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2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
## Contributors for this file:
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
## - Yann Le Boulanger <>
## - Nikos Kouremenos <>
## - Dimitur Kirov <>
## - Andrew Sayman <>
## Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Yann Le Boulanger <>
## Vincent Hanquez <>
## Copyright (C) 2005 Yann Le Boulanger <>
## Vincent Hanquez <>
## Nikos Kouremenos <>
## Dimitur Kirov <>
## Travis Shirk <>
## Norman Rasmussen <>
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
## DBUS/libnotify connection code:
## Copyright (C) 2005 by Sebastian Estienne
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
import os
import sys
import gajim
import dialogs
import gobject
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
from common import gajim
from common import exceptions
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
from common import i18n
_ = i18n._
import dbus_support
if dbus_support.supported:
import dbus
if dbus_support.version >= (0, 41, 0):
import dbus.glib
import dbus.service
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
def notify(event_type, jid, account, msg_type = '', file_props = None):
'''Notifies a user of an event. It first tries to a valid implementation of
the Desktop Notification Specification. If that fails, then we fall back to
the older style PopupNotificationWindow method.'''
if gajim.config.get('use_notif_daemon') and dbus_support.supported:
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
DesktopNotification(event_type, jid, account, msg_type, file_props)
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
2005-12-11 17:58:20 +01:00
except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException, e:
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
# Connection to DBus failed, try popup
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
except TypeError, e:
# This means that we sent the message incorrectly
2005-11-11 20:12:02 +01:00
instance = dialogs.PopupNotificationWindow(event_type, jid, account,
msg_type, file_props)
class NotificationResponseManager:
'''Collects references to pending DesktopNotifications and manages there
signalling. This is necessary due to a bug in DBus where you can't remove
a signal from an interface once it's connected.'''
def __init__(self):
self.pending = {}
self.interface = None
def attach_to_interface(self):
if self.interface is not None:
self.interface = dbus_support.get_notifications_interface()
self.interface.connect_to_signal('ActionInvoked', self.on_action_invoked)
self.interface.connect_to_signal('NotificationClosed', self.on_closed)
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
def on_action_invoked(self, id, reason):
if self.pending.has_key(id):
notification = self.pending[id]
notification.on_action_invoked(id, reason)
del self.pending[id]
# This happens in the case of a race condition where the user clicks
# on a popup before the program finishes registering this callback
gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.on_action_invoked, id, reason)
def on_closed(self, id, reason):
if self.pending.has_key(id):
del self.pending[id]
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
notification_response_manager = NotificationResponseManager()
class DesktopNotification:
'''A DesktopNotification that interfaces with DBus via the Desktop
Notification specification'''
def __init__(self, event_type, jid, account, msg_type = '', file_props = None):
self.account = account
self.jid = jid
self.msg_type = msg_type
self.file_props = file_props
if jid in gajim.contacts[account]:
actor = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(account, jid).name
actor = jid
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
txt = actor # default value of txt
if event_type == _('Contact Signed In'):
2005-12-10 23:41:16 +01:00
img = 'contact_online.png'
ntype = ''
elif event_type == _('Contact Signed Out'):
2005-12-10 23:41:16 +01:00
img = 'contact_offline.png'
ntype = 'presence.offline'
elif event_type in (_('New Message'), _('New Single Message'),
_('New Private Message')):
ntype = 'im.received'
if event_type == _('New Private Message'):
room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid)
room_name,t = gajim.get_room_name_and_server_from_room_jid(room_jid)
txt = _('%(nickname)s in room %(room_name)s has sent you a new message.')\
% {'nickname': nick, 'room_name': room_name}
2005-12-10 23:27:41 +01:00
img = 'priv_msg_recv.png'
#we talk about a name here
txt = _('%s has sent you a new message.') % actor
2005-12-10 23:27:41 +01:00
if event_type == _('New Message'):
img = 'chat_msg_recv.png'
else: # New Single Message
img = 'single_msg_recv.png'
elif event_type == _('File Transfer Request'):
img = 'ft_request.png'
ntype = 'transfer'
#we talk about a name here
txt = _('%s wants to send you a file.') % actor
elif event_type == _('File Transfer Error'):
img = 'ft_stopped.png'
ntype = 'transfer.error'
elif event_type in (_('File Transfer Completed'), _('File Transfer Stopped')):
ntype = 'transfer.complete'
if file_props is not None:
if file_props['type'] == 'r':
# get the name of the sender, as it is in the roster
sender = unicode(file_props['sender']).split('/')[0]
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
name = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(
account, sender).name
filename = os.path.basename(file_props['file-name'])
if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'):
txt = _('You successfully received %(filename)s from %(name)s.')\
% {'filename': filename, 'name': name}
img = 'ft_done.png'
else: # ft stopped
txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s from %(name)s stopped.')\
% {'filename': filename, 'name': name}
img = 'ft_stopped.png'
receiver = file_props['receiver']
if hasattr(receiver, 'jid'):
receiver = receiver.jid
receiver = receiver.split('/')[0]
# get the name of the contact, as it is in the roster
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
name = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(
account, receiver).name
filename = os.path.basename(file_props['file-name'])
if event_type == _('File Transfer Completed'):
txt = _('You successfully sent %(filename)s to %(name)s.')\
% {'filename': filename, 'name': name}
img = 'ft_done.png'
else: # ft stopped
txt = _('File transfer of %(filename)s to %(name)s stopped.')\
% {'filename': filename, 'name': name}
img = 'ft_stopped.png'
txt = ''
# defaul failsafe values
img = 'chat_msg_recv.png' # img to display
ntype = 'im' # Notification Type
path = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'events', img)
path = os.path.abspath(path)
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
self.notif = dbus_support.get_notifications_interface()
if self.notif is None:
2005-12-11 17:58:20 +01:00
raise dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException()
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00 = self.notif.Notify(dbus.String(_('Gajim')),
dbus.String(path), dbus.UInt32(0), ntype, dbus.Byte(0),
dbus.String(event_type), dbus.String(txt),
[dbus.String(path)], {'default':0}, [''], True, dbus.UInt32(5))
notification_response_manager.pending[] = self
2005-12-10 23:44:47 +01:00
def on_action_invoked(self, id, reason):
if self.notif is None:
self.notif = None
if not self.msg_type:
self.msg_type = 'chat'
2005-12-11 11:32:11 +01:00
gajim.interface.handle_event(self.account, self.jid, self.msg_type)