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from common import helpers
from common import gajim
from common import stanza_session
from common import contacts
import dialogs
import message_control
import notify
class ChatControlSession(stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession):
def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat'):
stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession.__init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat')
self.control = None
2008-04-11 05:52:45 +02:00
# dispatch a received <message> stanza
def received(self, full_jid_with_resource, message, tim, encrypted, msg_type, subject, chatstate, msg_id, composing_xep, user_nick, xhtml, form_node):
jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(full_jid_with_resource)
resource = gajim.get_resource_from_jid(full_jid_with_resource)
if gajim.config.get('ignore_incoming_xhtml'):
xhtml = None
if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid):
jid = jid.replace('@', '')
groupchat_control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(jid,
if not groupchat_control and \
jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[]:
groupchat_control = self.minimized_controls[][jid]
pm = False
if groupchat_control and groupchat_control.type_id == \
# It's a Private message
pm = True
msg_type = 'pm'
jid_of_control = full_jid_with_resource
# Handle chat states
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(, jid, resource)
if contact:
if contact.composing_xep != 'XEP-0085': # We cache xep85 support
contact.composing_xep = composing_xep
if self.control and self.control.type_id == message_control.TYPE_CHAT:
if chatstate is not None:
# other peer sent us reply, so he supports jep85 or jep22
contact.chatstate = chatstate
if contact.our_chatstate == 'ask': # we were jep85 disco?
contact.our_chatstate = 'active' # no more
2008-02-06 06:24:07 +01:00
#self.control.handle_incoming_chatstate() XXX
elif contact.chatstate != 'active':
# got no valid jep85 answer, peer does not support it
contact.chatstate = False
elif chatstate == 'active':
# Brand new message, incoming.
contact.our_chatstate = chatstate
contact.chatstate = chatstate
if msg_id: # Do not overwrite an existing msg_id with None
contact.msg_id = msg_id
# THIS MUST BE AFTER chatstates handling
# AND BEFORE playsound (else we ear sounding on chatstates!)
if not message: # empty message text
if gajim.config.get('ignore_unknown_contacts') and \
not gajim.contacts.get_contacts(, jid) and not pm:
if not contact:
# contact is not in the roster, create a fake one to display
# notification
contact = contacts.Contact(jid = jid, resource = resource)
advanced_notif_num = notify.get_advanced_notification('message_received',, contact)
# Is it a first or next message received ?
first = False
if not self.control:
first = True
if pm:
nickname = resource
groupchat_control.on_private_message(nickname, message, array[2],
xhtml, session, msg_id)
self.roster_message(jid, message, tim, encrypted, msg_type,
subject, resource, msg_id, user_nick, advanced_notif_num,
xhtml=xhtml, form_node=form_node)
nickname = gajim.get_name_from_jid(, jid)
# Check and do wanted notifications
msg = message
if subject:
msg = _('Subject: %s') % subject + '\n' + msg
focused = False
if self.control:
parent_win = self.control.parent_win
if self.control == parent_win.get_active_control() and \
focused = True
notify.notify('new_message', jid_of_control,, [msg_type,
first, nickname, msg, focused], advanced_notif_num)
if gajim.interface.remote_ctrl:
2008-02-06 06:24:07 +01:00
(, [full_jid_with_resource, message, tim,
encrypted, msg_type, subject, chatstate, msg_id,
composing_xep, user_nick, xhtml, form_node]))
2008-04-11 05:52:45 +02:00
# display the message or show notification in the roster
def roster_message(self, jid, msg, tim, encrypted=False, msg_type='',
subject=None, resource='', msg_id=None, user_nick='',
advanced_notif_num=None, xhtml=None, form_node=None):
contact = None
# if chat window will be for specific resource
resource_for_chat = resource
fjid = jid
# Try to catch the contact with correct resource
if resource:
fjid = jid + '/' + resource
contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(, jid, resource)
highest_contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(, jid)
if not contact:
# If there is another resource, it may be a message from an invisible
# resource
lcontact = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(, jid)
if (len(lcontact) > 1 or (lcontact and lcontact[0].resource and \
lcontact[0].show != 'offline')) and jid.find('@') > 0:
contact = gajim.contacts.copy_contact(highest_contact)
contact.resource = resource
if resource:
fjid = jid + '/' + resource
contact.priority = 0 = 'offline'
contact.status = ''
gajim.contacts.add_contact(, contact)
# Default to highest prio
fjid = jid
resource_for_chat = None
contact = highest_contact
if not contact:
# contact is not in roster
contact = gajim.interface.roster.add_to_not_in_the_roster(, jid, user_nick)
path = gajim.interface.roster.get_path(jid, # Try to get line of contact in roster
# Do we have a queue?
no_queue = len(, fjid)) == 0
popup = helpers.allow_popup_window(, advanced_notif_num)
if msg_type == 'normal' and popup: # it's single message to be autopopuped
dialogs.SingleMessageWindow(, contact.jid, action='receive',
from_whom=jid, subject=subject, message=msg, resource=resource,
session=self, form_node=form_node)
# We print if window is opened and it's not a single message
if self.control and msg_type != 'normal':
typ = ''
if msg_type == 'error':
typ = 'status'
self.control.print_conversation(msg, typ, tim = tim,
encrypted = encrypted, subject = subject, xhtml = xhtml)
if msg_id:
# We save it in a queue
type_ = 'chat'
event_type = 'message_received'
if msg_type == 'normal':
type_ = 'normal'
event_type = 'single_message_received'
2008-02-06 06:24:07 +01:00
show_in_roster = notify.get_show_in_roster(event_type,, contact, self)
show_in_systray = notify.get_show_in_systray(event_type,, contact)
event =, (msg, subject, msg_type, tim,
encrypted, resource, msg_id, xhtml, self, form_node),
show_in_roster=show_in_roster, show_in_systray=show_in_systray), fjid, event)
if popup:
if not self.control:
2008-02-06 06:24:07 +01:00
self.control = gajim.interface.roster.new_chat(self, contact,, resource=resource_for_chat)
if len(, fjid)):
if path and not gajim.interface.dragging and gajim.config.get(
# we curently see contact in our roster OR he
# is not in the roster at all.
# show and select his line in roster
# do not change selection while DND'ing
self.tree.expand_row(path[0:1], False)
self.tree.expand_row(path[0:2], False)
if no_queue: # We didn't have a queue: we change icons
gajim.interface.roster.show_title() # we show the * or [n]
# Show contact in roster (if he is invisible for example) and select
# line
gajim.interface.roster.show_and_select_path(path, jid,