Add hexchat_print and hexchat_print_attrs

This commit is contained in:
SoniEx2 2019-04-21 11:54:09 -03:00
parent 7597bdc9d4
commit 100119003a

View file

@ -117,10 +117,10 @@
* -[x] hexchat_command (for commandf, use command(&format!("...")), it is equivalent.)
* -[x] hexchat_print (for printf, use print(&format!("...")), it is equivalent.)
* -[ ] hexchat_emit_print
* -[ ] hexchat_emit_print_attrs
* -[ ] hexchat_send_modes
* -[ ] hexchat_nickcmp
* -[x] hexchat_emit_print
* -[x] hexchat_emit_print_attrs
* -[x] hexchat_send_modes
* -[x] hexchat_nickcmp
* -[ ] hexchat_strip
* -[x] ~~hexchat_free~~ not available - use Drop impls.
* -[x] ~~hexchat_event_attrs_create~~ not available - converted as needed
@ -628,13 +628,6 @@ impl PluginHandle {
// NOTE: using a closure is nicer.
// TODO check if this is actually safe
pub fn ensure_valid_context<F, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(EnsureValidContext) -> R {
// let ctx = self.get_context();
// if !self.set_context(ctx) {
// // invalid context
// // TODO fix up the context
// unimplemented!()
// }
// f(EnsureValidContext { ph: self })
let ctx = self.get_context();
// need this here because we don't have NLL yet
let res = self.with_context(&ctx, f);
@ -652,23 +645,12 @@ impl PluginHandle {
/// Note: The returned context may be invalid. Use [`set_context`] to check.
/// [`set_context`]: #method.set_context
// This needs to be fixed by hexchat. I cannot make the value become null when it's invalid
// without invoking UB. This is because I can't set_context to null.
pub fn get_context(&mut self) -> Context {
let ctxp = unsafe { ((* };
unsafe { wrap_context(self, ctxp) }
// let ctxp = std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(Rc::new(unsafe { ((* }));
// let weak_ctxp = Rc::downgrade(&ctxp); // calling the Closure should drop the Context (sort of)
// let closure: Rc<Cell<Option<PrintHookHandle>>> = Rc::new(Cell::new(None));
// let hook = std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(Rc::downgrade(&closure)); // dropping the Context should drop the Closure
// self.skip_pri_ck = true;
// closure.set(Some(self.hook_print("Close Context", move |ph, _| {
// let _ = &ctxp;
// let _: Option<PrintHookHandle> = hook.upgrade().unwrap().replace(None);
// }, libc::c_int::min_value())));
// self.skip_pri_ck = false;
// Context { ctx: weak_ctxp, closure }
// This needs to be fixed by hexchat. I cannot make the value become null when it's invalid
// without invoking UB. This is because I can't set_context to null.
let ok = unsafe { ((*, ctxp) };
unsafe { wrap_context(self, if ok == 0 { ptr::null() } else { ctxp }) }
/// Sets the current context.
@ -1027,7 +1009,7 @@ impl PluginHandle {
impl<'a> EventAttrs<'a> {
fn new() -> EventAttrs<'a> {
pub fn new() -> EventAttrs<'a> {
EventAttrs {
server_time: None,
_dummy: PhantomData,
@ -1132,14 +1114,57 @@ impl<'a> EnsureValidContext<'a> {
pub fn emit_print(self) {
pub fn emit_print<'b, I: IntoIterator<Item=&'b str>>(self, event: &str, args: I) -> bool {
let ph =;
let event = CString::new(event).unwrap();
let mut args_cs: [Option<CString>; 4] = [None, None, None, None];
let mut iter = args.into_iter();
for i in 0..4 {
args_cs[i] =|x| CString::new(x).unwrap());
if args_cs[i].is_none() {
if {
// it's better to panic so as to get bug reports when we need to increase this
panic!("too many arguments to emit_print (max 4), or iterator not fused");
let mut argv: [*const libc::c_char; 5] = [ptr::null(); 5];
for i in 0..4 {
argv[i] = args_cs[i].as_ref().map_or(ptr::null(), |s| s.as_ptr());
unsafe {
((*ph).hexchat_emit_print)(ph, event.as_ptr(), argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]) != 0
pub fn emit_print_attrs(self) {
pub fn emit_print_attrs<'b, I: IntoIterator<Item=&'b str>>(self, attrs: EventAttrs, event: &str, args: I) -> bool {
let ph =;
let event = CString::new(event).unwrap();
let mut args_cs: [Option<CString>; 4] = [None, None, None, None];
let mut iter = args.into_iter();
for i in 0..4 {
args_cs[i] =|x| CString::new(x).unwrap());
if args_cs[i].is_none() {
if let Some(_) = {
// it's better to panic so as to get bug reports when we need to increase this
panic!("too many arguments to emit_print_attrs (max 4), or iterator not fused");
let mut argv: [*const libc::c_char; 5] = [ptr::null(); 5];
for i in 0..4 {
argv[i] = args_cs[i].as_ref().map_or(ptr::null(), |s| s.as_ptr());
let helper = HexchatEventAttrsHelper::new_with(ph, attrs);
unsafe {
((*ph).hexchat_emit_print_attrs)(ph, helper.0, event.as_ptr(), argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]) != 0
// ******** //