Initial version of Global Events Dispatcher.

Events previously generated for D-Bus support in go through Global Events Dispatcher now - this means any plugin can subscribe to them.
Implemented D-Bus support plugin based on
This commit is contained in:
Mateusz Biliński 2008-08-10 13:40:49 +00:00
parent d1d3cc9bbd
commit 06aee9d2d0
10 changed files with 1437 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from plugin import DBusPlugin

View file

@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Yann Leboulanger <>
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos <>
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov <>
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Andrew Sayman <>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky <>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto <>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Travis Shirk <>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Mateusz Biliński <>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
D-BUS Support plugin.
Based on src/
:author: Mateusz Biliński <>
:since: 8th August 2008
:copyright: Copyright (2008) Mateusz Biliński <>
:license: GPL
import os
import new
import gobject
from common import dbus_support
if dbus_support.supported:
import dbus
if dbus_support:
import dbus.service
import dbus.glib
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbusplugin.RemoteInterface'
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbusplugin/RemoteObject'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbusplugin'
from common import gajim
from common import helpers
from time import time
from dialogs import AddNewContactWindow, NewChatDialog, JoinGroupchatWindow
from plugins import GajimPlugin
from plugins.helpers import log_calls, log
from common import ged
class DBusPlugin(GajimPlugin):
name = u'D-Bus Support'
short_name = u'dbus'
version = u'0.1'
description = u'''D-Bus support. Based on remote_control module from
Gajim core but uses new events handling system.'''
authors = [u'Mateusz Biliński <>']
homepage = u''
def init(self):
self.config_dialog = None
#self.gui_extension_points = {}
#self.config_default_values = {}
self.events_names = ['Roster', 'AccountPresence', 'ContactPresence',
'ContactAbsence', 'ContactStatus', 'NewMessage',
'Subscribe', 'Subscribed', 'Unsubscribed',
'NewAccount', 'VcardInfo', 'LastStatusTime',
'OsInfo', 'GCPresence', 'GCMessage', 'RosterInfo',
self.signal_object = None
self.events_handlers = {}
def activate(self):
session_bus = dbus_support.session_bus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(SERVICE, bus=session_bus)
self.signal_object = SignalObject(bus_name)
def deactivate(self):
self.signal_object = None
def _set_handling_methods(self):
for event_name in self.events_names:
setattr(self, event_name,
self.events_handlers[event_name] = (ged.POSTCORE,
getattr(self, event_name))
def _generate_handling_method(self, event_name):
def handler(self, arg):
print "Handler of event %s called"%(event_name)
if self.signal_object:
getattr(self.signal_object, event_name)(get_dbus_struct(arg))
return handler
# type mapping
# in most cases it is a utf-8 string
DBUS_STRING = dbus.String
# general type (for use in dicts, where all values should have the same type)
DBUS_BOOLEAN = dbus.Boolean
DBUS_DOUBLE = dbus.Double
DBUS_INT32 = dbus.Int32
# dictionary with string key and binary value
DBUS_DICT_SV = lambda : dbus.Dictionary({}, signature="sv")
# dictionary with string key and value
DBUS_DICT_SS = lambda : dbus.Dictionary({}, signature="ss")
# empty type (there is no equivalent of None on D-Bus, but historically gajim
# used 0 instead)
DBUS_NONE = lambda : dbus.Int32(0)
def get_dbus_struct(obj):
''' recursively go through all the items and replace
them with their casted dbus equivalents
if obj is None:
return DBUS_NONE()
if isinstance(obj, (unicode, str)):
return DBUS_STRING(obj)
if isinstance(obj, int):
return DBUS_INT32(obj)
if isinstance(obj, float):
return DBUS_DOUBLE(obj)
if isinstance(obj, bool):
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(obj)
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
result = dbus.Array([get_dbus_struct(i) for i in obj],
if result == []:
return DBUS_NONE()
return result
if isinstance(obj, dict):
result = DBUS_DICT_SV()
for key, value in obj.items():
result[DBUS_STRING(key)] = get_dbus_struct(value)
if result == {}:
return DBUS_NONE()
return result
# unknown type
return DBUS_NONE()
class SignalObject(dbus.service.Object):
''' Local object definition for /org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject.
(This docstring is not be visible, because the clients can access only the remote object.)'''
def __init__(self, bus_name):
self.first_show = True
self.vcard_account = None
# register our dbus API
dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, OBJ_PATH)
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def Roster(self, account_and_data):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def AccountPresence(self, status_and_account):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def ContactPresence(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def ContactAbsence(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def ContactStatus(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def NewMessage(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def Subscribe(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def Subscribed(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def Unsubscribed(self, account_and_jid):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def NewAccount(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def VcardInfo(self, account_and_vcard):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def LastStatusTime(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def OsInfo(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def GCPresence(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def GCMessage(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def RosterInfo(self, account_and_array):
@dbus.service.signal(INTERFACE, signature='av')
def NewGmail(self, account_and_array):
def raise_signal(self, signal, arg):
'''raise a signal, with a single argument of unspecified type
Instead of obj.raise_signal("Foo", bar), use obj.Foo(bar).'''
getattr(self, signal)(arg)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='s')
def get_status(self, account):
'''Returns status (show to be exact) which is the global one
unless account is given'''
if not account:
# If user did not ask for account, returns the global status
return DBUS_STRING(helpers.get_global_show())
# return show for the given account
index = gajim.connections[account].connected
return DBUS_STRING(gajim.SHOW_LIST[index])
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='s')
def get_status_message(self, account):
'''Returns status which is the global one
unless account is given'''
if not account:
# If user did not ask for account, returns the global status
return DBUS_STRING(str(helpers.get_global_status()))
# return show for the given account
status = gajim.connections[account].status
return DBUS_STRING(status)
def _get_account_and_contact(self, account, jid):
'''get the account (if not given) and contact instance from jid'''
connected_account = None
contact = None
accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()
# if there is only one account in roster, take it as default
# if user did not ask for account
if not account and len(accounts) == 1:
account = accounts[0]
if account:
if gajim.connections[account].connected > 1: # account is connected
connected_account = account
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
for account in accounts:
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account,
if contact and gajim.connections[account].connected > 1:
# account is connected
connected_account = account
if not contact:
contact = jid
return connected_account, contact
def _get_account_for_groupchat(self, account, room_jid):
'''get the account which is connected to groupchat (if not given)
or check if the given account is connected to the groupchat'''
connected_account = None
accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()
# if there is only one account in roster, take it as default
# if user did not ask for account
if not account and len(accounts) == 1:
account = accounts[0]
if account:
if gajim.connections[account].connected > 1 and \
room_jid in gajim.gc_connected[account] and \
# account and groupchat are connected
connected_account = account
for account in accounts:
if gajim.connections[account].connected > 1 and \
room_jid in gajim.gc_connected[account] and \
# account and groupchat are connected
connected_account = account
return connected_account
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='sss', out_signature='b')
def send_file(self, file_path, jid, account):
'''send file, located at 'file_path' to 'jid', using account
(optional) 'account' '''
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid, account)
connected_account, contact = self._get_account_and_contact(account, jid)
if connected_account:
if file_path[:7] == 'file://':
if os.path.isfile(file_path): # is it file?
connected_account, contact, file_path)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
def _send_message(self, jid, message, keyID, account, type = 'chat',
subject = None):
'''can be called from send_chat_message (default when send_message)
or send_single_message'''
if not jid or not message:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
if not keyID:
keyID = ''
connected_account, contact = self._get_account_and_contact(account, jid)
if connected_account:
connection = gajim.connections[connected_account]
connection.send_message(jid, message, keyID, type, subject)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ssss', out_signature='b')
def send_chat_message(self, jid, message, keyID, account):
'''Send chat 'message' to 'jid', using account (optional) 'account'.
if keyID is specified, encrypt the message with the pgp key '''
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid, account)
return self._send_message(jid, message, keyID, account)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='sssss', out_signature='b')
def send_single_message(self, jid, subject, message, keyID, account):
'''Send single 'message' to 'jid', using account (optional) 'account'.
if keyID is specified, encrypt the message with the pgp key '''
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid, account)
return self._send_message(jid, message, keyID, account, type, subject)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='sss', out_signature='b')
def send_groupchat_message(self, room_jid, message, account):
'''Send 'message' to groupchat 'room_jid',
using account (optional) 'account'.'''
if not room_jid or not message:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
connected_account = self._get_account_for_groupchat(account, room_jid)
if connected_account:
connection = gajim.connections[connected_account]
connection.send_gc_message(room_jid, message)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ss', out_signature='b')
def open_chat(self, jid, account):
'''Shows the tabbed window for new message to 'jid', using account
(optional) 'account' '''
if not jid:
raise MissingArgument
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid, account)
jid = helpers.parse_jid(jid)
# Jid is not conform, ignore it
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
if account:
accounts = [account]
accounts = gajim.connections.keys()
if len(accounts) == 1:
account = accounts[0]
connected_account = None
first_connected_acct = None
for acct in accounts:
if gajim.connections[acct].connected > 1: # account is online
contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(acct, jid)
if gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.has_window(jid, acct):
connected_account = acct
# jid is in roster
elif contact:
connected_account = acct
# we send the message to jid not in roster, because account is
# specified, or there is only one account
elif account:
connected_account = acct
elif first_connected_acct is None:
first_connected_acct = acct
# if jid is not a conntact, open-chat with first connected account
if connected_account is None and first_connected_acct:
connected_account = first_connected_acct
if connected_account:
gajim.interface.new_chat_from_jid(connected_account, jid)
# preserve the 'steal focus preservation'
win = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(jid,
if win.get_property('visible'):
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='sss', out_signature='b')
def change_status(self, status, message, account):
''' change_status(status, message, account). account is optional -
if not specified status is changed for all accounts. '''
if status not in ('offline', 'online', 'chat',
'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'invisible'):
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
if account:
gobject.idle_add(gajim.interface.roster.send_status, account,
status, message)
# account not specified, so change the status of all accounts
for acc in gajim.contacts.get_accounts():
if not gajim.config.get_per('accounts', acc,
gobject.idle_add(gajim.interface.roster.send_status, acc,
status, message)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='')
def show_next_pending_event(self):
'''Show the window(s) with next pending event in tabbed/group chats.'''
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='a{sv}')
def contact_info(self, jid):
'''get vcard info for a contact. Return cached value of the vcard.
if not isinstance(jid, unicode):
jid = unicode(jid)
if not jid:
raise MissingArgument
return DBUS_DICT_SV()
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid)
cached_vcard = gajim.connections.values()[0].get_cached_vcard(jid)
if cached_vcard:
return get_dbus_struct(cached_vcard)
# return empty dict
return DBUS_DICT_SV()
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='as')
def list_accounts(self):
'''list register accounts'''
result = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()
result_array = dbus.Array([], signature='s')
if result and len(result) > 0:
for account in result:
return result_array
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='a{ss}')
def account_info(self, account):
'''show info on account: resource, jid, nick, prio, message'''
result = DBUS_DICT_SS()
if gajim.connections.has_key(account):
# account is valid
con = gajim.connections[account]
index = con.connected
result['status'] = DBUS_STRING(gajim.SHOW_LIST[index])
result['name'] = DBUS_STRING(
result['jid'] = DBUS_STRING(gajim.get_jid_from_account(
result['message'] = DBUS_STRING(con.status)
result['priority'] = DBUS_STRING(unicode(con.priority))
result['resource'] = DBUS_STRING(unicode(gajim.config.get_per(
'accounts',, 'resource')))
return result
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='aa{sv}')
def list_contacts(self, account):
'''list all contacts in the roster. If the first argument is specified,
then return the contacts for the specified account'''
result = dbus.Array([], signature='aa{sv}')
accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()
if len(accounts) == 0:
return result
if account:
accounts_to_search = [account]
accounts_to_search = accounts
for acct in accounts_to_search:
if acct in accounts:
for jid in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(acct):
item = self._contacts_as_dbus_structure(
gajim.contacts.get_contacts(acct, jid))
if item:
return result
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='')
def toggle_roster_appearance(self):
''' shows/hides the roster window '''
win = gajim.interface.roster.window
if win.get_property('visible'):
# preserve the 'steal focus preservation'
if self._is_first():
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='')
def toggle_ipython(self):
''' shows/hides the ipython window '''
win = gajim.ipython_window
if win:
if win.window.is_visible():
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='a{ss}')
def prefs_list(self):
prefs_dict = DBUS_DICT_SS()
def get_prefs(data, name, path, value):
if value is None:
key = ''
if path is not None:
for node in path:
key += node + '#'
key += name
prefs_dict[DBUS_STRING(key)] = DBUS_STRING(value[1])
return prefs_dict
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='b')
def prefs_store(self):
except Exception, e:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='b')
def prefs_del(self, key):
if not key:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
key_path = key.split('#', 2)
if len(key_path) != 3:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
if key_path[2] == '*':
gajim.config.del_per(key_path[0], key_path[1])
gajim.config.del_per(key_path[0], key_path[1], key_path[2])
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='b')
def prefs_put(self, key):
if not key:
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
key_path = key.split('#', 2)
if len(key_path) < 3:
subname, value = key.split('=', 1)
gajim.config.set(subname, value)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
subname, value = key_path[2].split('=', 1)
gajim.config.set_per(key_path[0], key_path[1], subname, value)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ss', out_signature='b')
def add_contact(self, jid, account):
if account:
if account in gajim.connections and \
gajim.connections[account].connected > 1:
# if given account is active, use it
AddNewContactWindow(account = account, jid = jid)
# wrong account
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
# if account is not given, show account combobox
AddNewContactWindow(account = None, jid = jid)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ss', out_signature='b')
def remove_contact(self, jid, account):
jid = self._get_real_jid(jid, account)
accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()
# if there is only one account in roster, take it as default
if account:
accounts = [account]
contact_exists = False
for account in accounts:
contacts = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid)
if contacts:
for contact in contacts:
gajim.interface.roster.remove_contact(contact, account)
gajim.contacts.remove_jid(account, jid)
contact_exists = True
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(contact_exists)
def _is_first(self):
if self.first_show:
self.first_show = False
return True
return False
def _get_real_jid(self, jid, account = None):
'''get the real jid from the given one: removes xmpp: or get jid from nick
if account is specified, search only in this account
if account:
accounts = [account]
accounts = gajim.connections.keys()
if jid.startswith('xmpp:'):
return jid[5:] # len('xmpp:') = 5
nick_in_roster = None # Is jid a nick ?
for account in accounts:
# Does jid exists in roster of one account ?
if gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid):
return jid
if not nick_in_roster:
# look in all contact if one has jid as nick
for jid_ in gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account):
c = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid_)
if c[0].name == jid:
nick_in_roster = jid_
if nick_in_roster:
# We have not found jid in roster, but we found is as a nick
return nick_in_roster
# We have not found it as jid nor as nick, probably a not in roster jid
return jid
def _contacts_as_dbus_structure(self, contacts):
''' get info from list of Contact objects and create dbus dict '''
if not contacts:
return None
prim_contact = None # primary contact
for contact in contacts:
if prim_contact is None or contact.priority > prim_contact.priority:
prim_contact = contact
contact_dict = DBUS_DICT_SV()
contact_dict['name'] = DBUS_STRING(
contact_dict['show'] = DBUS_STRING(
contact_dict['jid'] = DBUS_STRING(prim_contact.jid)
if prim_contact.keyID:
keyID = None
if len(prim_contact.keyID) == 8:
keyID = prim_contact.keyID
elif len(prim_contact.keyID) == 16:
keyID = prim_contact.keyID[8:]
if keyID:
contact_dict['openpgp'] = keyID
contact_dict['resources'] = dbus.Array([], signature='(sis)')
for contact in contacts:
resource_props = dbus.Struct((DBUS_STRING(contact.resource),
dbus.Int32(contact.priority), DBUS_STRING(contact.status)))
contact_dict['groups'] = dbus.Array([], signature='(s)')
for group in prim_contact.groups:
return contact_dict
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='s')
def get_unread_msgs_number(self):
return DBUS_STRING(str(
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='b')
def start_chat(self, account):
if not account:
# error is shown in gajim-remote check_arguments(..)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(False)
return DBUS_BOOLEAN(True)
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ss', out_signature='')
def send_xml(self, xml, account):
if account:
for acc in gajim.contacts.get_accounts():
@dbus.service.method(INTERFACE, in_signature='ssss', out_signature='')
def join_room(self, room_jid, nick, password, account):
if not account:
# get the first connected account
accounts = gajim.connections.keys()
for acct in accounts:
if gajim.account_is_connected(acct):
account = acct
if not account:
if not nick:
nick = ''
gajim.interface.instances[account]['join_gc'] = \
JoinGroupchatWindow(account, room_jid, nick)
gajim.interface.join_gc_room(account, room_jid, nick, password)

View file

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ connections = {} # 'account name': 'account (connection.Connection) instance'
verbose = False
ipython_window = None
plugin_manager = None
ged = None # Global Events Dispatcher
h = logging.StreamHandler()
f = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s', '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')

src/common/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
Global Events Dispatcher module.
:author: Mateusz Biliński <>
:since: 8th August 2008
:copyright: Copyright (2008) Mateusz Biliński <>
:license: GPL
from plugins.helpers import log
CORE = 40
class GlobalEventsDispatcher(object):
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = {}
def register_event_handler(self, event_name, priority, handler):
if event_name in self.handlers:
handlers_list = self.handlers[event_name]
i = 0
if len(handlers_list) > 0:
while priority > handlers_list[i][0]: # sorting handlers by priority
i += 1
handlers_list.insert(i, (priority, handler))
self.handlers[event_name] = [(priority, handler)]
def remove_event_handler(self, event_name, priority, handler):
if event_name in self.handlers:
self.handlers[event_name].remove((priority, handler))
except ValueError, error:
log.debug('''Function (%s) with priority "%s" never registered
as handler of event "%s". Couldn\'t remove. Error: %s'''
%(handler, priority, event_name, error))
def raise_event(self, event_name, *args):
#log.debug('[GED] Event: %s\nArgs: %s'%(event_name, str(args)))
if event_name in self.handlers:
for priority, handler in self.handlers[event_name]:

src/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Yann Leboulanger <>
## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos <>
## Copyright (C) 2005 Dimitur Kirov <>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <>.
# gajim-remote help will show you the D-BUS API of Gajim
import sys
import os
import locale
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # ^C exits the application
from common import exceptions
from common import i18n
PREFERRED_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
def send_error(error_message):
'''Writes error message to stderr and exits'''
print >> sys.stderr, error_message.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
import osx.dbus
import dbus
import dbus.service
import dbus.glib
print str(exceptions.DbusNotSupported())
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbusplugin/RemoteObject'
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbusplugin.RemoteInterface'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbusplugin'
BASENAME = 'gajim-remote-plugin'
class GajimRemote:
def __init__(self):
self.argv_len = len(sys.argv)
# define commands dict. Prototype :
# {
# 'command': [comment, [list of arguments] ]
# }
# each argument is defined as a tuple:
# (argument name, help on argument, is mandatory)
self.commands = {
_('Shows a help on specific command'),
#User gets help for the command, specified by this parameter
_('show help on command'), False)
'toggle_roster_appearance' : [
_('Shows or hides the roster window'),
'show_next_pending_event': [
_('Pops up a window with the next pending event'),
'list_contacts': [
_('Prints a list of all contacts in the roster. Each contact '
'appears on a separate line'),
(_('account'), _('show only contacts of the given account'),
'list_accounts': [
_('Prints a list of registered accounts'),
'change_status': [
_('Changes the status of account or accounts'),
#offline, online, chat, away, xa, dnd, invisible should not be translated
(_('status'), _('one of: offline, online, chat, away, xa, dnd, invisible '), True),
(_('message'), _('status message'), False),
(_('account'), _('change status of account "account". '
'If not specified, try to change status of all accounts that have '
'"sync with global status" option set'), False)
'open_chat': [
_('Shows the chat dialog so that you can send messages to a contact'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact that you want to chat with'),
(_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the '
'contact list of this account'), False)
_('Sends new chat message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key '
'and account are optional. If you want to set only \'account\', '
'without \'OpenPGP key\', just set \'OpenPGP key\' to \'\'.'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact that will receive the message'), True),
(_('message'), _('message contents'), True),
(_('pgp key'), _('if specified, the message will be encrypted '
'using this public key'), False),
(_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent '
'using this account'), False),
_('Sends new single message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key '
'and account are optional. If you want to set only \'account\', '
'without \'OpenPGP key\', just set \'OpenPGP key\' to \'\'.'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact that will receive the message'), True),
(_('subject'), _('message subject'), True),
(_('message'), _('message contents'), True),
(_('pgp key'), _('if specified, the message will be encrypted '
'using this public key'), False),
(_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent '
'using this account'), False),
_('Sends new message to a groupchat you\'ve joined.'),
('room_jid', _('JID of the room that will receive the message'), True),
(_('message'), _('message contents'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent '
'using this account'), False),
'contact_info': [
_('Gets detailed info on a contact'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True)
'account_info': [
_('Gets detailed info on a account'),
('account', _('Name of the account'), True)
'send_file': [
_('Sends file to a contact'),
(_('file'), _('File path'), True),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified, file will be sent using this '
'account'), False)
'prefs_list': [
_('Lists all preferences and their values'),
[ ]
'prefs_put': [
_('Sets value of \'key\' to \'value\'.'),
(_('key=value'), _('\'key\' is the name of the preference, '
'\'value\' is the value to set it to'), True)
'prefs_del': [
_('Deletes a preference item'),
(_('key'), _('name of the preference to be deleted'), True)
'prefs_store': [
_('Writes the current state of Gajim preferences to the .config '
[ ]
'remove_contact': [
_('Removes contact from roster'),
('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True),
(_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the '
'contact list of this account'), False)
'add_contact': [
_('Adds contact to roster'),
(_('jid'), _('JID of the contact'), True),
(_('account'), _('Adds new contact to this account'), False)
'get_status': [
_('Returns current status (the global one unless account is specified)'),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
'get_status_message': [
_('Returns current status message(the global one unless account is specified)'),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
'get_unread_msgs_number': [
_('Returns number of unread messages'),
[ ]
'start_chat': [
_('Opens \'Start Chat\' dialog'),
(_('account'), _('Starts chat, using this account'), True)
'send_xml': [
_('Sends custom XML'),
('xml', _('XML to send'), True),
('account', _('Account in which the xml will be sent; '
'if not specified, xml will be sent to all accounts'),
'handle_uri': [
_('Handle a xmpp:/ uri'),
(_('uri'), _(''), True),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
'join_room': [
_('Join a MUC room'),
(_('room'), _(''), True),
(_('nick'), _(''), False),
(_('password'), _(''), False),
(_('account'), _(''), False)
_('Check if Gajim is running'),
'toggle_ipython' : [
_('Shows or hides the ipython window'),
path = os.getcwd()
if '.svn' in os.listdir(path) or '_svn' in os.listdir(path):
# command only for svn
self.commands['toggle_ipython'] = [
_('Shows or hides the ipython window'),
self.sbus = None
if self.argv_len < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in self.commands.keys():
# no args or bad args
self.command = sys.argv[1]
if self.command == 'help':
if self.argv_len == 3:
print self.help_on_command(sys.argv[2]).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print self.compose_help().encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
if self.command == 'handle_uri':
if self.command == 'check_gajim_running':
print self.check_gajim_running()
if self.command == 'contact_info':
if self.argv_len < 3:
send_error(_('Missing argument "contact_jid"'))
res = self.call_remote_method()
except exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable:
# At this point an error message has already been displayed
def print_result(self, res):
''' Print retrieved result to the output '''
if res is not None:
if self.command in ('open_chat', 'send_chat_message', 'send_single_message', 'start_chat'):
if self.command in ('send_message', 'send_single_message'):
self.argv_len -= 2
if res is False:
if self.argv_len < 4:
send_error(_('\'%s\' is not in your roster.\n'
'Please specify account for sending the message.') % sys.argv[2])
send_error(_('You have no active account'))
elif self.command == 'list_accounts':
if isinstance(res, list):
for account in res:
if isinstance(account, unicode):
print account.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print account
elif self.command == 'account_info':
if res:
print self.print_info(0, res, True)
elif self.command == 'list_contacts':
for account_dict in res:
print self.print_info(0, account_dict, True)
elif self.command == 'prefs_list':
pref_keys = res.keys()
for pref_key in pref_keys:
result = '%s = %s' % (pref_key, res[pref_key])
if isinstance(result, unicode):
print result.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
print result
elif self.command == 'contact_info':
print self.print_info(0, res, True)
elif res:
print unicode(res).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
def check_gajim_running(self):
if not self.sbus:
self.sbus = dbus.SessionBus()
raise exceptions.SessionBusNotPresent
test = False
if hasattr(self.sbus, 'name_has_owner'):
if self.sbus.name_has_owner(SERVICE):
test = True
elif dbus.dbus_bindings.bus_name_has_owner(self.sbus.get_connection(),
test = True
return test
def init_connection(self):
''' create the onnection to the session dbus,
or exit if it is not possible '''
self.sbus = dbus.SessionBus()
raise exceptions.SessionBusNotPresent
from pprint import pprint
if not self.check_gajim_running():
send_error(_('It seems Gajim is not running. So you can\'t use gajim-remote.'))
obj = self.sbus.get_object(SERVICE, OBJ_PATH)
interface = dbus.Interface(obj, INTERFACE)
# get the function asked
self.method = interface.__getattr__(self.command)
def make_arguments_row(self, args):
''' return arguments list. Mandatory arguments are enclosed with:
'<', '>', optional arguments - with '[', ']' '''
str = ''
for argument in args:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
return str
def help_on_command(self, command):
''' return help message for a given command '''
if command in self.commands:
command_props = self.commands[command]
arguments_str = self.make_arguments_row(command_props[1])
str = _('Usage: %s %s %s \n\t %s') % (BASENAME, command,
arguments_str, command_props[0])
if len(command_props[1]) > 0:
str += '\n\n' + _('Arguments:') + '\n'
for argument in command_props[1]:
str += ' ' + argument[0] + ' - ' + argument[1] + '\n'
return str
send_error(_('%s not found') % command)
def compose_help(self):
''' print usage, and list available commands '''
str = _('Usage: %s command [arguments]\nCommand is one of:\n' ) % BASENAME
commands = self.commands.keys()
for command in commands:
str += ' ' + command
for argument in self.commands[command][1]:
str += ' '
if argument[2]:
str += '<'
str += '['
str += argument[0]
if argument[2]:
str += '>'
str += ']'
str += '\n'
return str
def print_info(self, level, prop_dict, encode_return = False):
''' return formated string from data structure '''
if prop_dict is None or not isinstance(prop_dict, (dict, list, tuple)):
return ''
ret_str = ''
if isinstance(prop_dict, (list, tuple)):
ret_str = ''
spacing = ' ' * level * 4
for val in prop_dict:
if val is None:
ret_str +='\t'
elif isinstance(val, int):
ret_str +='\t' + str(val)
elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)):
ret_str +='\t' + val
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
res = ''
for items in val:
res += self.print_info(level+1, items)
if res != '':
ret_str += '\t' + res
elif isinstance(val, dict):
ret_str += self.print_info(level+1, val)
ret_str = '%s(%s)\n' % (spacing, ret_str[1:])
elif isinstance(prop_dict, dict):
for key in prop_dict.keys():
val = prop_dict[key]
spacing = ' ' * level * 4
if isinstance(val, (unicode, int, str)):
if val is not None:
val = val.strip()
ret_str += '%s%-10s: %s\n' % (spacing, key, val)
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
res = ''
for items in val:
res += self.print_info(level+1, items)
if res != '':
ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res)
elif isinstance(val, dict):
res = self.print_info(level+1, val)
if res != '':
ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res)
if (encode_return):
ret_str = ret_str.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING)
return ret_str
def check_arguments(self):
''' Make check if all necessary arguments are given '''
argv_len = self.argv_len - 2
args = self.commands[self.command][1]
if len(args) < argv_len:
send_error(_('Too many arguments. \n'
'Type "%s help %s" for more info') % (BASENAME, self.command))
if len(args) > argv_len:
if args[argv_len][2]:
send_error(_('Argument "%s" is not specified. \n'
'Type "%s help %s" for more info') %
(args[argv_len][0], BASENAME, self.command))
self.arguments = []
i = 0
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
i += 1
if i < len(args):
# it's latest argument with spaces
self.arguments.append(' '.join(sys.argv[i+1:]))
# add empty string for missing args
self.arguments += ['']*(len(args)-i)
def handle_uri(self):
if not sys.argv[2:][0].startswith('xmpp:'):
send_error(_('Wrong uri'))
sys.argv[2] = sys.argv[2][5:]
uri = sys.argv[2:][0]
if not '?' in uri:
self.command = sys.argv[1] = 'open_chat'
(jid, action) = uri.split('?', 1)
sys.argv[2] = jid
if action == 'join':
self.command = sys.argv[1] = 'join_room'
# Move account parameter from position 3 to 5
sys.argv[3] = ''
def call_remote_method(self):
''' calls self.method with arguments from sys.argv[2:] '''
args = [i.decode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) for i in self.arguments]
args = [dbus.String(i) for i in args]
res = self.method(*args)
return res
except Exception:
raise exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ except:
OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject'
INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbus.RemoteInterface'
SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbus'
BASENAME = 'gajim-remote'
BASENAME = 'gajim-remote-plugin'
class GajimRemote:

View file

@ -663,6 +663,8 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Roster', (account, data))
gajim.ged.raise_event('Roster', (account, data))
def handle_event_warning(self, unused, data):
#('WARNING', account, (title_text, section_text))
@ -796,6 +798,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('AccountPresence', (status, account))
gajim.ged.raise_event('AccountPresence', (status, account))
def edit_own_details(self, account):
jid = gajim.get_jid_from_account(account)
@ -950,17 +953,20 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
(account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('ContactPresence', (account, array))
elif old_show > 1 and new_show < 2:
notify.notify('contact_disconnected', jid, account, status_message)
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactAbsence', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('ContactAbsence', (account, array))
# FIXME: stop non active file transfers
elif new_show > 1: # Status change (not connected/disconnected or error (<1))
notify.notify('status_change', jid, account, [new_show,
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('ContactStatus', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('ContactStatus', (account, array))
# FIXME: Msn transport (CMSN1.2.1 and PyMSN) doesn't follow the XEP
# still the case in 2008
@ -1029,6 +1035,7 @@ class Interface:
dialogs.SubscriptionRequestWindow(array[0], array[1], account, array[2])
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Subscribe', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('Subscribe', (account, array))
def handle_event_subscribed(self, account, array):
#('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, resource))
@ -1060,11 +1067,13 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Subscribed', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('Subscribed', (account, array))
def handle_event_unsubscribed(self, account, jid):
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('Unsubscribed', (account, jid))
gajim.ged.raise_event('Unsubscribed', (account, jid))
contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(account, jid)
if not contact:
@ -1159,6 +1168,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewAccount', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('NewAccount', (account, array))
def handle_event_acc_not_ok(self, account, array):
#('ACC_NOT_OK', account, (reason))
@ -1227,6 +1237,7 @@ class Interface:
self.roster.draw_avatar(jid, account)
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('VcardInfo', (account, vcard))
gajim.ged.raise_event('VcardInfo', (account, vcard))
def handle_event_last_status_time(self, account, array):
# ('LAST_STATUS_TIME', account, (jid, resource, seconds, status))
@ -1248,6 +1259,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('LastStatusTime', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('LastStatusTime', (account, array))
def handle_event_os_info(self, account, array):
#'OS_INFO' (account, (jid, resource, client_info, os_info))
@ -1260,6 +1272,7 @@ class Interface:
win.set_os_info(array[1], array[2], array[3])
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('OsInfo', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('OsInfo', (account, array))
def handle_event_gc_notify(self, account, array):
#'GC_NOTIFY' (account, (room_jid, show, status, nick,
@ -1321,6 +1334,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCPresence', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('GCPresence', (account, array))
def handle_event_gc_msg(self, account, array):
# ('GC_MSG', account, (jid, msg, time, has_timestamp, htmlmsg,
@ -1350,6 +1364,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('GCMessage', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('GCMessage', (account, array))
def handle_event_gc_subject(self, account, array):
#('GC_SUBJECT', account, (jid, subject, body, has_timestamp))
@ -1621,6 +1636,7 @@ class Interface:
self.roster.draw_contact(jid, account)
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('RosterInfo', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('RosterInfo', (account, array))
def handle_event_bookmarks(self, account, bms):
# ('BOOKMARKS', account, [{name,jid,autojoin,password,nick}, {}])
@ -1683,6 +1699,7 @@ class Interface:
if self.remote_ctrl:
self.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewGmail', (account, array))
gajim.ged.raise_event('NewGmail', (account, array))
def handle_event_file_request_error(self, account, array):
# ('FILE_REQUEST_ERROR', account, (jid, file_props, error_msg))
@ -3472,9 +3489,23 @@ class Interface:
'check_idle_every_foo_seconds'), self.read_sleepy)
# Creating Global Events Dispatcher
from common import ged
gajim.ged = ged.GlobalEventsDispatcher()
# Creating plugin manager
import plugins
gajim.plugin_manager = plugins.PluginManager()
def register_core_handlers(self):
Register core handlers in Global Events Dispatcher (GED).
This part of rewriting whole evetns handling system to use GED.
Of course this can be done anywhere else.
if __name__ == '__main__':
def sigint_cb(num, stack):

View file

@ -95,7 +95,17 @@ class GajimPlugin(object):
gui_extension_points = {}
Extension points that plugin wants to connect with.
Extension points that plugin wants to connect with and handlers to be used.
Keys of this string should be strings with name of GUI extension point
to handles. Values should be 2-element tuples with references to handling
functions. First function will be used to connect plugin with extpoint,
the second one to successfuly disconnect from it. Connecting takes places
when plugin is activated and extpoint already exists, or when plugin is
already activated but extpoint is being created (eg. chat window opens).
Disconnecting takes place when plugin is deactivated and extpoint exists
or when extpoint is destroyed and plugin is activate (eg. chat window
config_default_values = {}
@ -111,6 +121,17 @@ class GajimPlugin(object):
:type: {} of 2-element tuples
events_handlers = {}
Dictionary with events handlers.
Keys are event names. Values should be 2-element tuples with handler
priority as first element and reference to handler function as second
element. Priority is integer. See `ged` module for predefined priorities
like `ged.PRECORE`, `ged.CORE` or `ged.POSTCORE`.
:type: {} with 2-element tuples
def __init__(self):

View file

@ -236,6 +236,22 @@ class PluginManager(object):
if gui_extpoint_name in self.gui_extension_points_handlers:
for handlers in self.gui_extension_points_handlers[gui_extpoint_name]:
def _register_events_handlers_in_ged(self, plugin):
for event_name, handler in plugin.events_handlers.iteritems():
priority = handler[0]
handler_function = handler[1]
def _remove_events_handler_from_ged(self, plugin):
for event_name, handler in plugin.events_handlers.iteritems():
priority = handler[0]
handler_function = handler[1]
def activate_plugin(self, plugin):
@ -244,13 +260,16 @@ class PluginManager(object):
:type plugin: class object of `GajimPlugin` subclass
:todo: success checks should be implemented using exceptions. Such
control should also be implemented in deactivation.
control should also be implemented in deactivation. Exceptions
should be shown to user inside popup dialog, so the reason
for not activating plugin is known.
success = False
if not
success = True
@ -279,6 +298,8 @@ class PluginManager(object):
handler = gui_extpoint_handlers[1]
if handler:
# removing plug-in from active plug-ins list
@ -391,17 +412,17 @@ class PluginManager(object):
if module:
#log.debug('Attributes processing started')
log.debug('Attributes processing started')
for module_attr_name in [attr_name for attr_name in dir(module)
if not (attr_name.startswith('__') or
module_attr = getattr(module, module_attr_name)
#log.debug('%s : %s'%(module_attr_name, module_attr))
log.debug('%s : %s'%(module_attr_name, module_attr))
if issubclass(module_attr, GajimPlugin) and \
not module_attr is GajimPlugin:
#log.debug('is subclass of GajimPlugin')
log.debug('is subclass of GajimPlugin')
#log.debug('file_path: %s\nabspath: %s\ndirname: %s'%(file_path, os.path.abspath(file_path), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path))))
#log.debug('file_path: %s\ndirname: %s\nabspath: %s'%(file_path, os.path.dirname(file_path), os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path))))
module_attr.__path__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path))

View file

@ -224,6 +224,12 @@ class ChatControlSession(stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession):
(, [full_jid_with_resource, msgtxt, tim,
encrypted, msg_type, subject, chatstate, msg_id,
composing_xep, user_nick, xhtml, form_node]))
(, [full_jid_with_resource, msgtxt, tim,
encrypted, msg_type, subject, chatstate, msg_id,
composing_xep, user_nick, xhtml, form_node]))
# display the message or show notification in the roster
def roster_message(self, jid, msg, tim, encrypted=False, msg_type='',