faster CharacterDataHandler in NodeBuilder
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,362 +20,380 @@ I'm personally using it in many other separate projects. It is designed to be as
import xml.parsers.expat
def XMLescape(txt):
"""Returns provided string with symbols & < > " replaced by their respective XML entities."""
return txt.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace('"', """)
"""Returns provided string with symbols & < > " replaced by their respective XML entities."""
return txt.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace('"', """)
def ustr(what):
"""Converts object "what" to unicode string using it's own __str__ method if accessible or unicode method otherwise."""
if type(what) == type(u''): return what
try: r=what.__str__()
except AttributeError: r=str(what)
if type(r)<>type(u''): return unicode(r,ENCODING)
return r
"""Converts object "what" to unicode string using it's own __str__ method if accessible or unicode method otherwise."""
if type(what) == type(u''): return what
try: r=what.__str__()
except AttributeError: r=str(what)
if type(r)<>type(u''): return unicode(r,ENCODING)
return r
class Node:
""" Node class describes syntax of separate XML Node. It have a constructor that permits node creation
from set of "namespace name", attributes and payload of text strings and other nodes.
It does not natively support building node from text string and uses NodeBuilder class for that purpose.
After creation node can be mangled in many ways so it can be completely changed.
Also node can be serialised into string in one of two modes: default (where the textual representation
of node describes it exactly) and "fancy" - with whitespace added to make indentation and thus make
result more readable by human.
""" Node class describes syntax of separate XML Node. It have a constructor that permits node creation
from set of "namespace name", attributes and payload of text strings and other nodes.
It does not natively support building node from text string and uses NodeBuilder class for that purpose.
After creation node can be mangled in many ways so it can be completely changed.
Also node can be serialised into string in one of two modes: default (where the textual representation
of node describes it exactly) and "fancy" - with whitespace added to make indentation and thus make
result more readable by human.
Node class have attribute FORCE_NODE_RECREATION that is defaults to False thus enabling fast node
replication from the some other node. The drawback of the fast way is that new node shares some
info with the "original" node that is changing the one node may influence the other. Though it is
rarely needed (in xmpppy it is never needed at all since I'm usually never using original node after
replication (and using replication only to move upwards on the classes tree).
def __init__(self, tag=None, attrs={}, payload=[], parent=None, node=None):
""" Takes "tag" argument as the name of node (prepended by namespace, if needed and separated from it
by a space), attrs dictionary as the set of arguments, payload list as the set of textual strings
and child nodes that this node carries within itself and "parent" argument that is another node
that this one will be the child of. Also the __init__ can be provided with "node" argument that is
either a text string containing exactly one node or another Node instance to begin with. If both
"node" and other arguments is provided then the node initially created as replica of "node"
provided and then modified to be compliant with other arguments."""
if node:
if self.FORCE_NODE_RECREATION and type(node)==type(self): node=str(node)
if type(node)<>type(self): node=NodeBuilder(node,self)
||||,self.namespace,self.attrs,,,self.parent =,node.namespace,{},[],[],node.parent
for key in node.attrs.keys(): self.attrs[key]=node.attrs[key]
for data in
for kid in
else:,self.namespace,self.attrs,,,self.parent = 'tag','',{},[],[],None
Node class have attribute FORCE_NODE_RECREATION that is defaults to False thus enabling fast node
replication from the some other node. The drawback of the fast way is that new node shares some
info with the "original" node that is changing the one node may influence the other. Though it is
rarely needed (in xmpppy it is never needed at all since I'm usually never using original node after
replication (and using replication only to move upwards on the classes tree).
def __init__(self, tag=None, attrs={}, payload=[], parent=None, node=None):
""" Takes "tag" argument as the name of node (prepended by namespace, if needed and separated from it
by a space), attrs dictionary as the set of arguments, payload list as the set of textual strings
and child nodes that this node carries within itself and "parent" argument that is another node
that this one will be the child of. Also the __init__ can be provided with "node" argument that is
either a text string containing exactly one node or another Node instance to begin with. If both
"node" and other arguments is provided then the node initially created as replica of "node"
provided and then modified to be compliant with other arguments."""
if node:
if self.FORCE_NODE_RECREATION and type(node)==type(self):
if type(node)<>type(self):
||||,self.namespace,self.attrs,,,self.parent =,node.namespace,{},[],[],node.parent
for key in node.attrs.keys(): self.attrs[key]=node.attrs[key]
for data in
for kid in
else:,self.namespace,self.attrs,,,self.parent = 'tag','',{},[],[],None
if tag: self.namespace, = ([self.namespace]+tag.split())[-2:]
if parent: self.parent = parent
if self.parent and not self.namespace: self.namespace=self.parent.namespace
for attr in attrs.keys():
if type(payload) in (type(''),type(u'')): payload=[payload]
for i in payload:
if type(i)==type(self): self.addChild(node=i)
if tag: self.namespace, = ([self.namespace]+tag.split())[-2:]
if parent: self.parent = parent
if self.parent and not self.namespace: self.namespace=self.parent.namespace
for attr in attrs.keys():
if type(payload) in (type(''),type(u'')): payload=[payload]
for i in payload:
if type(i)==type(self): self.addChild(node=i)
def __str__(self,fancy=0):
""" Method used to dump node into textual representation.
if "fancy" argument is set to True produces indented output for readability."""
s = (fancy-1) * 2 * ' ' + "<" +
if self.namespace:
if not self.parent or self.parent.namespace!=self.namespace:
s = s + ' xmlns="%s"'%self.namespace
for key in self.attrs.keys():
val = ustr(self.attrs[key])
s = s + ' %s="%s"' % ( key, XMLescape(val) )
s = s + ">"
cnt = 0
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
for a in
if not fancy and (len(>=cnt: s=s+XMLescape([cnt])
elif (len(>=cnt: s=s+XMLescape([cnt].strip())
s = s + a.__str__(fancy and fancy+1)
if not fancy and (len( >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape([cnt])
elif (len( >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape([cnt].strip())
if not and s[-1:]=='>':
s=s[:-1]+' />'
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
if fancy and not s = s + (fancy-1) * 2 * ' '
s = s + "</" + + ">"
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
return s
def addChild(self, name=None, attrs={}, payload=[], namespace=None, node=None):
""" If "node" argument is provided, adds it as child node. Else creates new node from
the other arguments' values and adds it as well."""
if namespace: name=namespace+' '+name
if node:
node.parent = self
else: newnode=Node(tag=name, parent=self, attrs=attrs, payload=payload)
return newnode
def addData(self, data):
""" Adds some CDATA to node. """
def clearData(self):
""" Removes all CDATA from the node. """
def delAttr(self, key):
""" Deletes an attribute "key" """
del self.attrs[key]
def delChild(self, node, attrs={}):
""" Deletes the "node" from the node's childs list, if "node" is an instance.
Else deletes the first node that have specified name and (optionally) attributes. """
if type(node)<>type(self): node=self.getTag(node,attrs)
return node
def getAttrs(self):
""" Returns all node's attributes as dictionary. """
return self.attrs
def getAttr(self, key):
""" Returns value of specified attribute. """
try: return self.attrs[key]
except: return None
def getChildren(self):
""" Returns all node's child nodes as list. """
def getData(self):
""" Returns all node CDATA as string (concatenated). """
return ''.join(
def getName(self):
""" Returns the name of node """
def getNamespace(self):
""" Returns the namespace of node """
return self.namespace
def getParent(self):
""" Returns the parent of node (if present). """
return self.parent
def getPayload(self):
""" Return the payload of node i.e. list of child nodes and CDATA entries.
F.e. for "<node>text1<nodea/><nodeb/> text2</node>" will be returned list:
['text1', <nodea instance>, <nodeb instance>, ' text2']. """
for i in range(len(
if[i]: ret.append([i])
except IndexError: pass
try: ret.append([i])
except IndexError: pass
return ret
def getTag(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None):
""" Filters all child nodes using specified arguments as filter.
Returns the first found or None if not found. """
return self.getTags(name, attrs, namespace, one=1)
def getTagAttr(self,tag,attr):
""" Returns attribute value of the child with specified name (or None if no such attribute)."""
try: return self.getTag(tag).attrs[attr]
except: return None
def getTagData(self,tag):
""" Returns cocatenated CDATA of the child with specified name."""
try: return self.getTag(tag).getData()
except: return None
def getTags(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None, one=0):
""" Filters all child nodes using specified arguments as filter.
Returns the list of nodes found. """
for node in
if namespace and namespace<>node.getNamespace(): continue
if node.getName() == name:
for key in attrs.keys():
if not node.attrs.has_key(key) or node.attrs[key]<>attrs[key]: break
else: nodes.append(node)
if one and nodes: return nodes[0]
if not one: return nodes
def setAttr(self, key, val):
""" Sets attribute "key" with the value "val". """
def setData(self, data):
""" Sets node's CDATA to provided string. Resets all previous CDATA!"""
def setName(self,val):
""" Changes the node name. """
|||| = val
def setNamespace(self, namespace):
""" Changes the node namespace. """
def setParent(self, node):
""" Sets node's parent to "node". WARNING: do not checks if the parent already present
and not removes the node from the list of childs of previous parent. """
self.parent = node
def setPayload(self,payload,add=0):
""" Sets node payload according to the list specified. WARNING: completely replaces all node's
previous content. If you wish just to add child or CDATA - use addData or addChild methods. """
if type(payload) in (type(''),type(u'')): payload=[payload]
if add:
def setTag(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None):
""" Same as getTag but if the node with specified namespace/attributes not found, creates such
node and returns it. """
node=self.getTags(name, attrs, namespace=namespace, one=1)
if node: return node
else: return self.addChild(name, attrs, namespace=namespace)
def setTagAttr(self,tag,attr,val):
""" Creates new node (if not already present) with name "tag"
and sets it's attribute "attr" to value "val". """
try: self.getTag(tag).attrs[attr]=val
except: self.addChild(tag,attrs={attr:val})
def setTagData(self,tag,val,attrs={}):
""" Creates new node (if not already present) with name "tag" and (optionally) attributes "attrs"
and sets it's CDATA to string "val". """
try: self.getTag(tag,attrs).setData(ustr(val))
except: self.addChild(tag,attrs,payload=[ustr(val)])
def has_attr(self,key):
""" Checks if node have attribute "key"."""
return self.attrs.has_key(key)
def __getitem__(self,item):
""" Returns node's attribute "item" value. """
return self.getAttr(item)
def __setitem__(self,item,val):
""" Sets node's attribute "item" value. """
return self.setAttr(item,val)
def __delitem__(self,item):
""" Deletes node's attribute "item". """
return self.delAttr(item,val)
def __getattr__(self,attr):
""" Reduce memory usage caused by T/NT classes - use memory only when needed. """
if attr=='T':
return self.T
if attr=='NT':
return self.NT
raise AttributeError
def __str__(self,fancy=0):
""" Method used to dump node into textual representation.
if "fancy" argument is set to True produces indented output for readability."""
s = (fancy-1) * 2 * ' ' + "<" +
if self.namespace:
if not self.parent or self.parent.namespace!=self.namespace:
s = s + ' xmlns="%s"'%self.namespace
for key in self.attrs.keys():
val = ustr(self.attrs[key])
s = s + ' %s="%s"' % ( key, XMLescape(val) )
s = s + ">"
cnt = 0
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
for a in
if not fancy and (len(>=cnt: s=s+XMLescape([cnt])
elif (len(>=cnt: s=s+XMLescape([cnt].strip())
s = s + a.__str__(fancy and fancy+1)
if not fancy and (len( >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape([cnt])
elif (len( >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape([cnt].strip())
if not and s[-1:]=='>':
s=s[:-1]+' />'
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
if fancy and not s = s + (fancy-1) * 2 * ' '
s = s + "</" + + ">"
if fancy: s = s + "\n"
return s
def addChild(self, name=None, attrs={}, payload=[], namespace=None, node=None):
""" If "node" argument is provided, adds it as child node. Else creates new node from
the other arguments' values and adds it as well."""
if namespace: name=namespace+' '+name
if node:
node.parent = self
else: newnode=Node(tag=name, parent=self, attrs=attrs, payload=payload)
return newnode
def addData(self, data):
""" Adds some CDATA to node. """
def clearData(self):
""" Removes all CDATA from the node. """
def delAttr(self, key):
""" Deletes an attribute "key" """
del self.attrs[key]
def delChild(self, node, attrs={}):
""" Deletes the "node" from the node's childs list, if "node" is an instance.
Else deletes the first node that have specified name and (optionally) attributes. """
if type(node)<>type(self): node=self.getTag(node,attrs)
return node
def getAttrs(self):
""" Returns all node's attributes as dictionary. """
return self.attrs
def getAttr(self, key):
""" Returns value of specified attribute. """
try: return self.attrs[key]
except: return None
def getChildren(self):
""" Returns all node's child nodes as list. """
def getData(self):
""" Returns all node CDATA as string (concatenated). """
return ''.join(
def getName(self):
""" Returns the name of node """
def getNamespace(self):
""" Returns the namespace of node """
return self.namespace
def getParent(self):
""" Returns the parent of node (if present). """
return self.parent
def getPayload(self):
""" Return the payload of node i.e. list of child nodes and CDATA entries.
F.e. for "<node>text1<nodea/><nodeb/> text2</node>" will be returned list:
['text1', <nodea instance>, <nodeb instance>, ' text2']. """
for i in range(len(
if[i]: ret.append([i])
except IndexError: pass
try: ret.append([i])
except IndexError: pass
return ret
def getTag(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None):
""" Filters all child nodes using specified arguments as filter.
Returns the first found or None if not found. """
return self.getTags(name, attrs, namespace, one=1)
def getTagAttr(self,tag,attr):
""" Returns attribute value of the child with specified name (or None if no such attribute)."""
try: return self.getTag(tag).attrs[attr]
except: return None
def getTagData(self,tag):
""" Returns cocatenated CDATA of the child with specified name."""
try: return self.getTag(tag).getData()
except: return None
def getTags(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None, one=0):
""" Filters all child nodes using specified arguments as filter.
Returns the list of nodes found. """
for node in
if namespace and namespace<>node.getNamespace(): continue
if node.getName() == name:
for key in attrs.keys():
if not node.attrs.has_key(key) or node.attrs[key]<>attrs[key]: break
else: nodes.append(node)
if one and nodes: return nodes[0]
if not one: return nodes
def setAttr(self, key, val):
""" Sets attribute "key" with the value "val". """
def setData(self, data):
""" Sets node's CDATA to provided string. Resets all previous CDATA!"""
def setName(self,val):
""" Changes the node name. """
|||| = val
def setNamespace(self, namespace):
""" Changes the node namespace. """
def setParent(self, node):
""" Sets node's parent to "node". WARNING: do not checks if the parent already present
and not removes the node from the list of childs of previous parent. """
self.parent = node
def setPayload(self,payload,add=0):
""" Sets node payload according to the list specified. WARNING: completely replaces all node's
previous content. If you wish just to add child or CDATA - use addData or addChild methods. """
if type(payload) in (type(''),type(u'')): payload=[payload]
if add:
def setTag(self, name, attrs={}, namespace=None):
""" Same as getTag but if the node with specified namespace/attributes not found, creates such
node and returns it. """
node=self.getTags(name, attrs, namespace=namespace, one=1)
if node: return node
else: return self.addChild(name, attrs, namespace=namespace)
def setTagAttr(self,tag,attr,val):
""" Creates new node (if not already present) with name "tag"
and sets it's attribute "attr" to value "val". """
try: self.getTag(tag).attrs[attr]=val
except: self.addChild(tag,attrs={attr:val})
def setTagData(self,tag,val,attrs={}):
""" Creates new node (if not already present) with name "tag" and (optionally) attributes "attrs"
and sets it's CDATA to string "val". """
try: self.getTag(tag,attrs).setData(ustr(val))
except: self.addChild(tag,attrs,payload=[ustr(val)])
def has_attr(self,key):
""" Checks if node have attribute "key"."""
return self.attrs.has_key(key)
def __getitem__(self,item):
""" Returns node's attribute "item" value. """
return self.getAttr(item)
def __setitem__(self,item,val):
""" Sets node's attribute "item" value. """
return self.setAttr(item,val)
def __delitem__(self,item):
""" Deletes node's attribute "item". """
return self.delAttr(item,val)
def __getattr__(self,attr):
""" Reduce memory usage caused by T/NT classes - use memory only when needed. """
if attr=='T':
return self.T
if attr=='NT':
return self.NT
raise AttributeError
class T:
""" Auxiliary class used to quick access to node's child nodes. """
def __init__(self,node): self.__dict__['node']=node
def __getattr__(self,attr): return self.node.setTag(attr)
def __setattr__(self,attr,val):
if isinstance(val,Node): Node.__init__(self.node.setTag(attr),node=val)
else: return self.node.setTagData(attr,val)
def __delattr__(self,attr): return self.node.delChild(attr)
""" Auxiliary class used to quick access to node's child nodes. """
def __init__(self,node): self.__dict__['node']=node
def __getattr__(self,attr): return self.node.setTag(attr)
def __setattr__(self,attr,val):
if isinstance(val,Node): Node.__init__(self.node.setTag(attr),node=val)
else: return self.node.setTagData(attr,val)
def __delattr__(self,attr): return self.node.delChild(attr)
class NT(T):
""" Auxiliary class used to quick create node's child nodes. """
def __getattr__(self,attr): return self.node.addChild(attr)
def __setattr__(self,attr,val):
if isinstance(val,Node): self.node.addChild(attr,node=val)
else: return self.node.addChild(attr,payload=[val])
""" Auxiliary class used to quick create node's child nodes. """
def __getattr__(self,attr): return self.node.addChild(attr)
def __setattr__(self,attr,val):
if isinstance(val,Node): self.node.addChild(attr,node=val)
else: return self.node.addChild(attr,payload=[val])
DBG_NODEBUILDER = 'nodebuilder'
class NodeBuilder:
""" Builds a Node class minidom from data parsed to it. This class used for two purposes:
1. Creation an XML Node from a textual representation. F.e. reading a config file. See an XML2Node method.
2. Handling an incoming XML stream. This is done by mangling
the __dispatch_depth parameter and redefining the dispatch method.
You do not need to use this class directly if you do not designing your own XML handler."""
def __init__(self,data=None,initial_node=None):
""" Takes two optional parameters: "data" and "initial_node".
By default class initialised with empty Node class instance.
Though, if "initial_node" is provided it used as "starting point".
You can think about it as of "node upgrade".
"data" (if provided) feeded to parser immidiatedly after instance init.
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "Preparing to handle incoming XML stream.", 'start')
self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ')
self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.starttag
self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.endtag
self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.handle_data
self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = self.handle_namespace_start
self.Parse = self._parser.Parse
""" Builds a Node class minidom from data parsed to it. This class used for two purposes:
1. Creation an XML Node from a textual representation. F.e. reading a config file. See an XML2Node method.
2. Handling an incoming XML stream. This is done by mangling
the __dispatch_depth parameter and redefining the dispatch method.
You do not need to use this class directly if you do not designing your own XML handler."""
def __init__(self,data=None,initial_node=None):
""" Takes two optional parameters: "data" and "initial_node".
By default class initialised with empty Node class instance.
Though, if "initial_node" is provided it used as "starting point".
You can think about it as of "node upgrade".
"data" (if provided) feeded to parser immidiatedly after instance init.
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "Preparing to handle incoming XML stream.", 'start')
self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ')
self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.starttag
self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.endtag
self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = self.handle_namespace_start
self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.handle_cdata
self.Parse = self._parser.Parse
self.__depth = 0
self._dispatch_depth = 1
self._document_attrs = None
self.last_is_data = 1
self.__depth = 0
self._dispatch_depth = 1
self._document_attrs = None
self.last_is_data = 1
self.data_buffer = None
if data: self._parser.Parse(data,1)
if data:
def destroy(self):
""" Method used to allow class instance to be garbage-collected. """
self._parser.StartElementHandler = None
self._parser.EndElementHandler = None
self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = None
self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = None
def destroy(self):
""" Method used to allow class instance to be garbage-collected. """
self._parser.StartElementHandler = None
self._parser.EndElementHandler = None
self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = None
self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = None
def starttag(self, tag, attrs):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
attlist=attrs.keys() #
for attr in attlist: # FIXME: Crude hack. And it also slows down the whole library considerably.
sp=attr.rfind(" ") #
if sp==-1: continue #
ns=attr[:sp] #
del attrs[attr] #
self.__depth += 1
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s, attrs -> %s" % (self.__depth, tag, `attrs`), 'down')
if self.__depth == self._dispatch_depth:
if not self._mini_dom :
self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
Node.__init__(self._mini_dom,tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
self._ptr = self._mini_dom
elif self.__depth > self._dispatch_depth:
self._ptr =[-1]
if self.__depth == 1:
self._document_attrs = attrs
ns, name = (['']+tag.split())[-2:]
self.stream_header_received(ns, name, attrs)
if not self.last_is_data and self._ptr.parent:
self.last_is_data = 0
def endtag(self, tag ):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s" % (self.__depth, tag), 'up')
if self.data_buffer:
self.data_buffer = None
if self.__depth == self._dispatch_depth:
elif self.__depth > self._dispatch_depth:
self._ptr = self._ptr.parent
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "Got higher than dispatch level. Stream terminated?", 'stop')
self.__depth -= 1
self.last_is_data = 0
if self.__depth == 0: self.stream_footer_received()
def handle_cdata(self, data):
if self.last_is_data:
if self.data_buffer:
self.data_buffer = [data]
self.last_is_data = 1
def handle_data(self, data, *args):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, data, 'data')
if not self._ptr: return
if self.last_is_data:
||||[-1] += data
self.last_is_data = 1
def starttag(self, tag, attrs):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
attlist=attrs.keys() #
for attr in attlist: # FIXME: Crude hack. And it also slows down the whole library considerably.
sp=attr.rfind(" ") #
if sp==-1: continue #
ns=attr[:sp] #
del attrs[attr] #
self.__depth += 1
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s, attrs -> %s" % (self.__depth, tag, `attrs`), 'down')
if self.__depth == self._dispatch_depth:
if not self._mini_dom : self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
else: Node.__init__(self._mini_dom,tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
self._ptr = self._mini_dom
elif self.__depth > self._dispatch_depth:
self._ptr =[-1]
if self.__depth == 1:
self._document_attrs = attrs
ns, name = (['']+tag.split())[-2:]
self.stream_header_received(ns, name, attrs)
if not self.last_is_data and self._ptr.parent:'')
self.last_is_data = 0
def endtag(self, tag ):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s" % (self.__depth, tag), 'up')
if self.__depth == self._dispatch_depth:
elif self.__depth > self._dispatch_depth:
self._ptr = self._ptr.parent
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, "Got higher than dispatch level. Stream terminated?", 'stop')
self.__depth -= 1
self.last_is_data = 0
if self.__depth == 0: self.stream_footer_received()
def handle_data(self, data):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
self.DEBUG(DBG_NODEBUILDER, data, 'data')
if not self._ptr: return
if self.last_is_data:
||||[-1] += data
self.last_is_data = 1
def handle_namespace_start(self, prefix, uri):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
if prefix: self.namespaces[uri]=prefix+':'
else: self.xmlns=uri
def DEBUG(self, level, text, comment=None):
""" Gets all NodeBuilder walking events. Can be used for debugging if redefined."""
def getDom(self):
""" Returns just built Node. """
return self._mini_dom
def dispatch(self,stanza):
""" Gets called when the NodeBuilder reaches some level of depth on it's way up with the built
node as argument. Can be redefined to convert incoming XML stanzas to program events. """
def stream_header_received(self,ns,tag,attrs):
""" Method called when stream just opened. """
def stream_footer_received(self):
""" Method called when stream just closed. """
def handle_namespace_start(self, prefix, uri):
"""XML Parser callback. Used internally"""
if prefix: self.namespaces[uri]=prefix+':'
else: self.xmlns=uri
def DEBUG(self, level, text, comment=None):
""" Gets all NodeBuilder walking events. Can be used for debugging if redefined."""
def getDom(self):
""" Returns just built Node. """
return self._mini_dom
def dispatch(self,stanza):
""" Gets called when the NodeBuilder reaches some level of depth on it's way up with the built
node as argument. Can be redefined to convert incoming XML stanzas to program events. """
def stream_header_received(self,ns,tag,attrs):
""" Method called when stream just opened. """
def stream_footer_received(self):
""" Method called when stream just closed. """
def XML2Node(xml):
""" Converts supplied textual string into XML node. Handy f.e. for reading configuration file.
Raises xml.parser.expat.parsererror if provided string is not well-formed XML. """
return NodeBuilder(xml).getDom()
""" Converts supplied textual string into XML node. Handy f.e. for reading configuration file.
Raises xml.parser.expat.parsererror if provided string is not well-formed XML. """
return NodeBuilder(xml).getDom()
def BadXML2Node(xml):
""" Converts supplied textual string into XML node. Survives if xml data is cutted half way round.
I.e. "<html>some text <br>some more text". Will raise xml.parser.expat.parsererror on misplaced
tags though. F.e. "<b>some text <br>some more text</b>" will not work."""
return NodeBuilder(xml).getDom()
""" Converts supplied textual string into XML node. Survives if xml data is cutted half way round.
I.e. "<html>some text <br>some more text". Will raise xml.parser.expat.parsererror on misplaced
tags though. F.e. "<b>some text <br>some more text</b>" will not work."""
return NodeBuilder(xml).getDom()
Reference in New Issue