2008-07-29 21:09:28 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Message length notifier plugin .
: author : Mateusz Biliński < mateusz @bilinski.it >
: since : 1 st June 2008
: copyright : Copyright ( 2008 ) Mateusz Biliński < mateusz @bilinski.it >
: license : GPL
import sys
import gtk
from common import i18n
from plugins import GajimPlugin
from plugins . helpers import log , log_calls
from plugins . gui import GajimPluginConfigDialog
class LengthNotifierPlugin ( GajimPlugin ) :
2010-04-08 01:20:17 +02:00
name = u ' Message Length Notifier '
short_name = u ' length_notifier '
version = u ' 0.1 '
description = u ''' Highlights message entry field in chat window when given length of message is exceeded. '''
authors = [ u ' Mateusz Biliński <mateusz@bilinski.it> ' ]
homepage = u ' http://blog.bilinski.it '
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPlugin ' )
def init ( self ) :
self . config_dialog = LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ( self )
self . gui_extension_points = {
' chat_control ' : ( self . connect_with_chat_control ,
self . disconnect_from_chat_control )
self . config_default_values = { ' MESSAGE_WARNING_LENGTH ' : ( 140 , _ ( ' Message length at which notification is invoked. ' ) ) ,
' WARNING_COLOR ' : ( ' #F0DB3E ' , _ ( ' Background color of text entry field in chat window when notification is invoked. ' ) ) ,
' JIDS ' : ( [ ] , _ ( ' JabberIDs that plugin should be used with (eg. restrict only to one microblogging bot). If empty plugin is used with every JID. [not implemented] ' ) )
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPlugin ' )
def textview_length_warning ( self , tb , chat_control ) :
tv = chat_control . msg_textview
d = chat_control . length_notifier_plugin_data
t = tb . get_text ( tb . get_start_iter ( ) , tb . get_end_iter ( ) )
if t :
len_t = len ( t )
#print("len_t: %d"%(len_t))
if len_t > self . config [ ' MESSAGE_WARNING_LENGTH ' ] :
if not d [ ' prev_color ' ] :
d [ ' prev_color ' ] = tv . style . copy ( ) . base [ gtk . STATE_NORMAL ]
tv . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , gtk . gdk . color_parse ( self . config [ ' WARNING_COLOR ' ] ) )
elif d [ ' prev_color ' ] :
tv . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , d [ ' prev_color ' ] )
d [ ' prev_color ' ] = None
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPlugin ' )
def connect_with_chat_control ( self , chat_control ) :
jid = chat_control . contact . jid
if self . jid_is_ok ( jid ) :
d = { ' prev_color ' : None }
tv = chat_control . msg_textview
tb = tv . get_buffer ( )
h_id = tb . connect ( ' changed ' , self . textview_length_warning , chat_control )
d [ ' h_id ' ] = h_id
t = tb . get_text ( tb . get_start_iter ( ) , tb . get_end_iter ( ) )
if t :
len_t = len ( t )
if len_t > self . config [ ' MESSAGE_WARNING_LENGTH ' ] :
d [ ' prev_color ' ] = tv . style . copy ( ) . base [ gtk . STATE_NORMAL ]
tv . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , gtk . gdk . color_parse ( self . config [ ' WARNING_COLOR ' ] ) )
chat_control . length_notifier_plugin_data = d
return True
return False
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPlugin ' )
def disconnect_from_chat_control ( self , chat_control ) :
try :
d = chat_control . length_notifier_plugin_data
tv = chat_control . msg_textview
tv . get_buffer ( ) . disconnect ( d [ ' h_id ' ] )
if d [ ' prev_color ' ] :
tv . modify_base ( gtk . STATE_NORMAL , d [ ' prev_color ' ] )
except AttributeError , error :
#log.debug('Length Notifier Plugin was (probably) never connected with this chat window.\n Error: %s' % (error))
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPlugin ' )
def jid_is_ok ( self , jid ) :
if jid in self . config [ ' JIDS ' ] or not self . config [ ' JIDS ' ] :
return True
return False
2008-07-29 21:09:28 +02:00
class LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ( GajimPluginConfigDialog ) :
2010-04-08 01:20:17 +02:00
def init ( self ) :
self . GTK_BUILDER_FILE_PATH = self . plugin . local_file_path (
' config_dialog.ui ' )
self . xml = gtk . Builder ( )
self . xml . set_translation_domain ( i18n . APP )
self . xml . add_objects_from_file ( self . GTK_BUILDER_FILE_PATH ,
[ ' length_notifier_config_table ' ] )
self . config_table = self . xml . get_object ( ' length_notifier_config_table ' )
self . child . pack_start ( self . config_table )
self . message_length_spinbutton = self . xml . get_object (
' message_length_spinbutton ' )
self . message_length_spinbutton . get_adjustment ( ) . set_all ( 140 , 0 , 500 , 1 ,
10 , 0 )
self . notification_colorbutton = self . xml . get_object (
' notification_colorbutton ' )
self . jids_entry = self . xml . get_object ( ' jids_entry ' )
self . xml . connect_signals ( self )
def on_run ( self ) :
self . message_length_spinbutton . set_value ( self . plugin . config [ ' MESSAGE_WARNING_LENGTH ' ] )
self . notification_colorbutton . set_color ( gtk . gdk . color_parse ( self . plugin . config [ ' WARNING_COLOR ' ] ) )
self . jids_entry . set_text ( ' , ' . join ( self . plugin . config [ ' JIDS ' ] ) )
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ' )
def on_message_length_spinbutton_value_changed ( self , spinbutton ) :
self . plugin . config [ ' MESSAGE_WARNING_LENGTH ' ] = spinbutton . get_value ( )
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ' )
def on_notification_colorbutton_color_set ( self , colorbutton ) :
self . plugin . config [ ' WARNING_COLOR ' ] = colorbutton . get_color ( ) . to_string ( )
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ' )
def on_jids_entry_changed ( self , entry ) :
text = entry . get_text ( )
if len ( text ) > 0 :
self . plugin . config [ ' JIDS ' ] = entry . get_text ( ) . split ( ' , ' )
else :
self . plugin . config [ ' JIDS ' ] = [ ]
@log_calls ( ' LengthNotifierPluginConfigDialog ' )
def on_jids_entry_editing_done ( self , entry ) :