Further doc relocations and conversions

This commit is contained in:
Berke Viktor 2012-10-28 10:49:44 +01:00
parent fe6bda343b
commit 6a9e7bb4d3
13 changed files with 3914 additions and 785 deletions

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
FiSHLiM is an XChat plugin for FiSH IRC encryption. It's my attempt at making
a simple, lightweight and secure plugin for this encryption protocol.
For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file.
* Sending/receiving messages
* Topic decryption
* Using unecrypted keys / keys without a password from blow.ini
* Pure protocol-level filtering (works with highlighting, nick coloring etc)
* Partially encrypted messages (i.e. prefixed with nickname by a bouncer)
Not working:
* Key exchange
* Password-protected key storage
* Topic encryption
* Remote exploitation (hopefully!)
* Plaintext content that contain +OK is decrypted twice
/setkey [nick or #channel] password
Sets the encryption key for the nick or channel to password. The keys
are stored in the configuration file in ~/.xchat2/blow.ini
/delkey nick-or-#channel
Deletes the given nick or channel from the configuration file.

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>XChat - IRC (chat) client for UNIX</title>
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<h1><center>This interface is deprecated</center></h1>
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<h2>Xchat Perl Docs</h2>
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<p>Good Hello!</p>
<p>The purpose of this page is to give people some quick documentation on the
things that they will encounter when they try to code scripts for X-Chat.
It is <strong>not</strong> meant to be a comprehensive programming tutorial,
by any means. If that's what you're looking for, then you can just keep on
<p>If you're going to do any scripting with X-Chat at all, you will
need to know perl. It also won't hurt to have had experience writing tcl for
eggdrops or ircII scripts. Otherwise you're going to have to be very careful
to avoid creating conditions which could flood you offline or do other
not-so-optimal things. ;) Thankfully, it shouldn't take most intelligent
people more than a week (month on the outside) enough perl to do some nice
things in it.
<a HREF="http://www.perl.com">Perl</a> is a very flexible language.</p>
<p>You should probably also go read (or at least skim over and then carefully
bookmark this copy of the thing that defines how IRC works: <a HREF="http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc1459.html">RFC 1459</a>.
Other documents that scripters might find useful would be this
<a HREF="http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircd/numerics.html">nice list of server
numerics</a>, and this list of <a HREF="http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircd/hybrid6.html">changes
for Hybrid 6</a> which is something everyone on EFNet should read. In fact, I
<strong>strongly</strong> suggest saving copies of these documents to your local
hard drive, because you <i>will</i> be back to look at them again soon.</p>
<p>One last thing... While you may hear that RFC 1459 isn't being followed very
well, and this is partly true, do your absolute best to stick with RFC-compliant
behaviours anyway because otherwise there's a good chance that your script will
never interoperate properly with others, or at least just piss off a lot of other
people. <i>Pay special attention to section 2.2 of the RFC.</i></p>
<font COLOR="#FFFFFF" FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans"><b>Standard Disclaimer</b>
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This documentation is provided on an "as-is" basis and comes with no warranty of accuracy or usefulness, either expressed or implied. It is subject to change without any notice, and may contain omissions or errors which could cause your genitalia to shrivel and fall off, or spontaneously combust. If you have any further questions,<br>please feel free to seek professional help.</font>
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About Handlers
There are [currently] four basic ways to make things call the subroutines you write for X-Chat and they are:
<ul><li>message handlers - Triggered by messagse sent from the IRC server to your client</li>
<li>command handlers - triggered by / commands typed in by the user at the keyboard</li>
<li>timeout handlers - triggered by gtk+</li>
<li>print handlers - triggered just before xchat calls its built in print handlers for events</li></ul>
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About Exit Codes
These are very important. Every time you set up a handler, it takes precedent over the built-in functions and commands of X-Chat. That is, whatever thing which triggered your subroutine will go to your code before it goes to X-Chat to be dealt with. In this way you can replace almost every built-in function that the client has with your own routines. The thing to remember is that if your code exits by hitting the end of your subroutine, or by a plain 'return' statement, processing of the event will go on to whatever other things have set up hooks for the event, and then (provided nothing else exits with a return value of 1) to X-Chat itself. There is only one problem with this, (which is solved by the brokering handler that I'll explain that later) and that is that you cannot really control what order the custom routines get called. Normally they will execute in order of which ones were installed first, but a single script has no real way of knowing this. Beware.
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About @_
If you've never heard of @_ before, then you've obviously not coded in perl. When a message handler triggers, the raw line from the IRC server is passed to the subroutine you specify in @_. When a command handler is triggered, only the arguments are passed to the routine through @_ and they are not broken into a list, but left as one long string. You'll have to parse those yourself with split. (I advise using s/\s+/ /g to collapse the blank space to single space first.) When a timer handler is triggered, I *think* absolutely nothing is passed in @_, but it's not like anything terrifically important could be passed along anyway. Be especially careful when setting up message handlers for mode changes, since the modes are not broken up into individual events like they are with eggdrop. The upside of this is that X-Chat has no mode hooks of it's own, so you don't have to worry about it too much. (This is not the case with the brokering handler, however.)
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About Context
There are some really nice things about coding for X-Chat, and the biggest one is that it's fairly good about determining the proper context for things. If a server sends something that triggers a message handler, then you can be sure that unless you specify otherwise, that your IRC::print or IRC::command function call will go back to that server and that server alone. If you really really need to know what the current context is, use the IRC::get_info function as detailed below.
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script initialization commands
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IRC::register(scriptname, version, shutdownroutine, unused);
<p>This is the first function your script should call, example:</p>
<blockquote><p>IRC::register ("my script", "1.0", "", "");</p></blockquote>
<p>The "shutdownroutine" arg is a function that will be called when X-Chat shuts down, so you get a chance to save config files etc. You can omit this arg, it is optional. The "unused" arg is reserved for future use, for now just provide "". This function also returns X-Chat's version number. </p>
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Handler initialization commands
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::add_message_handler(message, subroutine_name);
<p>This function allows you to set up hooks to subroutines so that when a particular message arrives from the IRC server that you are connected to, it can be passed to a subroutine to be dealt with appropriately. The message argument is essentially the second solid token from the raw line sent by the IRC server, and X-Chat doesn't know that some numeric messages have associated text messages, so for now set up a handler for both if you want to be sure odd servers don't screw up your expectations. (Read: fear IRCNet.) The entire line sent by the IRC server will be passed to your subroutine in @_. For the completely uninitiated, messages are things like 'PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE', '372', etc.</p>
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::add_command_handler(command, subroutine_name);
<p>This function allows you to set up hooks for actual commands that the user can type into the text window. The arguments are passed to the subroutine via @_, and arrive as a single string. @_ will be null if no arguments are supplied. It's recommended that you be sure and collapse the excess whitespace with s/\s+/ /g before attempting to chop the line up with split. As mentioned earlier, exiting with an undefined return value will allow the command to be parsed by other handlers, while using a return value of 1 will signal the program that no further parsing needs to be done with this command.</p>
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IRC::add_timeout_handler(interval, subroutine_name);
<p>This function allows you to set up hooks for subroutines to be called at a particular interval. The interval is measured in milliseconds, so don't use a particularly small value unless you wish to drive the CPU load through the roof. 1000ms = 1 second. No values will be passed to the routine via @_ and return values don't affect anything either.</p>
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::add_print_handler(message, subroutine_name);
<p>This function allows you to catch the system messages (those who generally start by three stars) and to execute a function each time an event appear. The events are those you can see in "Settings->Edit Events Texts". message is the name of the event (you can find it in the Edit Events box, "Events" column) , subroutine_name is the name of the function that will get messages. Be carrful: all the arguments are sent to function in $_[0] separated by spaces. </p>
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Output commands
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
This is a very simple routine. All it does is put the contents of the text string to the current window. The current window will be whichever window a command was typed into when called from a command handler, or in whichever window the message command is appropriate to if it is called from within a message handler. As with any perl program, newlines are not assumed, so don't forget to end the line with \n if you don't want things to look screwey.
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IRC::print_with_channel( text, channelname, servername );
This routine does the same thing as IRC::Print does, except it allows you to direct the output to a specific window. It returns 1 on success, 0 on fail.
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
This routine allows you to execute commands in the current context. The text string containing the command will be parsed by everything that would normally parse a command, including your own command handlers, so be careful. Newlines are assumed, thankfully.
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IRC::command_with_server(text, servername);
This routine allows you to specify the context of the server for which the command will be executed. It's not particularly useful unless you're managing a connection manually, yet the command still exists for it's usefulness in doing things like managing a bnc connection, etc. Newlines are assumed here as well.
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This routine is very useful in that it allows you to send a string directly to the IRC server you are connected to. It is assumed that the server will be the one you first connected to if there is no clear context for the command, otherwise it will go to whatever server triggered the message handler or command handler window. You must specify newlines here always or you can be guaranteed that strange things will happen. The text message you specify should be a proper RAW IRC message, so don't play with it if you don't know how to do these. Additionally, while newlines are also not assumed here as with the IRC::print function, the RFC specifies that newlines are a CR+LF pair, even if most servers will accept a mere newline. It's best to play it safe and use \r\n instead of just \n.
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Information retrieval commands
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This function returns a bit of selected information depending on what the value of the integer is.
Here's a list of the currently supported values:
<ul><li>0 - xchat version</li>
<li>1 - your nickname</li>
<li>2 - channel</li>
<li>3 - server</li>
<li>4 - xchatdir</li>
<li>5 - away status</li>
<li>6 - network name</li>
<li>7 - server hostname</li>
<li>8 - channel topic</li></ul>
<p>If you are requesting information that isn't available in the current context, then it will return null.</p>
<p>Any numbers other than the above will return an error message.</p>
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This command lets you read the preferences that are set in the xchat configuration file. Just look at the xchat.conf dir to see what variables are available to use with this command. Returns the value of the variable requested or "Unknown Variable" if the variable isn't available.
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::user_info( nickname );
Returns a flat list of information on the nickname specified consisting of... nickname, nick host, and whether they have op or voice in the current context.
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::channel_list( );
This command returns a flat list which contains the current channel, server, and nickname for all channels the client is currently in. You'll have to break the list up into groups of three yourself. No arguments are necessary, or used [currently].
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::server_list( );
This command returns a flat list of servers. (Note, it is incompatible with xchat 1.8 in that it also returns a list of servers you are NOT connected to as well.)
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::user_list(channel, server);
<p>Works very much like the dcc_list command below, except that is returns information about the users on the channel provided as first argument. The second argument is the server and is optional.</p>
<p>NOTE: If a user has both op and voice, only the op flag will be set to 1 by this command in xchat2.</p>
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::user_list_short(channel, server);
<p>A simpler version of IRC::user_list that returns pairs of nick & user@host suitable for assigning to a hash.</p>
<p>NOTE: If a user has both op and voice, only the op flag will be set to 1 by this command in xchat2.</p>
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::dcc_list( );
This command does essentially the same thing as channel_list, giving you the details of each DCC connection currently in progress. I have no idea exactly what is returned because I haven't had a chance to poke at this one much, but suffice it to say that it's a flat list, and the first time you play with it the meaning of the returned values should be pretty obvious.
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<font face="Lucida, Helvetica, Arial">
IRC::ignore_list( );
This command returns a flat list of the contents of your ignore list. You'll have to play with it a little as I have not had a chance to yet. Works basically the same as the other list commands.
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Unimplemented commands that were available in xchat 1.8.x
add_user_list , sub_user_list , clear_user_list, notify_list were available in xchat 1.8.x but are not implemented in xchat 2 at this time.
<font size="-10">This document originally written by Dagmar d'Surreal on March 26th, 1998 for xchat 1.4<br>
Updated on July 30th, 1999 by Peter Zelezny<br>
Updated on May 16th, 2003 by DaNumber8 to comply with the perl plugin for xchat2 version 2.0.3</font>

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Please read this document before asking questions.
The XChat Tcl Plugin adds the complete Tcl scripting language to the
XChat 1.9.x and 2.x IRC client. The design philosophy behind the tcl
plugin was to give all the power of the C API. yet completely shield
the user from all the complexities of it. It is lightly modeled after
after Xircon; an old windows TCL enabled client with a little bit of
eggdrop functionality to it.
* Uses the popular TCL scripting language.
* Familiar to eggdrop bot owners.
* Adds many new XChat specific commands to the Tcl language for
handling of events, user commands, timers, etc.
* It's actually documented! (Hey, what a concept!)
* Works with XChat 1.9.x and 2.x.
* Open source (GPL)
The supplied documentation for Tcl Plugin commands can be
found in doc/tclplugin.html
For a comprehensive list of IRC server tokens, see
You can always find the latest version of the Tcl Plugin at:
You must also have Tcl 8.3 or higher installed on your system.
Tcl can be obtained from:
http://tcl.activestate.com (pre-compiled binaries)
Tcl Man Pages
Tcl Tutorials:

share/doc/dbus.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# HexChat D-Bus Interface
For more help you can see the HexChat [plugin interface documentation](https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/blob/master/share/doc/plugins.md). WARNING: The dbus interface may change in the future.
You can use the "/org/hexchat/Remote" object with interface "org.hexchat.plugin", but his context can be changed by other clients at any moment and you may receive signal asked by other clients. So for more complex usage it's better to get your own remote object. Using "Connect" method on interface "org.hexchat.connection"
## Available methods on _org.hexchat.connection_ interface:
* "Connect"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: filename
* gchar\*: name
* gchar\*: description
* gchar\*: version
* Returns:
* gchar\*: Your own object's path.
* "Disconnect"
* No parameter, no return value. It frees your remote object.
## Available methods on _org.hexchat.plugin_ interface:
* "Command"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: the command name without the "/". (e.g. "nick pseudo")
* "Print"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: text to print on the HexChat window.
* "FindContext"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: the server name. Can be NULL.
* gchar\*: the channel name. Can be NULL.
* Returns:
* guint: context ID.
* "GetContext"
* Returns:
* guint: current context's ID.
* "SetContext"
* Parameters:
* guint: context ID to switch, returned by "FindContext" or "GetContext"
* Returns:
* gboolean:
* 1: Success.
* 0: Failure.
* "GetInfo"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: ID of the information you want.
* Returns:
* gchar\*: information you requested.
* "GetPrefs"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: Setting name required.
* Returns:
* int:
* 0: Failed.
* 1: Returned a string.
* 2: Returned an integer.
* 3: Returned a boolean.
* gchar\*: the information requested if it's a string.
* int: the information requested if it's a integer or boolean.
* "HookCommand"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: Name of the command (without the forward slash).
* int: Priority of this command.
* gchar\*: String of text to display when the user executes /help for this command. May be NULL if you're lazy.
* int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT\_EAT\_*.
* Returns:
* guint: The ID of the hook.
* "HookServer"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: Name of the server event.
* int: Priority of this command.
* int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT\_EAT\_*.
* Returns:
* guint: The ID of the hook.
* "HookPrint"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: Name of the print event.
* int: Priority of this command.
* int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT\_EAT\_*.
* Returns:
* guint: The ID of the hook.
* "Unhook"
* Parameters:
* guint: ID of the hook to unhook.
(the return value of "HookCommand", "HookServer" or "HookPrint")
* "ListGet"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: The list name.
* Returns:
* guint: List ID.
* "ListNext"
* Parameters:
* guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
* Returns:
* gboolean: says if there is no more item in the list.
* "ListStr"
* Parameters:
* guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
* gchar\*: Name of the information needed.
* Returns:
* gchar\*: The information requested.
Warning: "context" attribute of "channels" list should be get with "ListInt"
* "ListInt"
* Parameters:
* guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
* gchar\*: Name of the information needed.
* Returns:
* guint: The information requested.
* "ListTime"
* Parameters:
* guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
* gchar\*: Name of the information needed.
* Returns:
* guint64: The information requested.
* "ListFields"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: The list name.
* Returns:
* gchar\*\*: information names in this list.
* "ListFree"
* Parameters:
* guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
* "EmitPrint"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: Text event to print.
* gchar\*\*: NULL terminated array of string.
* Returns:
* gboolean:
* 1: Success.
* 0: Failure.
* "Nickcmp"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: String to compare.
* gchar\*: String to compare.
* Returns:
* int: An integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.
* "Strip"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*: String to strip.
* int: Length of the string (or -1 for NULL terminated).
* int: Bit-field of flags:
* 0: Strip mIRC colors.
* 1: Strip text attributes.
* Returns:
* gchar\*: stripped string.
* "SendModes"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*\*: NULL terminated array of targets (strings). The names of people whom the action will be performed on.
* int: Maximum modes to send per line.
* gchar: Mode sign, '-' or '+'.
* gchar: Mode char, e.g. 'o' for Ops.
## Available signals:
* "ServerSignal"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*\*: word returned by HexChat.
* gchar\*\*: word_eol returned by HexChat.
* guint: the ID of the hook (the return value of "HookServer").
* guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
* "CommandSignal"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*\*: word returned by HexChat.
* gchar\*\*: word_eol returned by HexChat.
* guint: the ID of the hook (the return value of "HookCommand").
* guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
* "PrintSignal"
* Parameters:
* gchar\*\*: word returned by HexChat.
* guint: the ID of the hook (the return value of "HookPrint").
* guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
* "UnloadSignal"
* Emitted when the user asks to unload your program. Please exit(0); when received!

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
HexChat Frequently Asked Questions
# HexChat Frequently Asked Questions
Using HexChat.
## Using HexChat
### How do I autoconnect and join a channel when HexChat loads?
@ -295,8 +293,7 @@ to modify the global real name, just issue the following command:
> 5. Rename *%APPDATA%\\HexChat\\plugin\_\*.conf to %APPDATA%\\HexChat\\addon\_\*.conf
Contributions, Development and Bugs.
## Contributions, Development and Bugs.
### I found a bug, what can I do?

share/doc/fishlim.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
FiSHLiM is an XChat plugin for FiSH IRC encryption. It's my attempt at making a simple, lightweight and secure plugin for this encryption protocol. For more info, please visit the [FiSHLiM website](http://fishlim.kodafritt.se/).
For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file in the sources.
## Features
* Sending/receiving messages
* Topic decryption
* Using unecrypted keys / keys without a password from blow.ini
* Pure protocol-level filtering (works with highlighting, nick coloring etc)
* Partially encrypted messages (i.e. prefixed with nickname by a bouncer)
Not working:
* Key exchange
* Password-protected key storage
* Topic encryption
* Remote exploitation (hopefully!)
* Plaintext content that contain +OK is decrypted twice
## Commands
Keys are stored in the configuration file in ~/.config/hexchat/addon_fishlim.txt. To set the encryption key for the nick or channel to password:
<pre>/setkey [nick or #channel] password</pre>
To delete the given nick or channel from the configuration file:
<pre>/delkey nick-or-#channel</pre>

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# HexChat-Text
HexChat-Text is an experimental text frontend for HexChat. If anyone wants to add ncurses support, they are welcome to.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% HexChat Python Interface
# HexChat Python Interface

share/doc/tcl.html Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
For more help you can see the xchat plugin interface documentation.
WARNING: The dbus interface may change in the future.
You can use the "/org/xchat/Remote" object with interface "org.xchat.plugin",
but his context can be changed by other clients at any moment and
you may receive signal asked by other clients. So for more complex usage it's
better to get your own remote object. Using "Connect" method on interface
Available methods on org.xchat.connection interface:
- Parameters:
- gchar*: filename
- gchar*: name
- gchar*: description
- gchar*: version
- Returns:
- gchar*: Your own object's path.
No parameter, no return value. It frees your remote object.
Available methods on org.xchat.plugin interface:
- Parameters:
- gchar*: the command name without the "/". (e.g. "nick pseudo")
- Parameters:
- gchar*: text to print on the xchat window.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: the server name. Can be NULL.
- gchar*: the channel name. Can be NULL.
- Returns:
- guint: context ID
- Returns:
- guint: current context's ID
- Parameters:
- guint: context ID to switch, returned by "FindContext" or "GetContext"
- Returns:
- gboolean: 1 for success, 0 for failure.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: ID of the information you want.
- Returns:
- gchar*: information you requested.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: Setting name required.
- Returns:
- int: 0-Failed 1-Returned a string 2-Returned an Integer
3-Returned a Boolean.
- gchar*: the information requested if it's a string.
- int: the information requested if it's a integer or boolean.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: Name of the command (without the forward slash).
- int: Priority of this command.
- gchar*: String of text to display when the user executes /help
for this command. May be NULL if you're lazy.
- int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT_EAT_*.
- Returns:
- guint: The ID of the hook.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: Name of the server event.
- int: Priority of this command.
- int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT_EAT_*.
- Returns:
- guint: The ID of the hook.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: Name of the print event.
- int: Priority of this command.
- int: Value to returns when the command is catched. See XCHAT_EAT_*.
- Returns:
- guint: The ID of the hook.
- Parameters:
- guint: ID of the hook to unhook.
(the return value of "HookCommand", "HookServer" or "HookPrint")
- Parameters:
- gchar*: The list name.
- Returns:
- guint: List ID.
- Parameters:
- guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
- Returns:
- gboolean: says if there is no more item in the list.
- Parameters:
- guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
- gchar*: Name of the information needed.
- Returns:
- gchar*: The information requested.
Warning: "context" attribut of "channels" list should be get with "ListInt"
- Parameters:
- guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
- gchar*: Name of the information needed.
- Returns:
- guint: The information requested.
- Parameters:
- guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
- gchar*: Name of the information needed.
- Returns:
- guint64: The information requested.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: The list name.
- Returns:
- gchar**: information names in this list.
- Parameters:
- guint: List ID returned by "ListGet".
- Parameters:
- gchar*: Text event to print.
- gchar**: NULL terminated array of string.
- Returns:
- gboolean: 1-Success 0-Failure.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: String to compare.
- gchar*: String to compare.
- Returns:
- int: An integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found,
respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.
- Parameters:
- gchar*: String to strip.
- int: Length of the string (or -1 for NULL terminated).
- int: Bit-field of flags: 0-Strip mIRC colors, 1-Strip text attributes.
- Returns:
- gchar*: striped string.
- Parameters:
- gchar**: NULL terminated array of targets (strings). The names of people
whom the action will be performed on.
- int: Maximum modes to send per line.
- gchar: Mode sign, '-' or '+'.
- gchar: Mode char, e.g. 'o' for Ops.
Available signals:
- Parameters:
- gchar**: word returned by xchat.
- gchar**: word_eol returned bu xchat.
- guint: the ID of the hook. (the return value of "HookServer").
- guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
- Parameters:
- gchar**: word returned by xchat.
- gchar**: word_eol returned bu xchat.
- guint: the ID of the hook. (the return value of "HookCommand").
- guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
- Parameters:
- gchar**: word returned by xchat.
- guint: the ID of the hook. (the return value of "HookPrint").
- guint: the ID of the context where the event come from.
emited when the user asks to unload your program.
Please exit(0); when received !

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
fe-text README
This is an experimental text frontend for X-Chat.
If anyone wants to add ncurses support, they are welcome to.