Make words wrap nicely, but allow punctuation to wrap to next line.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Antenesse 2016-04-13 16:45:37 -06:00
parent d8cb0151d8
commit 1255929124
1 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,58 @@ guiControl.drawPixelText = function (text, x, y, wrapWidth, color, size) {
var alphabet = new Image();
alphabet.src = "images/alphabet_" + color + "_" + size.toString() + "px.png";
// Make words wrap nicely, but let punctuation wrap.
var wordsInText = text.split(" ");
if (wordsInText.length > 1) {
var indexToBreak = 0;
var replacementText = "";
var punctuation = [".", ",", "-", "?", "!"];
for (var w = 0; w < wordsInText.length; w++) {
// console.log("\"" + wordsInText[w].charAt(wordsInText[w].length - 1) + "\"");
if (punctuation.indexOf(wordsInText[w]) == -1 && punctuation.indexOf(wordsInText[w].charAt(wordsInText[w].length - 1)) != -1) {
// If the last character of a word is punctuation, separate it out
wordsInText.splice(w + 1, 0, wordsInText[w].charAt(wordsInText[w].length - 1));
// console.log("punctuation:" + wordsInText[w].charAt(wordsInText[w].length - 1));
wordsInText[w] = wordsInText[w].substr(0, wordsInText[w].length - 1);
// console.log("Turns to:" + wordsInText[w]);
} else if (replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length + wordsInText[w].length + 1 <= wrapWidth) {
// console.log("Adding: \"" + wordsInText[w] + " \" to \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
// console.log(replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length + wordsInText[w].length + " < " + wrapWidth);
// console.log("\"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
replacementText += wordsInText[w];
if (punctuation.indexOf(wordsInText[w + 1]) == -1) { // If the next word in the array is not punctuation,
replacementText += " "; // Then add a space after.
// console.log("Turns to: \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
} else if (replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length + wordsInText[w].length <= wrapWidth) {
// console.log("Adding: \"" + wordsInText[w] + "\" to \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
// console.log(replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length + wordsInText[w].length + " < " + wrapWidth);
// console.log("\"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
replacementText += wordsInText[w];
// console.log("Turns to: \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
indexToBreak = replacementText.length;
} else {
// console.log("Checking: \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + wordsInText[w] + "\"");
// console.log(replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length + wordsInText[w].length + " > " + wrapWidth);
// console.log("\"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
// indexToBreak = replacementText.length - 1;
var numberOfSpaces = wrapWidth - replacementText.substr(indexToBreak).length;
for (var s = 0; s < numberOfSpaces; s++) {
replacementText += " ";
// console.log("Turns to: \"" + replacementText.substr(indexToBreak) + "\"");
indexToBreak = replacementText.length;
// replacementText += wordsInText[w];
// console.log("----");
text = replacementText;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var letterCellX, letterCellY;
switch (text.charAt(i)) {