Config class

This commit is contained in:
Yann Leboulanger 2005-04-14 07:28:59 +00:00
parent 32f9cd5cba
commit e8911a661e

src/common/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
## common/
## Gajim Team:
## - Yann Le Boulanger <>
## - Vincent Hanquez <>
## - Nikos Kouremenos <>
## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
import re
import copy
opt_int = [ 'integer', 0 ]
opt_str = [ 'string', 0 ]
opt_bool = [ 'boolean', 0 ]
opt_color = [ 'color', '^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$' ]
class Config:
__options = {
# name: [ type, value ]
'log': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'delauth': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'delroster': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'alwaysauth': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'autopopup': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'autopopupaway': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'ignore_unknown_contacts': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'showoffline': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'autoaway': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'autoawaytime': [ opt_int, 10 ],
'autoxa': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'autoxatime': [ opt_int, 20 ],
'ask_online_status': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'ask_offline_status': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'last_msg': [ opt_str, '' ],
'msg0_name': [ opt_str, 'Nap' ],
'msg0': [ opt_str, 'I\'m taking a nap.' ],
'msg1_name': [ opt_str, 'Brb' ],
'msg1': [ opt_str, 'Back in some minutes.' ],
'msg2_name': [ opt_str, 'Eating' ],
'msg2': [ opt_str, 'I\'m eating, so leave me a message.' ],
'msg3_name': [ opt_str, 'Movie' ],
'msg3': [ opt_str, 'I\'m watching a movie.' ],
'msg4_name': [ opt_str, 'Working' ],
'msg4': [ opt_str, 'I\'m working.' ],
'trayicon': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'iconset': [ opt_str, 'sun' ],
'inmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#ff0000' ],
'outmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#0000ff' ],
'statusmsgcolor': [ opt_color, '#1eaa1e' ],
'hiddenlines': [ opt_str, '' ],
'accounttextcolor': [ opt_color, '#ffffff' ],
'accountbgcolor': [ opt_color, '#94aa8c' ],
'accountfont': [ opt_str, 'Sans Bold 10' ],
'grouptextcolor': [ opt_color, '#0000ff' ],
'groupbgcolor': [ opt_color, '#eff3e7' ],
'groupfont': [ opt_str, 'Sans Italic 10' ],
'usertextcolor': [ opt_color, '#000000' ],
'userbgcolor': [ opt_color, '#ffffff' ],
'userfont': [ opt_str, 'Sans 10' ],
'saveposition': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'mergeaccounts': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'usetabbedchat': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'print_time': [ opt_str, 'always' ],
'useemoticons': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'emoticons': [ opt_str, ':-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/smile.png\t(@)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/pussy.png\t8)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t:(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/unhappy.png\t:)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/smile.png\t(})\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/hugleft.png\t:$\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/blush.png\t(Y)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/yes.png\t:-@\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/angry.png\t:-D\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t(U)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/brheart.png\t(F)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/flower.png\t:-[\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/bat.png\t:>\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t(T)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/phone.png\t:-S\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/frowing.png\t:-P\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/tongue.png\t(H)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(D)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/drink.png\t:-O\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/oh.png\t(C)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coffee.png\t({)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/hugright.png\t(*)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/star.png\tB-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(Z)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/boy.png\t(E)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/mail.png\t(N)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/no.png\t(P)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/photo.png\t(K)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/kiss.png\t(R)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/rainbow.png\t:-|\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/stare.png\t;-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/wink.png\t;-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t(6)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/devil.png\t(L)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/heart.png\t(W)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/brflower.png\t:|\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/stare.png\t:O\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/oh.png\t;)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/wink.png\t;(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:S\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/frowing.png\t;\'-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/unhappy.png\t8-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(B)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/beer.png\t:D\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t(8)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/music.png\t:@\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/angry.png\tB)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t:-$\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/blush.png\t:\'(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:->\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t:[\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/bat.png\t(I)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/lamp.png\t:P\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/tongue.png\t(%)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cuffs.png\t(S)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/moon.png' ],
'sounds_on': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'soundplayer': [ opt_str, 'play' ],
'sound_first_message_received': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'sound_first_message_received_file': [ opt_str, 'sounds/message1.wav' ],
'sound_next_message_received': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'sound_next_message_received_file': [ opt_str, 'sounds/message2.wav' ],
'sound_contact_connected': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'sound_contact_connected_file': [ opt_str, 'sounds/connected.wav' ],
'sound_contact_disconnected': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'sound_contact_disconnected_file': [ opt_str, 'sounds/disconnected.wav' ],
'sound_message_sent': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'sound_message_sent_file': [ opt_str, 'sounds/sent.wav' ],
'openwith': [ opt_str, 'gnome-open' ],
'custombrowser': [ opt_str, 'firefox' ],
'custommailapp': [ opt_str, 'mozilla-thunderbird -compose' ],
'x-position': [ opt_int, 0 ],
'y-position': [ opt_int, 0 ],
'width': [ opt_int, 150 ],
'height': [ opt_int, 400 ],
'latest_disco_addresses': [ opt_str, '' ],
'recently_groupchat': [ opt_str, '' ],
'before_time': [ opt_str, '[' ],
'after_time': [ opt_str, ']' ],
'before_nickname': [ opt_str, '<' ],
'after_nickname': [ opt_str, '>' ],
'do_not_send_os_info': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'usegpg': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'lognotusr': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'lognotsep': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
__options_per_key = {
'accounts': ({
'name': [ opt_str, '' ],
'hostname': [ opt_str, '' ],
'savepass': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'password': [ opt_str, '' ],
'resource': [ opt_str, 'gajim' ],
'priority': [ opt_int, 5 ],
'autoconnect': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'use_proxy': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'proxyhost': [ opt_str, '' ],
'proxyport': [ opt_int, 3128 ],
'keyid': [ opt_str, '' ],
'keyname': [ opt_str, '' ],
'savegpgpass': [ opt_bool, 'False' ],
'gpgpassword': [ opt_str, '' ],
'sync_with_global_status': [ opt_bool, 'True' ],
'no_log_for': [ opt_str, '' ],
} , {}),
def foreach(self, func):
for opt in self.__options:
func(opt, None, self.__options[opt])
for opt in self.__options_per_key:
func(opt, None, None)
dict = self.__options_per_key[opt][1]
for opt2 in dict.keys():
func(opt2, [opt], None)
for opt3 in dict[opt2]:
func(opt3, [opt, opt2], dict[opt2][opt3])
def is_valid_int(self, val):
ival = int(val)
return 0
return 1
def is_valid_bool(self, val):
if self.is_valid_int(val):
if int(val) == 0 or int(val) == 1:
return 1
return 0
if val == 'True' or val == 'False':
return 1
return 0
def is_valid_string(self, val):
return 1
def is_valid(self, type, val):
if type[0] == 'boolean':
return self.is_valid_bool(val)
elif type[0] == 'integer':
return self.is_valid_int(val)
elif type[0] == 'string':
return self.is_valid_string(val)
return re.match(type[1], val)
def set(self, optname, value):
if not self.__options.has_key(optname):
print 'error: option %s doesn\'t exist' % (optname)
return -1
opt = self.__options[optname]
if not self.is_valid(opt[OPT_TYPE], value):
return -1
opt[OPT_VAL] = value
return 0
def get(self, optname):
if not self.exist(optname):
return None
val = self.__options[optname][OPT_VAL]
if val == 'True': return True
if val == 'False': return False
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
return val
def add_per(self, typename, name):
if not self.__options_per_key.has_key(typename):
print 'error: option %s doesn\'t exist' % (typename)
return -1
opt = self.__options_per_key[typename]
opt[1][name] = copy.deepcopy(opt[0])
def del_per(self, typename, name):
if not self.__options_per_key.has_key(typename):
print 'error: option %s doesn\'t exist' % (typename)
return -1
opt = self.__options_per_key[typename]
del opt[1][name]
def set_per(self, optname, key, subname, value):
if not self.__options_per_key.has_key(optname):
print 'error: option %s doesn\'t exist' % (optname)
return -1
dict = self.__options_per_key[optname][1]
if not dict.has_key(key):
return -1
obj = dict[key]
if not obj.has_key(subname):
return -1
subobj = obj[subname]
if not self.is_valid(subobj[OPT_TYPE], value):
return -1
subobj[OPT_VAL] = value
return 0
def get_per(self, optname, key = None, subname = None):
if not self.__options_per_key.has_key(typename):
return None
dict = self.__options_per_key[typename][1]
if not key:
return dict.keys()
if not dict.has_key(key):
return None
obj = dict[key]
if not subname:
return obj
if not obj.has_key(subname):
return None
return obj[subname]
def exist(self, optname):
return self.__options.has_key(optname)
def __init__(self):