Added translatable help messages for each command

This commit is contained in:
Dimitur Kirov 2005-07-20 00:27:40 +00:00
parent e4d5ece8a2
commit a48bd1b6f9
1 changed files with 145 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -24,12 +24,20 @@
import sys
import gtk
import gobject
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # ^C exits the application
import i18n
_ = i18n._
APP = i18n.APP, i18n.DIR)
def send_error(error_message):
sys.stderr.write(error_message + '\n')
@ -41,33 +49,131 @@ except:
send_error('Dbus is not supported.\n')
_version = getattr(dbus, 'version', (0, 20, 0))
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject'
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbus.RemoteInterface'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbus'
commands = ['help', 'toggle_roster_appearance', 'show_next_unread',
'list_contacts', 'list_accounts', 'change_status', 'new_message',
'send_message', 'contact_info']
if _version[1] >= 41:
import dbus.service
import dbus.glib
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject'
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbus.RemoteInterface'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbus'
commands = {
_('show a help on specific command'),
(_('on_command'), _('show help on command'), False)
'toggle_roster_appearance' : [
_('Shows or hides the roster window'),
'show_next_unread': [
_('Popup a window with the next unread message'),
'list_contacts': [
_('Print a list of all contacts in the roster. \
Each contact appear on a separate line'),
(_('account'), _('show only contacts of the account \'account\''), False)
'list_accounts': [
_('Print a list of registered accounts'),
'change_status': [
_('Change '),
(_('status'), _('one of: offline, online, chat, \
away, xa, dnd, invisible '), True),
(_('message'), _('status message'), False),
(_('account'), _('change status of the account \'accounts\'. \
If not specified try to change stutus of all accounts that \
have \'sync with global \' option set'), False)
'new_message': [
_('Show the chat dialog so that you can send message to a contact'),
(_('jid'), _('jid of the contact that you want to send a message to'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified will try to send the \
message using this account'), False)
_('Send new message to a contact in the roster'),
(_('jid'), _('jid of the contact that will receive the message'), True),
(_('message'), _('message contents'), True),
(_('keyID'), _('if specified will encrypt the message using \
this pulic key'), False),
(_('account'), _('if specified will try to send the \
message using this account'), False),
'contact_info': [
_('Get detailed info on a contact'),
(_('jid'), _('jid of the contact'), True)
def make_arguments_row(args):
str = ''
for argument in args:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
return str
def help_on_command(command):
if command in commands:
str = _('Usage: %s %s %s \n\t') % (sys.argv[0], command, make_arguments_row(commands[command][1]))
str += commands[command][0] + '\n\nArguments:\n'
for argument in commands[command][1]:
str += ' ' + argument[0] + ' - ' + argument[1] + '\n'
return str
send_error(_(' %s not found') % command)
def compose_help():
str = 'Usage: '+ sys.argv[0] + ' command [arguments]\n'
str += 'Command must be one of:\n'
for command in commands:
str += '\t' + command +'\n'
str = _('Usage: %s command [arguments]\nCommand is one of:\n' ) % sys.argv[0]
for command in commands.keys():
str += ' ' + command
for argument in commands[command][1]:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
str += '\n'
return str
def show_vcard_info(*args, **keyword):
# more cleaner output
if _version[1] >= 30:
print args[0]
if args and len(args) >= 5:
print args[4].get_args_list()
# remove_signal_receiver is broken in lower versions,
# remove_signal_receiver is broken in lower versions (< 0.35),
# so we leave the leak - nothing can be done
if _version[1] >= 41:
sbus.remove_signal_receiver(show_vcard_info, 'VcardInfo', INTERFACE,
@ -84,12 +190,15 @@ def gtk_quit():
argv_len = len(sys.argv)
if argv_len < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in commands: # no args or bad args
if argv_len < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in commands.keys(): # no args or bad args
command = sys.argv[1]
if command == 'help':
if argv_len == 3:
print help_on_command(sys.argv[2])
print compose_help()
@ -112,17 +221,17 @@ method = interface.__getattr__(sys.argv[1]) # get the function asked
if command == 'contact_info':
if argv_len < 3:
send_error("Missing argument \'contact_jid'")
send_error('Missing argument \'contact_jid\'')
id = sbus.add_signal_receiver(show_vcard_info, 'VcardInfo',
send_error('Service not available')
#FIXME: change_status help to inform what it does with optional arg (account). the same for rest of methods that accept args
#FIXME - didn't find more clever way for the below 8 lines of code.
# method(sys.argv[2:]) doesn't work, cos sys.argv[2:] is a tuple
def call_remote_method(method):
argv_len = len(sys.argv)
if argv_len == 2:
res = method()
@ -132,10 +241,16 @@ try:
res = method(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
elif argv_len == 5:
res = method(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])
return res
send_error(_('Service not available'))
return None
res = call_remote_method(method)
if res:
print res
send_error('Service not available')
if command == 'contact_info':
gobject.timeout_add(5000, gtk_quit) # wait 5 sec maximum