[](./CONTRIBUTING.md) [](https://gitlab.com/Alamantus/Readlebee/issues) [](https://gitter.im/Readlebee/community)
- Gets changes from GitLab pushed to it so people who prefer GitHub can contribute there as well. Pull requests and issues created here will also be addressed.
When you make a change, you need to stop the server with `Ctrl+C` and re-run the script.
It's early days, so this segment will definitely change later as the project gets more complex.
## Production
This is totally not yet ready, but I want to use this space to block out what how I would like the installation process
to go for people installing the app.
### Requirements
- NodeJS v8.14+
- NPM v6.4.1+
- PostgreSQL 11+
### Recommendations
- Use a Debian 9 server for stability. Ubuntu should also work just fine.
- Use the default apt packages for the requirements
- Use Git to download the project for installation and easy upgrading
### Installation
Here's a step-by-step installation process so you can get a grasp of what you need to do from a brand new
Debian 9 installation (not included in steps). Ubuntu installation should be more or less exactly the same.
#### Step 1: Install Requirements
Install the requirements with the following commands (note: you may need to use `sudo` for each of these commands):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs nginx postgres-11
And optionally (but recommended):
sudo apt install git
Follow any instructions during each of the installations to get the programs set up correctly.
NGINX may require additional setup, so check through [this page](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-nginx-on-debian-9) for different things that might be good to do.
PostgreSQL will need a database created, so do that and make a user that can access it that's not the root user.
#### Step 2: Download the Project
You can set up the project folder in any location on your server, but these instructions will set it up in