201 lines
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201 lines
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function oceanRoom () {
// Create objects on room creation for persistence.
G.player = rm_Ocean.AddObject(OS.P["Ship"]);
G.oceanParticle = rm_Ocean.AddObject(OS.P["Ocean Particle"]);
// When room is loaded, explicitly set room to rm_Ocean, just in case "Default" doesn't work/is loaded too slowly
// to make sure DoFirst runs.
rm_Ocean.waveTimer = Math.round(Math.randomRange(30, 150));
rm_Ocean.speedGaugeImg = new Image();
rm_Ocean.speedGaugeImg.src = "images/speed_gauge_sheet.png";
rm_Ocean.clockTimerCutoff = (1 / OS.S.defaultStep) * 60 * 5; // 5 minute day.
rm_Ocean.clockTimerCount = 0;
rm_Ocean.clockImg = new Image();
rm_Ocean.clockImg.src = "images/clock_sheet.png";
rm_Ocean.DoFirst = function () {
G.player.x = (pixel(64) * 25) - pixel(32) - G.player.xBound;
G.player.y = pixel(64) * 22;
console.log(G.player.name + " created at " + G.player.x + ", " + G.player.y);
G.oceanParticle.x = G.player.x + randomSmidge();
G.oceanParticle.y = G.player.y + randomSmidge();
// Reset camera whenever room starts
x: G.player.x - (OS.camera.width / 2),
y: G.player.y - (OS.camera.height / 2),
objectToFollow: G.player
this.mapLeftTrigger = OS.camera.hBorder;
this.mapLeftTriggerTarget = this.width - (OS.camera.width - OS.camera.hBorder);
this.mapRightTrigger = this.width - OS.camera.hBorder;
this.mapRightTriggerTarget = OS.camera.width - OS.camera.hBorder;
this.mapUpTrigger = OS.camera.vBorder;
this.mapUpTriggerTarget = this.height - (OS.camera.height - OS.camera.vBorder);
this.mapDownTrigger = this.height - OS.camera.vBorder;
this.mapDownTriggerTarget = OS.camera.height - OS.camera.vBorder;
// G.economy.UpdateEconomy();
rm_Ocean.Do = function () {
// Move G.oceanParticle around based on player's movement.
if (G.oceanParticle.CheckPosition) G.oceanParticle.CheckPosition(G.player.x, G.player.y, G.player.direction);
if (this.waveTimer <= 0) {
var wave = this.AddObject(OS.P["Wave Particle"]);
wave.x = G.player.x + (randomSmidge() * 4);
wave.y = G.player.y + (randomSmidge() * 4);
this.waveTimer = Math.round(Math.randomRange(30, 150));
if (guiControl && guiControl.inventory && guiControl.trade) { // Force it to wait until loaded.
if (!guiControl.inventory.show && !guiControl.map.show && !guiControl.trade.show) {
if (ct_cancel().down) {
guiControl.inventory.activateDelay = 5;
guiControl.inventory.show = true;
rm_Ocean.DrawAbove = function () {
// Draw the speed indicator in Bottom Left corner.
OS.context.drawImage(rm_Ocean.speedGaugeImg, G.player.currentSpeed * 32, 0, 32, 32, 16, OS.camera.height - 32 - 16, 32, 32);
// drawPixelText("Testing 1 2 3!", 0, 0, 0, "white", 4);
// drawPixelText("Testing 1 2 3!", 0, 64, 0, "white", 6);
rm_Ocean.DoLast = function () {
// Clear Objects on room exit. This is best practice unless you need persistent objects.
//rm_Ocean.objects = {};
rm_Ocean.RunClock = function () {
if (guiControl.trade && !guiControl.trade.show) { // Only advance time when not trading.
if (rm_Ocean.clockTimerCount > rm_Ocean.clockTimerCutoff) {
rm_Ocean.clockTimerCount = 0;
// Play New_Day sound.
for (var i = 0; i < G.map.length; i++) {
G.map[i].island.haggleAmount = 0;
G.map[i].island.timesHaggledToday = 0;
rm_Ocean.DrawNightDarkness = function () {
var alphaFormula = (Math.sin((((this.clockTimerCount / (this.clockTimerCutoff * Math.PI)) * 10) * 1.5) - 2) - 0.4);
if (alphaFormula < 0) alphaFormula = 0;
if (alphaFormula > 0) {
var saveGlobalAlpha = OS.context.globalAlpha;
var tmp = Oversimplified.context.fillStyle;
OS.context.globalAlpha = alphaFormula;
Oversimplified.context.fillStyle = "#112189";
Oversimplified.context.fillRect(0, 0, Oversimplified.camera.width, Oversimplified.camera.height);
Oversimplified.context.fillStyle = tmp;
Oversimplified.context.globalAlpha = saveGlobalAlpha;
rm_Ocean.DrawEnergyBar = function () {
var percentage = G.stats.energy / G.stats.maxEnergy;
var barHeight = pixel(2);
var maxBarWidth = 32;
var barWidth = pixel(Math.round(maxBarWidth * percentage));
var saveFillStyle = OS.context.fillStyle;
OS.context.fillStyle = "#0055FF";
OS.context.fillRect(64, OS.camera.height - barHeight - 16, barWidth, barHeight);
OS.context.fillStyle = saveFillStyle;
rm_Ocean.DrawClock = function () {
var screenX = OS.camera.width - pixel(9) - pixel(2);
var screenY = OS.camera.height - pixel(9) - pixel(2);
var percentOfClock = this.clockTimerCount / this.clockTimerCutoff;
var clockFrameX = Math.floor(16 * percentOfClock) * pixel(9);
OS.context.drawImage(this.clockImg, clockFrameX, 0, pixel(9), pixel(9), screenX, screenY, pixel(9), pixel(9));
// console.log(this.clockTimerCount);
rm_Ocean.GenerateMap = function () {
var island1 = rm_Ocean.AddObject(OS.P["Island"], {
x: pixel(64) * 25, //Exact center of map.
y: pixel(64) * 22
console.log(island1.name + " created at " + island1.x + ", " + island1.y);
island: island1,
drawX: 25,
drawY: 22,
drawWidth: 1,
drawHeight: 1
var usedXSquares = [];
var usedYSquares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
var xSquare = Math.round(Math.randomRange(1, 49));
while (usedXSquares.indexOf(xSquare) != -1 &&
usedXSquares.indexOf(xSquare + 1) != -1 && usedXSquares.indexOf(xSquare - 1) != -1 &&
usedXSquares.indexOf(xSquare + 2) != -1 && usedXSquares.indexOf(xSquare - 2) != -1)
xSquare = Math.round(Math.randomRange(1, 49));
var ySquare = Math.round(Math.randomRange(1, 43));
while (usedYSquares.indexOf(ySquare) != -1 &&
usedYSquares.indexOf(ySquare + 1) != -1 && usedYSquares.indexOf(ySquare - 1) != -1 &&
usedYSquares.indexOf(ySquare + 2) != -1 && usedYSquares.indexOf(ySquare - 2) != -1)
ySquare = Math.round(Math.randomRange(1, 49));
var xPosition = pixel(64) * xSquare;
var yPosition = pixel(64) * ySquare;
island: rm_Ocean.AddObject(OS.P["Island"], {
x: xPosition,
y: yPosition
drawX: xSquare,
drawY: ySquare,
drawWidth: 1,
drawHeight: 1
console.log(G.map[i + 1].island.name + " created at " + G.map[i + 1].island.x + ", " + G.map[i + 1].island.y);