('Forward unread messages')
def isVisibleFor(samejid):
Change status is visible only if the entity has the same bare jid
return samejid
def execute(self, request):
account = self.connection.name
# Forward messages
events = app.events.get_events(account, types=['chat', 'normal',
j, resource = app.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(self.jid)
for jid in events:
for event in events[jid]:
ev_typ = event.type_
if ev_typ == 'printed_chat':
ev_typ = 'chat'
account=account, jid=j, message=event.message, type_=ev_typ,
subject=event.subject, resource=resource, forward_from=jid,
# Inform other client of completion
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
cmd.addChild('note', {}, _('All unread messages have been forwarded.'))
return False # finish the session
class FwdMsgThenDisconnectCommand(AdHocCommand):
commandnode = 'fwd-msd-disconnect'
commandname = _('Forward unread message then disconnect')
def isVisibleFor(samejid):
Change status is visible only if the entity has the same bare jid
return samejid
def execute(self, request):
account = self.connection.name
# Forward messages
events = app.events.get_events(account, types=['chat', 'normal'])
j, resource = app.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(self.jid)
for jid in events:
for event in events[jid]:
ev_typ = event.type_
if ev_typ == 'printed_chat':
ev_typ = 'chat'
account=account, jid=j, message=event.message, type_=ev_typ,
subject=event.subject, resource=resource, forward_from=jid,
delayed=event.time_, now=True))
response, cmd = self.buildResponse(request, status = 'completed')
cmd.addChild('note', {}, _('The status has been changed.'))
# if going offline, we need to push response so it won't go into
# queue and disappear
self.connection.connection.send(response, now = True)
# send new status
app.interface.roster.send_status(self.connection.name, 'offline', '')
# finish the session
return False
class ConnectionCommands:
This class depends on that it is a part of Connection() class
def __init__(self):
# a list of all commands exposed: node -> command class
self.__commands = {}
if app.config.get('remote_commands'):
for cmdobj in (ChangeStatusCommand, ForwardMessagesCommand,
LeaveGroupchatsCommand, FwdMsgThenDisconnectCommand):
self.__commands[cmdobj.commandnode] = cmdobj
# a list of sessions; keys are tuples (jid, sessionid, node)
self.__sessions = {}
def getOurBareJID(self):
return app.get_jid_from_account(self.name)
def isSameJID(self, jid):
Test if the bare jid given is the same as our bare jid
return nbxmpp.JID(jid).getStripped() == self.getOurBareJID()
def commandListQuery(self, con, iq_obj):
iq = iq_obj.buildReply('result')
jid = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
q = iq.getTag('query')
# buildReply don't copy the node attribute. Re-add it
q.setAttr('node', nbxmpp.NS_COMMANDS)
for node, cmd in self.__commands.items():
if cmd.isVisibleFor(self.isSameJID(jid)):
q.addChild('item', {
# TODO: find the jid
'jid': self.getOurBareJID() + '/' + self.server_resource,
'node': node,
'name': cmd.commandname})
def commandInfoQuery(self, con, iq_obj):
Send disco#info result for query for command (JEP-0050, example 6.).
Return True if the result was sent, False if not
jid = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
except helpers.InvalidFormat:
log.warning('Invalid JID: %s, ignoring it' % iq_obj.getFrom())
node = iq_obj.getTagAttr('query', 'node')
if node not in self.__commands: return False
cmd = self.__commands[node]
if cmd.isVisibleFor(self.isSameJID(jid)):
iq = iq_obj.buildReply('result')
q = iq.getTag('query')
q.addChild('identity', attrs = {'type': 'command-node',
'category': 'automation',
'name': cmd.commandname})
q.addChild('feature', attrs = {'var': nbxmpp.NS_COMMANDS})
for feature in cmd.commandfeatures:
q.addChild('feature', attrs = {'var': feature})
return True
return False
def commandItemsQuery(self, con, iq_obj):
Send disco#items result for query for command. Return True if the result
was sent, False if not.
jid = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
node = iq_obj.getTagAttr('query', 'node')
if node not in self.__commands: return False
cmd = self.__commands[node]
if cmd.isVisibleFor(self.isSameJID(jid)):
iq = iq_obj.buildReply('result')
return True
return False
def _CommandExecuteCB(self, con, iq_obj):
jid = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
cmd = iq_obj.getTag('command')
if cmd is None: return
node = cmd.getAttr('node')
if node is None: return
sessionid = cmd.getAttr('sessionid')
if sessionid is None:
# we start a new command session... only if we are visible for the jid
# and command exist
if node not in self.__commands.keys():
nbxmpp.Error(iq_obj, nbxmpp.NS_STANZAS + ' item-not-found'))
raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
newcmd = self.__commands[node]
if not newcmd.isVisibleFor(self.isSameJID(jid)):
# generate new sessionid
sessionid = self.connection.getAnID()
# create new instance and run it
obj = newcmd(conn = self, jid = jid, sessionid = sessionid)
rc = obj.execute(iq_obj)
if rc:
self.__sessions[(jid, sessionid, node)] = obj
raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
# the command is already running, check for it
magictuple = (jid, sessionid, node)
if magictuple not in self.__sessions:
# we don't have this session... ha!
action = cmd.getAttr('action')
obj = self.__sessions[magictuple]
if action == 'cancel':
rc = obj.cancel(iq_obj)
elif action == 'prev':
rc = obj.prev(iq_obj)
elif action == 'next':
rc = obj.next(iq_obj)
elif action == 'execute' or action is None:
rc = obj.execute(iq_obj)
elif action == 'complete':
rc = obj.complete(iq_obj)
# action is wrong. stop the session, send error
raise AttributeError
except AttributeError:
# the command probably doesn't handle invoked action...
# stop the session, return error
del self.__sessions[magictuple]
# delete the session if rc is False
if not rc:
del self.__sessions[magictuple]
raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed