three message negotiation

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Taylor 2007-08-07 07:21:29 +00:00
parent 5935869136
commit 8d79d32002

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@ -305,8 +305,104 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
return ["may", "mustnot"]
return ["mustnot", "may"]
def get_shared_secret(self, e, y, p):
if (not 1 < e < (p - 1)):
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, "invalid DH value"
def negotiate_e2e(self):
return self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(self.powmod(e, y, p)))
def c7lize_mac_id(self, form):
kids = form.getChildren()
macable = filter(lambda x: x.getVar() not in ('mac', 'identity'), kids)
return ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), macable))
def verify_alices_identity(self, form, e):
m_a = base64.b64decode(form['mac'])
id_a = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_a_calculated = self.hmac(self.km_o, self.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_a)
if m_a_calculated != m_a:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated m_a differs from received m_a'
# check for a retained secret
# if none exists, prompt the user with the SAS
if self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5': = self.sas_28x5(m_a, self.form_b)
mac_a = self.decrypt(id_a)
form_a2 = self.c7lize_mac_id(form)
mac_a_calculated = self.hmac(self.ks_o, self.n_s + self.n_o + self.encode_mpi(e) + self.form_a + form_a2)
if mac_a_calculated != mac_a:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated mac_a differs from received mac_a'
def verify_bobs_identity(self, form, sigmai):
m_b = base64.b64decode(form['mac'])
id_b = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_b_calculated = self.hmac(self.km_o, self.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_b)
if m_b_calculated != m_b:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated m_b differs from received m_b'
mac_b = self.decrypt(id_b)
pubkey_b = ''
c7l_form = self.c7lize_mac_id(form)
content = self.n_s + self.n_o + self.encode_mpi(self.d) + pubkey_b
if sigmai:
form_b = c7l_form
content += form_b
form_b2 = c7l_form
content += self.form_b + form_b2
mac_b_calculated = self.hmac(self.ks_o, content)
if mac_b_calculated != mac_b:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated mac_b differs from received mac_b'
def make_alices_identity(self, form, e):
form_a2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
old_c_s = self.c_s
content = self.n_o + self.n_s + self.encode_mpi(e) + self.form_a + form_a2
mac_a = self.hmac(self.ks_s, content)
id_a = self.encrypt(mac_a)
m_a = self.hmac(self.km_s, self.encode_mpi(old_c_s) + id_a)
# check for a retained secret
# if none exists, prompt the user with the SAS
if self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5': = self.sas_28x5(m_a, self.form_b)
return (xmpp.DataField(name='identity', value=base64.b64encode(id_a)), \
xmpp.DataField(name='mac', value=base64.b64encode(m_a)))
def make_bobs_identity(self, form, d):
pubkey_b = ''
form_b2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
content = self.n_o + self.n_s + self.encode_mpi(d) + pubkey_b + self.form_b + form_b2
old_c_s = self.c_s
mac_b = self.hmac(self.ks_s, content)
id_b = self.encrypt(mac_b)
m_b = self.hmac(self.km_s, self.encode_mpi(old_c_s) + id_b)
return (xmpp.DataField(name='identity', value=base64.b64encode(id_b)), \
xmpp.DataField(name='mac', value=base64.b64encode(m_b)))
def negotiate_e2e(self, sigmai):
self.negotiated = {}
request = xmpp.Message()
@ -347,8 +443,8 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='modp', typ='list-single', options=map(lambda x: [ None, x ], modp_options)))
dhhashes = map(lambda x: self.make_dhhash(x), modp_options)
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhhashes', typ='hidden', value=dhhashes))
x.addChild(node=self.make_dhfield(modp_options, sigmai))
self.sigmai = sigmai
self.form_a = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), x.getChildren()))
@ -413,7 +509,7 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
if not 'logging' in ask_user:
# some things are handled elsewhere, some things are not-implemented
# XXX some things are handled elsewhere, some things are not-implemented
return (negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user)
@ -487,8 +583,6 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
# 'Alice Accepts'
def verify_options_alice(self, form):
# 1. Verify that the ESession options selected by Bob are acceptable
negotiated = {}
ask_user = {}
not_acceptable = []
@ -531,52 +625,42 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
e =[mod_p]
self.d = self.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['dhkeys']))
if (not 1 < self.d < (p - 1)):
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, "invalid DH value 'd'"
self.k = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(self.powmod(self.d, x, p)))
self.k = self.get_shared_secret(self.d, x, p)
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='1'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_o)))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhkeys', value=base64.b64encode(self.encode_mpi(e))))
secrets = gajim.interface.list_secrets(, self.jid.getStripped())
rshashes = [self.hmac(self.n_s, rs) for rs in secrets]
# XXX add some random fake rshashes here
rshashes = [base64.b64encode(rshash) for rshash in rshashes]
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rshashes', value=rshashes))
form_a2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), result.getChildren()))
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_initiator_keys(self.k)
if self.sigmai:
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_responder_keys(self.k)
self.verify_bobs_identity(form, True)
secrets = gajim.interface.list_secrets(, self.jid.getStripped())
rshashes = [self.hmac(self.n_s, rs) for rs in secrets]
# XXX add some random fake rshashes here
rshashes = [base64.b64encode(rshash) for rshash in rshashes]
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rshashes', value=rshashes))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhkeys', value=base64.b64encode(self.encode_mpi(e))))
# MUST securely destroy K unless it will be used later to generate the final shared secret
old_c_s = self.c_s
mac_a = self.hmac(self.ks_s, self.n_o + self.n_s + self.encode_mpi(e) + self.form_a + form_a2)
id_a = self.encrypt(mac_a)
m_a = self.hmac(self.km_s, self.encode_mpi(old_c_s) + id_a)
# check for a retained secret
# if none exists, prompt the user with the SAS
if self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5': = self.sas_28x5(m_a, self.form_b)
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='identity', value=base64.b64encode(id_a)))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='mac', value=base64.b64encode(m_a)))
for datafield in self.make_alices_identity(result, e):
self.status = 'identified-alice'
if self.sigmai:
self.status = 'active'
self.enable_encryption = True
self.status = 'identified-alice'
# 4.5 esession accept (bob)
def accept_e2e_bob(self, form):
@ -594,31 +678,13 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
e = self.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['dhkeys']))
p = dh.primes[self.modp]
if (self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(e)) != self.He) or (not 1 < e < (p - 1)):
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, "invalid DH value 'e'"
k = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(self.powmod(e, self.y, p)))
k = self.get_shared_secret(e, self.y, p)
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_initiator_keys(k)
# 4.5.2 verifying alice's identity
id_a = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_a = base64.b64decode(form['mac'])
m_a_calculated = self.hmac(self.km_o, self.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_a)
if m_a_calculated != m_a:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated m_a differs from received m_a'
mac_a = self.decrypt(id_a)
macable_children = filter(lambda x: x.getVar() not in ('mac', 'identity'), form.getChildren())
form_a2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), macable_children))
mac_a_calculated = self.hmac(self.ks_o, self.n_s + self.n_o + self.encode_mpi(e) + self.form_a + form_a2)
if mac_a_calculated != mac_a:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated mac_a differs from received mac_a'
# 4.5.4 generating bob's final session keys
@ -635,11 +701,6 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
# other shared secret, we haven't got one.
oss = ''
# check for a retained secret
# if none exists, prompt the user with the SAS
if self.sas_algs == 'sas28x5': = self.sas_28x5(m_a, self.form_b)
k = self.sha256(k + srs + oss)
# XXX I can skip generating ks_o here
@ -704,24 +765,7 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
# 4.6.2 Verifying Bob's Identity
m_b = base64.b64decode(form['mac'])
id_b = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_b_calculated = self.hmac(self.km_o, self.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_b)
if m_b_calculated != m_b:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated m_b differs from received m_b'
mac_b = self.decrypt(id_b)
macable_children = filter(lambda x: x.getVar() not in ('mac', 'identity'), form.getChildren())
form_b2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), macable_children))
mac_b_calculated = self.hmac(self.ks_o, self.n_s + self.n_o + self.encode_mpi(self.d) + self.form_b + form_b2)
if mac_b_calculated != mac_b:
raise exceptions.NegotiationError, 'calculated mac_b differs from received mac_b'
self.verify_bobs_identity(form, False)
# Note: If Alice discovers an error then she SHOULD ignore any encrypted content she received in the stanza.
if self.negotiated['logging'] == 'mustnot':
@ -751,21 +795,30 @@ class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
# in retrospect, this is horribly inadequate.
return (self.decode_mpi(self.random_bytes(bytes)) % (top - bottom)) + bottom
def make_dhhash(self, modp):
p = dh.primes[modp]
g = dh.generators[modp]
def make_dhfield(self, modp_options, sigmai):
dhs = []
x = self.srand(2 ** (2 * self.n - 1), p - 1)
for modp in modp_options:
p = dh.primes[modp]
g = dh.generators[modp]
# XXX this may be a source of performance issues
e = self.powmod(g, x, p)
x = self.srand(2 ** (2 * self.n - 1), p - 1)
self.xes[modp] = x[modp] = e
# XXX this may be a source of performance issues
e = self.powmod(g, x, p)
He = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(e))
self.xes[modp] = x[modp] = e
return base64.b64encode(He)
if sigmai:
name = 'dhkeys'
He = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(e))
name = 'dhhashes'
return xmpp.DataField(name=name, typ='hidden', value=dhs)
# a faster version of (base ** exp) % mod
# taken from <>