2019-01-10 23:20:48 +01:00
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
module . exports = function ( app ) {
app . server . get ( '/tools' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . query . pass === settings . toolsPassword ) {
const templateValues = { } ;
2019-01-10 23:31:08 +01:00
let html = app . templater . fill ( './templates/pages/tools.html' , templateValues ) ;
2019-01-10 23:20:48 +01:00
if ( req . query . do && [ 'resetVisitors' ] . includes ( req . query . do ) ) {
app . connections = 0 ;
templateValues . resetVisitors = 'Done!' ;
2019-01-10 23:31:08 +01:00
html = app . templater . fill ( './templates/pages/tools.html' , templateValues ) ;
2019-01-10 23:20:48 +01:00
res . send ( html ) ;
} else if ( req . query . dl && [ 'files' , 'history' ] . includes ( req . query . dl ) ) {
const onezip = require ( 'onezip' ) ;
const { dl } = req . query ;
const saveLocation = path . resolve ( app . fileLocation , dl + 'Backup.zip' ) ;
const backupLocation = dl === 'history' ? app . historyLocation : app . fileLocation ;
const files = fs . readdirSync ( backupLocation ) . filter ( fileName => ! fileName . includes ( '.zip' ) ) ;
onezip . pack ( backupLocation , saveLocation , files )
. on ( 'start' , ( ) => {
console . info ( 'Starting a backup zip of ' + dl )
} )
. on ( 'error' , ( error ) => {
console . error ( error ) ;
templateValues [ dl + 'Download' ] = 'Something went wrong: ' + JSON . stringify ( error ) ;
2019-01-10 23:31:08 +01:00
html = app . templater . fill ( './templates/pages/tools.html' , templateValues ) ;
2019-01-10 23:20:48 +01:00
res . send ( html ) ;
} )
. on ( 'end' , ( ) => {
console . log ( 'Backup complete. Saved to ' + saveLocation ) ;
let backupLocation = saveLocation . replace ( /\\/g , '/' ) ;
backupLocation = backupLocation . substr ( backupLocation . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) ;
templateValues [ dl + 'Download' ] = '<a download href="' + encodeURI ( './files' + backupLocation ) + '">Download</a> (This will be removed from the server in 1 hour)' ;
2019-01-10 23:31:08 +01:00
html = app . templater . fill ( './templates/pages/tools.html' , templateValues ) ;
2019-01-10 23:20:48 +01:00
res . send ( html ) ;
console . log ( 'Will delete ' + saveLocation + ' in 1 hour' ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
fs . unlink ( saveLocation , ( err ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . error ( err ) ;
} else {
console . log ( 'Deleted backup file ' + saveLocation ) ;
} )
} , 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
res . send ( html ) ;
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( ) ;
} ) ;