better URI splitting code. see #5400, #5401

This commit is contained in:
Yann Leboulanger 2009-11-04 21:56:33 +01:00
parent 4343d706a0
commit 2aef55ad2a
2 changed files with 22 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ class NonBlockingBOSH(NonBlockingTransport):
self.proxy_dict['type'] = 'http'
# with SSL over proxy, we do HTTP CONNECT to proxy to open a channel to
# BOSH Connection Manager
host, port = urisplit(self.bosh_uri)[1].split(':', 1)
self.proxy_dict['xmpp_server'] = (host, int(port))
host, port = urisplit(self.bosh_uri)[1:3]
self.proxy_dict['xmpp_server'] = (host, port)
self.proxy_dict['credentials'] = self.proxy_creds

View File

@ -41,33 +41,33 @@ log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.x.transports_nb')
def urisplit(uri):
Function for splitting URI string to tuple (protocol, host, path).
e.g. urisplit('') returns
('http', '', '/webclient')
Function for splitting URI string to tuple (protocol, host, port, path).
e.g. urisplit('') returns
('http', '', 123, '/webclient')
return 443 as default port if proto is https else 80
import re
regex = '(([^:/]+)(://))?([^/]*)(/?.*)'
regex = '(([^:/]+)(://))?([^/]*)(:)*([^/]*)(/?.*)'
grouped = re.match(regex, uri).groups()
proto, host, path = grouped[1], grouped[3], grouped[4]
return proto, host, path
proto, host, port, path = grouped[1], grouped[3], grouped[5], grouped[6]
if not port:
if proto == 'https':
port = 443
port = 80
port = int(port)
port = 80
return proto, host, port, path
def get_proxy_data_from_dict(proxy):
tcp_host, tcp_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass = None, None, None, None
proxy_type = proxy['type']
if proxy_type == 'bosh' and not proxy['bosh_useproxy']:
# with BOSH not over proxy we have to parse the hostname from BOSH URI
proto, tcp_host, path = urisplit(proxy['bosh_uri'])
spl = tcp_host.split(':', 1)
if len(spl) == 1:
# No port were set
tcp_host = tcp_host[0]
if proto == 'https':
tcp_port = 443
tcp_port = 80
tcp_host, tcp_port = spl
tcp_port = int(tcp_port)
proto, tcp_host, tcp_port, path = urisplit(proxy['bosh_uri'])
# with proxy!=bosh or with bosh over HTTP proxy we're connecting to proxy
# machine
@ -611,10 +611,8 @@ class NonBlockingHTTP(NonBlockingTCP):
NonBlockingTCP.__init__(self, raise_event, on_disconnect, idlequeue,
estabilish_tls, certs, proxy_dict)
self.http_protocol, self.http_host, self.http_path = urisplit(
self.http_host, self.http_port = self.http_host.split(':', 1)
self.http_port = int(self.http_port)
self.http_protocol, self.http_host, self.http_port, self.http_path = \
self.http_protocol = self.http_protocol or 'http'
self.http_path = self.http_path or '/'
self.http_version = http_dict['http_version']