bugfix : when a server become unavailable, self.connexions's size changed during process. Now it changes after process.

This commit is contained in:
Yann Leboulanger 2004-05-12 13:12:39 +00:00
parent 3c597eeb3b
commit 2f364ecdba
1 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -174,11 +174,10 @@ class GajimCore:
def disconnectedCB(self, con):
"""Called when we are disconnected"""
if self.connected[self.connexions[con]] == 1:
self.connected[self.connexions[con]] = 0
self.hub.sendPlugin('STATUS', self.connexions[con], 'offline')
if self.connexions.has_key(con):
del self.connexions[con]
if self.connected[self.connexions[con]] == 1:
self.connected[self.connexions[con]] = 0
self.hub.sendPlugin('STATUS', self.connexions[con], 'offline')
# END disconenctedCB
def connect(self, account):
@ -455,6 +454,14 @@ class GajimCore:
for con in self.connexions:
if self.connected[self.connexions[con]] == 1:
#remove connexion that have been broken
for acc in self.connected:
if self.connected[acc]:
for con in self.connexions:
if self.connexions[con] == acc:
del self.connexions[con]
# END main
# END GajimCore