Merge branch 'os_info' into 'master'

common.helpers: simplify get_os_info()

See merge request !122
This commit is contained in:
Yann Leboulanger 2017-08-27 22:22:02 +02:00
commit d6a8a238f8

View file

@ -581,18 +581,6 @@ def get_xmpp_show(show):
return None
return show
def get_output_of_command(command):
child_stdin, child_stdout = os.popen2(command)
except ValueError:
return None
output = child_stdout.readlines()
return output
def sanitize_filename(filename):
Make sure the filename we will write does contain only acceptable and latin
@ -1044,29 +1032,6 @@ def remove_invalid_xml_chars(string):
string = re.sub(app.interface.invalid_XML_chars_re, '', string)
return string
distro_info = {
'Arch Linux': '/etc/arch-release',
'Aurox Linux': '/etc/aurox-release',
'Conectiva Linux': '/etc/conectiva-release',
'CRUX': '/usr/bin/crux',
'Debian GNU/Linux': '/etc/debian_version',
'Fedora Linux': '/etc/fedora-release',
'Gentoo Linux': '/etc/gentoo-release',
'Linux from Scratch': '/etc/lfs-release',
'Mandrake Linux': '/etc/mandrake-release',
'Slackware Linux': '/etc/slackware-version',
'Solaris/Sparc': '/etc/release',
'Source Mage': '/etc/sourcemage_version',
'SUSE Linux': '/etc/SuSE-release',
'Sun JDS': '/etc/sun-release',
'PLD Linux': '/etc/pld-release',
'Yellow Dog Linux': '/etc/yellowdog-release',
'AgiliaLinux': '/etc/agilialinux-version',
# many distros use the /etc/redhat-release for compatibility
# so Redhat is the last
'Redhat Linux': '/etc/redhat-release'
def get_random_string_16():
Create random string of length 16
@ -1080,84 +1045,18 @@ def get_random_string_16():
def get_os_info():
if app.os_info:
return app.os_info
if == 'nt':
# platform.release() seems to return the name of the windows
ver = sys.getwindowsversion()
ver_format = ver[3], ver[0], ver[1]
win_version = {
(1, 4, 0): '95',
(1, 4, 10): '98',
(1, 4, 90): 'ME',
(2, 4, 0): 'NT',
(2, 5, 0): '2000',
(2, 5, 1): 'XP',
(2, 5, 2): '2003',
(2, 6, 0): 'Vista',
(2, 6, 1): '7',
if ver_format in win_version:
os_info = 'Windows' + ' ' + win_version[ver_format]
os_info = 'Windows'
app.os_info = os_info
return os_info
app.os_info = 'N/A'
if == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
import platform
app.os_info = platform.system() + " " + platform.release()
elif == 'posix':
executable = 'lsb_release'
params = ' --description --codename --release --short'
full_path_to_executable = is_in_path(executable, return_abs_path = True)
if full_path_to_executable:
command = executable + params
p = subprocess.Popen([command], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
output = temp_failure_retry(p.stdout.readline).strip()
# some distros put n/a in places, so remove those
output = output.decode('utf-8').replace('n/a', '').replace('N/A', '')
app.os_info = output
return output
# lsb_release executable not available, so parse files
for distro_name in distro_info:
path_to_file = distro_info[distro_name]
if os.path.exists(path_to_file):
if os.access(path_to_file, os.X_OK):
# the file is executable (f.e. CRUX)
# yes, then run it and get the first line of output.
text = get_output_of_command(path_to_file)[0]
fd = open(path_to_file)
text = fd.readline().strip() # get only first line
if path_to_file.endswith('version'):
# sourcemage_version and slackware-version files
# have all the info we need (name and version of distro)
if not os.path.basename(path_to_file).startswith(
'sourcemage') or not\
text = distro_name + ' ' + text
elif path_to_file.endswith('aurox-release') or \
# file doesn't have version
text = distro_name
elif path_to_file.endswith('lfs-release'):
# file just has version
text = distro_name + ' ' + text
os_info = text.replace('\n', '')
app.os_info = os_info
return os_info
# our last chance, ask uname and strip it
uname_output = get_output_of_command('uname -sr')
if uname_output is not None:
os_info = uname_output[0] # only first line
app.os_info = os_info
return os_info
os_info = 'N/A'
app.os_info = os_info
return os_info
import distro
app.os_info =
except ImportError:
import platform
app.os_info = platform.system()
return app.os_info
def allow_showing_notification(account, type_='notify_on_new_message',