2009-01-11 13:49:03 +00:00
Tests for dispatcher_nb . py
import unittest
import lib
lib . setup_env ( )
from mock import Mock
from common . xmpp import dispatcher_nb
from common . xmpp import protocol
class TestDispatcherNB ( unittest . TestCase ) :
Test class for NonBlocking dispatcher . Tested dispatcher will be plugged
into a mock client
def setUp ( self ) :
self . dispatcher = dispatcher_nb . XMPPDispatcher ( )
# Setup mock client
self . client = Mock ( )
self . client . __str__ = lambda : ' Mock ' # FIXME: why do I need this one?
self . client . _caller = Mock ( )
self . client . defaultNamespace = protocol . NS_CLIENT
self . client . Connection = Mock ( ) # mock transport
self . con = self . client . Connection
def tearDown ( self ) :
# Unplug if needed
if hasattr ( self . dispatcher , ' _owner ' ) :
self . dispatcher . PlugOut ( )
def _simulate_connect ( self ) :
self . dispatcher . PlugIn ( self . client ) # client is owner
# Simulate that we have established a connection
2009-04-06 13:36:29 +00:00
self . dispatcher . StreamInit ( )
2009-01-11 13:49:03 +00:00
self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking ( " <stream:stream xmlns:stream= ' http://etherx.jabber.org/streams ' xmlns= ' jabber:client ' > " )
def test_unbound_namespace_prefix ( self ) :
''' tests our handling of a message with an unbound namespace prefix '''
self . _simulate_connect ( )
msgs = [ ]
def _got_message ( conn , msg ) :
msgs . append ( msg )
self . dispatcher . RegisterHandler ( ' message ' , _got_message )
# should be able to parse a normal message
self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking ( ' <message><body>hello</body></message> ' )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( msgs ) )
self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking ( ' <message><x:y/></message> ' )
self . assertEqual ( 2 , len ( msgs ) )
# we should not have been disconnected after that message
self . assertEqual ( 0 , len ( self . con . mockGetNamedCalls ( ' pollend ' ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 0 , len ( self . con . mockGetNamedCalls ( ' disconnect ' ) ) )
# we should be able to keep parsing
self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking ( ' <message><body>still here?</body></message> ' )
self . assertEqual ( 3 , len ( msgs ) )
def test_process_non_blocking ( self ) :
''' Check for ProcessNonBlocking return types '''
self . _simulate_connect ( )
process = self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking
# length of data expected
data = " Please don ' t fail "
result = process ( data )
self . assertEqual ( result , len ( data ) )
# no data processed, link shall still be active
result = process ( ' ' )
self . assertEqual ( result , ' 0 ' )
self . assertEqual ( 0 , len ( self . con . mockGetNamedCalls ( ' pollend ' ) ) +
len ( self . con . mockGetNamedCalls ( ' disconnect ' ) ) )
# simulate disconnect
result = process ( ' </stream:stream> ' )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( self . client . mockGetNamedCalls ( ' disconnect ' ) ) )
def test_return_stanza_handler ( self ) :
''' Test sasl_error_conditions transformation in protocol.py '''
# quick'n dirty...I wasn't aware of it existance and thought it would
# always fail :-)
self . _simulate_connect ( )
stanza = " <iq type= ' get ' /> "
def send ( data ) :
self . assertEqual ( str ( data ) , ' <iq xmlns= " jabber:client " type= " error " ><error code= " 501 " type= " cancel " ><feature-not-implemented xmlns= " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas " /><text xmlns= " urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas " >The feature requested is not implemented by the recipient or server and therefore cannot be processed.</text></error></iq> ' )
self . client . send = send
self . dispatcher . ProcessNonBlocking ( stanza )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
unittest . main ( )
# vim: se ts=3: