[dwd] fix reconnection when we get wrong XML with undeclared namespaces. Fixes #3083

This commit is contained in:
Yann Leboulanger 2008-09-27 14:26:50 +00:00
parent 5da238ee54
commit 3d46bf0b6e
2 changed files with 64 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Node(object):
replication (and using replication only to move upwards on the classes tree).
def __init__(self, tag=None, attrs={}, payload=[], parent=None, node=None):
def __init__(self, tag=None, attrs={}, payload=[], parent=None, nsp=None, node_built=False, node=None):
""" Takes "tag" argument as the name of node (prepended by namespace, if needed and separated from it
by a space), attrs dictionary as the set of arguments, payload list as the set of textual strings
and child nodes that this node carries within itself and "parent" argument that is another node
@ -62,22 +62,50 @@ class Node(object):
if not isinstance(node, Node):
node_built = True
self.name,self.namespace,self.attrs,self.data,self.kids,self.parent = node.name,node.namespace,{},[],[],node.parent
self.name,self.namespace,self.attrs,self.data,self.kids,self.parent,self.nsd = node.name,node.namespace,{},[],[],node.parent,{}
for key in node.attrs.keys(): self.attrs[key]=node.attrs[key]
for data in node.data: self.data.append(data)
for kid in node.kids: self.kids.append(kid)
else: self.name,self.namespace,self.attrs,self.data,self.kids,self.parent = 'tag','',{},[],[],None
if tag: self.namespace, self.name = ([self.namespace]+tag.split())[-2:]
if parent: self.parent = parent
if self.parent and not self.namespace: self.namespace=self.parent.namespace
for attr in attrs.keys():
for k,v in node.nsd.items(): self.nsd[k] = v
else: self.name,self.namespace,self.attrs,self.data,self.kids,self.parent,self.nsd = 'tag','',{},[],[],None,{}
if parent:
self.parent = parent
self.nsp_cache = {}
if nsp:
for k,v in nsp.items(): self.nsp_cache[k] = v
for attr,val in attrs.items():
if attr == 'xmlns':
self.nsd[u''] = val
elif attr.startswith('xmlns:'):
self.nsd[attr[6:]] = val
if tag:
if node_built:
pfx,self.name = (['']+tag.split(':'))[-2:]
self.namespace = self.lookup_nsp(pfx)
if ' ' in tag:
self.namespace,self.name = tag.split()
self.name = tag
if isinstance(payload, basestring): payload=[payload]
for i in payload:
if isinstance(i, Node): self.addChild(node=i)
else: self.data.append(ustr(i))
def lookup_nsp(self,pfx=''):
ns = self.nsd.get(pfx,None)
if ns is None:
ns = self.nsp_cache.get(pfx,None)
if ns is None:
if self.parent:
ns = self.parent.lookup_nsp(pfx)
self.nsp_cache[pfx] = ns
return 'http://www.gajim.org/xmlns/undeclared'
return ns
def __str__(self,fancy=0):
""" Method used to dump node into textual representation.
@ -85,7 +113,8 @@ class Node(object):
s = (fancy-1) * 2 * ' ' + "<" + self.name
if self.namespace:
if not self.parent or self.parent.namespace!=self.namespace:
s = s + ' xmlns="%s"'%self.namespace
if 'xmlns' not in self.attrs:
s = s + ' xmlns="%s"'%self.namespace
for key in self.attrs.keys():
val = ustr(self.attrs[key])
s = s + ' %s="%s"' % ( key, XMLescape(val) )
@ -111,11 +140,12 @@ class Node(object):
def addChild(self, name=None, attrs={}, payload=[], namespace=None, node=None):
""" If "node" argument is provided, adds it as child node. Else creates new node from
the other arguments' values and adds it as well."""
if namespace: name=namespace+' '+name
if node:
node.parent = self
else: newnode=Node(tag=name, parent=self, attrs=attrs, payload=payload)
if namespace:
return newnode
def addData(self, data):
@ -294,26 +324,25 @@ class NodeBuilder:
"data" (if provided) feeded to parser immidiatedly after instance init.
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "Preparing to handle incoming XML stream.", 'start')
self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ')
self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.starttag
self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.endtag
self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = self.handle_namespace_start
self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.handle_cdata
self.Parse = self._parser.Parse
self.__depth = 0
self.__last_depth = 0
self.__max_depth = 0
self._dispatch_depth = 1
self._document_attrs = None
self._document_nsp = None
self.last_is_data = 1
self.data_buffer = None
if data:
if data:
def check_data_buffer(self):
@ -333,27 +362,29 @@ class NodeBuilder:
def starttag(self, tag, attrs):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
attlist=attrs.keys() #
for attr in attlist: # FIXME: Crude hack. And it also slows down the whole library considerably.
sp=attr.rfind(" ") #
if sp==-1: continue #
ns=attr[:sp] #
del attrs[attr] #
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s, attrs -> %s" % (self.__depth, tag, `attrs`), 'down')
if self.__depth == self._dispatch_depth:
if not self._mini_dom :
self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs, nsp = self._document_nsp, node_built=True)
Node.__init__(self._mini_dom,tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
Node.__init__(self._mini_dom,tag=tag, attrs=attrs, nsp = self._document_nsp, node_built=True)
self._ptr = self._mini_dom
elif self.__depth > self._dispatch_depth:
self._ptr.kids.append(Node(tag=tag,parent=self._ptr,attrs=attrs, node_built=True))
self._ptr = self._ptr.kids[-1]
if self.__depth == 1:
self._document_attrs = attrs
ns, name = (['']+tag.split())[-2:]
self._document_attrs = {}
self._document_nsp = {}
nsp, name = (['']+tag.split(':'))[-2:]
for attr,val in attrs.items():
if attr == 'xmlns':
self._document_nsp[u''] = val
elif attr.startswith('xmlns:'):
self._document_nsp[attr[6:]] = val
self._document_attrs[attr] = val
ns = self._document_nsp.get(nsp, 'http://www.gajim.org/xmlns/undeclared-root')
self.stream_header_received(ns, name, attrs)
if not self.last_is_data and self._ptr.parent:
@ -383,8 +414,6 @@ class NodeBuilder:
def handle_namespace_start(self, prefix, uri):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
if prefix: self.namespaces[uri]=prefix+':'
else: self.xmlns=uri
def DEBUG(self, level, text, comment=None):
""" Gets all NodeBuilder walking events. Can be used for debugging if redefined."""
def getDom(self):
@ -425,4 +454,4 @@ def BadXML2Node(xml):
tags though. F.e. "<b>some text <br>some more text</b>" will not work."""
return NodeBuilder(xml).getDom()
# vim: se ts=3:
# vim: se ts=3:

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@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ class TestDispatcherNB(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
# we should have been disconnected after that message
self.assertEqual(1, len(conn.mockGetNamedCalls('pollend')))
# we should not have been disconnected after that message
self.assertEqual(0, len(conn.mockGetNamedCalls('pollend')))
# we should not be able to keep parsing
# we should be able to keep parsing
d.ProcessNonBlocking('<message><body>still here?</body></message>')
self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
self.assertEqual(3, len(msgs))
if __name__ == '__main__':