This commit is contained in:
tmolitor 2016-04-19 23:48:10 +02:00
commit 453fd46427
10 changed files with 219 additions and 208 deletions

View file

@ -1,50 +1,52 @@
# coding=utf-8 # coding=utf-8
emoticons = { from collections import OrderedDict
'smile.png': [':-)', ':)'],
'coolglasses.png': ['B-)', '(H)'], emoticons = OrderedDict((
'wink.gif': [';-)', ';)'], ('smile.png', [':-)', ':)']),
'biggrin.png': [':-D', ':D'], ('coolglasses.png', ['B-)', '(H)']),
'unhappy.png': [':-(', ':('], ('wink.gif', [';-)', ';)']),
'cry.gif': [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("], ('biggrin.png', [':-D', ':D']),
'frowning.png': [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S'], ('unhappy.png', [':-(', ':(']),
'blush.png': [':-$', ':$'], ('cry.gif', [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("]),
'angry.png': [':-@', ':@'], ('frowning.png', [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S']),
'bat.gif': [':-[', ':['], ('blush.png', [':-$', ':$']),
'kiss.png': [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)'], ('angry.png', [':-@', ':@']),
'stare.png': [':-|', ':|'], ('bat.gif', [':-[', ':[']),
'devil.png': [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)'], ('kiss.png', [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)']),
'tongue.png': [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', ''], ('stare.png', [':-|', ':|']),
'oh.png': ['=-O', ':-O', ':O'], ('devil.png', [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)']),
'heart.png': ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*'], ('tongue.png', [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', '']),
'pussy.png': ['(@)'], ('oh.png', ['=-O', ':-O', ':O']),
'cuffs.png': ['(%)'], ('heart.png', ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*']),
'moon.png': ['(S)'], ('pussy.png', ['(@)']),
'lamp.png': ['(I)'], ('cuffs.png', ['(%)']),
'music.png': ['(8)'], ('moon.png', ['(S)']),
'beer.png': ['(B)', '*DRINK*'], ('lamp.png', ['(I)']),
'brflower.png': ['(W)'], ('music.png', ['(8)']),
'boy.png': ['(Z)'], ('beer.png', ['(B)', '*DRINK*']),
'girl.png': ['(X)'], ('brflower.png', ['(W)']),
'mail.png': ['(E)'], ('boy.png', ['(Z)']),
'thumbdown.png': ['(N)'], ('girl.png', ['(X)']),
'photo.png': ['(P)'], ('mail.png', ['(E)']),
'thumbup.png': ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*'], ('thumbdown.png', ['(N)']),
'hugleft.png': ['(})'], ('photo.png', ['(P)']),
'brheart.png': ['</3', '(U)'], ('thumbup.png', ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*']),
'flower.png': ['@}->--', '(F)'], ('hugleft.png', ['(})']),
'drink.png': ['(D)'], ('brheart.png', ['</3', '(U)']),
'phone.png': ['(T)'], ('flower.png', ['@}->--', '(F)']),
'coffee.png': ['(C)'], ('drink.png', ['(D)']),
'hugright.png': ['({)'], ('phone.png', ['(T)']),
'star.png': ['(*)'], ('coffee.png', ['(C)']),
'rainbow.png': ['(R)'], ('hugright.png', ['({)']),
'cigarette.gif': ['(ci)'], ('star.png', ['(*)']),
'cake.gif': ['(^)'], ('rainbow.png', ['(R)']),
'dontknow.gif': [':^)'], ('cigarette.gif', ['(ci)']),
'eyeroll.gif': ['8-)'], ('cake.gif', ['(^)']),
'lightning.gif': ['(li)'], ('dontknow.gif', [':^)']),
'party.gif': ['<:o)'], ('eyeroll.gif', ['8-)']),
'sleepy.gif': ['|-)'], ('lightning.gif', ['(li)']),
'think.gif': ['*-)'], ('party.gif', ['<:o)']),
'puke.gif': [':-!'], ('sleepy.gif', ['|-)']),
} ('think.gif', ['*-)']),
('puke.gif', [':-!']),

View file

@ -1,43 +1,45 @@
# coding=utf-8 # coding=utf-8
emoticons = { from collections import OrderedDict
'smile.png': [':-)', ':)'],
'coolglasses.png': ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)'], emoticons = OrderedDict((
'wink.png': [';-)', ';)'], ('smile.png', [':-)', ':)']),
'biggrin.png': [':-D', ':D'], ('coolglasses.png', ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)']),
'unhappy.png': [':-(', ':('], ('wink.png', [';-)', ';)']),
'cry.png': [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("], ('biggrin.png', [':-D', ':D']),
'frowning.png': [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S'], ('unhappy.png', [':-(', ':(']),
'blush.png': [':-$', ':$'], ('cry.png', [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("]),
'angry.png': [':-@', ':@'], ('frowning.png', [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S']),
'bat.png': [':-[', ':['], ('blush.png', [':-$', ':$']),
'kiss.png': [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)'], ('angry.png', [':-@', ':@']),
'stare.png': [':-|', ':|'], ('bat.png', [':-[', ':[']),
'devil.png': [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)'], ('kiss.png', [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)']),
'tongue.png': [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', ''], ('stare.png', [':-|', ':|']),
'oh.png': ['=-O', ':-O', ':O'], ('devil.png', [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)']),
'heart.png': ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*'], ('tongue.png', [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', '']),
'lion.png': [':3', '>:3'], ('oh.png', ['=-O', ':-O', ':O']),
'pussy.png': ['(@)', '=^.^='], ('heart.png', ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*']),
'cuffs.png': ['(%)'], ('lion.png', [':3', '>:3']),
'moon.png': ['(S)'], ('pussy.png', ['(@)', '=^.^=']),
'lamp.png': ['(I)'], ('cuffs.png', ['(%)']),
'music.png': ['(8)'], ('moon.png', ['(S)']),
'beer.png': ['(B)', '*DRINK*'], ('lamp.png', ['(I)']),
'brflower.png': ['(W)'], ('music.png', ['(8)']),
'boy.png': ['(Z)'], ('beer.png', ['(B)', '*DRINK*']),
'girl.png': ['(X)'], ('brflower.png', ['(W)']),
'mail.png': ['(E)'], ('boy.png', ['(Z)']),
'thumbdown.png': ['(N)'], ('girl.png', ['(X)']),
'photo.png': ['(P)'], ('mail.png', ['(E)']),
'thumbup.png': ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*'], ('thumbdown.png', ['(N)']),
'hugleft.png': ['(})'], ('photo.png', ['(P)']),
'brheart.png': ['</3', '(U)'], ('thumbup.png', ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*']),
'flower.png': ['@}->--', '(F)'], ('hugleft.png', ['(})']),
'drink.png': ['(D)'], ('brheart.png', ['</3', '(U)']),
'phone.png': ['(T)'], ('flower.png', ['@}->--', '(F)']),
'coffee.png': ['(C)'], ('drink.png', ['(D)']),
'hugright.png': ['({)'], ('phone.png', ['(T)']),
'star.png': ['(*)'], ('coffee.png', ['(C)']),
'rainbow.png': ['(R)'], ('hugright.png', ['({)']),
'puke.png': [':-!'], ('star.png', ['(*)']),
} ('rainbow.png', ['(R)']),
('puke.png', [':-!']),

View file

@ -1,43 +1,45 @@
# coding=utf-8 # coding=utf-8
emoticons = { from collections import OrderedDict
'smile.png': [':-)', ':)'],
'coolglasses.png': ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)'], emoticons = OrderedDict((
'wink.png': [';-)', ';)'], ('smile.png', [':-)', ':)']),
'biggrin.png': [':-D', ':D'], ('coolglasses.png', ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)']),
'unhappy.png': [':-(', ':('], ('wink.png', [';-)', ';)']),
'cry.png': [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("], ('biggrin.png', [':-D', ':D']),
'frowning.png': [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S'], ('unhappy.png', [':-(', ':(']),
'blush.png': [':-$', ':$'], ('cry.png', [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("]),
'angry.png': [':-@', ':@'], ('frowning.png', [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S']),
'bat.png': [':-[', ':['], ('blush.png', [':-$', ':$']),
'kiss.png': [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)'], ('angry.png', [':-@', ':@']),
'stare.png': [':-|', ':|'], ('bat.png', [':-[', ':[']),
'devil.png': [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)'], ('kiss.png', [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)']),
'tongue.png': [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', ''], ('stare.png', [':-|', ':|']),
'oh.png': ['=-O', ':-O', ':O'], ('devil.png', [']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)']),
'heart.png': ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*'], ('tongue.png', [':-P', ':P', ':-þ', '']),
'lion.png': [':3', '>:3'], ('oh.png', ['=-O', ':-O', ':O']),
'pussy.png': ['(@)', '=^.^='], ('heart.png', ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*']),
'cuffs.png': ['(%)'], ('lion.png', [':3', '>:3']),
'moon.png': ['(S)'], ('pussy.png', ['(@)', '=^.^=']),
'lamp.png': ['(I)'], ('cuffs.png', ['(%)']),
'music.png': ['(8)'], ('moon.png', ['(S)']),
'beer.png': ['(B)', '*DRINK*'], ('lamp.png', ['(I)']),
'brflower.png': ['(W)'], ('music.png', ['(8)']),
'boy.png': ['(Z)'], ('beer.png', ['(B)', '*DRINK*']),
'girl.png': ['(X)'], ('brflower.png', ['(W)']),
'mail.png': ['(E)'], ('boy.png', ['(Z)']),
'thumbdown.png': ['(N)'], ('girl.png', ['(X)']),
'photo.png': ['(P)'], ('mail.png', ['(E)']),
'thumbup.png': ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*'], ('thumbdown.png', ['(N)']),
'hugleft.png': ['(})'], ('photo.png', ['(P)']),
'brheart.png': ['</3', '(U)'], ('thumbup.png', ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*']),
'flower.png': ['@}->--', '(F)'], ('hugleft.png', ['(})']),
'drink.png': ['(D)'], ('brheart.png', ['</3', '(U)']),
'phone.png': ['(T)'], ('flower.png', ['@}->--', '(F)']),
'coffee.png': ['(C)'], ('drink.png', ['(D)']),
'hugright.png': ['({)'], ('phone.png', ['(T)']),
'star.png': ['(*)'], ('coffee.png', ['(C)']),
'rainbow.png': ['(R)'], ('hugright.png', ['({)']),
'puke.png': [':-!'], ('star.png', ['(*)']),
} ('rainbow.png', ['(R)']),
('puke.png', [':-!']),

View file

@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
# coding=utf-8 # coding=utf-8
emoticons = { from collections import OrderedDict
'angel.png': ['O:-)', 'o:-)', '0:-)'],
'curl-lip.png': [':-)', ':)', '=)'], emoticons = OrderedDict((
'sarcastic.png': [';D', ';-D'], ('angel.png', ['O:-)', 'o:-)', '0:-)']),
'sad.png': [':-(', ':(', '=('], ('curl-lip.png', [':-)', ':)', '=)']),
'wink.png': [';-)', ';)'], ('sarcastic.png', [';D', ';-D']),
'tongue.png': [':-P', ':P', ':-p', ':p'], ('sad.png', [':-(', ':(', '=(']),
'glasses-cool': ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)'], ('wink.png', [';-)', ';)']),
'laugh.png': [':-D', ':D'], ('tongue.png', [':-P', ':P', ':-p', ':p']),
'embarrassed.png': [':-[', ':['], ('glasses-cool', ['8-)', 'B-)', '(H)']),
'shout.png': ['=-O', ':-O', ':O'], ('laugh.png', [':-D', ':D']),
'kiss.png': [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)'], ('embarrassed.png', [':-[', ':[']),
'crying.png': [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("], ('shout.png', ['=-O', ':-O', ':O']),
'shut-mouth': [':-X'], ('kiss.png', [':-{}', ':-*', ':*', '(K)']),
'hypnotized.png': ['%)', '%-)'], ('crying.png', [":'-(", ":'(", ';-(', ';(', ";'-("]),
'freaked-out.png': [':o'], ('shut-mouth', [':-X']),
'thinking.png': [':-|', ':|'], ('hypnotized.png', ['%)', '%-)']),
'arrogant.png': [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S'], ('freaked-out.png', [':o']),
'devil.png': [':->', ']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)'], ('thinking.png', [':-|', ':|']),
'musical-note.png': ['[:-}'], ('arrogant.png', [':-/', ':/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':-S', ':S']),
'sick.png': [':-!'], ('devil.png', [':->', ']:->', '>:-)', '>:)', '(6)']),
'giggle.png': ['*JOKINGLY*'], ('musical-note.png', ['[:-}']),
'cute.png': ['*KISSED*'], ('sick.png', [':-!']),
'sleepy.png': ['*TIRED*'], ('giggle.png', ['*JOKINGLY*']),
'terror.png': ['*STOP*'], ('cute.png', ['*KISSED*']),
'handshake.png': ['*KISSING*'], ('sleepy.png', ['*TIRED*']),
'rose.png': ['@}->--', '(F)'], ('terror.png', ['*STOP*']),
'good.png': ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*'], ('handshake.png', ['*KISSING*']),
'beer.png': ['(B)', '*DRINK*'], ('rose.png', ['@}->--', '(F)']),
'love.png': ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*'], ('good.png', ['(Y)', '*THUMBS UP*']),
'bomb.png': ['@='], ('beer.png', ['(B)', '*DRINK*']),
'question.png': ['*HELP*'], ('love.png', ['<3', '(L)', '*IN LOVE*']),
'cowboy.png': ['\m/'], ('bomb.png', ['@=']),
'fingers-crossed.png': ['*OK*'], ('question.png', ['*HELP*']),
'alien.png': ['*WASSUP*'], ('cowboy.png', ['\m/']),
'disapointed.png': ['*SORRY*'], ('fingers-crossed.png', ['*OK*']),
'clap.png': ['*BRAVO*'], ('alien.png', ['*WASSUP*']),
'rotfl.png': ['*ROFL*'], ('disapointed.png', ['*SORRY*']),
'dont-know.png': ['*PARDON*'], ('clap.png', ['*BRAVO*']),
'confused.png': ['*NO*'], ('rotfl.png', ['*ROFL*']),
'silly.png': ['*CRAZY*'], ('dont-know.png', ['*PARDON*']),
'doh.png': ['*DONT_KNOW*'], ('confused.png', ['*NO*']),
'party.png': ['*DANCE*'], ('silly.png', ['*CRAZY*']),
'dance.png': ['*YAHOO*'], ('doh.png', ['*DONT_KNOW*']),
'victory.png': ['*HI*'], ('party.png', ['*DANCE*']),
'go-away.png': ['*BYE*'], ('dance.png', ['*YAHOO*']),
'smirk.png': ['*YES*'], ('victory.png', ['*HI*']),
'pissed-off.png': ['*WALL*'], ('go-away.png', ['*BYE*']),
'mail.png': ['*WRITE*', '(E)'], ('smirk.png', ['*YES*']),
'tremble.png': ['*SCRATCH*'], ('pissed-off.png', ['*WALL*']),
} ('mail.png', ['*WRITE*', '(E)']),
('tremble.png', ['*SCRATCH*']),

View file

@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ class Connection(CommonConnection, ConnectionHandlers):
msg_iq = nbxmpp.Message(obj.jid, obj.message, typ='groupchat', msg_iq = nbxmpp.Message(obj.jid, obj.message, typ='groupchat',
xhtml=obj.xhtml) xhtml=obj.xhtml)
if obj.label is not None: if obj.label is not None:
msg_iq.addChild(node=label) msg_iq.addChild(node=obj.label)
obj.msg_id = self.connection.send(msg_iq) obj.msg_id = self.connection.send(msg_iq), conn=self,, conn=self,
jid=obj.jid, message=obj.message, keyID=None, chatstate=None, jid=obj.jid, message=obj.message, keyID=None, chatstate=None,

View file

@ -741,8 +741,10 @@ class GPG(object):
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
env = os.environ
env['LANG'] = 'C'
return Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, return Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
startupinfo=si) env=env, startupinfo=si)
def _read_response(self, stream, result): def _read_response(self, stream, result):
# Internal method: reads all the stderr output from GPG, taking notice # Internal method: reads all the stderr output from GPG, taking notice

View file

@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ class ConnectionSocks5Bytestream(ConnectionBytestream):
from common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestErrorEvent from common.connection_handlers_events import FileRequestErrorEvent, conn=self,, conn=self,
jid=receiver, file_props=file_props, error_msg='')) jid=receiver, file_props=file_props, error_msg=''))
self._connect_error(receiver, file_props.sid, self._connect_error(file_props.sid, error='not-acceptable',
file_props.sid, code=406) error_type='modify')
else: else:
iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=receiver, typ='set') iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=receiver, typ='set')
file_props.request_id = 'id_' + file_props.sid file_props.request_id = 'id_' + file_props.sid
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class ConnectionSocks5Bytestream(ConnectionBytestream):
file_props.hash_ = hash_id file_props.hash_ = hash_id
return return
def _connect_error(self,sid, code=404): def _connect_error(self, sid, error, error_type, msg=None):
""" """
Called when there is an error establishing BS connection, or when Called when there is an error establishing BS connection, or when
connection is rejected connection is rejected
@ -568,23 +568,17 @@ class ConnectionSocks5Bytestream(ConnectionBytestream):
if file_props is None: if file_props is None:
log.error('can not send iq error on failed transfer') log.error('can not send iq error on failed transfer')
return return
msg_dict = {
404: 'Could not connect to given hosts',
405: 'Cancel',
406: 'Not acceptable',
msg = msg_dict[code]
if file_props.type_ == 's': if file_props.type_ == 's':
to = file_props.receiver to = file_props.receiver
else: else:
to = file_props.sender to = file_props.sender
iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='error') iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='error')
iq.setAttr('id', file_props.sid) iq.setAttr('id', file_props.request_id)
err = iq.setTag('error') err = iq.setTag('error')
err.setAttr('code', str(code)) err.setAttr('type', error_type)
err.setData(msg) err.setTag(error, namespace=nbxmpp.NS_STANZAS)
self.connection.send(iq) self.connection.send(iq)
if code == 404: if msg:
self.disconnect_transfer(file_props) self.disconnect_transfer(file_props)
file_props.error = -3 file_props.error = -3
from common.connection_handlers_events import \ from common.connection_handlers_events import \
@ -667,9 +661,12 @@ class ConnectionSocks5Bytestream(ConnectionBytestream):
raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts
def _connection_error(sid):
self._connect_error(sid, 'item-not-found', 'cancel',
msg='Could not connect to given hosts')
if file_props.type_ == 'r': if file_props.type_ == 'r':
gajim.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(, sid, gajim.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(, sid,
self.send_success_connect_reply, self._connect_error) self.send_success_connect_reply, _connection_error)
raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
def _ResultCB(self, con, iq_obj): def _ResultCB(self, con, iq_obj):

View file

@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ class PreferencesWindow:
# user themes # user themes
if os.path.isdir(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH): if os.path.isdir(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH):
emoticons_list += os.listdir(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH) emoticons_list += os.listdir(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH)
renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
emoticons_combobox.pack_start(renderer_text, True) emoticons_combobox.pack_start(renderer_text, True)
emoticons_combobox.add_attribute(renderer_text, 'text', 0) emoticons_combobox.add_attribute(renderer_text, 'text', 0)
model = Gtk.ListStore(str) model = Gtk.ListStore(str)
emoticons_combobox.set_model(model) emoticons_combobox.set_model(model)
l = [] l = [_('Disabled')]
for dir_ in emoticons_list: for dir_ in emoticons_list:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'emoticons', dir_)) \ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'emoticons', dir_)) \
and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH, dir_)) : and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gajim.MY_EMOTS_PATH, dir_)) :
continue continue
if dir_ != '.svn': if dir_ != '.svn':
l.append(dir_) l.append(dir_)
for i in range(len(l)): for i in range(len(l)):
model.append([l[i]]) model.append([l[i]])
if gajim.config.get('emoticons_theme') == l[i]: if gajim.config.get('emoticons_theme') == l[i]:

View file

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ class HistoryWindow:
scrolledwindow.add( scrolledwindow.add(
self.history_buffer = self.history_buffer =
self.history_buffer.create_tag('highlight', background = 'yellow') self.history_buffer.create_tag('highlight', background = 'yellow')
self.history_buffer.create_tag('invisible', invisible=True)
self.checkbutton = xml.get_object('log_history_checkbutton') self.checkbutton = xml.get_object('log_history_checkbutton')
self.checkbutton.connect('toggled', self.checkbutton.connect('toggled',
self.on_log_history_checkbutton_toggled) self.on_log_history_checkbutton_toggled)
@ -429,6 +430,12 @@ class HistoryWindow:
tim = time.strftime('%X ', time.localtime(float(tim))) tim = time.strftime('%X ', time.localtime(float(tim)))
buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, tim + '\n', buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, tim + '\n',
'time_sometimes') 'time_sometimes')
else: # don't print time. So we print it as invisible to be able to
# search for it
timestamp_str = gajim.config.get('time_stamp')
timestamp_str = helpers.from_one_line(timestamp_str)
tim = time.strftime(timestamp_str, time.localtime(float(tim)))
buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, tim, 'invisible')
tag_name = '' tag_name = ''
tag_msg = '' tag_msg = ''
@ -605,8 +612,8 @@ class HistoryWindow:
timestamp_str = gajim.config.get('time_stamp') timestamp_str = gajim.config.get('time_stamp')
timestamp_str = helpers.from_one_line(timestamp_str) timestamp_str = helpers.from_one_line(timestamp_str)
tim = time.strftime(timestamp_str, local_time) tim = time.strftime(timestamp_str, local_time)
result = start_iter.forward_search(tim, Gtk.TextSearchFlags.VISIBLE_ONLY, result = start_iter.forward_search(tim, Gtk.TextSearchFlags.TEXT_ONLY,
None) None)
if result is not None: if result is not None:
match_start_iter, match_end_iter = result match_start_iter, match_end_iter = result
match_start_iter.backward_char() # include '[' or other character before time match_start_iter.backward_char() # include '[' or other character before time

View file

@ -2473,9 +2473,6 @@ class RosterWindow:
gajim.config.set('roster_x-position', x) gajim.config.set('roster_x-position', x)
gajim.config.set('roster_y-position', y) gajim.config.set('roster_y-position', y)
width, height = self.window.get_size() width, height = self.window.get_size()
# For the width use the size of the vbox containing the tree and
# status combo, this will cancel out any hpaned width
width = self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2').get_allocation().width
gajim.config.set('roster_width', width) gajim.config.set('roster_width', width)
gajim.config.set('roster_height', height) gajim.config.set('roster_height', height)
if not self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2').get_property('visible'): if not self.xml.get_object('roster_vbox2').get_property('visible'):