[roidelapluie] better groupchat support in roster and systray. Better nick support
This commit is contained in:
@ -552,6 +552,11 @@ def get_icon_name_to_show(contact, account = None):
contact.jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account] and gajim.interface.\
minimized_controls[account][contact.jid].get_nb_unread_pm() > 0:
return 'message'
if account and gajim.gc_connected[account].has_key(contact.jid):
if gajim.gc_connected[account][contact.jid]:
return 'muc_active'
return 'muc_inactive'
if contact.jid.find('@') <= 0: # if not '@' or '@' starts the jid ==> agent
return contact.show
if contact.sub in ('both', 'to'):
@ -2127,6 +2127,14 @@ class Interface:
jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(fjid)
if type_ in ('printed_gc_msg', 'printed_marked_gc_msg', 'gc_msg'):
w = self.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid, account)
if gajim.interface.minimized_controls.has_key(account) and \
ctrl = gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account][fjid]
if not w:
w = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.create_window(ctrl.contact, \
ctrl.account, ctrl.type_id)
ctrl.parent_win = w
elif type_ in ('printed_chat', 'chat', ''):
# '' is for log in/out notifications
if self.msg_win_mgr.has_window(fjid, account):
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
if self.needs_visual_notification(text):
highlight = True
if gajim.config.get_per('soundevents', 'muc_message_highlight',
sound = 'highlight'
# Is it a history message? Don't want sound-floods when we join.
@ -891,8 +891,7 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
'reason': reason }
self.print_conversation(s, 'info', tim = tim)
elif statusCode == '303': # Someone changed his or her nick
if nick == self.nick: # We changed our nick
self.nick = new_nick
if new_nick == self.nick: # We changed our nick
s = _('You are now known as %s') % new_nick
s = _('%s is now known as %s') % (nick, new_nick)
@ -902,6 +901,8 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
# after that, but that doesn't hurt
self.add_contact_to_roster(new_nick, show, role, affiliation,
status, jid)
if nick in self.attention_list:
# keep nickname color
if nick in self.gc_custom_colors:
self.gc_custom_colors[new_nick] = self.gc_custom_colors[nick]
@ -1011,6 +1012,9 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
# delete ressource
simple_jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(jid)
nick_jid += ' (%s)' % simple_jid
if show == 'offline':
if nick in self.attention_list:
if show == 'offline' and print_status in ('all', 'in_and_out') and \
statusCode != '307':
st = _('%s has left') % nick_jid
@ -1127,6 +1131,7 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
nick = message_array[0]
nick = helpers.parse_resource(nick)
gajim.connections[self.account].join_gc(nick, self.room_jid, None)
self.nick = nick
@ -1408,6 +1413,7 @@ class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase):
nick = instance.input_entry.get_text().decode('utf-8')
nick = helpers.parse_resource(nick)
gajim.connections[self.account].join_gc(nick, self.room_jid, None)
self.nick = nick
instance = dialogs.InputDialog(title, prompt, proposed_nick,
is_modal = False, ok_handler = on_ok)
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class RosterWindow:
typestr = 'contact'
if group == _('Transports'):
typestr = 'agent'
if group == _('Groupchats'):
if gajim.gc_connected[account].has_key(jid):
typestr = 'groupchat'
name = contact.get_shown_name()
@ -426,12 +426,18 @@ class RosterWindow:
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
if contact == None:
contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jid, name = jid,
groups = [_('Groupchats')], show = 'muc_active',
groups = [_('Groupchats')], show = 'online',
status = status, sub = 'none',
resource = resource)
gajim.contacts.add_contact(account, contact)
self.add_contact_to_roster(jid, account)
self.draw_group(_('Groupchats'), account)
self.draw_group(_('Groupchats'), account)
contact.show = 'online'
self.draw_contact(jid, account)
self.add_contact_to_roster(jid, account)
for group in contact.groups:
self.draw_group(group, account)
return contact
def get_self_contact_iter(self, account):
@ -645,22 +651,28 @@ class RosterWindow:
status = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(status, max_lines = 1)
# escape markup entities and make them small italic and fg color
color = gtkgui_helpers._get_fade_color(self.tree, selected, focus)
colorstring = "#%04x%04x%04x" % (color.red, color.green, color.blue)
colorstring = '#%04x%04x%04x' % (color.red, color.green, color.blue)
name += \
'\n<span size="small" style="italic" foreground="%s">%s</span>' \
% (colorstring, gobject.markup_escape_text(status))
iter = iters[0] # choose the icon with the first iter
if gajim.gc_connected[account].has_key(jid):
contact.show = 'online'
model[iter][C_TYPE] = 'groupchat'
icon_name = helpers.get_icon_name_to_show(contact, account)
# look if another resource has awaiting events
for c in contact_instances:
c_icon_name = helpers.get_icon_name_to_show(c, account)
if c_icon_name == 'message':
if c_icon_name in ('message', 'muc_active', 'muc_inactive'):
icon_name = c_icon_name
path = model.get_path(iter)
if model.iter_has_child(iter):
if not self.tree.row_expanded(path) and icon_name != 'message':
if not self.tree.row_expanded(path) and \
icon_name not in ('message', 'muc_active', 'muc_inactive'):
child_iter = model.iter_children(iter)
if icon_name in ('error', 'offline'):
# get the icon from the first child as they are sorted by show
@ -692,13 +704,6 @@ class RosterWindow:
state_images = self.get_appropriate_state_images(jid,
icon_name = icon_name)
if icon_name != 'message' and gajim.gc_connected[account].\
if gajim.gc_connected[account][jid]:
icon_name = 'muc_active'
icon_name = 'muc_inactive'
img = state_images[icon_name]
for iter in iters:
@ -754,18 +759,20 @@ class RosterWindow:
if minimize:
contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = room_jid, name = nick)
gc_control = GroupchatControl(None, contact, account)
if not gajim.interface.minimized_controls.has_key(account):
gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account] = {}
gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] = gc_control
self.add_groupchat_to_roster(account, room_jid)
gajim.connections[account].join_gc(nick, room_jid, password)
if password:
gajim.gc_passwords[room_jid] = password
self.add_groupchat_to_roster(account, room_jid)
if not gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.has_window(room_jid, account):
self.new_room(room_jid, nick, account)
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, \
if contact:
self.add_groupchat_to_roster(account, room_jid)
gc_win = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(room_jid, account)
gc_win.set_active_tab(room_jid, account)
@ -2403,13 +2410,16 @@ class RosterWindow:
menu = gtk.Menu()
maximize_menuitem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('_Maximize'))
icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GOTO_TOP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
maximize_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_groupchat_maximized, \
jid, account)
if gajim.interface.minimized_controls.has_key(account) and \
jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account]:
maximize_menuitem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('_Maximize'))
icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GOTO_TOP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
maximize_menuitem.connect('activate', self.on_groupchat_maximized, \
jid, account)
event_button = gtkgui_helpers.get_possible_button_event(event)
@ -2437,9 +2447,10 @@ class RosterWindow:
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid)
self.remove_contact(contact, account)
gajim.contacts.remove_contact(account, contact)
self.draw_group(_('Groupchats'), account)
if contact.groups == [_('Groupchats')]:
self.remove_contact(contact, account)
gajim.contacts.remove_contact(account, contact)
self.draw_group(_('Groupchats'), account)
del gajim.interface.minimized_controls[account][jid]
def make_group_menu(self, event, iter):
@ -4374,6 +4385,10 @@ class RosterWindow:
return 1
if name2 == _('Not in Roster'):
return -1
if name1 == _('Groupchats'):
return 1
if name2 == _('Groupchats'):
return -1
account1 = model[iter1][C_ACCOUNT]
account2 = model[iter2][C_ACCOUNT]
if not account1 or not account2:
Reference in New Issue