
433 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import gajim
from common import xmpp
from common import helpers
import random
import string
import math
import os
import time
from common import dh
import xmpp.c14n
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA256
import base64
class StanzaSession(object):
def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type):
self.conn = conn
if isinstance(jid, str) or isinstance(jid, unicode):
self.jid = xmpp.JID(jid)
self.jid = jid
self.type = type
if thread_id:
self.received_thread_id = True
self.thread_id = thread_id
self.received_thread_id = False
if type == 'normal':
self.thread_id = None
self.thread_id = self.generate_thread_id()
self.last_send = 0
self.status = None
2007-06-08 21:42:02 +02:00
self.features = {}
def generate_thread_id(self):
return "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for x in xrange(0,32)])
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def send(self, msg):
if self.thread_id:
msg.setAttr('to', self.jid)
self.last_send = time.time()
2007-06-08 21:42:02 +02:00
class EncryptedStanzaSession(StanzaSession):
def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat'):
StanzaSession.__init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat')
self.n = 128
self.cipher = AES
self.hash_alg = SHA256
self.compression = None
self.xes = {} = {}
self.enable_encryption = False
self._kc_s = None
self._kc_o = None
# keep the encrypter updated with my latest cipher key
def set_kc_s(self, value):
self._kc_s = value
self.encrypter =, self.cipher.MODE_CTR, counter=self.encryptcounter)
def get_kc_s(self):
return self._kc_s
# keep the decrypter updated with the other party's latest cipher key
def set_kc_o(self, value):
self._kc_o = value
self.decrypter =, self.cipher.MODE_CTR, counter=self.decryptcounter)
def get_kc_o(self):
return self._kc_o
kc_s = property(get_kc_s, set_kc_s)
kc_o = property(get_kc_o, set_kc_o)
# convert a large integer to a big-endian bitstring
def encode_mpi(self, n):
if n >= 256:
return self.encode_mpi(n / 256) + chr(n % 256)
return chr(n)
# convert a large integer to a big-endian bitstring, padded with \x00s to 16 bytes
def encode_mpi_with_padding(self, n):
ret = self.encode_mpi(n)
mod = len(ret) % 16
if mod != 0:
ret = ((16 - mod) * '\x00') + ret
return ret
# convert a big-endian bitstring to an integer
def decode_mpi(self, s):
if len(s) == 0:
return 0
return 256 * self.decode_mpi(s[:-1]) + ord(s[-1])
def encryptcounter(self):
self.c_s = (self.c_s + 1) % (2 ** self.n)
return self.encode_mpi_with_padding(self.c_s)
def decryptcounter(self):
self.c_o = (self.c_o + 1) % (2 ** self.n)
return self.encode_mpi_with_padding(self.c_o)
def encrypt_stanza(self, stanza):
encryptable = filter(lambda x: x.getName() not in ('error', 'amp', 'thread'), stanza.getChildren())
# XXX can also encrypt contents of <error/> elements in stanzas @type = 'error'
# (except for <defined-condition xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> child elements)
old_en_counter = self.c_s
for element in encryptable:
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plaintext = ''.join(map(str, encryptable))
m_compressed = self.compress(plaintext)
m_final = self.encrypt(m_compressed)
c = stanza.NT.c
c.setNamespace('') = base64.b64encode(m_final)
# XXX check for rekey request, handle <key/> elements
m_content = ''.join(map(str, c.getChildren()))
c.NT.mac = base64.b64encode(self.hmac(self.km_s, m_content + self.encode_mpi(old_en_counter)))
return stanza
def hmac(self, key, content):
return, content, self.hash_alg).digest()
# this should be more generic?
def sha256(self, string):
sh =
return sh.digest()
def generate_initiator_keys(self, k):
return (self.hmac(k, 'Initiator Cipher Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Initiator MAC Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Initiator SIGMA Key') )
def generate_responder_keys(self, k):
return (self.hmac(k, 'Responder Cipher Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Responder MAC Key'),
self.hmac(k, 'Responder SIGMA Key') )
def compress(self, plaintext):
if self.compression == None:
return plaintext
def decompress(self, compressed):
if self.compression == None:
return compressed
def encrypt(self, encryptable):
len_padding = 16 - (len(encryptable) % 16)
if len_padding != 16:
encryptable += len_padding * ' '
return self.encrypter.encrypt(encryptable)
def generate_nonce(self):
# FIXME: this isn't a very good PRNG
return os.urandom(8)
def decrypt_stanza(self, stanza):
c = stanza.getTag(name='c', namespace='')
# contents of <c>, minus <mac>, minus whitespace
macable = ''.join(map(str, filter(lambda x: x.getName() != 'mac', c.getChildren())))
received_mac = base64.b64decode(c.getTagData('mac'))
calculated_mac = self.hmac(self.km_o, macable + self.encode_mpi_with_padding(self.c_o))
if not calculated_mac == received_mac:
raise 'bad signature (%s != %s)' % (repr(received_mac), repr(calculated_mac))
m_final = base64.b64decode(c.getTagData('data'))
m_compressed = self.decrypt(m_final)
plaintext = self.decompress(m_compressed)
parsed = xmpp.Node(node='<node>' + plaintext + '</node>')
raise DecryptionError
for child in parsed.getChildren():
return stanza
def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
return self.decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext)
def negotiate_e2e(self):
request = xmpp.Message()
feature = request.NT.feature
2007-06-08 21:42:02 +02:00
x = xmpp.DataForm(typ='form')
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='1', typ='boolean', required=True))
# this field is incorrectly called 'otr' in XEPs 0116 and 0217
# unsupported options: 'mustnot'
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='logging', typ='list-single', options=['may'], required=True))
# unsupported options: 'disabled', 'enabled'
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='disclosure', typ='list-single', options=['never'], required=True))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='security', typ='list-single', options=['e2e'], required=True))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='crypt_algs', value='aes128-ctr', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='hash_algs', value='sha256', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='compress', value='none', typ='hidden'))
# unsupported options: 'iq', 'presence'
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='stanzas', typ='list-multi', options=['message']))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='init_pubkey', value='none', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='resp_pubkey', value='none', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='ver', value='1.0', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rekey_freq', value='4294967295', typ='hidden'))
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='sas_algs', value='sas28x5', typ='hidden'))
self.n_s = self.generate_nonce()
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='my_nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_s), typ='hidden'))
modp_options = [ 5, 14, 2, 1 ]
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='modp', typ='list-single', options=map(lambda x: [ None, x ], modp_options)))
dhhashes = map(lambda x: self.make_dhhash(x), modp_options)
x.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhhashes', typ='hidden', value=dhhashes))
self.form_a = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), x.getChildren()))
self.status = 'requested-e2e'
# generate a random number between 'bottom' and 'top'
def srand(self, bottom, top):
# minimum number of bytes needed to represent that range
bytes = int(math.ceil(math.log(top - bottom, 256)))
# FIXME: use a real PRNG
# in retrospect, this is horribly inadequate.
return (self.decode_mpi(os.urandom(bytes)) % (top - bottom)) + bottom
def make_dhhash(self, modp):
p = dh.primes[modp]
g = dh.generators[modp]
x = self.srand(2 ** (2 * self.n - 1), p - 1)
# XXX this may be a source of performance issues
e = self.powmod(g, x, p)
self.xes[modp] = x[modp] = e
He = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(e))
return base64.b64encode(He)
# a faster version of (base ** exp) % mod
# taken from <>
def powmod(self, base, exp, mod):
square = base % mod
result = 1
while exp > 0:
if exp & 1: # exponent is odd
result = (result * square) % mod
square = (square * square) % mod
exp /= 2
return result
def terminate_e2e(self):
self.status = None
# 'Alice Accepts'
def accept_e2e_alice(self, form):
# 1. Verify that the ESession options selected by Bob are acceptable
# 2. Return a <not-acceptable/> error to Bob unless: 1 < d < p - 1
self.form_b = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
accept = xmpp.Message()
feature = accept.NT.feature
result = xmpp.DataForm(typ='result')
self.c_s = self.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['counter']))
self.c_o = self.c_s ^ (2 ** (self.n - 1))
self.n_o = base64.b64decode(form['my_nonce'])
mod_p = int(form['modp'])
p = dh.primes[mod_p]
x = self.xes[mod_p]
e =[mod_p]
self.d = self.decode_mpi(base64.b64decode(form['dhkeys']))
self.k = self.sha256(self.encode_mpi(self.powmod(self.d, x, p)))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value='urn:xmpp:ssn'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='accept', value='1'))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='nonce', value=base64.b64encode(self.n_o)))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='dhkeys', value=base64.b64encode(self.encode_mpi(e))))
# TODO: store and return rshashes, or at least randomly generate some
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='rshashes', value=[]))
form_a2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), result.getChildren()))
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_initiator_keys(self.k)
# MUST securely destroy K unless it will be used later to generate the final shared secret
old_c_s = self.c_s
mac_a = self.hmac(self.ks_s, self.n_o + self.n_s + self.encode_mpi(e) + self.form_a + form_a2)
id_a = self.encrypt(mac_a)
m_a = self.hmac(self.km_s, self.encode_mpi(old_c_s) + id_a)
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='identity', value=base64.b64encode(id_a)))
result.addChild(node=xmpp.DataField(name='mac', value=base64.b64encode(m_a)))
self.status = 'identified-alice'
def final_steps_alice(self, form):
# Alice MUST identify the shared retained secret (SRS) by selecting from her client's list of the secrets it retained from sessions with Bob's clients (the most recent secret for each of the clients he has used to negotiate ESessions with Alice's client).
# Alice does this by using each secret in the list in turn as the key to calculate the HMAC (with SHA256) of the string "Shared Retained Secret", and comparing the calculated value with the value in the 'srshash' field she received from Bob (see Sending Bob's Identity). Once she finds a match, and has confirmed that the secret has not expired (because it is older than an implementation-defined period of time), then she has found the SRS.
srs = ''
oss = ''
self.k = self.sha256(self.k + srs + oss)
# Alice MUST destroy all her copies of the old retained secret (SRS) she was keeping for Bob's client, and calculate a new retained secret for this session:
srs = self.hmac('New Retained Secret', self.k)
# Alice MUST securely store the new value along with the retained secrets her client shares with Bob's other clients.
# don't need to calculate ks_s here
self.kc_s, self.km_s, self.ks_s = self.generate_initiator_keys(self.k)
self.kc_o, self.km_o, self.ks_o = self.generate_responder_keys(self.k)
#4.6.2 Verifying Bob's Identity
id_b = base64.b64decode(form['identity'])
m_b = self.hmac(self.encode_mpi(self.c_o) + id_b, self.km_o)
mac_b = self.decrypt(id_b)
form_b2 = ''.join(map(lambda el: xmpp.c14n.c14n(el), form.getChildren()))
mac_b = self.hmac(self.n_s + self.n_o + self.encode_mpi(self.d) + self.form_b + form_b2, self.ks_o)
# Note: If Alice discovers an error then she SHOULD ignore any encrypted content she received in the stanza.
# XXX check for MAC equality?
self.status = 'active'
self.enable_encryption = True
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def accept_e2e_bob(self):
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2007-06-08 21:42:02 +02:00
#<message from='' to=''>
# <thread>ffd7076498744578d10edabfe7f4a866</thread>
# <c xmlns=''>
# <data> ** Base64 encoded encrypted terminate form ** </data>
# <old> ** Base64 encoded old MAC key ** </old>
# <mac> ** Base64 encoded a_mac ** </mac>
# </c>
# <feature xmlns=''>
# <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
# <field var='FORM_TYPE'>
# <value>urn:xmpp:ssn</value>
# </field>
# <field var='terminate'><value>1</value></field>
# </x>
# </feature>