Update pre-push-tests.sh

This commit is contained in:
Philipp Hörist 2018-09-18 19:03:14 +02:00
parent 5b23d4879a
commit 46ed4757fd
1 changed files with 23 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -12,5 +12,27 @@ pylint --jobs=2 --disable=C0103,C0302,C0330,C0411,C0412,C0413,E0203,E0401,E0611,
# E0611 no-name-in-module
# E0710 raising-non-exception - GLib.GError is not recognized
# E0712 catching-non-exception - GLib.GError is not recognized
# E1101 no-member
# E1102 not-callable
# E1128 assignment-from-none
# E1133 not-an-iterable
# E1136 unsubscriptable-object
# R0201 no-self-use
# W0143 comparison-with-callable - Dont add to Server CI, only available on pylint 2.0+
# R0901 too-many-ancestors
# R0904 too-many-public-methods
# R0913 too-many-arguments
# R0916 too-many-boolean-expressions
# R1702
# R1706
# R1711
# R1716
# W0143 comparison-with-callable - Dont add to Server CI, only available on pylint 2.0+
# W0201 attribute-defined-outside-init
# W0212 protected-access
# W0221 arguments-differ
# W0223 abstract-method
# W0311 bad-indentation
# W0401 wildcard-import
# W0603 global-statement
# W0613 unused-argument
# W0614 unused-wildcard-import